Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GET message type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theBuffer">Contents of the message.</param>
        /// <param name="theSocket">Socket to utilize</param>
        internal static void HandleGetMsg(HeaderInfo theInfo)
            FormData theData = new FormData();
             string reqString = theInfo.FullPath;
             string reqFile = theInfo.FileName;

             if (reqString.IndexOf('?') > 0) {
            theData = HandleFormGetMsg(theInfo.HttpVer, reqString);
            reqString = reqString.Split('?')[0];

             if (reqString.LastIndexOf(".") > 0) {
            reqFile = reqString.Substring(reqString.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
             } else if (reqString.Substring(reqString.LastIndexOf('/')) != "") {
            reqString += "/";

             if (reqFile == "") {
            reqFile = WebConnection.GetDefaultFileName(WebServer.WorkingDir + reqString);
            reqString += reqFile;

             theInfo.FullPath = reqString;
             theInfo.FileName = reqFile;

             theInfo.parsedData = theData;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that handles POST data.
        /// Can split:
        ///  * multipart/form-data
        ///  * application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        /// enctypes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theInfo">Variable to place the header info into</param>
        internal static void HandlePostMsg(HeaderInfo theInfo)
            string formData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(theInfo.formData);
             if (formData.Length > 0) {
            if (theInfo["Content-Type"].Contains("multipart/form-data")) {
               string[] multiData = new string[0];
               string pattern = "((--)?" + theInfo["boundary"] +
                  "(--)?\r\n)?(.*?)\r\n(--)?" + theInfo["boundary"] + "(--)?";
               MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(formData, pattern,
               if (matches.Count > 0) {
                  int i = 0;
                  multiData = new string[matches.Count];
                  foreach (Match match in matches) {
                     multiData[i] = match.Groups[4].Value;
                     if (multiData[i][0] == '\r') {
                        multiData[i] = multiData[i].Substring(2);

               theInfo.parsedData = new MultiFormData();
               for (int i = 0; i < multiData.Length; i++) {
                  if (multiData[i] != "") {
                     ((MultiFormData)theInfo.parsedData).AddContent(multiData[i], theInfo.tmpRecMsg);
            } else if (theInfo["Content-Type"].Contains("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
               if (theInfo.parsedData == null) {
                  theInfo.parsedData = new FormData();

