public void chekLicense() { #region FreeTrial try { ChilkatHttpHelpr objCjilkatHttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string strdateTime_DataBase = ("2016-02-06 23:59:59").ToString();// string strdateTime_DataBase = ("2016-02-04 23:59:59").ToString(); DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(strdateTime_DataBase); strdateTime_DataBase = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); string dateTime = objCjilkatHttpHelper.GetHtml(""); DateTime dt_now = DateTime.Parse(dateTime); TimeSpan dt_Difference = dt_now.Subtract(dt); if (dt_Difference.Days >= 1) { //ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Your Trial Version of Software Has Been Expired!!","Warning Message",MessageBoxButton.OK,this.OwnedWindows); MessageBox.Show("Your Trial Version of Software Has Been Expired!!"); mainFormReference.Close(); return; } } catch { } #endregion }
public static string GetUserIDFromUsername(string username, out string Status) { string GetStatus = string.Empty; Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper(); clsDBQueryManager DB = new clsDBQueryManager(); DataSet ds = DB.GetUserId(username); string user_id = string.Empty; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables["tb_UsernameDetails"].Rows) { user_id = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString(); Status = "No Error"; return user_id; } } try { string id = string.Empty; ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper1 = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string pagesource = httpHelper1.GetHtml("" + username); if (!pagesource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.") && !pagesource.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist") && !pagesource.Contains("User has been suspended")) { int length = pagesource.IndexOf("</id>"); id = pagesource.Substring(pagesource.IndexOf("<id>"), length - pagesource.IndexOf("<id>")).Replace("<id>", ""); user_id = id; GetStatus = "No Error"; } else if (pagesource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { GetStatus = "Rate limit exceeded"; } else if (pagesource.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist")) { GetStatus = "Sorry, that page does not exist"; } else if (pagesource.Contains("User has been suspended")) { GetStatus = "User has been suspended"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserIDFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserIDFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); GetStatus = "Error"; } Status = GetStatus; return user_id; }
public string CreateBoard_new(string BoardName, string Category, ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { string Checking = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string ScreenName = objPinUser.ScreenName; //ObjAccountManager.Getscreen_NameRepin(ref objPinUser); if (Checking.Contains("profileName")) { } else { ObjAccountManager.LoginPinterestAccount(ref objPinUser); } string redirectDomain = GlobusHttpHelper.valueURl.Split('.')[0]; string newHomePageUrl = redirectDomain + "." + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Checking)) { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //string newpostdata = "source_url=%2F" + ScreenName + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22" + (BoardName.Replace(" ", "+")) + "%22%2C%22category%22%3A%22other%22%2C%22description%22%3A%22%22%2C%22privacy%22%3A%22public%22%2C%22layout%22%3A%22default%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=App()%3EUserProfilePage(resource%3DUserResource(username%3D" + ScreenName + "%2C+invite_code%3Dnull))%3EUserProfileContent(resource%3DUserResource(username%3D" + objPinUser.ScreenName + "%2C+invite_code%3Dnull))%3EUserBoards()%3EGrid(resource%3DProfileBoardsResource(username%3D" + ScreenName + "))%3EGridItems(resource%3DProfileBoardsResource(username%3D" + ScreenName + "))%3EBoardCreateRep(ga_category%3Dboard_create%2C+text%3DCreate+a+board%2C+submodule%3D%5Bobject+Object%5D)%23Modal(module%3DBoardCreate())"; string newpostdata = "source_url=%2F" + ScreenName + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22" + (BoardName.Replace(" ", "+")) + "%22%2C%22category%22%3A%22other%22%2C%22description%22%3A%22%22%2C%22privacy%22%3A%22public%22%2C%22layout%22%3A%22default%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=App%3EUserProfilePage%3EUserProfileContent%3EUserBoards%3EGrid%3EGridItems%3EBoardCreateRep(ga_category%3Dboard_create%2C+text%3DCreate+a+board%2C+submodule%3D%5Bobject+Object%5D)%23App%3EModalManager%3EModal(showCloseModal%3Dtrue%2C+mouseDownInModal%3Dfalse)"; string PostUrlBoard = redirectDomain + ""; try { CreatedBoardPageSource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.postFormDataProxyPin(new Uri(PostUrlBoard), newpostdata, newHomePageUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } if (CreatedBoardPageSource.Contains("error\": null")) { if (newpostdata.Contains("You already have a board with that name.")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ You already have a board with this name. " + BoardName + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); return null; } try { string ModuleName = "AddBoardName"; string Status = "Board_Created"; QueryManager qm = new QueryManager(); qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, ModuleName, "", BoardName, "", "", "", "", Status, "", "", DateTime.Now); //qm.insertBoard_AddBoardName(objPinUser.Username, ModuleName, BoardName, Status); objDelegateAccountReport(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Board Created " + BoardName + " ]"); return null; } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Successfully Created Board " + BoardName + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); string BoardId = objAddNewPinManager.GetBoardId_Board(BoardName, ref objPinUser);//GetBoardId(BoardName, ref pinterestAccountManager); return BoardId; } else if (CreatedBoardPageSource.Contains("You have a board with this name.")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ You already have a board with this name. " + BoardName + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); string BoardId = objAddNewPinManager.GetBoardId_Board(BoardName, ref objPinUser); return BoardId; } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Board Creation Process Failed " + BoardName + " ]"); return CreatedBoardPageSource; } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Login Issue " + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Board Creation Process Failed " + BoardName + " ]"); return null; } return null; }
public List<string> ExtractFriendIDs_URLSpecific(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, ref string userID, string specificURL, ref List<string> lstFriend_Suggestions) { try { string pgSrc_HomePage = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string ProFileURL = string.Empty; string UserId = string.Empty; #region Get User or Account ID if (pgSrc_HomePage.Contains("")) { ///Modified Sumit [10-12-2011] #region int startIndx = pgSrc_HomePage.IndexOf(""); int endIndx = pgSrc_HomePage.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); ProFileURL = pgSrc_HomePage.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); if (ProFileURL.Contains("&")) { string[] Arr = ProFileURL.Split('&'); ProFileURL = Arr[0]; } #endregion } if (ProFileURL.Contains("")) { UserId = ProFileURL.Replace("", ""); if (UserId.Contains("&")) { UserId = UserId.Remove(UserId.IndexOf("&")); } //userID = UserId; } #endregion List<string> lstFriend_Requests = new List<string>(); //List<string> lstFriend_Suggestions = new List<string>(); string pgSrc_FriendsPage = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(specificURL)); ChilkatHttpHelpr chilkatHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //List<string> aTags = chilkatHelpr.GetDataTag(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "a"); //List<string> spanTags = chilkatHelpr.GetDataTag(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "span"); List<string> requestProfileURLs_FR_Requests = chilkatHelpr.GetHrefsByTagAndAttributeName(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "span", "title fsl fwb fcb"); lstFriend_Requests.AddRange(requestProfileURLs_FR_Requests); List<string> requestProfileURLs_FR_Suggestions = chilkatHelpr.GetElementsbyTagAndAttributeName(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "div", "title fsl fwb fcb", "id"); lstFriend_Suggestions.AddRange(requestProfileURLs_FR_Suggestions); #region Old Code //if (pgSrc_FriendsPage.Contains("")) //{ // string[] arr = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "href"); // foreach (string strhref in arr) // { // if (!strhref.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) // { // if (strhref.Contains("profile.php?id")) // { // int startIndx = strhref.IndexOf("profile.php?id") + "profile.php?id".Length + 1; // int endIndx = strhref.IndexOf("\"", startIndx); // string profileID = strhref.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); // if (profileID.Contains("&")) // { // profileID = profileID.Remove(profileID.IndexOf("&")); // } // if (profileID.Contains("\\")) // { // profileID = profileID.Replace("\\", ""); // } // lstFriend.Add(profileID); // } // } // } //} #endregion List<string> itemId = lstFriend_Requests.Distinct().ToList(); return itemId; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public static void RequestJSCSSIMG(string pageSource, ref Chilkat.Http http) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); }; List <string> listURLs = new List <string>(); ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //CSS Request foreach (string item in GetHrefsFromString(pageSource)) { if (item.Contains(".css")) { string cssSource = item.Replace(" ", "").Trim(); try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(cssSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(cssSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(cssSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } //JS Request string[] scriptArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "/script>"); foreach (string item in scriptArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.LastIndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf(">", startIndx) - 1; string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } catch (Exception) { } } string[] moreScriptArray = Regex.Split(pageSource, "\"src\":"); foreach (string item in moreScriptArray) { try { int startIndx = 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx).Replace("\\", ""); if (jsSource.Contains(".js")) { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } } catch (Exception) { } } ///IMG Request string[] imageArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<img"); foreach (string item in imageArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.IndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { if (jsSource.Contains(".png") || jsSource.Contains(".gif") || jsSource.Contains(".jpg") || jsSource.Contains(".jpeg")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } catch { }; } listURLs = listURLs.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string item in listURLs) { try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(item, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http); } catch { }; } }
public void DataParserAjax(string response, ref FacebookUser fbUser) { try { try { string Response = response; ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string FirstPgaeName = string.Empty; string SecondPgaeName = string.Empty; string otherPgaeName = string.Empty; string PageTitle = string.Empty; string PageTitleLink = string.Empty; string SourceTitle = string.Empty; string SourceTitleLink = string.Empty; string memberCount = string.Empty; string FirstPgaeNameLink = string.Empty; string SecondPgaeNameLink = string.Empty; string otherPgaeNameLink = string.Empty; string likerData = string.Empty; string SecondlikerData = string.Empty; string ThirdlikerData = string.Empty; bool MemberPage = false; Response = Response.Replace("\\", "").Replace("u003C", "<"); string[] DataList = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Response, "<div class=\""); foreach (string item2 in DataList) { #region Title if (item2.Contains(""title"")) { List<string> hrefLink = objChilkat.GetHrefFromString(item2); try { string titleData = item2.Substring(item2.IndexOf("\"><a") + 5); string DataPage = GetSbstringData(titleData, "\">", "<"); PageTitle = DataPage; PageTitleLink = hrefLink[0].ToString(); } catch { }; } #endregion #region GroupSource if (item2.Contains("quot;sub_headers"")) { List<string> hrefLink = objChilkat.GetHrefFromString(item2); try { string titleData = item2.Substring(item2.IndexOf("\"><a") + 5); string DataPage = GetSbstringData(titleData, "\">", "<"); SourceTitle = DataPage; if (hrefLink.Count() > 0) { SourceTitleLink = hrefLink[0].ToString(); } } catch { }; } #endregion # region Memebers if (item2.Contains("members") && item2.Count() < 150 && MemberPage == false) { MemberPage = true; try { string MemeberData = GetSbstringData(item2, "\">", "<").Replace("members", "").Replace(",", ""); memberCount = MemeberData; } catch { }; } #endregion } string Username = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageTitle)) { string data = PageTitleLink.Substring(0, PageTitleLink.IndexOf("?")); Username = data.Split('/')[3]; // Username = PageTitle + " : " + PageTitleLink; } string Likes = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstPgaeName)) { //Likes ="Likes "+ FirstPgaeName + " : " + FirstPgaeNameLink; Likes = "Likes " + FirstPgaeNameLink; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SecondPgaeName)) { // Likes = Likes + " and " + SecondPgaeName + " : " + SecondPgaeNameLink; Likes = Likes + " and " + SecondPgaeNameLink; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(otherPgaeName)) { // Likes = Likes + " and " + otherPgaeName + " : " + otherPgaeNameLink; Likes = Likes + " and " + otherPgaeNameLink; } if (Username.Count() > 5) { try { string FollowerData = string.Empty; string FileData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\FBScraperGroupData\\SearchUrlUserId.txt"; if (!File.Exists(FileData)) { try { string DataHeader = " UserId " + "\t" + " Likes " + "\t" + " Studied In " + " \\t " + " Listens " + " \\t " + "Followers" + "\\t " + "Watches"; GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DataHeader, exportFilePathAccountVerification + "\\NoOptionForConfirmationEmailResend.txt"); } catch { }; } //string Data = MainUrl + "\t" + Username.Replace(",", "") + "\t" + Likes.Replace(",", "") + "\t" + studyData.Replace(",", "") + "\t" + Listens.Replace(",", "") + "\t" + FollowerData.Replace(",", "") + " \\t " + Watches.Replace(",", ""); //AppendStringToTextFileNewLine(Data, FileData); } catch { }; } } catch { }; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public static void RequestJSCSSIMG(string pageSource, ref Chilkat.Http http) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; List<string> listURLs = new List<string>(); ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //CSS Request foreach (string item in GetHrefsFromString(pageSource)) { if (item.Contains(".css")) { string cssSource = item.Replace(" ", "").Trim(); try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(cssSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(cssSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(cssSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } //JS Request string[] scriptArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "/script>"); foreach (string item in scriptArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.LastIndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf(">", startIndx) - 1; string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } catch (Exception) { } } string[] moreScriptArray = Regex.Split(pageSource, "\"src\":"); foreach (string item in moreScriptArray) { try { int startIndx = 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx).Replace("\\", ""); if (jsSource.Contains(".js")) { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } } catch (Exception) { } } ///IMG Request string[] imageArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<img"); foreach (string item in imageArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.IndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { if (jsSource.Contains(".png") || jsSource.Contains(".gif") || jsSource.Contains(".jpg") || jsSource.Contains(".jpeg")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(jsSource, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http);// HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } catch { }; } listURLs = listURLs.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string item in listURLs) { try { string res = HttpHelper.GetHtmlProxy(item, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref http); } catch { }; } }
public void getpageSourceFromProxy(object item) { if (proxyStop) return; try { Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; lstProxyThread.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstProxyThread = lstProxyThread.Distinct().ToList(); } catch { } countParseProxiesThreads++; Array Item_value = (Array)item; string ClGlobul_ProxyList_item = (string)Item_value.GetValue(0); Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper GlobusHttpHelper = new Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper(); ChilkatHttpHelpr objchilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string proxyad = string.Empty; string proxyport = string.Empty; string proxyusername = string.Empty; string proxyPassword = string.Empty; string pagesource1 = string.Empty; string pagesource = string.Empty; try { string[] proxyLst = ClGlobul_ProxyList_item.Split(':'); if (proxyLst.Count() > 3) { proxyad = proxyLst[0]; proxyport = proxyLst[1]; proxyusername = proxyLst[2]; proxyPassword = proxyLst[3]; } else if (proxyLst.Count() > 0 && proxyLst.Count() < 3) { proxyad = proxyLst[0]; proxyport = proxyLst[1]; } else { return; } try { if (proxyStop) return; pagesource1 = GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME), proxyad, Convert.ToInt16(proxyport), proxyusername, proxyPassword); } catch { }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesource1)) { pagesource1 = string.Empty; // pagesource1 = GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), proxyad, Convert.ToInt32(proxyport), proxyusername, proxyPassword); pagesource1 = objchilkat.GetHtmlProxy(IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, proxyad, (proxyport), proxyusername, proxyPassword); } if (pagesource1.Contains("Access Denied")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Proxy Is not Working : " + proxyad + ":" + proxyport + ":" + proxyusername + ":" + proxyPassword + " ]"); } //int FirstPointClientId = pagesource1.IndexOf("client_id="); //string FirstClientIdSubString = pagesource1.Substring(FirstPointClientId); //int SecondPointClientId = FirstClientIdSubString.IndexOf("&redirect_uri="); //string ClientId = FirstClientIdSubString.Substring(0, SecondPointClientId).Replace("'", string.Empty).Replace("client_id=", string.Empty).Trim(); //string LoginUrl = "" + ClientId + ""; //pagesource = GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(LoginUrl), proxyad, Convert.ToInt16(proxyport), proxyusername, proxyPassword); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesource)) //{ // pagesource = string.Empty; // pagesource = GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(LoginUrl), proxyad, Convert.ToInt16(proxyport), proxyusername, proxyPassword); //} //ADD in List list of Finally chacked..... if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesource1)) { if (proxyStop) return; addInFinalCheckedProxyist(proxyad, proxyport, proxyusername, proxyPassword, pagesource1); } else { if (proxyStop) return; ClGlobul.isProxyCheckComplete = true; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Proxy Is not Working : " + proxyad + ":" + proxyport + ":" + proxyusername + ":" + proxyPassword + " ]"); lock (lockerforNonWorkingProxies) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(proxyad + ":" + proxyport + ":" + proxyusername + ":" + proxyPassword, GlobusFileHelper.NonWorkingProxiesList); } } } catch (Exception) { if (proxyStop) return; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Proxy Is not Working : " + proxyad + ":" + proxyport + ":" + proxyusername + ":" + proxyPassword + " ]"); lock (lockerforNonWorkingProxies) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(proxyad + ":" + proxyport + ":" + proxyusername + ":" + proxyPassword, GlobusFileHelper.NonWorkingProxiesList); } } finally { lock (lockerforProxies) { countParseProxiesThreads--; Monitor.Pulse(lockerforProxies); } Proxystatus--; if (Proxystatus == 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } }
public void LoginWithChilkatHelper(ref ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper1) { try { ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = HttpHelper1; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logging In With Account : " + accountUser + " ]"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Login Process is Running... ]"); Url = ""; string pageSrcLogin = string.Empty; int ProxyPort = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(proxyPort)) { ProxyPort = int.Parse(proxyPort); } pageSrcLogin = HttpHelper.GetHtml(Url); if (pageSrcLogin.Contains("redirectUrl\":\"")) { pageSrcLogin = HttpHelper.GetHtml(""); } string postdata = string.Empty; string postUrl = string.Empty; string ResLogin = string.Empty; string csrfToken = string.Empty; string regCsrfParam = string.Empty; string sourceAlias = string.Empty; if (pageSrcLogin.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { int startIndex = pageSrcLogin.IndexOf("name=\"csrfToken\""); string start = pageSrcLogin.Substring(startIndex).Replace("name=\"csrfToken\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\" "); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("value=\"", "").Trim(); csrfToken = end; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("ajax:", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { } } try { if (csrfToken.Contains("&")) { string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('&'); csrfToken = Arr[0].Replace("\"", string.Empty); } } catch { } if (pageSrcLogin.Contains("sourceAlias")) { sourceAlias = pageSrcLogin.Substring(pageSrcLogin.IndexOf("sourceAlias"), 100); string[] Arr = sourceAlias.Split('"'); sourceAlias = Arr[2].Replace(@"\", string.Empty).Replace("//", string.Empty).Trim(); } try { int SourceAliasStart = pageSrcLogin.IndexOf("regCsrfParam"); if (SourceAliasStart > 0) { try { regCsrfParam = pageSrcLogin.Substring(pageSrcLogin.IndexOf("regCsrfParam"), 100); string[] Arr = regCsrfParam.Split('"'); regCsrfParam = Arr[2].Replace(@"\", string.Empty).Replace("//", string.Empty); } catch { } } } catch { } postUrl = ""; postdata = "isJsEnabled=true&source_app=&tryCount=&session_key=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(accountUser) + "&session_password="******"&signin=Sign%20In&session_redirect=&loginCsrfParam=" + regCsrfParam + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=" + sourceAlias; try { ResLogin = HttpHelper.PostFormData(postUrl, postdata, "");//HttpHelper.postFormDataRef(new Uri(postUrl), postdata, "", "", ""); } catch { } //if (GroupStatus.GrouppageSourcewithProxy == string.Empty) //{ // GroupStatus.GrouppageSourcewithProxy = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //} string ImageUrl = string.Empty; string captchaText = string.Empty; string captchachallengeid = string.Empty; string dts = string.Empty; string origActionAlias = string.Empty; string origSourceAlias = string.Empty; string irhf = string.Empty; if (ResLogin.Contains("Security Verification")) { string dataforcapctha = HttpHelper.GetHtml(""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataforcapctha)) { int startindex = dataforcapctha.IndexOf("id=\"recaptcha_challenge_field\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start = dataforcapctha.Substring(startindex).Replace("id=\"recaptcha_challenge_field\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\">"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("value=", "").Replace("\"", ""); ImageUrl = "" + end; System.Net.WebClient webclient = new System.Net.WebClient(); byte[] args = webclient.DownloadData(ImageUrl); string[] arr1 = new string[] { Globals.CapchaLoginID, Globals.CapchaLoginPassword, "" }; captchaText = DecodeDBC(arr1, args); } if (ResLogin.Contains("name=\"security-challenge-id\"")) { int startindexnew = ResLogin.IndexOf("name=\"security-challenge-id\""); if (startindexnew > 0) { string start = ResLogin.Substring(startindexnew).Replace("name=\"security-challenge-id\"", "").Replace("value=\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); captchachallengeid = end.Replace("\"", ""); } } if (ResLogin.Contains("name=\"dts\"")) { int startindexnew = ResLogin.IndexOf("name=\"dts\""); if (startindexnew > 0) { string start = ResLogin.Substring(startindexnew).Replace("name=\"dts\"", "").Replace("value=\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); dts = end.Replace("\"", ""); } } if (ResLogin.Contains("name=\"origActionAlias\"")) { int startindexnew = ResLogin.IndexOf("name=\"origActionAlias\""); if (startindexnew > 0) { string start = ResLogin.Substring(startindexnew).Replace("name=\"origActionAlias\"", "").Replace("value=\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); origActionAlias = end.Replace("\"", ""); } } if (ResLogin.Contains("name=\"origSourceAlias\"")) { int startindexnew = ResLogin.IndexOf("name=\"origSourceAlias\""); if (startindexnew > 0) { string start = ResLogin.Substring(startindexnew).Replace("name=\"origSourceAlias\"", "").Replace("value=\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); origSourceAlias = end.Replace("\"", ""); } } if (ResLogin.Contains("name=\"irhf\"")) { int startindexnew = ResLogin.IndexOf("name=\"irhf\""); if (startindexnew > 0) { string start = ResLogin.Substring(startindexnew).Replace("name=\"irhf\"", "").Replace("value=\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); irhf = end.Replace("\"", ""); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageUrl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(captchaText)) { postdata = "recaptcha_challenge_field=" + ImageUrl.Replace("", "") + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + captchaText.Replace(" ", "+") + "&dts=" + dts + "&security-challenge-id=" + captchachallengeid + "&hr=&source_app=&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&isJsEnabled=true&session_redirect=&session_password="******"&session_key=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(accountUser) + "&origSourceAlias=" + origSourceAlias + "&origActionAlias=" + origActionAlias + "&irhf=" + irhf + "&sourceAlias=" + sourceAlias; postdata = postdata.Replace(" ", ""); ResLogin = HttpHelper.PostFormData("", postdata, ""); } else { ResLogin = ""; } if (ResLogin.Contains("The text you entered does not match the characters in the security image. Please try again with this new image") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResLogin)) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + accountUser + " Cannot Login because of Capctcha ]"); GlobusFileHelper.WriteStringToTextfile(accountUser + ":" + accountPass + ":" + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort + ":" + proxyUserName + ":" + proxyPassword, Globals.pathCapcthaLogin); SearchCriteria.loginREsponce = string.Empty; } } } if (ResLogin.Contains("Sign Out") || ResLogin.Contains("class=\"signout\"")) { IsLoggedIn = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged In With Account : " + accountUser + " ]"); try { //string Search = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //SearchCriteria.loginREsponce = Search; } catch { } } else if (ResLogin.Contains("logout?session_full_logout")) { SearchCriteria.loginREsponce = string.Empty; IsLoggedIn = true; //string Search = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //SearchCriteria.loginREsponce = Search; } else if (ResLogin.Contains("Sign-In Verification")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Verification required : " + accountUser + " ]"); } else if (ResLogin.Contains("Your LinkedIn account has been temporarily restricted")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Your LinkedIn account : " + accountUser + " has been temporarily restricted ]"); //GlobusFileHelper.WriteStringToTextfile(accountUser + ":" + accountPass + ":" + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort + ":" + proxyUserName + ":" + proxyPassword, Globals.path_FailLogin); } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ NotLogged In With Account : " + accountUser + " ]"); GlobusFileHelper.WriteStringToTextfile(accountUser + ":" + accountPass + ":" + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort + ":" + proxyUserName + ":" + proxyPassword, Globals.path_FailLogin); } #region MyRegion //Url = ""; //pageSrcLogin = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(Url), proxyAddress, 888, proxyUserName, proxyPassword); //LogoutHttpHelper(ref HttpHelper); //Url = ""; //pageSrcLogin = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(Url), proxyAddress, 888, proxyUserName, proxyPassword); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ NotLogged In With Account : " + accountUser + " ]"); GlobusFileHelper.WriteStringToTextfile(accountUser + ":" + accountPass + ":" + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort + ":" + proxyUserName + ":" + proxyPassword, Globals.path_FailLogin); } }
public List<string> GetTweetData_Scrape(string keyword, out string returnStatus) { string status = string.Empty; List<string> lst_TweetIDs = new List<string>(); try { string user_id = string.Empty; #region old code //if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(keyword)) //{ // user_id = GetUserIDFromUsername(keyword); //} //else //{ // user_id = keyword; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id)) //{ //screen_name #endregion string searchURL = string.Empty; if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(keyword)) { searchURL = "" + keyword + "&count=" + TweetExtractCount; } else { searchURL = "" + keyword + "&count=" + TweetExtractCount; } //string res_Get_searchURL = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string res_Get_searchURL = HttpHelper.GetHtml(searchURL); if (!res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Rate limit exceeded") && !res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist") && !res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Not authorized") && res_Get_searchURL.Contains("created_at") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "{\"created_at");//Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "{\"created_at\""); splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { //string text = Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(modified_Item, "<text>"); string Tweet = Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(item, "text");//Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.parseText(item); string data = keyword + ":" + Tweet; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(data, Globals.Path_TweetExtractor); lst_TweetIDs.Add(data); } status = "No Error"; } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Rate limit exceeded")) { status = "Rate limit exceeded"; } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist")) { status = "Sorry, that page does not exist"; } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Not authorized")) { status = "Not Authorized"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { status = "Not Authorized"; } else { status = "Empty"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetTweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetTweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); status = "Error"; } returnStatus = status; return lst_TweetIDs; }
public static string GetPhotoFromUsername(string username) { //Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper(); ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string user_id = string.Empty; string containsImage = "false"; try { string ImageLink = string.Empty; string PageSource = string.Empty; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(username)) { //PageSource = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + username + "&include_entities=true"), "", ""); PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + username + "&include_entities=true"); } else { //PageSource = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + username + "&include_entities=true"), "", ""); PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + username + "&include_entities=true"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PageSource)) { try { int indexStart = PageSource.IndexOf("<profile_image_url>"); if (PageSource.Contains("<profile_image_url>")) { string start = PageSource.Substring(indexStart); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("</profile_image_url>"); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex); ImageLink = end.Replace("<profile_image_url>", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageLink) && ImageLink.Contains("/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile")) { containsImage = "false"; } else if (PageSource.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist")) { containsImage = "false"; } else { containsImage = "true"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } else if (PageSource.Contains("Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour") && PageSource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded")) { containsImage = "Rate limit exceeded"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } return containsImage; }
/// <summary> /// Checks the status of the CPUID from Database /// If status is Active, MainFrm starts /// </summary> public bool ValidateCPUID(ref string statusMessage, string servr, ref string username,ref string Password , ref string txnID, string freeTrialKey, string cpuID,ref string Email) { //string cpuID = getCPUID(); try { #region Drct //string cpuID = FetchMacId(); //string SelectQuery = "Select * from users where cpuid='" + cpuID + "'"; //DataSet ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(SelectQuery, "users"); //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) //{ // string status = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["status"].ToString(); // if (status.ToLower() == "active") // { // statusMessage = "active"; // return true; // } // else if (status.ToLower() == "nonactive") // { // statusMessage = "nonactive"; // return false; // } // else if (status.ToLower() == "suspended") // { // statusMessage = "suspended"; // return false; // } //} #endregion #region Through php //string cpuID = FetchMacId(); //ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); HttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); #region Servr 1 { string res = string.Empty; res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/GetUserData.php?cpid=" + cpuID + ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/releases/GetUserData.php?cpid=" + cpuID + ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { string activationstatus = string.Empty; string dateTime = string.Empty; string trimmed_response = res.Replace("<pre>", "").Replace("</pre>", "").Trim().ToLower(); string[] array_status = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(trimmed_response, "<:>"); try { activationstatus = array_status[0].ToLower(); } catch { } try { dateTime = array_status[1].ToLower(); } catch { } try { username = array_status[2].ToLower(); } catch { } try { Password = array_status[3].ToLower(); } catch { }; try { txnID = array_status[4].ToLower(); } catch { } try { Email = array_status[5].ToLower(); } catch { }; try { if (txnID.Contains("freetrial")) { Globals.Licence_Details = username + ":" + dateTime + "&" + "FreeTrial" + ""; } else { Globals.Licence_Details = username + ":" + dateTime + "&" + "Full Version" + ""; } } catch { } if (trimmed_response.ToLower().Contains(freeTrialKey) && ((activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") || (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive"))) { if (CheckActivationUpdateStatus(cpuID, dateTime, activationstatus, servr)) { statusMessage = "active"; return true; } else { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; return false; } if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") { statusMessage = "active"; return true; } else//else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive") { //Update status as Active string updateRes = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/UpdateStatus.php?cpid=" + cpuID + "&status=" + "Active"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateRes)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); updateRes = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/UpdateStatus.php?cpid=" + cpuID + "&status=" + "Active"); } MessageBox.Show("Your Free Version is Activated"); return true; } } else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") { statusMessage = "active"; return true; // DisableControls(); } else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive") { statusMessage = "nonactive"; MessageBox.Show("Verification of your txn is under process.\n Please wait for your Transaction to be verified.\n Please Contact To Support Team to activate your license, Skype Id Is :- Facedominatorsupport"); return false; //DisableControls(); } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("trialexpired")) { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; MessageBox.Show("Your 3 Days Trial Version has Expired. Please visit our site: to purchase your License"); return false; } else if (trimmed_response.ToLower() == "suspended") { statusMessage = "suspended"; return false; } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("no record found")) { statusMessage = "norecordfound"; return false; } else { statusMessage = "Some Error in Licensing Server"; return false; } } else { statusMessage = "ServerDown"; return false; } } #endregion #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); statusMessage = "Error in License Validation"; MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace); } return false; }