               for (int i = 0; i < formData.Split('&').Length; i++) {
                  string[] vals = formData.Split('&')[i].Split('=');
                  if (vals.Length == 2) {
                     theInfo.parsedData.AddValue(vals[0], vals[1]);
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Namespace-accessible method for logging in a user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theData">Form information (should contain necessary user data)</param>
 internal static void LogInUser(HeaderInfo theInfo)
     string username, password;
      if (!CheckLogged(theInfo)) {
     if ((username = theInfo.parsedData["username"]) != "") {
        if ((password = theInfo.parsedData["password"]) != "") {
           FormData tmpData = GetUserData(username);
           if (tmpData.Length > 0 && tmpData["password"] == EncodePassword(password)) {
              string key = GetUserKey();
              tmpData["key"] = key;
              tmpData["password"] = EncodePassword(tmpData["password"]);
              theInfo["Cookie"] = "username="******"nick"] + "; hash=" + key;
              theInfo["Set-Cookie"] = "username="******"nick"] + "|hash=" + key;
              theInfo.isLoggedIn = true;
           } else {
              throw new BGException("479", new string[] { username });
        } else {
           throw new BGException("473", new string[0]);
     } else {
        throw new BGException("470", new string[0]);
      } else {
     throw new BGException("480", new string[0]);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if the user is logged in.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theInfo">Info to base this off of</param>
 internal static void HandleCookie(HeaderInfo theInfo)
     FormData tmp = GetCookieInfo(theInfo["Cookie"]);
      FormData saved = GetUserData(tmp["nick"]);
      if (saved != null && tmp["key"] == saved["key"]) {
     theInfo.cookieData = saved;
     theInfo.isLoggedIn = true;
      } else {
     theInfo.isLoggedIn = false;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the logged-in user's profile.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theInfo">HeaderInfo containing proper information</param>
 internal static void EditUser(HeaderInfo theInfo)
     string nick = theInfo.cookieData["nick"];
      string hash = theInfo.cookieData["key"];
      if (nick != "" && hash != "") {
     FormData oldData = GetUserData(nick);
     if (oldData != null && oldData["key"] == hash) {
        theInfo.parsedData["nick"] = nick;
        theInfo.parsedData["MSG"] = "<b>User Edited Successfully.</b><br>\r\n";
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the user is logged in.
 /// Bases this information off user's username
 /// and session hash.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="theInfo">Contains user's information.</param>
 /// <returns>True if logged in. False otherwise.</returns>
 internal static bool CheckLogged(HeaderInfo theInfo)
     FormData tmpData = GetCookieInfo(theInfo["Cookie"]);
      tmpData = GetUserData(tmpData["nick"]);
      if (tmpData != null && tmpData["key"] != "" &&
      theInfo.cookieData != null &&
      theInfo.cookieData["key"] == tmpData["key"]) {
     theInfo.isLoggedIn = true;
     theInfo.cookieData = tmpData;
     return true;
      theInfo.isLoggedIn = false;
      return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a .bgw file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theInfo">Contains HeaderInfo for the user</param>
        /// <returns>Parsed .bgw file</returns>
        internal static byte[] ParseFileContents(HeaderInfo theInfo)
            string includesPat = @"%INCLUDEFILE<file>(.+)</file>%/INCLUDEFILE(\r\n)?";
             string returnMsg = "";
             if (theInfo.FullPath.Equals(WebServer.workingDir+"about//")) {
            returnMsg = @"<html>
            <title>About " + WebServer.serverName + @"</title>
            <link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""/BGStyle.css"">
            <table align=""center"" width=""500"">
              <td align=""center""><i>Information as of: </i><u>" + DateTime.Now + @"</u><i> (server time)</i><br></td>
              <td>Server Uptime: <b>" + (DateTime.Now - WebServer.startTime) + @"</b></td>
              <td>Current # Of Users: <b>" + BGUsers.GetUsers().Length + @"</b></td>
              <td>Total Connections Made: <b>" + WebConnection.ttlConnections + @"</b></td>
              <td align=""center""><hr><i>This web server was designed and written by </i><b>Kenneth Beck</b><i>, for a
             Freshman Computer Science class at Rochester Institute of Technology.
             It was written as a tool for a game designed for the same class, a game
             called BattleGrounds. BattleGrounds was written and designed by </i><b>Travis
             Popkave</b>, <b>Steve Willard</b>, <i>and</i> <b>Kevin Hockey</b>. <i>People who create an account
             via this web site can also log onto the game with the same account information.</i></b></td>
             } else {
            returnMsg = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(theInfo.returnData);
             MatchCollection includes = Regex.Matches(returnMsg, includesPat);
             if (includes.Count > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < includes.Count; i++) {
               returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, includes[i].Groups[0].Value,
                  Encoding.ASCII.GetString(WebConnection.GetFileContents(WebServer.workingDir +
                  "/" + includes[i].Groups[1].Value)) + "\r\n");

             if (BGUsers.CheckLogged(theInfo)) {
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%LOGGEDOUT((\r\n)*.*?)+%/LOGGEDOUT(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%LOGGEDIN(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%/LOGGEDIN(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$USER_AVATAR", "<img src=\"/avatars/" +
               theInfo.cookieData["avatar"] + "\">");
             } else {
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%LOGGEDIN((\r\n)*.*?)+%/LOGGEDIN(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%LOGGEDOUT(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%/LOGGEDOUT(\r\n)?", "");