public string RegisterUser(string Username, string Password, string cpuID, string TransactionID, string Email, string servr) { ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string res = string.Empty; try { string regUrl = "http://" + servr + "/register.php?user="******"&pass="******"&cpid=" + cpuID + "&transid=" + TransactionID + "&email=" + Email + ""; res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/register.php?user="******"&pass="******"&cpid=" + cpuID + "&transid=" + TransactionID + "&email=" + Email + ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml("http://" + servr + "/register.php?user="******"&pass="******"&cpid=" + cpuID + "&transid=" + TransactionID + "&email=" + Email + ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { MessageBox.Show("Error Connecting to Facedominator Server,Please check if is opening for you."); // Application.Exit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return res; }
public List<string> ExtractRequestSendFriendIDs_URLSpecific(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, ref string userID, string specificURL, ref List<string> lstFriend_Suggestions) { try { string pgSrc_HomePage = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string ProFileURL = string.Empty; string UserId = string.Empty; #region Get User or Account ID if (pgSrc_HomePage.Contains("")) { ///Modified Sumit [10-12-2011] #region int startIndx = pgSrc_HomePage.IndexOf(""); int endIndx = pgSrc_HomePage.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); ProFileURL = pgSrc_HomePage.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); if (ProFileURL.Contains("&")) { string[] Arr = ProFileURL.Split('&'); ProFileURL = Arr[0]; } #endregion } if (ProFileURL.Contains("")) { UserId = ProFileURL.Replace("", ""); if (UserId.Contains("&")) { UserId = UserId.Remove(UserId.IndexOf("&")); } //userID = UserId; } #endregion List<string> lstFriend_Requests = new List<string>(); //List<string> lstFriend_Suggestions = new List<string>(); string pgSrc_FriendsPage = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(specificURL)); ChilkatHttpHelpr chilkatHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //List<string> aTags = chilkatHelpr.GetDataTag(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "a"); //List<string> spanTags = chilkatHelpr.GetDataTag(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "span"); List<string> requestProfileURLs_FR_Requests = chilkatHelpr.GetHrefsByTagAndAttributeName(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "span", "title fsl fwb fcb"); lstFriend_Requests.AddRange(requestProfileURLs_FR_Requests); List<string> requestProfileURLs_FR_Suggestions = chilkatHelpr.GetElementsbyTagAndAttributeName(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "div", "title fsl fwb fcb", "id"); lstFriend_Suggestions.AddRange(requestProfileURLs_FR_Suggestions); #region Old Code if (pgSrc_FriendsPage.Contains("data-profileid=")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "data-profileid="); foreach (string strhref in arr) { if (!strhref.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) { string profileID=Utils.getBetween(strhref, "\"", "\""); lstFriend_Requests.Add(profileID); } } } #endregion int Count = 0; if (pgSrc_FriendsPage.Contains("pager_id=")) { string Pager_ID = Utils.getBetween(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "pager_id=", "\""); string page = Utils.getBetween(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "more/?page=", "&"); while (true) { Count = Count + 1; pgSrc_FriendsPage = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + page + "&page_size=10&pager_id=" + Pager_ID + "&__user="******"&__a=1&__dyn=7n8ahyj35zoSt2u6aAix90BCxO4oKAdBGfirWo8pojByUW5ogxd6K4bBxi&__req=b&__rev=1398717")); if (!pgSrc_FriendsPage.Contains("pager_id=") || page == "6" || Count>=5) { break; } Pager_ID = Utils.getBetween(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "pager_id=", "\\\""); page = Utils.getBetween(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "more\\/?page=", "&"); if (pgSrc_FriendsPage.Contains("data-profileid=")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FriendsPage, "data-profileid="); arr = arr.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string strhref in arr) { if (!strhref.Contains("for(")) { string profileID = Utils.getBetween(strhref, "\\\"", "\\\""); lstFriend_Requests.Add(profileID); } } } } } List<string> itemId = lstFriend_Requests.Distinct().ToList(); return itemId; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public List<string> GetRetweetData_Scrape(string keyword, out string returnStatus) { string status = string.Empty; List<string> lst_ReTweetIDs = new List<string>(); try { string searchURL = string.Empty; if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(keyword)) { searchURL = "" + keyword + "&count=" + RetweetExtractcount + "&include_entities=true"; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(keyword)) { searchURL = "" + keyword + "&count=" + RetweetExtractcount + "&include_entities=true"; } //string res_Get_searchURL = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string res_Get_searchURL = HttpHelper.GetHtml(searchURL); if (!res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Rate limit exceeded") && !res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist") && res_Get_searchURL.Contains("created_at") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "<status>");//Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "{\"created_at\""); splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { string Tweet = string.Empty; string Tweeter = string.Empty; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("<text>"); string start = item.Substring(startIndex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("</text>"); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex); Tweet = end.Replace("<text>", ""); int startOfInndex = Tweet.IndexOf(":"); Tweeter = Tweet.Substring(0, startOfInndex); Tweet = Tweet.Replace(Tweeter, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetRetweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetRetweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } string data = keyword + ":" + Tweeter + ":" + Tweet.Replace(":", "^"); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(data, Globals.Path_RETweetExtractor); lst_ReTweetIDs.Add(data); } } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Rate limit exceeded")) { status = "Rate limit exceeded"; } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist")) { status = "Sorry, that page does not exist"; } else if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("Not authorized")) { status = "Not Authorized"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { status = "Not Authorized"; } else { status = "Empty"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetRetweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetRetweetData_Scrape() -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); status = "Error"; } returnStatus = status; return lst_ReTweetIDs; }
private void CrawlingPageDataSource(string Url, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { //if (SearchCriteria.starter) { // if (SearchCriteria.starter) { try { // Log("Start Parsing Process"); #region Data Initialization ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string Industry = string.Empty; string URLprofile = string.Empty; string firstname = string.Empty; string lastname = string.Empty; string location = string.Empty; string country = string.Empty; string postal = string.Empty; string phone = string.Empty; string USERemail = string.Empty; string code = string.Empty; string education1 = string.Empty; string education2 = string.Empty; string titlecurrent = string.Empty; string companycurrent = string.Empty; string titlepast1 = string.Empty; string companypast1 = string.Empty; string titlepast2 = string.Empty; string html = string.Empty; string companypast2 = string.Empty; string titlepast3 = string.Empty; string companypast3 = string.Empty; string titlepast4 = string.Empty; string companypast4 = string.Empty; string Recommendations = string.Empty; string Connection = string.Empty; string Designation = string.Empty; string Website = string.Empty; string Contactsettings = string.Empty; string recomandation = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle2 = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle3 = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle4 = string.Empty; string Skill = string.Empty; string TypeOfProfile = "Public1"; string Finaldata = string.Empty; #endregion #region LDS_DataInitialization string LDS_FirstName = string.Empty; string LDS_LastName = string.Empty; string LDS_UserProfileLink = string.Empty; string LDS_HeadLineTitle = string.Empty; string LDS_CurrentTitle = string.Empty; string LDS_PastTitles = string.Empty; string LDS_Loction = string.Empty; string LDS_Country = string.Empty; string LDS_Connection = string.Empty; string LDS_Recommendations = string.Empty; string LDS_SkillAndExpertise = string.Empty; string LDS_Education = string.Empty; string LDS_Experience = string.Empty; string LDS_ProfileType = "Public"; string LDS_Groups = string.Empty; string LDS_UserEmail = string.Empty; string LDS_UserContactNumber = string.Empty; string LDS_CurrentCompany = string.Empty; string LDS_PastCompany = string.Empty; string LDS_LoginID = string.Empty; string LDS_Websites = string.Empty; string LDS_Industry = string.Empty; #endregion #region Chilkat Initialization Chilkat.Http http = new Chilkat.Http(); ///Chilkat Http Request to be used in Http Post... Chilkat.HttpRequest req = new Chilkat.HttpRequest(); Chilkat.HtmlUtil htmlUtil = new Chilkat.HtmlUtil(); // Any string unlocks the component for the 1st 30-days. bool success = http.UnlockComponent("THEBACHttp_b3C9o9QvZQ06"); if (success != true) { Console.WriteLine(http.LastErrorText); return; } http.CookieDir = "memory"; http.SendCookies = true; http.SaveCookies = true; html = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(Url)); html = htmlUtil.EntityDecode(html); //// Convert the HTML to XML: Chilkat.HtmlToXml htmlToXml = new Chilkat.HtmlToXml(); Chilkat.HtmlToXml htmlToXml1 = new Chilkat.HtmlToXml(); Chilkat.HtmlToXml htmlToXml2 = new Chilkat.HtmlToXml(); success = htmlToXml.UnlockComponent("THEBACHtmlToXml_7WY3A57sZH3O"); if ((success != true)) { Console.WriteLine(htmlToXml.LastErrorText); return; } string xHtml = null; string xHtml1 = null; //string xHtml2 = null; htmlToXml.Html = html; xHtml = htmlToXml.ToXml(); Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.LoadXml(xHtml); //// Iterate over all h1 tags: Chilkat.Xml xNode = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter = default(Chilkat.Xml); #endregion #region for paRSING List<string> list = new List<string>(); List<string> Grouplist = new List<string>(); List<string> listtitle = new List<string>(); List<string> Currentlist = new List<string>(); List<string> Skilllst = new List<string>(); list.Clear(); //new parshing code List<string> TempFirstName = objChilkat.GetDataTagAttributewithId(html, "div", "name-container"); xBeginSearchAfter = null; xNode = xml.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter, "dt"); Grouplist.Clear(); xBeginSearchAfter = null; #region parsergroup xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "div", "class", "group-data"); while ((xNode != null)) { Finaldata = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "/text"); Grouplist.Add(Finaldata); string[] tempC1 = Regex.Split(Finaldata, " at "); xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "div", "class", "group-data"); } int groupcounter = 0; string AllGRoup = string.Empty; foreach (string item in Grouplist) { if (item.Contains("Join")) { if (groupcounter == 0) { LDS_Groups = item; groupcounter++; } else { LDS_Groups = AllGRoup + ";" + item; } } } #endregion #region parserSkill xNode = xml.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter, "dt"); Skilllst.Clear(); xBeginSearchAfter = null; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "div", "id", "profile-skills"); while ((xNode != null)) { Finaldata = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "/text"); if (Finaldata.Contains("extlib: _toggleclass")) { try { string[] Temp = Finaldata.Split(';'); LDS_SkillAndExpertise = Temp[4]; } catch { } } else { try { LDS_SkillAndExpertise = Finaldata.Replace("Skills & Expertise", " "); Skilllst.Add(Finaldata); } catch { } } xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "div", "id", "profile-skills"); } if (LDS_SkillAndExpertise.Contains(" Endorsements LI.i18n.register('section_skills_person_endorsed_tmpl")) { LDS_SkillAndExpertise = string.Empty; } Skilllst.Distinct(); #endregion #region UrlProfile try { if (html.Contains("webProfileURL")) { int FirstPointForProfileURL = html.IndexOf("webProfileURL"); string FirstSubStringForProfileURL = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfileURL); int SecondPointForProfileURL = FirstSubStringForProfileURL.IndexOf(">"); int ThirdPointForProfileURL = FirstSubStringForProfileURL.IndexOf("</a>"); string SecondSubStringForProfileURL = FirstSubStringForProfileURL.Substring(SecondPointForProfileURL, ThirdPointForProfileURL - SecondPointForProfileURL); LDS_UserProfileLink = SecondSubStringForProfileURL.Replace(">", string.Empty); //qm.AddProfileUrl(URLprofile, DateTime.Now.ToString(), "0"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } try { //string[] UrlFull = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Url, "&authType"); LDS_UserProfileLink = Url;//UrlFull[0]; } catch { } #endregion #region Connection if (html.Contains("overview-connections")) { try { Connection = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("leo-module mod-util connections"), 500); string[] Arr = Connection.Split('>'); string tempConnection = Arr[5].Replace("</strong", "").Replace(")</h3", "").Replace("(", ""); if (tempConnection.Length < 8) { LDS_Connection = tempConnection + "Connection"; } else { LDS_Connection = string.Empty; } } catch (Exception ex) { //overview-connections try { LDS_Connection = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("overview-connections"), 50); string[] Arr = Connection.Split('>'); string tempConnection = Arr[3].Replace("</strong", "").Replace(")</h3", "").Replace("(", ""); LDS_Connection = tempConnection + "Connection"; } catch { } } } #endregion #region Recommendation if (html.Contains("Recommendations")) { try { string[] rList = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(html, "Recommendations"); string[] R3List = rList[2].Split('\n'); string temprecomandation = R3List[4].Replace("</strong>", "").Replace("<strong>", ""); if (temprecomandation.Contains("recommended")) { LDS_Recommendations = temprecomandation; } else { LDS_Recommendations = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { LDS_Recommendations = string.Empty; } } #endregion #region Websites if (html.Contains("websites")) { try { string websitedem = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("websites"), 500); string[] Arr = Regex.Split(websitedem, "href"); foreach (string item in Arr) { if (item.Contains("redir/redirect?url")) { string tempArr = item.Substring(item.IndexOf("name="), 50); string[] temarr = tempArr.Split('\n'); LDS_Websites = temarr[1]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LDS_Websites = string.Empty; } } #endregion #region Getting Industry try { string Industrytemp = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("Find users in this industry"), 100); string[] TempIndustery = Industrytemp.Split('>'); LDS_Industry = TempIndustery[1].Replace("</strong", "").Replace("</a", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region Getting First Name try { if (html.Contains("given-name")) { int FirstPointForProfilename = html.IndexOf("given-name"); string FirstSubStringForProfilename = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfilename); int SecondPointForProfilename = FirstSubStringForProfilename.IndexOf(">"); int ThirdPointForProfilename = FirstSubStringForProfilename.IndexOf("</span>"); string SecondSubStringForProfilename = FirstSubStringForProfilename.Substring(SecondPointForProfilename, ThirdPointForProfilename - SecondPointForProfilename); LDS_FirstName = SecondSubStringForProfilename.Replace(">", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region LastName try { if (html.Contains("family-name")) { int FirstPointForProfilelastname = html.IndexOf("family-name"); string FirstSubStringForProfilelastname = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfilelastname); int SecondPointForProfilelastname = FirstSubStringForProfilelastname.IndexOf(">"); int ThirdPointForProfilelastname = FirstSubStringForProfilelastname.IndexOf("</span>"); string SecondSubStringForProfilelastname = FirstSubStringForProfilelastname.Substring(SecondPointForProfilelastname, ThirdPointForProfilelastname - SecondPointForProfilelastname); string templastname = SecondSubStringForProfilelastname.Replace(">", string.Empty); if (templastname.Contains(",")) { string[] arrylastname = templastname.Split(','); LDS_LastName = arrylastname[0]; } else { LDS_LastName = templastname; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region Designation Company Current try { if (html.Contains("phonetic-full-name")) { int FirstPointForProfileCurrent = html.IndexOf("phonetic-full-name"); string FirstSubStringForProfileCurrent = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfileCurrent); int SecondPointForProfileCurrent = FirstSubStringForProfileCurrent.IndexOf("display:block"); int ThirdPointForProfileCurrent = FirstSubStringForProfileCurrent.IndexOf("</p>"); string SecondSubStringForProfileCurrent = FirstSubStringForProfileCurrent.Substring(SecondPointForProfileCurrent, ThirdPointForProfileCurrent - SecondPointForProfileCurrent); titlecurrent = SecondSubStringForProfileCurrent.Replace("\">", "").Replace("display:block", string.Empty).Replace("<strong class=\"highlight\"", string.Empty).Replace("</strong", string.Empty).Trim(); string[] tempCCurent = Regex.Split(titlecurrent, " at "); LDS_HeadLineTitle = titlecurrent.Replace(",", ";"); LDS_CurrentCompany = tempCCurent[1].Replace(",", ";"); } else if (html.Contains("<p class=\"title\"")) { LDS_HeadLineTitle = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("<p class=\"title\""), 150); string[] HeadLineTitle = LDS_HeadLineTitle.Split('>'); string tempHeadLineTitle = HeadLineTitle[1].Replace("\n", "").Replace(")</h3", "").Replace("</p", ""); LDS_HeadLineTitle = tempHeadLineTitle; try { string[] tempCCurent = Regex.Split(tempHeadLineTitle, " at "); LDS_HeadLineTitle = tempCCurent[0]; LDS_CurrentCompany = tempCCurent[1]; } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region Education try { if (html.Contains("summary-education")) { int FirstPointForProfileeducation1 = html.IndexOf("summary-education"); string FirstSubStringForProfileeducation1 = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfileeducation1); int SecondPointForProfileeducation1 = FirstSubStringForProfileeducation1.IndexOf("<li>"); int ThirdPointForProfileeducation1 = FirstSubStringForProfileeducation1.IndexOf("</li>"); string SecondSubStringForProfileeducation1 = FirstSubStringForProfileeducation1.Substring(SecondPointForProfileeducation1, ThirdPointForProfileeducation1 - SecondPointForProfileeducation1); education1 = SecondSubStringForProfileeducation1.Replace("<li>", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region Country try { if (html.Contains("locality")) { int FirstPointForlocality = html.IndexOf("locality"); string FirstSubStringForlocality = html.Substring(FirstPointForlocality); int SecondPointForlocality = FirstSubStringForlocality.IndexOf("location"); int ThirdPointForlocality = FirstSubStringForlocality.IndexOf("</a>"); string SecondSubStringForlocality = FirstSubStringForlocality.Substring(SecondPointForlocality, ThirdPointForlocality - SecondPointForlocality); string temlocation = SecondSubStringForlocality.Replace("location", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace('"', ' '); string[] temp = temlocation.Split(','); LDS_Loction = temp[0].Replace("<strong class= highlight", string.Empty).Replace("</strong", string.Empty); LDS_Country = temp[1].Replace("<strong class= highlight", string.Empty).Replace("</strong", string.Empty); // country = temp[1].Replace("</strong", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region User Email try { if (html.Contains("Email & Phone:")) { int FirstPointFortitlepast1 = html.IndexOf("abook-email"); string FirstSubStringFortitlepast1 = html.Substring(FirstPointFortitlepast1); int SecondPointFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.IndexOf("<a"); int ThirdPointFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.IndexOf("</a>"); string SecondSubStringFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.Substring(SecondPointFortitlepast1, ThirdPointFortitlepast1 - SecondPointFortitlepast1); string[] tempEmail = SecondSubStringFortitlepast1.Split('>'); LDS_UserEmail = tempEmail[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region Type Of profile try { if (html.Contains("profile-header")) { int FirstPointForProfileType = html.IndexOf("profile-header"); string FirstSubStringForProfileType = html.Substring(FirstPointForProfileType); int SecondPointForProfileType = FirstSubStringForProfileType.IndexOf("class=\"n fn\""); int ThirdPointForProfileType = FirstSubStringForProfileType.IndexOf("</span>"); string SecondSubStringForProfileType = FirstSubStringForProfileType.Substring(SecondPointForProfileType, ThirdPointForProfileType - SecondPointForProfileType); string[] tempProfileType = SecondSubStringForProfileType.Split('>'); string ProfileType = tempProfileType[1]; LDS_ProfileType = ProfileType; } //<h1><span id="name" class="n fn">Private</span> else if (html.Contains(" class=\"n fn\"")) { try { string ProfileTypetemp = html.Substring(html.IndexOf("class=\"n fn\""), 20); string[] TempProfileType = ProfileTypetemp.Split('>'); LDS_ProfileType = TempProfileType[1].Replace("</strong", "").Replace("</a", ""); } catch { } } if (LDS_ProfileType != "Public") { LDS_ProfileType = "Private"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion #region PhonNumber try { if (html.Contains("<dt>Phone:</dt>")) { int FirstPointFortitlepast1 = html.IndexOf("profile-personal"); string FirstSubStringFortitlepast1 = html.Substring(FirstPointFortitlepast1); int SecondPointFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.IndexOf("<p>"); int ThirdPointFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.IndexOf("<span"); string SecondSubStringFortitlepast1 = FirstSubStringFortitlepast1.Substring(SecondPointFortitlepast1, ThirdPointFortitlepast1 - SecondPointFortitlepast1); LDS_UserContactNumber = SecondSubStringFortitlepast1.Replace("<p>", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } #endregion xNode = xml.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter, "dt"); xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; list.Clear(); #endregion #region Regionfor PastCompney try { if (html.Contains("summary-past")) { int FirstPointForPasttitle = html.IndexOf("summary-past"); string FirstSubStringForPasttitle = html.Substring(FirstPointForPasttitle); int SecondPointForPasttitle = FirstSubStringForPasttitle.IndexOf("<li>"); int ThirdPointForPasttitle = FirstSubStringForPasttitle.IndexOf("summary-education"); string SecondSubStringForPasttitle = FirstSubStringForPasttitle.Substring(SecondPointForPasttitle, ThirdPointForPasttitle - SecondPointForPasttitle); string FirstSubStringForPasttitlelast = htmlUtil.EntityDecode(SecondSubStringForPasttitle); htmlToXml1.Html = FirstSubStringForPasttitlelast; xHtml1 = htmlToXml1.ToXml(); Chilkat.Xml xml1 = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml1.LoadXml(xHtml1); //// Iterate over all h1 tags: Chilkat.Xml xNode1 = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter1 = default(Chilkat.Xml); list.Clear(); string[] tempC1 = null; xNode1 = xml1.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter1, "li"); while ((xNode1 != null)) { Finaldata = xNode1.AccumulateTagContent("text", "/text"); listtitle.Add(Finaldata); // list.Add(Finaldata); try { tempC1 = Regex.Split(Finaldata, " at "); } catch { } if (tempC1 != null) { try { list.Add(tempC1[1]); } catch { } } xNode1 = xml1.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter1, "li"); xBeginSearchAfter1 = xNode1; } if (listtitle.Count > 0 || list.Count > 0) { try { titlepast1 = listtitle[0] != null ? listtitle[0] : string.Empty; titlepast2 = listtitle[1] != null ? listtitle[1] : string.Empty; titlepast3 = listtitle[2] != null ? listtitle[2] : string.Empty; titlepast4 = listtitle[3] != null ? listtitle[3] : string.Empty; } catch { } try { companypast1 = list[0] != null ? list[0] : string.Empty; companypast2 = list[1] != null ? list[1] : string.Empty; companypast3 = list[2] != null ? list[2] : string.Empty; companypast4 = list[3] != null ? list[3] : string.Empty; } catch { } } } } catch { }; list.Clear(); #endregion string companyCurrenttitle1 = string.Empty; string companyCurrenttitle2 = string.Empty; string companyCurrenttitle3 = string.Empty; string companyCurrenttitle4 = string.Empty; #region Regionfor summary-current try { if (html.Contains("summary-current")) { int FirstPointForCurrenttitle = html.IndexOf("summary-current"); string FirstSubStringForCurrenttitle = html.Substring(FirstPointForCurrenttitle); int SecondPointForCurrenttitle = FirstSubStringForCurrenttitle.IndexOf("<li>"); int ThirdPointForCurrenttitle = FirstSubStringForCurrenttitle.IndexOf("summary-past"); string SecondSubStringForCurrenttitle = FirstSubStringForCurrenttitle.Substring(SecondPointForCurrenttitle, ThirdPointForCurrenttitle - SecondPointForCurrenttitle); string FirstSubStringForCurrenttitlelast = htmlUtil.EntityDecode(SecondSubStringForCurrenttitle); htmlToXml1.Html = FirstSubStringForCurrenttitlelast; xHtml1 = htmlToXml1.ToXml(); Chilkat.Xml xml1 = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml1.LoadXml(xHtml1); //// Iterate over all h1 tags: Chilkat.Xml xNode1 = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter1 = default(Chilkat.Xml); Currentlist.Clear(); list.Clear(); string[] tempC1 = null; xNode1 = xml1.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter1, "li"); while ((xNode1 != null)) { Finaldata = xNode1.AccumulateTagContent("text", "/text"); Currentlist.Add(Finaldata); // list.Add(Finaldata); try { tempC1 = Regex.Split(Finaldata, " at "); } catch { } if (tempC1 != null) { try { list.Add(tempC1[1]); } catch { } } xNode1 = xml1.SearchForTag(xBeginSearchAfter1, "li"); xBeginSearchAfter1 = xNode1; } if (Currentlist.Count > 0 || list.Count > 0) { try { titleCurrenttitle = Currentlist[0] != null ? Currentlist[0] : string.Empty; titleCurrenttitle2 = Currentlist[1] != null ? Currentlist[1] : string.Empty; titleCurrenttitle3 = Currentlist[2] != null ? Currentlist[2] : string.Empty; titleCurrenttitle4 = Currentlist[3] != null ? Currentlist[3] : string.Empty; } catch { } try { companyCurrenttitle1 = list[0] != null ? list[0] : string.Empty; companyCurrenttitle2 = list[1] != null ? list[1] : string.Empty; companyCurrenttitle3 = list[2] != null ? list[2] : string.Empty; companyCurrenttitle4 = list[3] != null ? list[3] : string.Empty; } catch { } } } } catch { }; list.Clear(); #endregion #region RegionForEDUCATION try { if (html.Contains("summary-education")) { int FirstPointForEDUCATION = html.IndexOf("summary-education"); string FirstSubStringForEDUCATION = html.Substring(FirstPointForEDUCATION); int SecondPointForEDUCATION = FirstSubStringForEDUCATION.IndexOf("<li>"); int ThirdPointForEDUCATION = FirstSubStringForEDUCATION.IndexOf("</ul>"); string SecondSubStringForEDUCATION = FirstSubStringForEDUCATION.Substring(SecondPointForEDUCATION, ThirdPointForEDUCATION - SecondPointForEDUCATION); //string tempEDu = SecondSubStringForEDUCATION.Replace("<li>", string.Empty).Replace("</li>", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Trim(); string temptg = SecondSubStringForEDUCATION.Replace("<li>", ""); string[] templis6t = temptg.Split('/'); education1 = templis6t[0].Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace("span>", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); education2 = templis6t[1].Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace("li>", string.Empty).Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace("span>", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch { }; list.Clear(); #endregion string GroupPastJob = string.Empty; string GroupEduction = string.Empty; LDS_PastTitles = titlepast1 + ";" + titlepast3; LDS_PastCompany = companypast1 + ";" + companypast3; LDS_Education = education1 + ";" + education2; LDS_CurrentTitle = titleCurrenttitle; LDS_LoginID = SearchCriteria.LoginID; //"ProfileType" + "," + "UserProfileLink" + "," + "FirstName" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "HeadLineTitle" + "," + "CurrentTitle " + "," + "Company" + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumbe" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Loction" + "," + "Country" + "," + "titlepast3" + "," + "companypast3" + "," + "titlepast4" + "," + "companypast4" + ","; string LDS_FinalData = LDS_ProfileType.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_FirstName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_LastName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_HeadLineTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Recommendations.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_SkillAndExpertise.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Education.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Groups.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserEmail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContactNumber.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Loction.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Websites.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + ","; if (LDS_FinalData.Contains("<strong class=\"highlight\"") || LDS_FinalData.Contains("<span class=\"full-name\"") || LDS_FinalData.Contains("<strong class=\"highlight\"") || LDS_FinalData.Contains("overview-connections\">")) { LDS_FinalData = LDS_FinalData.Replace("<span class=\"full-name\"", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("<strong class=\"highlight\"", "").Replace("overview-connections\">", "").Replace("</strong>", "").Replace("<strong>", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_FirstName)) { //Log(LDS_FinalData); } // if (SearchCriteria.starter) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_FirstName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_FirstName)) { try { // if (status.Contains("LinkedinSearch_ProfileData")) { try { string CSVHeader = "ProfileType" + "," + "UserProfileLink" + "," + "FirstName" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "PostalCode" + "," + "Distance From Postal" + "," + "HeadLineTitle" + "," + "CurrentTitle " + "," + "Company" + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumber" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Location" + "," + "Country" + "," + "Industry" + "," + "WebSites" + "," + "LinkedInLoginID" + ","; string CSV_Content = LDS_ProfileType.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_FirstName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_LastName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + postalCode + "," + distance + "," + LDS_HeadLineTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Recommendations.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_SkillAndExpertise.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Education.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Groups.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserEmail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContactNumber.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Loction.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Websites.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + ","; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultUrlData); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Record Saved In CSV File ! ]"); } catch { } } // else //{ // try // { // // AppFileHelper.AddingLinkedInDataToCSVFile(LDS_FinalData, Globals.path_LinkedinSearchSearchByPeople); // string CSVHeader = "ProfileType" + "," + "UserProfileLink" + "," + "FirstName" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "PostalCode" + "," + "Distance From Postal" + "," + "HeadLineTitle" + "," + "CurrentTitle " + "," + "Company" + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumber" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Location" + "," + "Country" + "," + "Industry" + "," + "WebSites" + "," + "LinkedinLogInID" + ","; // string CSV_Content = LDS_ProfileType.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_FirstName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_LastName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + postalCode + "," + distance + "," + LDS_HeadLineTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentTitle.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_CurrentCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Recommendations.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_SkillAndExpertise.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Education.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Groups.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserEmail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContactNumber.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastCompany.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Loction.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Websites.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + ","; // CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_LinkedinSearchSearchByPeople); // Log("Record Saved In CSV File !"); // //string CSVHeader = "ProfileType" + "," + "UserProfileLink" + "," + "FirstName" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "HeadLineTitle" + "," + "CurrentTitle " + "," + "Company" + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumber" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Location" + "," + "Country" + "," + "Industry" + "," + "WebSites" + "," + "LinkedinLogInID" + ","; // //string CSV_Content = TypeOfProfile + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink + "," + firstname + "," + lastname + "," + Company.Replace(",", ";") + "," + titlecurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + companycurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + recomandation.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Skill.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + EducationCollection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + groupscollectin.Replace(",", ";") + "," + USERemail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContact.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles + "," + AllComapny.Replace(",", ";") + "," + country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + location.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Website.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_LoginID + ",";// +TypeOfProfile + ","; // //string CSVHeader = "ProfileType" + "," + "UserProfileLink" + "," + "FirstName" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "PostalCode" + "," + "Distance From Postal" + "," + "HeadLineTitle" + "," + "CurrentTitle " + "," + "Company" + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumber" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Location" + "," + "Country" + "," + "Industry" + "," + "WebSites" + "," + "LinkedinLogInID" + ","; // //string CSV_Content = TypeOfProfile + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink + "," + firstname + "," + lastname + "," + postalCode + "," + distance + "," + Company.Replace(",", ";") + "," + titlecurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + companycurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + recomandation.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Skill.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + EducationCollection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + groupscollectin.Replace(",", ";") + "," + USERemail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContact.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles + "," + AllComapny.Replace(",", ";") + "," + country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + location.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Website.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser + ",";// +TypeOfProfile + ","; // //CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultUrlData);//path_LinkedinSearchSearchByProfileURL); // //Log("Data Saved In CSV File !"); // } // catch // { // } //} } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { }; } } }
public string GetUserLastTweetDate(string userid) { string date = ""; try { string user_id = string.Empty; string searchURL = string.Empty; if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(userid)) { searchURL = "" + user_id + "&count=" + TweetExtractCount; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(userid)) { searchURL = "" + user_id + "&count=" + TweetExtractCount; } //string searchURL = "" + user_id + "&count=" + TweetExtractCount; ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //string res_Get_searchURL = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); string res_Get_searchURL = httpHelper.GetHtml(searchURL); string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "{\"created_at");//Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "{\"created_at\""); splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { //string text = Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(modified_Item, "<text>"); string modified_Item = "{\"created_at" + item; date = Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(modified_Item, "created_at");//Globussoft.GlobusHttpHelper.parseText(item); if (date.Contains("+")) { date = date.Remove(date.IndexOf("+")).Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date)) { return date; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserLastTweetDate() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserLastTweetDate() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } return date; }