             if (BGUsers.CheckLogged(theInfo) && theInfo.cookieData != null &&
             theInfo.cookieData["rights"].Contains("admin")) {
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%ADMIN(\r\n)?", "");
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%/ADMIN(\r\n)?", "");
            if (returnMsg.Contains("$ADMIN_USERS")) {
               string users = @"
            <table align=""center"" border=""1"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" >
              <td colspan=""5"" align=""center""><b><i>$FORM_MSG</i></b></td>
              <td align=""center"" colspan=""5""><b>Current Users<b></td>
              <td rowspan=""2"" colspan=""2"">&nbsp;</td>
              <td align=""center""><u>Add Time:</u></td>
              <td align=""center""><u>Full Name</u></td>
              <td align=""center""><u>Username</u></td>
              <td align=""center""><u>Info</u></td>
              <td align=""center""><u>Avatar</u></td>
               string color = "000000";
               foreach (string file in BGUsers.GetUsers()) {
                  string name = Regex.Match(file, @".*?/(.*?)\.xml").Groups[1].Value;
                  if (name != "") {
                     FormData user = BGUsers.GetUserData(name);
                     if (color == "000000") {
                        color = "555555";
                     } else {
                        color = "000000";
                     users += "\r\n   <tr bgcolor=\"" + color + "\">\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">&nbsp;" + Uri.UnescapeDataString(user["addtime"]) + "</td>\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">&nbsp;" + Uri.UnescapeDataString(user["fullname"]) + "</td>\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">&nbsp;" + name + "</td>\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">&nbsp;" + Uri.UnescapeDataString(user["info"]) + "</td>\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">&nbsp;<img src=\"avatars/" + user["avatar"] + "\"></td>\r\n" +
                        "      <td align=\"center\">";
                     if (user["nick"] == theInfo.cookieData["nick"]) {
                        users += "<i>Self</i>";
                     } else if (user["rights"].Contains("superadmin")) {
                        users += "<i>Super</i>";
                     } else if ((!user["rights"].Contains("admin") ||
                         theInfo.cookieData["rights"].Contains("superadmin")) &&
                         !name.Equals(theInfo.cookieData["nick"])) {
                        users += "<a href=\"viewUsers.bgw?action=delUser&nick=" + name + "\">Delete</a>";

                     } else {
                        users += "<i>Admin</i>";
                     users += "</td>\r\n" +
                     "      <td align=\"center\">";
                     if (user["rights"].Contains("superadmin")) {
                        users += "&nbsp;";
                     } if (!user["rights"].Contains("admin")) {
                        users += "+<a href=\"viewUsers.bgw?action=makeAdmin&nick=" + name + "\">Admin</a>";
                     } else if (theInfo.cookieData["rights"].Contains("superadmin") &&
                         user["nick"] != theInfo.cookieData["nick"]) {
                        users += "-<a href=\"viewUsers.bgw?action=revokeAdmin&nick=" + name + "\">Admin</a>";
                     } else {
                        users += "&nbsp;";
                     users += "</td>\r\n" +
                        "   </tr>\r\n";
               users += "</table>";
               returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$ADMIN_USERS", users);
             } else {
            returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"%ADMIN((\r\n)*.*?)+%/ADMIN(\r\n)?", "");

             if (theInfo.cookieData != null) {
            foreach (string name in theInfo.cookieData.TableOfValues.Keys) {
               if (name != "") {
                  string theTest = "$COOKIE_" + name.ToUpper();
                  if (returnMsg.Contains(theTest)) {
                     returnMsg = returnMsg.Replace(theTest, Uri.UnescapeDataString(theInfo.cookieData[name]));

             if (theInfo.parsedData != null) {
            foreach (string name in theInfo.parsedData.TableOfValues.Keys) {
               if (name != "") {
                  string theTest = "$FORM_" + name.ToUpper();
                  if (returnMsg.Contains(theTest)) {
                     returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$CONTAINS_" + name.ToUpper(), "");
                     returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$/CONTAINS_" + name.ToUpper(), "");
                     returnMsg = returnMsg.Replace(theTest, Uri.UnescapeDataString(theInfo.parsedData[name]));
                  } else {
                     returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$CONTAINS_" +
                        name.ToUpper() + @"((\r\n)*.*?)+\$/CONTAINS_" + name.ToUpper(), "");

             string addSelect = "\r\n<select name=\"model\">";
             string editSelect = addSelect;
             for (int i = 0; i < WebServer.modelFiles.Length; i++) {
            addSelect += "\r\n   <option value=\"" + WebServer.modelFiles[i] + "\">" + WebServer.models[i];
            editSelect += "\r\n   <option value=\"" + WebServer.modelFiles[i] + "\"" + (theInfo.cookieData != null &&
               theInfo.cookieData["model"].Equals(WebServer.modelFiles[i]) ? " selected" : "") + ">" + WebServer.models[i];
             addSelect += "\r\n</select>";
             editSelect += "\r\n</select>";
             returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$ADD_MODEL", addSelect);
             returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$EDIT_MODEL", editSelect);

             returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, "#SERVER_AVATAR_TYPES", string.Join(", ", WebServer.avatarTypes));
             returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, "#SERVER_MAX_SIZE",
            WebServer.maxFileUploadSize / 1024 + "kb; " +
            BGUsers.picSize.Width + "x" + BGUsers.picSize.Height);

             returnMsg = Regex.Replace(returnMsg, @"\$/?[A-Z_]+", "");

             theInfo.returnData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(returnMsg);

             return Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(returnMsg);