public string Login() { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logging in with Account : " + Username + " ]"); string Status = "Failed"; try { string firstUrl = ""; // string secondURL = ""; string res_secondURL = string.Empty; ChilkatHttpHelpr objchilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyAddress) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort)) { try { //res_secondURL = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(secondURL), proxyAddress, int.Parse(proxyPort), proxyUsername, proxyPassword); res_secondURL = objchilkat.GetHtmlProxy(secondURL, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); } catch { }; } else { res_secondURL = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(secondURL), ""); } //string authlogin = "******"; //string res_nextUrl1 = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(authlogin), ""); string nextUrl = string.Empty; string res_nextUrl = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_secondURL)) { nextUrl = ""; res_nextUrl = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(nextUrl), "");//postFormDataProxy } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in Failed with Account :" + Username + " ]"); Status = "Failed"; this.LoggedIn = false; } //string nextUrl = ""; //string res_nextUrl = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(nextUrl), "");//postFormDataProxy //int FirstPointToken_nextUrl1 = res_nextUrl.IndexOf("authorize"); //string FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl1 = res_nextUrl.Substring(FirstPointToken_nextUrl1); //int SecondPointToken_nextUrl1 = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl1.IndexOf("%"); //this.Token = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl1.Substring(0, SecondPointToken_nextUrl1).Replace("Authorize", string.Empty).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Trim(); try { int FirstPointToken_nextUrl = res_nextUrl.IndexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken");//csrfmiddlewaretoken string FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl = res_nextUrl.Substring(FirstPointToken_nextUrl); int SecondPointToken_nextUrl = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl.IndexOf("/>"); this.Token = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl.Substring(0, SecondPointToken_nextUrl).Replace("csrfmiddlewaretoken", string.Empty).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { }; string login = "******"; //string authlogin= "******"; //string postauthorize = "csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + this.Token + "&allow=Authorize"; // string postdata_Login = "******" + this.Token + "&username="******"&password="******""; string res_postdata_Login = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(login), postdata_Login, login, ""); string autho = ""; if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("Please enter a correct username and password")) { Status = "Failed"; this.LoggedIn = false; } else if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("requesting access to your Instagram account") || postdata_Login.Contains("is requesting to do the following")) { Status = "AccessIssue"; } else if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("logout") || postdata_Login.Contains("LOG OUT")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in with Account :" + Username + " ]"); Status = "Success"; this.LoggedIn = true; } //nameval.Clear(); return Status; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } }
public List<string> GetFollowings(string userID, out string ReturnStatus) { try { string FollowingUrl = string.Empty; if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(userID)) { FollowingUrl = "" + userID + "";//""; } else { FollowingUrl = "" + userID + "";//""; } ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string Data = HttpHelper.GetHtml(FollowingUrl);//.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowingUrl), "", ""); if (!Data.Contains("Rate limit exceeded")) { int FirstPoint = Data.IndexOf("["); int SecondPoint = Data.IndexOf("]"); string FollowingIds = Data.Substring(FirstPoint, SecondPoint - FirstPoint).Replace("[", string.Empty).Replace("]", string.Empty); List<string> lstIds = FollowingIds.Split(',').ToList(); ReturnStatus = "No Error"; return lstIds; } else { ReturnStatus = "Error"; return new List<string>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetFollowings() -- " + userID + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetFollowings() -- " + userID + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); ReturnStatus = "Error"; return new List<string>(); } }
public string UpdateWebSiteData(string Id,string Url) { WebSiteReviewDataRpository _WebSiteReviewDataRpository = new WebSiteReviewDataRpository(); websitereviewdata _WebSiteReviewData = new websitereviewdata(); _WebSiteReviewData = _WebSiteReviewDataRpository.getinfoforupdate(Guid.Parse(Id), Url); if (_WebSiteReviewData.entrydate.Date == DateTime.Today) { string imageurl = ""; string textname = ""; string websitedescription = ""; string GlobalRank = ""; string CountryRank = ""; string CategoryRank = ""; string VisitersOnSite = ""; string TimeOnSite = ""; string WebSitePageViewers = ""; string WebSiteBounceRate = ""; string DirrectTrafficOnSite = ""; string ReferralTrafficOnSite = ""; string SearchTrafficeOnSite = ""; string SocialTrafficeOnSite = ""; string MailTrafficeOnSite = ""; string DisplayTrafficOnSite = ""; string toprefersitedata = ""; string topdestiantionsites = ""; string PaidSearch = ""; string organickeyword = ""; string paidkeyword = ""; string socialsites = ""; string sitesvalue = ""; string display = ""; string interestvalue = ""; string audienceinterest = ""; string visitedsites = ""; string similarwebsite = ""; string inmagesource = ""; string appname = ""; string inmagesourceapp = ""; string appnameapp = ""; string pagesource = ""; string TrafficbyCountry = ""; string googleappimageurl = ""; string appleappimageurl = ""; string url = "" + Url; ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); GlobusHttpHelper _GlobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); pagesource = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (pagesource.Contains("stickyHeader-nameItem")) { string requiredpagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "stickyHeader-nameItem", "class=\"icon-new-window stickyHeader-iconNew\""); imageurl = Utils.getBetween(requiredpagesource, "src=\"", "\" />"); textname = Utils.getBetween(requiredpagesource, "\"stickyHeader-nameText\">", "</span>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("analysis-descriptionText")) { string descriptionsource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "analysis-descriptionText", "stickyHeader-relatedAppsSection"); websitedescription = Utils.getBetween(descriptionsource, "\">", "</div>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("stickyHeader-relatedAppsHeader")) { string apppagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "stickyHeader-relatedAppsHeader", "stickyHeader-pdfButtonContainer"); string[] imagepath = Regex.Split(apppagesource, "Internal Link"); foreach (var item in imagepath) { if (item.Contains("Related Mobile Apps App Store")) { string appitem = Utils.getBetween(item, "stickyHeader-appImage", "</span>"); appitem = Utils.getBetween(appitem, "src=\"", "\">"); appleappimageurl = appitem + "," + appleappimageurl; } else if (item.Contains("Related Mobile Apps Google Play")) { string googleitem = Utils.getBetween(item, "stickyHeader-appImage", "</span>"); googleitem = Utils.getBetween(googleitem, "src=\"", "\">"); googleappimageurl = googleitem + "," + googleappimageurl; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("rankingSection")) { string rankepagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "rankingSection", "rankingItem-embed"); string globalrank = Utils.getBetween(rankepagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); GlobalRank = Utils.getBetween(globalrank, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Category Rank")) { string countryrankpagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Country Rank", "Category Rank"); countryrankpagesource = Utils.getBetween(countryrankpagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); CountryRank = Utils.getBetween(countryrankpagesource, "\">", "<"); string categorypagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Category Rank", "Traffic Overview"); categorypagesource = Utils.getBetween(categorypagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); CategoryRank = Utils.getBetween(categorypagesource, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Estimated Monthly Visits")) { string EstimatedMonthlyVisits = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Engagement", "Traffic by countries"); string visits = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "visits", "Time on site"); visits = Utils.getBetween(visits, "engagementInfo-value engagementInfo-value--large u-text-ellipsis", "span>"); VisitersOnSite = Utils.getBetween(visits, "\">", "<"); string timeonsite = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Time on site", "Page views"); timeonsite = Utils.getBetween(timeonsite, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); TimeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(timeonsite, "\">", "<"); string pageview = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Page views", "Bounce rate"); pageview = Utils.getBetween(pageview, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); WebSitePageViewers = Utils.getBetween(pageview, "\">", "<"); string bouncerate = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Bounce rate", "geo"); bouncerate = Utils.getBetween(bouncerate, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); WebSiteBounceRate = Utils.getBetween(bouncerate, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("WebsitePageModule.Views.MapView")) { string trafficbycountry = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "WebsitePageModule.Views.MapView", "websitePage-contentNarrow websitePage-contentRight geo-accordion"); TrafficbyCountry = Utils.getBetween(trafficbycountry, ""Country", "Share"],", "]}'></div>").Replace(""", ""); } if (pagesource.Contains("trafficSourcesSection")) { string trafficsource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "trafficSourcesChart-list", "analysisPage-section websitePage-referrals hideInCompared"); string trafficsourcedirrect = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item direct", "icon-direct trafficSourcesChart-icon"); DirrectTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(trafficsourcedirrect, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string refferalsource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item referrals", "icon-referrals trafficSourcesChart-icon"); ReferralTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(refferalsource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string searchtrafficsource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item search", "icon-search trafficSourcesChart-icon"); SearchTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(searchtrafficsource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string socialtrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item social", "icon-social trafficSourcesChart-icon"); SocialTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(socialtrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string mailtrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item mail", "icon-mail trafficSourcesChart-icon"); MailTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(mailtrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string displaytrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item display", "icon-display trafficSourcesChart-icon"); DisplayTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(displaytrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("analysisPage-section websitePage-referrals hideInCompared")) { string topsitereferrral = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Top Referring Sites", "searchSection analysisPage-section websitePage-search hideInCompared"); string toprefersite = Utils.getBetween(topsitereferrral, "Top Referring Sites", "Top Destination Sites:"); string[] reqdataarr = Regex.Split(toprefersite, "class=\"websitePage-listItemLink"); foreach (var item in reqdataarr) { if (item.Contains("\"Internal Link\"")) { string topsitename = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</a>"); toprefersitedata = topsitename + "," + toprefersitedata; } } string topdestinationsite = Utils.getBetween(topsitereferrral, "Top Destination Sites", "websitePage-blueButton websitePage-sectionButton referrals-hookButton js-proPopup"); string[] topdestiantion = Regex.Split(topdestinationsite, "websitePage-listItemLink js-tooltipTarget"); foreach (var item_site in topdestiantion) { if (item_site.Contains("\"Internal Link\"")) { string topdetsianton = Utils.getBetween(item_site, "\">", "</a>"); topdestiantionsites = topdetsianton + "," + topdestiantionsites; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("searchPie-text searchPie-text--left")) { string serchvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "searchPie-text searchPie-text--left", "searchKeywords-text searchKeywords-text--left websitePage-mobileFramed"); string organicsearch = Utils.getBetween(serchvalue, "<span class=\"searchPie-number\">", "</span>"); string paidserach = Utils.getBetween(serchvalue, "<div class=\"searchPie-text searchPie-text--right \">", "/span>"); PaidSearch = Utils.getBetween(paidserach, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Organic Keywords")) { string keyword = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Organic Keywords", "socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared"); string keywordvalue = Utils.getBetween(keyword, "searchKeywords-list", "websitePage-sectionButton u-button--wide js-proPopup"); string[] onganickeywordarry = Regex.Split(keywordvalue, "class='searchKeywords-words'"); foreach (var item in onganickeywordarry) { if (item.Contains("title=\"")) { string valuekeyword = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</span>"); organickeyword = valuekeyword + "," + organickeyword; } } string paidvalue = Utils.getBetween(keyword, "websitePage-sectionButton u-button--wide js-proPopup", "social"); paidkeyword = Utils.getBetween(paidvalue, "search-noDataMessage\">", "</div>").Replace("\n", ""); } if (pagesource.Contains("socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared")) { string socialvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared", "Display Advertising"); string[] socialsitesvalue = Regex.Split(socialvalue, "class=\"socialItem\""); foreach (var item in socialsitesvalue) { if (item.Contains("Internal Link")) { string data = Utils.getBetween(item, "Internal Link\"", "/a>"); data = Utils.getBetween(data, "'>", "<"); socialsites = data + "," + socialsites; string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "socialItem-value\">", "</div>"); sitesvalue = value + "," + sitesvalue; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Display Advertising")) { string displayvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Display Advertising", "Audience Interests"); display = Utils.getBetween(displayvalue, "class=\"noData-title display\">", "</h2>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Audience Interests")) { string audiencesvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Audience Interests", "Also visited websites"); string[] audiencedata = Regex.Split(audiencesvalue, "audienceCategories-item fadeInLeft"); foreach (var item in audiencedata) { if (item.Contains("audienceCategories-chartContainer")) { string values = Utils.getBetween(item, "\"fillValue\":", "\"innerSize\"").Replace(",", ""); interestvalue = values + "," + interestvalue; string intreset = Utils.getBetween(item, "audienceCategories-itemLink", "/a>"); intreset = Utils.getBetween(intreset, "\">", "<"); audienceinterest = intreset + "," + audienceinterest; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Also visited websites")) { string alsovisitedvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Also visited websites", "Similar Sites"); string[] data = Regex.Split(alsovisitedvalue, "websitePage-listItemContainer"); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Contains("Internal Link")) { string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "Internal Link", "/a>"); value = Utils.getBetween(value, "\">", "<"); visitedsites = value + "," + visitedsites; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Similar Sites")) { string SimilaSitesdata = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Similar Sites", "Related Mobile Apps"); string[] data = Regex.Split(SimilaSitesdata, "compareModal-row-cell-title"); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Contains("data-url=")) { string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</span>"); similarwebsite = value + "," + similarwebsite; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("analysisPage-section websitePage-websiteMobileApps hideInCompared")) { string RelatedMobilAppsdata = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "analysisPage-section websitePage-websiteMobileApps hideInCompared", "Get More with SimilarWeb PRO"); string data = Utils.getBetween(RelatedMobilAppsdata, "Google Play Store", "App Store"); string[] dataarry = Regex.Split(data, "data-analytics-category=\"Internal Link\""); foreach (var item in dataarry) { if (item.Contains("data-analytics-label=")) { string valueimgaesrc = Utils.getBetween(item, "data-original=\"", "alt=\"").Replace("\"", ""); inmagesource = valueimgaesrc + "," + inmagesource; string valueappname = Utils.getBetween(item, "itemprop=\"name\"", "/span>"); valueappname = Utils.getBetween(valueappname, ">", "<").Replace("\n", "").Trim(); appname = valueappname + "," + appname; } } string appdatavlue = Utils.getBetween(RelatedMobilAppsdata, "App Store", "u-button--middle websitePage-pinkStrongButton websitePage-sectionButton js-proPopup"); string[] datavalue = Regex.Split(appdatavlue, "mobileApps-appList"); foreach (var item in datavalue) { if (item.Contains("data-options=")) { string valueimgaesrc = Utils.getBetween(item, "data-original=\"", "alt=\"").Replace("\"", ""); inmagesourceapp = valueimgaesrc + "," + inmagesourceapp; string valueappname = Utils.getBetween(item, "itemprop=\"name\"", "/span>"); valueappname = Utils.getBetween(valueappname, ">", "<").Replace("\n", "").Trim(); appnameapp = valueappname + "," + appnameapp; } } } _WebSiteReviewData.imageurl = imageurl; _WebSiteReviewData.googleinmagesource = inmagesource; _WebSiteReviewData.inmagesourceapp = inmagesourceapp; _WebSiteReviewData.interestvalue = interestvalue; _WebSiteReviewData.MailTrafficeOnSite = MailTrafficeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.organickeyword = organickeyword; _WebSiteReviewData.paidkeyword = paidkeyword; _WebSiteReviewData.PaidSearch = PaidSearch; _WebSiteReviewData.ReferralTrafficOnSite = ReferralTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.SearchTrafficeOnSite = SearchTrafficeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.similarwebsite = similarwebsite; _WebSiteReviewData.sitesvalue = sitesvalue; _WebSiteReviewData.socialsites = socialsites; _WebSiteReviewData.SocialTrafficeOnSite = socialsites; _WebSiteReviewData.textname = textname; _WebSiteReviewData.TimeOnSite = TimeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.topdestiantionsites = topdestiantionsites; _WebSiteReviewData.toprefersitedata = toprefersitedata; _WebSiteReviewData.visitedsites = visitedsites; _WebSiteReviewData.VisitersOnSite = VisitersOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.WebSiteBounceRate = WebSiteBounceRate; _WebSiteReviewData.websitedescription = websitedescription; _WebSiteReviewData.websitename = url; _WebSiteReviewData.WebSitePageViewers = WebSitePageViewers; _WebSiteReviewData.googleappname = appname; _WebSiteReviewData.appnameapp = appnameapp; _WebSiteReviewData.audienceinterest = audienceinterest; _WebSiteReviewData.CategoryRank = CategoryRank; _WebSiteReviewData.CountryRank = CountryRank; _WebSiteReviewData.DirrectTrafficOnSite = DirrectTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.display = display; _WebSiteReviewData.DisplayTrafficOnSite = DisplayTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.GlobalRank = GlobalRank; _WebSiteReviewData.TrafficbyCountry = TrafficbyCountry; _WebSiteReviewData.relatedappimageurl = appleappimageurl; _WebSiteReviewData.relatedgoogleimageurl = googleappimageurl; try { _WebSiteReviewDataRpository.UpdateWebSiteData(_WebSiteReviewData); return "Update Sucessfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.Message); return "something went wrong"; } } else { string imageurl = ""; string textname = ""; string websitedescription = ""; string GlobalRank = ""; string CountryRank = ""; string CategoryRank = ""; string VisitersOnSite = ""; string TimeOnSite = ""; string WebSitePageViewers = ""; string WebSiteBounceRate = ""; string DirrectTrafficOnSite = ""; string ReferralTrafficOnSite = ""; string SearchTrafficeOnSite = ""; string SocialTrafficeOnSite = ""; string MailTrafficeOnSite = ""; string DisplayTrafficOnSite = ""; string toprefersitedata = ""; string topdestiantionsites = ""; string PaidSearch = ""; string organickeyword = ""; string paidkeyword = ""; string socialsites = ""; string sitesvalue = ""; string display = ""; string interestvalue = ""; string audienceinterest = ""; string visitedsites = ""; string similarwebsite = ""; string inmagesource = ""; string appname = ""; string inmagesourceapp = ""; string appnameapp = ""; string pagesource = ""; string TrafficbyCountry = ""; string googleappimageurl = ""; string appleappimageurl = ""; string url = "" + Url; ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); GlobusHttpHelper _GlobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); pagesource = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (pagesource.Contains("stickyHeader-nameItem")) { string requiredpagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "stickyHeader-nameItem", "class=\"icon-new-window stickyHeader-iconNew\""); imageurl = Utils.getBetween(requiredpagesource, "src=\"", "\" />"); textname = Utils.getBetween(requiredpagesource, "\"stickyHeader-nameText\">", "</span>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("analysis-descriptionText")) { string descriptionsource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "analysis-descriptionText", "stickyHeader-relatedAppsSection"); websitedescription = Utils.getBetween(descriptionsource, "\">", "</div>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("stickyHeader-relatedAppsHeader")) { string apppagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "stickyHeader-relatedAppsHeader", "stickyHeader-pdfButtonContainer"); string[] imagepath = Regex.Split(apppagesource, "Internal Link"); foreach (var item in imagepath) { if (item.Contains("Related Mobile Apps App Store")) { string appitem = Utils.getBetween(item, "stickyHeader-appImage", "</span>"); appitem = Utils.getBetween(appitem, "src=\"", "\">"); appleappimageurl = appitem + "," + appleappimageurl; } else if (item.Contains("Related Mobile Apps Google Play")) { string googleitem = Utils.getBetween(item, "stickyHeader-appImage", "</span>"); googleitem = Utils.getBetween(googleitem, "src=\"", "\">"); googleappimageurl = googleitem + "," + googleappimageurl; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("rankingSection")) { string rankepagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "rankingSection", "rankingItem-embed"); string globalrank = Utils.getBetween(rankepagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); GlobalRank = Utils.getBetween(globalrank, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Category Rank")) { string countryrankpagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Country Rank", "Category Rank"); countryrankpagesource = Utils.getBetween(countryrankpagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); CountryRank = Utils.getBetween(countryrankpagesource, "\">", "<"); string categorypagesource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Category Rank", "Traffic Overview"); categorypagesource = Utils.getBetween(categorypagesource, "data-value=\"", "/span>"); CategoryRank = Utils.getBetween(categorypagesource, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Estimated Monthly Visits")) { string EstimatedMonthlyVisits = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Engagement", "Traffic by countries"); string visits = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "visits", "Time on site"); visits = Utils.getBetween(visits, "engagementInfo-value engagementInfo-value--large u-text-ellipsis", "span>"); VisitersOnSite = Utils.getBetween(visits, "\">", "<"); string timeonsite = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Time on site", "Page views"); timeonsite = Utils.getBetween(timeonsite, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); TimeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(timeonsite, "\">", "<"); string pageview = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Page views", "Bounce rate"); pageview = Utils.getBetween(pageview, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); WebSitePageViewers = Utils.getBetween(pageview, "\">", "<"); string bouncerate = Utils.getBetween(EstimatedMonthlyVisits, "Bounce rate", "geo"); bouncerate = Utils.getBetween(bouncerate, "engagementInfo-value u-text-ellipsis", "/span>"); WebSiteBounceRate = Utils.getBetween(bouncerate, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("WebsitePageModule.Views.MapView")) { string trafficbycountry = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "WebsitePageModule.Views.MapView", "websitePage-contentNarrow websitePage-contentRight geo-accordion"); TrafficbyCountry = Utils.getBetween(trafficbycountry, ""Country", "Share"],", "]}'></div>").Replace(""", ""); } if (pagesource.Contains("trafficSourcesSection")) { string trafficsource = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "trafficSourcesChart-list", "analysisPage-section websitePage-referrals hideInCompared"); string trafficsourcedirrect = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item direct", "icon-direct trafficSourcesChart-icon"); DirrectTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(trafficsourcedirrect, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string refferalsource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item referrals", "icon-referrals trafficSourcesChart-icon"); ReferralTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(refferalsource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string searchtrafficsource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item search", "icon-search trafficSourcesChart-icon"); SearchTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(searchtrafficsource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string socialtrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item social", "icon-social trafficSourcesChart-icon"); SocialTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(socialtrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string mailtrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item mail", "icon-mail trafficSourcesChart-icon"); MailTrafficeOnSite = Utils.getBetween(mailtrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); string displaytrafficesource = Utils.getBetween(trafficsource, "trafficSourcesChart-item display", "icon-display trafficSourcesChart-icon"); DisplayTrafficOnSite = Utils.getBetween(displaytrafficesource, "<div class=\"trafficSourcesChart-value\">", "</div>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("analysisPage-section websitePage-referrals hideInCompared")) { string topsitereferrral = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Top Referring Sites", "searchSection analysisPage-section websitePage-search hideInCompared"); string toprefersite = Utils.getBetween(topsitereferrral, "Top Referring Sites", "Top Destination Sites:"); string[] reqdataarr = Regex.Split(toprefersite, "class=\"websitePage-listItemLink"); foreach (var item in reqdataarr) { if (item.Contains("\"Internal Link\"")) { string topsitename = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</a>"); toprefersitedata = topsitename + "," + toprefersitedata; } } string topdestinationsite = Utils.getBetween(topsitereferrral, "Top Destination Sites", "websitePage-blueButton websitePage-sectionButton referrals-hookButton js-proPopup"); string[] topdestiantion = Regex.Split(topdestinationsite, "websitePage-listItemLink js-tooltipTarget"); foreach (var item_site in topdestiantion) { if (item_site.Contains("\"Internal Link\"")) { string topdetsianton = Utils.getBetween(item_site, "\">", "</a>"); topdestiantionsites = topdetsianton + "," + topdestiantionsites; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("searchPie-text searchPie-text--left")) { string serchvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "searchPie-text searchPie-text--left", "searchKeywords-text searchKeywords-text--left websitePage-mobileFramed"); string organicsearch = Utils.getBetween(serchvalue, "<span class=\"searchPie-number\">", "</span>"); string paidserach = Utils.getBetween(serchvalue, "<div class=\"searchPie-text searchPie-text--right \">", "/span>"); PaidSearch = Utils.getBetween(paidserach, "\">", "<"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Organic Keywords")) { string keyword = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Organic Keywords", "socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared"); string keywordvalue = Utils.getBetween(keyword, "searchKeywords-list", "websitePage-sectionButton u-button--wide js-proPopup"); string[] onganickeywordarry = Regex.Split(keywordvalue, "class='searchKeywords-words'"); foreach (var item in onganickeywordarry) { if (item.Contains("title=\"")) { string valuekeyword = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</span>"); organickeyword = valuekeyword + "," + organickeyword; } } string paidvalue = Utils.getBetween(keyword, "websitePage-sectionButton u-button--wide js-proPopup", "social"); paidkeyword = Utils.getBetween(paidvalue, "search-noDataMessage\">", "</div>").Replace("\n", ""); } if (pagesource.Contains("socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared")) { string socialvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "socialSection analysisPage-section websitePage-social hideInCompared", "Display Advertising"); string[] socialsitesvalue = Regex.Split(socialvalue, "class=\"socialItem\""); foreach (var item in socialsitesvalue) { if (item.Contains("Internal Link")) { string data = Utils.getBetween(item, "Internal Link\"", "/a>"); data = Utils.getBetween(data, "'>", "<"); socialsites = data + "," + socialsites; string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "socialItem-value\">", "</div>"); sitesvalue = value + "," + sitesvalue; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Display Advertising")) { string displayvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Display Advertising", "Audience Interests"); display = Utils.getBetween(displayvalue, "class=\"noData-title display\">", "</h2>"); } if (pagesource.Contains("Audience Interests")) { string audiencesvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Audience Interests", "Also visited websites"); string[] audiencedata = Regex.Split(audiencesvalue, "audienceCategories-item fadeInLeft"); foreach (var item in audiencedata) { if (item.Contains("audienceCategories-chartContainer")) { string values = Utils.getBetween(item, "\"fillValue\":", "\"innerSize\"").Replace(",", ""); interestvalue = values + "," + interestvalue; string intreset = Utils.getBetween(item, "audienceCategories-itemLink", "/a>"); intreset = Utils.getBetween(intreset, "\">", "<"); audienceinterest = intreset + "," + audienceinterest; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Also visited websites")) { string alsovisitedvalue = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Also visited websites", "Similar Sites"); string[] data = Regex.Split(alsovisitedvalue, "websitePage-listItemContainer"); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Contains("Internal Link")) { string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "Internal Link", "/a>"); value = Utils.getBetween(value, "\">", "<"); visitedsites = value + "," + visitedsites; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("Similar Sites")) { string SimilaSitesdata = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "Similar Sites", "Related Mobile Apps"); string[] data = Regex.Split(SimilaSitesdata, "compareModal-row-cell-title"); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Contains("data-url=")) { string value = Utils.getBetween(item, "\">", "</span>"); similarwebsite = value + "," + similarwebsite; } } } if (pagesource.Contains("analysisPage-section websitePage-websiteMobileApps hideInCompared")) { string RelatedMobilAppsdata = Utils.getBetween(pagesource, "analysisPage-section websitePage-websiteMobileApps hideInCompared", "Get More with SimilarWeb PRO"); string data = Utils.getBetween(RelatedMobilAppsdata, "Google Play Store", "App Store"); string[] dataarry = Regex.Split(data, "data-analytics-category=\"Internal Link\""); foreach (var item in dataarry) { if (item.Contains("data-analytics-label=")) { string valueimgaesrc = Utils.getBetween(item, "data-original=\"", "alt=\"").Replace("\"", ""); inmagesource = valueimgaesrc + "," + inmagesource; string valueappname = Utils.getBetween(item, "itemprop=\"name\"", "/span>"); valueappname = Utils.getBetween(valueappname, ">", "<").Replace("\n", "").Trim(); appname = valueappname + "," + appname; } } string appdatavlue = Utils.getBetween(RelatedMobilAppsdata, "App Store", "u-button--middle websitePage-pinkStrongButton websitePage-sectionButton js-proPopup"); string[] datavalue = Regex.Split(appdatavlue, "mobileApps-appList"); foreach (var item in datavalue) { if (item.Contains("data-options=")) { string valueimgaesrc = Utils.getBetween(item, "data-original=\"", "alt=\"").Replace("\"", ""); inmagesourceapp = valueimgaesrc + "," + inmagesourceapp; string valueappname = Utils.getBetween(item, "itemprop=\"name\"", "/span>"); valueappname = Utils.getBetween(valueappname, ">", "<").Replace("\n", "").Trim(); appnameapp = valueappname + "," + appnameapp; } } } _WebSiteReviewData.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); _WebSiteReviewData.imageurl = imageurl; _WebSiteReviewData.googleinmagesource = inmagesource; _WebSiteReviewData.inmagesourceapp = inmagesourceapp; _WebSiteReviewData.interestvalue = interestvalue; _WebSiteReviewData.MailTrafficeOnSite = MailTrafficeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.organickeyword = organickeyword; _WebSiteReviewData.paidkeyword = paidkeyword; _WebSiteReviewData.PaidSearch = PaidSearch; _WebSiteReviewData.ReferralTrafficOnSite = ReferralTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.SearchTrafficeOnSite = SearchTrafficeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.similarwebsite = similarwebsite; _WebSiteReviewData.sitesvalue = sitesvalue; _WebSiteReviewData.socialsites = socialsites; _WebSiteReviewData.SocialTrafficeOnSite = socialsites; _WebSiteReviewData.textname = textname; _WebSiteReviewData.TimeOnSite = TimeOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.topdestiantionsites = topdestiantionsites; _WebSiteReviewData.toprefersitedata = toprefersitedata; _WebSiteReviewData.visitedsites = visitedsites; _WebSiteReviewData.VisitersOnSite = VisitersOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.WebSiteBounceRate = WebSiteBounceRate; _WebSiteReviewData.websitedescription = websitedescription; _WebSiteReviewData.websitename = url; _WebSiteReviewData.WebSitePageViewers = WebSitePageViewers; _WebSiteReviewData.googleappname = appname; _WebSiteReviewData.appnameapp = appnameapp; _WebSiteReviewData.audienceinterest = audienceinterest; _WebSiteReviewData.CategoryRank = CategoryRank; _WebSiteReviewData.CountryRank = CountryRank; _WebSiteReviewData.DirrectTrafficOnSite = DirrectTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.display = display; _WebSiteReviewData.DisplayTrafficOnSite = DisplayTrafficOnSite; _WebSiteReviewData.GlobalRank = GlobalRank; _WebSiteReviewData.TrafficbyCountry = TrafficbyCountry; _WebSiteReviewData.relatedappimageurl = appleappimageurl; _WebSiteReviewData.relatedgoogleimageurl = googleappimageurl; _WebSiteReviewData.entrydate = DateTime.Now; try { WebSiteReviewDataRpository.Add(_WebSiteReviewData); return "Updated Sucessfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); logger.Error(ex.Message); return "something went wrong"; } } }
public List<string> GetHashTags(out string returnStatus) { List<string> HashTags = new List<string>(); try { //string pagesource = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", ""); ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string pagesource = HttpHelper.GetHtml(""); if (!pagesource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded")) { string[] array = Regex.Split(pagesource, "\"name\":"); array = array.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in array) { try { int startindex = item.IndexOf("\""); string Start = item.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = Start.IndexOf("\","); string End = Start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", ""); string HashTag = End; if (HashTag.Contains("#")) { HashTags.Add(HashTag); } } catch (Exception ex) { returnStatus = "Error"; return new List<string>(); } } returnStatus = "No Error"; return HashTags; } else { returnStatus = "Error"; return new List<string>(); } } catch (Exception ex) { returnStatus = "Error"; return new List<string>(); } }
public void PostAddcompanyUrl(object parameter) { try { try { if (IsStop) { return; } if (!IsStop) { lstLinkedinFollowCompanyUrlThraed.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstLinkedinFollowCompanyUrlThraed.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNumberOfFollowPerAccount.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtNumberOfFollowPerAccount.Text)) { LinkedinCompanyFollow.CountPerAccount = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfFollowPerAccount.Text); } Array paramsArray = new object[1]; paramsArray = (Array)parameter; KeyValuePair<string, LinkedInMaster> item = (KeyValuePair<string, LinkedInMaster>)paramsArray.GetValue(0); LinkedinLogin Login = new LinkedinLogin(); Login.accountUser = item.Key; Login.accountPass = item.Value._Password; Login.proxyAddress = item.Value._ProxyAddress; Login.proxyPort = item.Value._ProxyPort; Login.proxyUserName = item.Value._ProxyUsername; Login.proxyPassword = item.Value._ProxyPassword; GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); ChilkatHttpHelpr ChilkatHttpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); LinkedinCompanyFollow obj_FollowCompany = new LinkedinCompanyFollow(Login.accountUser, Login.accountPass, Login.proxyAddress, Login.proxyPort, Login.proxyUserName, Login.proxyPassword); Login.logger.addToLogger += new EventHandler(logger_SearchFollowCompanyaddToLogger); int minDelay = 20; int maxDelay = 25; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFollowCompanyMinDelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtFollowCompanyMinDelay.Text)) { minDelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtFollowCompanyMinDelay.Text); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFollowCompanyMaxDelay.Text) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(txtFollowCompanyMaxDelay.Text)) { maxDelay = Convert.ToInt32(txtFollowCompanyMaxDelay.Text); } if (!Login.IsLoggedIn) { Login.LoginHttpHelper(ref HttpHelper); //Login.LoginWithChilkatHelper(ref ChilkatHttpHelper); } if (Login.IsLoggedIn) { LinkedinCompanyFollow LinkdinFollowComp = new LinkedinCompanyFollow(); //LinkdinFollowComp.logger.addToLogger += new EventHandler(logger_SearchFollowCompanyaddToLogger); try { Dictionary<string, string> Result = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string MessagePosted = obj_FollowCompany.PostAddCompanyUsingUrl(ref HttpHelper, Login.accountUser,minDelay, maxDelay); } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> Manage Follow Company URL --> PostAddcompanyUrl() >>>> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_LinkedinErrorLogs); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> Manage Follow Company URL --> PostAddcompanyUrl() >>>> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_LinkedinAddSearchGroupErrorLogs); } finally { counter_AddFollowUrl--; if (counter_AddFollowUrl == 0) { btnFollowCompany.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { AddLoggerFollowCompanyUrl("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED ]"); AddLoggerFollowCompanyUrl("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); btnFollowCompany.Cursor = Cursors.Default; })); } } }
/// <summary> Get User details for While/blacklist User /// Get User details for While/blacklist User /// </summary> /// <param name="username">User Screan Name OR User ID</param> /// <returns>Details of Users</returns> #region Get User details for While/blacklist User public static Dictionary<string, string> GetUserDetails(string username) { ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); Dictionary<string, string> dataLst = new Dictionary<string, string>(); try { string PageSource = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(username)) { PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + username + "&include_entities=true"); } else { PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + username + "&include_entities=true"); } JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(PageSource); string id = jobj["id"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("id", id); string name = jobj["name"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("name", name); string screen_name = jobj["screen_name"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("screen_name", screen_name); string location = jobj["location"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("location", location); string description = jobj["description"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("description", description); string followers_count = jobj["followers_count"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("followers_count", followers_count); string friends_count = jobj["friends_count"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("friends_count", friends_count); string statuses_count = jobj["statuses_count"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("statuses_count", statuses_count); string created_at = jobj["created_at"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("created_at", created_at); string time_zone = jobj["time_zone"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("time_zone", time_zone); string profile_image_url = jobj["profile_image_url"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); dataLst.Add("profile_image_url", profile_image_url); } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } return dataLst; }
public static string GetFieldFilterIdsForPostData(string Responce, string FilterFiled) { string Data = string.Empty; try { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string[] data = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Responce, FilterFiled); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.StartsWith(":")) { string data2 = item.Substring(item.IndexOf(":{"), item.IndexOf("},") - item.IndexOf(":{")).Replace(":{", "").Trim(); Data = data2; List<string> hrefLink = objChilkatHttpHelpr.GetHrefFromString(Data); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } return Data; }
/// <summary> /// This Method is used for check given proxy has working or not ? /// </summary> /// <param name="IPaddress">Given IpAddress </param> /// <param name="Port">Given Port</param> /// <param name="Username">Given Username</param> /// <param name="Password">Given Password</param> /// <param name="CheckingUrl">Given Url where we check the Proxy</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckProxy(string IPaddress,string Port ,string Username,string Password,string CheckingUrl) { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); bool status = false; try { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); string ResponseTime = string.Empty; timer.Start(); string Response = objChilkatHelper.GetHtmlProxy(CheckingUrl, IPaddress, Port, Username, Password); timer.Stop(); TimeSpan timeTaken = timer.Elapsed; ResponseTime = timeTaken.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response) && objChilkatHelper.http.LastStatus != 404 && objChilkatHelper.http.LastStatus != 500 && !Response.Contains("Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage")) { status = true; } else { status = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } return status; }
public static List<string> GetAllFriends(ref ChilkatHttpHelpr chilkatHttpHelper, string userId) { List<string> finalList_Friends = new List<string>(); List<string> list_finalFriendsID = new List<string>(); try { string pgSource_Friends = chilkatHttpHelper.GetHtml("" + userId + "&sk=friends"); string[] Friends = Regex.Split(pgSource_Friends, "user.php"); ParseFriendIDs(Friends, finalList_Friends); List<string> lstnewfriendid = new List<string>(); // {"collection_token":"1220529617:2356318349:2","cursor":"MDpub3Rfc3RydWN0dXJlZDoxMDAwMDA5MjM1MTg5MjY=","tab_key":"friends","profile_id":1220529617,"overview":false,"ftid":null,"order":null,"sk":"friends"} string collection_token = ""; string cursor = ""; //check if all friends loaded string patternAllFriendsLoaded = "\"TimelineAppCollection\",\"setFullyLoaded\",[],[\"pagelet_timeline_app_collection_"; int tempCount_AjaxRequests = 0; do // { try { collection_token = ""; cursor = ""; string[] arry = Regex.Split(pgSource_Friends, "enableContentLoader"); if (arry.Length > 1) { try { string rawData = arry[1]; int startIndx_collection_token = rawData.IndexOf("pagelet_timeline_app_collection_") + "pagelet_timeline_app_collection_".Length; int endIndx_collection_token = rawData.IndexOf("\"", startIndx_collection_token); collection_token = rawData.Substring(startIndx_collection_token, endIndx_collection_token - startIndx_collection_token); int startIndx_cursor = rawData.IndexOf(",\"", endIndx_collection_token) + ",\"".Length; int endIndx_cursor = rawData.IndexOf("\"", startIndx_cursor); cursor = rawData.Substring(startIndx_cursor, endIndx_cursor - startIndx_cursor); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } string raw_data = "{\"collection_token\":\"" + collection_token + "\",\"cursor\":\"" + cursor + "\",\"tab_key\":\"friends\",\"profile_id\":" + userId + ",\"overview\":false,\"ftid\":null,\"order\":null,\"sk\":\"friends\"}"; string encoded_raw_data = Uri.EscapeDataString(raw_data); string getURL_MoreFriendsAjax = "" + encoded_raw_data + "&__user="******"&__a=1&__dyn=7n8ahyj2qmudwNAEU&__req=2"; string res_getURL_MoreFriendsAjax = chilkatHttpHelper.GetHtml(getURL_MoreFriendsAjax); pgSource_Friends = res_getURL_MoreFriendsAjax; string[] arry_UserData = Regex.Split(pgSource_Friends, "user.php"); ParseFriendIDs(arry_UserData, finalList_Friends); tempCount_AjaxRequests++; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } while ((collection_token != "" && cursor != "") || tempCount_AjaxRequests < 15 || pgSource_Friends.Contains(patternAllFriendsLoaded)); finalList_Friends.ForEach(delegate(String friendID) { if (friendID.Contains("&")) { friendID = friendID.Remove(friendID.IndexOf("&")); } list_finalFriendsID.Add(friendID); }); list_finalFriendsID = list_finalFriendsID.Distinct().ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } return list_finalFriendsID; }
/// <summary> /// This Method is used for check given proxy has working or not And Return those Proxy set for use in their method /// </summary> /// <param name="IPaddress">Given IpAddress </param> /// <param name="Port">Given Port</param> /// <param name="Username">Given Username</param> /// <param name="Password">Given Password</param> /// <param name="CheckingUrl">Given Url where we check the Proxy</param> /// <returns></returns> public Proxies.Proxy GetSingleUserProxy(string IPaddress, string Port, string Username, string Password, string CheckingUrl) { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkatHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); Proxy objProxy=new Proxy(); try { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); string respnceTime = string.Empty; timer.Start(); string Responce = objChilkatHelper.GetHtmlProxy(CheckingUrl, IPaddress, Port, Username, Password); timer.Stop(); TimeSpan timeTaken = timer.Elapsed; respnceTime = timeTaken.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Responce) && objChilkatHelper.http.LastStatus != 404 && objChilkatHelper.http.LastStatus != 500 && !Responce.Contains("Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage")) { objProxy.IpAddress = IPaddress; objProxy.Port = Port; objProxy.UserName = Username; objProxy.Password = Password; } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } return objProxy; }
public static string GetUserNameFromUserId(string userid) { string username = string.Empty; ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); clsDBQueryManager DB = new clsDBQueryManager(); DataSet ds = DB.GetUserName(userid); string user_id = string.Empty; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables["tb_UsernameDetails"].Rows) { user_id = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString(); return user_id; } } try { string PageSource = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(userid)) { PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + userid + "&include_entities=true"); if (!PageSource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { try { int startIndex = PageSource.IndexOf("<screen_name>"); if (startIndex > 0) { string Start = PageSource.Substring(startIndex); int endIndex = Start.IndexOf("</screen_name>"); string End = Start.Substring(0, endIndex); username = End.Replace("<screen_name>", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } else { username = "******"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } return username; }
public void StartGroupComapaignProcess(ref FacebookUser fbUser) { try { if (isStopGroupCamapinScheduler) { return; } List<string> lstallgroup_EachAccount = new List<string>(); Queue<string> Queue_GroupUrls = new Queue<string>(); int spanhour = 0; int spanminut = 0; int NumberofHour = 1; try { int timeforperMessages = (NumberofHour * 60 * 60) / faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.NoOfMessageserHour; int delayMessageSending = timeforperMessages * 1000 + Utils.GenerateRandom(1 * 1000, 5 * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } GlobusHttpHelper globusHttpHelpr = fbUser.globusHttpHelper; ChilkatHttpHelpr chilkatHttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); string homePageSource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(faceboardpro.FBGlobals.Instance.GroupsGroupCampaignManagerGetFaceBookUrl)); try { lstallgroup_EachAccount = FindOwnGroupUrl(ref fbUser); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Username : "******" Get GroupUrl : " + lstallgroup_EachAccount.Count); { { try { //Code for Insert data in Databse. // string InsertValue = "insert into tb_GroupCampaignMgmt(Account,GroupUrl,GrpCmpName) values('" + facebooker.Username + "','" + lstallgroup_EachAccount[i] + "','" + GroupCampaigName + "')"; // BaseLib.DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(InsertValue, "tb_GroupCampaignMgmt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } bool IsMessagePostingError = false; Boolean IssendMessage = false; string MessagePostingIssue = string.Empty; string username = fbUser.username; string message = string.Empty; int Grpcounter = 0; List<string> lstallgroup_EachAccount1 = new List<string>(); int Conuter = 0; while (true) { try { if (fbUser.isloggedin) { string grpurl = string.Empty; lock (locker_Queue_UserIDs) { if (Queue_GroupUrls.Count == 0) { try { foreach (var item in lstallgroup_EachAccount) { try { lstallgroup_EachAccount1.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } Conuter = lstallgroup_EachAccount.Count; foreach (string item in lstallgroup_EachAccount) { try { Queue_GroupUrls.Enqueue(item); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } } try { grpurl = Queue_GroupUrls.Dequeue(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } if (Conuter == Grpcounter && !chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process completed with : " + username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process completed with : " + username); break; } Grpcounter++; { if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageMode == "One Message") { message = faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.TextMessage; } else { lock (locker_Queue_Messages) { if (Queue_Messages.Count == 0) { try { if (LstMessageUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count > 0) { foreach (string item in LstMessageUrlsGroupCampaignManager) { try { Queue_Messages.Enqueue(item); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } try { message = Queue_Messages.Dequeue(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } string Picpath = string.Empty; string VideoUrl = string.Empty; try { // Picpath = LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(0, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count - 1)]; Picpath = LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count)]; //Picpath = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures"; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } try { VideoUrl = LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(0, LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count - 1)]; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageMode == "One Message") { if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "Only Picture with message") { try { IssendMessage = false; message = faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.TextMessage; if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, message); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager == false) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + message + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); // IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, List<string> Picpath, ref fbUser); } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { if (ChkbGroupGrpRequestManagerMultiplePicPerGroup == true) { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " and Picture Path " + Picpath + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); int i = 0; if (IssendMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl)) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { try { i = i + 1; if (arr_item.Contains("Just now") && !arr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr_item, "href=\"", "&"); if (GetPostUrl.Contains("<abbr")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(GetPostUrl,"<abbr"); if (arr11[0].Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = arr11[0]; } else { GetPostUrl=""+arr11[0]; } } break; } if (i == 4) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if(Pagesource.Contains("posts pending approval")) { GetPostUrl = "Post pending approval."; } else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl) && !Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr11[1], "href=\"", "&").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); if (!GetPostUrl.Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = "" + GetPostUrl; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," +"PostUrl" +"," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else { //int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(2 * 1000, 5 * 1000); ///Added by gargi on 17th August 2013 try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else { //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } try { //int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } else if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "Only Message") { try { IssendMessage = false; message = faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.TextMessage; if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, message); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager == false) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + message + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { IssendMessage = SendingMsgToGroups(grpurl, message, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { IssendMessage = SendingMsgToGroups(grpurl, message, ref fbUser); //IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Only Video") { try { message = faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.TextMessage; IssendMessage = false; //check database if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, VideoUrl); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager == false) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + VideoUrl + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { if (VideoUrl.Contains("/photos/a")) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlUpdated(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser);//, ref facebooker.Password, ref globusHttpHelpr); } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { if (VideoUrl.Contains("/photos/a")) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlUpdated(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { GetPostUrl = "pending approval."; } else if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")&&!Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl)) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); int i = 0; foreach (var arr_item in arr) { try { i = i + 1; if (arr_item.Contains("Just now") && !arr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr_item, "href=\"", "\"><abbr"); break; } if (i==4) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + "Video Url : " + VideoUrl + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "") { try { IssendMessage = false; message = faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.TextMessage; IssendMessage = SendingMsgToGroups(grpurl, message, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter = Message_Counter + 1; TimeCounter = TimeCounter + 1; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, message); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager == false) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + message + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter = Message_Counter + 1; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Picture Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Picture Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, VideoUrl); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + VideoUrl + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { if (VideoUrl.Contains("/photos/a")) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlUpdated(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } else if (Pagesource.Contains("You have 1 post pending approval.")) { GetPostUrl = "You have 1 post pending approval."; } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } else if (Pagesource.Contains("You have 1 post pending approval.")) { GetPostUrl = "You have 1 post pending approval."; } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter = Message_Counter + 1; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Video Url to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Video Url to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Only Picture with message") { try { try { Picpath = LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(0, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count - 1)]; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } //try //{ // IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager, ref fbUser); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); //} if (chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler == true) { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager, ref fbUser); string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); int i = 0; if (IssendMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl)) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { try { i = i + 1; if (arr_item.Contains("Just now") && !arr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr_item, "href=\"", "&"); if (GetPostUrl.Contains("<abbr")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(GetPostUrl, "<abbr"); if (arr11[0].Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = arr11[0]; } else { GetPostUrl = "" + arr11[0]; } } break; } if (i == 4) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (Pagesource.Contains("posts pending approval")) { GetPostUrl = "Post pending approval."; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl) && !Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr11[1], "href=\"", "&").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); if (!GetPostUrl.Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = "" + GetPostUrl; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PicturePostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } else { if (ChkbGroupGrpRequestManagerMultiplePicPerGroup == true) { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, LstPicUrlsGroupCampaignManager, ref fbUser); //IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); int i = 0; if (IssendMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl)) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { try { i = i + 1; if (arr_item.Contains("Just now") && !arr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr_item, "href=\"", "&"); if (GetPostUrl.Contains("<abbr")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(GetPostUrl, "<abbr"); if (arr11[0].Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = arr11[0].Replace("/\">",string.Empty); } else { GetPostUrl = "" + arr11[0].Replace("/\">", string.Empty); } } break; } if (i == 4) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (Pagesource.Contains("posts pending approval")) { GetPostUrl = "Post pending approval."; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl) && !Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr11[1], "href=\"", "&").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("/\">", string.Empty).Trim(); if (!GetPostUrl.Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = "" + GetPostUrl.Replace("/\">", string.Empty); ; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PicturePostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } else { if (isPostMessageWithImageAsEdited) { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroupAsEdited(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = SendingPicMsgToOwnGroup(grpurl, message, Picpath, ref fbUser); } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; //string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); int i = 0; if (IssendMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl)) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); foreach (var arr_item in arr) { try { i = i + 1; if (arr_item.Contains("Just now") && !arr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr_item, "href=\"", "&"); if (GetPostUrl.Contains("<abbr")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(GetPostUrl, "<abbr"); if (arr11[0].Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = arr11[0].Replace("/\">", string.Empty); } else { GetPostUrl = "" + arr11[0].Replace("/\">", string.Empty); } } break; } if (i == 4) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } if (Pagesource.Contains("posts pending approval")) { GetPostUrl = "Post pending approval."; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetPostUrl) && !Pagesource.Contains("post pending approval.")) { string[] arr11 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr11[1], "href=\"", "&").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("/\">", string.Empty).Trim(); if (!GetPostUrl.Contains("")) { GetPostUrl = "" + GetPostUrl.Replace("/\">", string.Empty); ; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PicturePostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " and Picture Path " + Picpath + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " and Picture Path " + Picpath + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With User "+fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With User " + fbUser.username); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "Only Message") { try { try { IssendMessage = SendingMsgToGroups(grpurl, message, ref fbUser); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl+" With Username "+fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } else if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "Only Video") { try { string VideoUrlMsg = LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(0, LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count)]; IssendMessage = false; try { if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == true) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); RaiseEventGrpCampaignMgr(ds, "Model : GroupCompaignRepository", "Function : CheckGroupCompaignReport", grpurl, VideoUrlMsg); if (CheckDataBaseGroupCampaimanager == false) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(" Message All ready send >> " + VideoUrlMsg + " GroupUrl >>>" + grpurl); } else { if (VideoUrl.Contains("/photos/a")) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlUpdated(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrlMsg, ref fbUser); } string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Pagesource.Contains("You have 1 post pending approval.")) { GetPostUrl = "You have 1 post pending approval."; } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",",string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } else if (ChkViewSchedulerTaskUniquePostPerGroup == false) { string GetPostUrl = string.Empty; if (isPostVideoUrlAsImage) { PostVideoUrlasImage(grpurl, message, VideoUrlMsg, ref fbUser); } else { if (VideoUrl.Contains("/photos/a")) { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlUpdated(grpurl, message, VideoUrl, ref fbUser); } else { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrlMsg, ref fbUser); } if (IssendMessage) { //IssendMessage = PostVideoUrlNew(grpurl, message, VideoUrlMsg, ref fbUser); } string Pagesource = globusHttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(grpurl)); if (IssendMessage) { if (!Pagesource.Contains("<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = "" + Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "/\"><abbr title=\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } else if (Pagesource.Contains("You have 1 post pending approval.")) { GetPostUrl = "You have 1 post pending approval."; } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + "Video Url : " + VideoUrl + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + "Video Url : " + VideoUrl + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { ///Insert query } if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Error : " + ex.StackTrace); return; } } else if (faceboardpro.FbGroupCampaignManagerGlobals.MessageType == "") { try { IssendMessage = false; try { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("UserName :"******"Targeturl :" + grpurl + "Message : " + message); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("UserName :"******"Targeturl :" + grpurl + "Message : " + message); IssendMessage = SendingMsgToGroups(grpurl, message, ref fbUser); try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message + "," + Picpath + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"<span class=\"_50f8 _50f7\">PINNED POST</span>")) { try { string[] arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Pagesource, "<span class=\"fsm fwn fcg\">"); GetPostUrl = Utils.getBetween(arr[1], "href=\"", "rel=\"theater\"").Replace("amp;", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } } try { string CSVHeader = "UserAccount" + "," + "GroupUrl" + "," + "message" + "," + "FilePath" + "," + "PicturePostUrl" + "," + "DateTime"; string CSV_Content = username + "," + grpurl + "," + message + "," + Picpath + "," + GetPostUrl + "," + DateTime.Now; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, GroupReportExprotFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error >>>" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Picture Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Picture Message to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " and Picture Path " + Picpath + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + " Message : " + message + " and Picture Path " + Picpath + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Unable to post on : " + grpurl + " With Username " + fbUser.username); // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("You have been temporarily blocked from performing this action." + grpurl); } string VideoUrlMsg = string.Empty; try { VideoUrlMsg = LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager[new Random().Next(0, LstVideoUrlsGroupCampaignManager.Count - 1)]; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } try { IssendMessage = PostVideoUrl(grpurl, message, VideoUrlMsg, ref fbUser); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (IssendMessage) { Message_Counter++; TimeCounter++; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Sent Video Url to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Sent Video Url to GroupUrl : " + grpurl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(Message_Counter + "Video Url : " + VideoUrl + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug(Message_Counter + "Video Url : " + VideoUrl + " Sent to : " + grpurl + " Using UserName : "******" Date_Time : " + DateTime.Now); if (TimeCounter >= CheckGroupCompaignNoOfGroupsInBatch) { if (ScheduleGroupPosting) { TimeCounter = 0; GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Pausing the process for : " + CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts + " : Minutes With :" + fbUser.username); // TimeCounter = 0; Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 60 * CheckGroupCompaign_InterbalInMinuts); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Process Continue .. With :" + fbUser.username); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Process Continue . With :" + fbUser.username); } else { try { int delayInSeconds = Utils.GenerateRandom(minDelayGroupManager * 1000, maxDelayGroupManager * 1000); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Delaying for " + delayInSeconds / 1000 + " Seconds With UserName : "******"Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } } else { break; } if (!chkCountinueProcessGroupCamapinScheduler) { if (Grpcounter == lstallgroup_EachAccount.Count) { if (Grpcounter <= 1) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Message already send please update compaign name!"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("Message already send please update compaign name!"); } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("process Completed !!!"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Debug("process Completed !!!"); break; } } message = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void StartAcceptInvitations(ref GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper) { try { string csrfToken = string.Empty; string userFirstName = string.Empty; string UserLastName = string.Empty; string SenderName = string.Empty; string newPagesource = string.Empty; bool isTrue = false; int startRow = 1; string pageSource = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); var resultForUserDetails = FindTheUserName(pageSource); try { resultForUserDetails = resultForUserDetails.Substring(resultForUserDetails.IndexOf("alt="), resultForUserDetails.IndexOf("height") - resultForUserDetails.IndexOf("alt=")).Replace("alt=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Trim(); userFirstName = resultForUserDetails.Split(' ')[0].Replace("\"", string.Empty); UserLastName = resultForUserDetails.Split(' ')[1].Replace("\"", string.Empty); } catch { } if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 100); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('"'); try { foreach (string item in Arr) { try { if (item.Contains("csrfToken=")) { csrfToken = item.Substring(item.IndexOf("csrfToken="), item.IndexOf("&", item.IndexOf("csrfToken=")) - item.IndexOf("csrfToken=")).Replace("csrfToken=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Trim();//Arr[2].Replace(@"\", string.Empty).Replace("//", string.Empty); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (item.Contains("csrfToken=")) { csrfToken = item.Replace("csrfToken=", string.Empty).Trim(); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { //csrfToken = Arr[0].Replace("csrfToken=", "").Replace("\\", ""); } } // For Show More //string postData1 = "pkey=inbox-invitations-pending&tcode=%5Bobject%20Arguments%5D&plist="; //string response1 = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""+csrfToken+""),postData1); //string pageSource2=httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //*** Conver HTML to XML *******************************// #region Convert HTML to XML ChilkatHttpHelpr objhelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); //xHtml contain xml data string xHtml = objhelper.ConvertHtmlToXml(pageSource); Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.LoadXml(xHtml); //xHtml. //// Iterate over all h1 tags: Chilkat.Xml xNode = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter = default(Chilkat.Xml); #endregion #region Invitatin count xBeginSearchAfter = null; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "invitation-count count "); try { while ((xNode != null)) { string strvalue = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); string Invitatincount = strvalue; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Invitation Count = " + Invitatincount + " UserName = "******" ]"); Log("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion do { newPagesource = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + startRow + "&subFilter=&trk=&showBlocked=false")); if (newPagesource.Contains("inbox-list")) { string inbox_list = httpHelper.GetDataWithTagValueByTagAndAttributeNameWithClass(newPagesource, "ol", "inbox-list "); if (inbox_list.Contains("<li")) { isTrue = true; string[] srrLi = Regex.Split(inbox_list, "<li"); foreach (string item in srrLi) { try { if (item.Contains("data-gid=\"")) { string data_gid = item.Substring(item.IndexOf("data-gid=\"") + 10, item.IndexOf("\"", item.IndexOf("data-gid=\"") + 10) - (item.IndexOf("data-gid=\"") + 10)).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("data-gid=\"", string.Empty).Trim(); int startindex1 = item.IndexOf("alt="); string start1 = item.Substring(startindex1).Replace("alt=",string.Empty); int endindex1 = start1.IndexOf("height"); string end1 = start1.Substring(0, endindex1).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); SenderName = end1; string response2 = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + data_gid + "&actionType=invitationAccept&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&goback=%2Epiv_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&trk=inbox-invitations-inv-accept&ctx=inbox&rnd=1366352095313")); if (response2.Contains(" are now connected")) { string SuccessMsg = string.Empty; int startindex = response2.IndexOf("<div class=\"confirmation\">"); if (startindex > 0) { try { string start = response2.Substring(startindex).Replace("<div class=\"confirmation\">", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("<ul>"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); //SuccessMsg = end.Replace("<h4>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("</h4>", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace("\"u002", "-").Replace("You", "User: "******"<h4>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("</h4>", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace("\"u002", "-").Replace("You", "User: "******"( Name:" + userFirstName + " " + UserLastName + ") ").Trim(); } catch { } } GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(SuccessMsg, Globals.path_AcceptInvitationEmail); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + SuccessMsg + " ]"); } if (!(response2.Contains(SenderName))) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Invitation accepted from " + SenderName + " ]"); } else { //Log("There is some error !"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ There is no invitation ! ]"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No more invitations left to accept ! ]"); } } startRow = startRow + 10; } while (newPagesource.Contains("is now a connection.")); //else //{ // Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ There is no invitation ! ]"); //} //if (isTrue) //{ // StartAcceptInvitations(ref httpHelper); //} } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static string GetUserNameFromUserId(string userid) { string username = string.Empty; ChilkatHttpHelpr httpHelper = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); try { string PageSource = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid) && NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(userid)) { //PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml("" + userid + "&include_entities=true"); PageSource = httpHelper.GetHtml(("" + userid)); if (!PageSource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { try { //int startIndex = PageSource.IndexOf("<screen_name>"); //if (startIndex > 0) { //string Start = PageSource.Substring(startIndex); //int endIndex = Start.IndexOf("</screen_name>"); //string End = Start.Substring(0, endIndex); //username = End.Replace("<screen_name>", ""); int startindex = PageSource.IndexOf("user-style-"); string start = PageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("user-style-", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); username = end; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } else { username = "******"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserNameFromUserId() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } return username; }