void AssignActionsToButtons(List <GUIButton> optionButtons, GUIMessageBox target) { if (!options.Any()) { GUIButton closeButton = new GUIButton(new RectTransform(Vector2.One, target.InnerFrame.RectTransform, Anchor.BottomRight, scaleBasis: ScaleBasis.Smallest) { MaxSize = new Point(GUI.IntScale(24)), MinSize = new Point(24), AbsoluteOffset = new Point(GUI.IntScale(48), GUI.IntScale(16)) }, style: "GUIButtonVerticalArrow") { UserData = "ContinueButton", IgnoreLayoutGroups = true, Bounce = true, OnClicked = (btn, userdata) => { if (actionInstance != null) { actionInstance.selectedOption = 0; } else if (actionId.HasValue) { SendResponse(actionId.Value, 0); } if (!continueConversation) { target.Close(); } else { btn.Frame.FadeOut(0.33f, true); } return(true); } }; double allowCloseTime = Timing.TotalTime + 0.5; closeButton.Children.ForEach(child => child.SpriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically); closeButton.Frame.FadeIn(0.5f, 0.5f); closeButton.SlideIn(0.5f, 0.33f, 16, SlideDirection.Down); InputType?closeInput = null; if (GameMain.Config.KeyBind(InputType.Use).MouseButton == MouseButton.None) { closeInput = InputType.Use; } else if (GameMain.Config.KeyBind(InputType.Select).MouseButton == MouseButton.None) { closeInput = InputType.Select; } if (closeInput.HasValue) { closeButton.ToolTip = TextManager.ParseInputTypes($"{TextManager.Get("Close")} ([InputType.{closeInput.Value}])"); closeButton.OnAddedToGUIUpdateList += (GUIComponent component) => { if (Timing.TotalTime > allowCloseTime && PlayerInput.KeyHit(closeInput.Value)) { GUIButton btn = component as GUIButton; btn?.OnClicked(btn, btn.UserData); btn?.Flash(GUI.Style.Green); } }; } } for (int i = 0; i < optionButtons.Count; i++) { optionButtons[i].UserData = i; optionButtons[i].OnClicked += (btn, userdata) => { int selectedOption = (userdata as int?) ?? 0; if (actionInstance != null) { actionInstance.selectedOption = selectedOption; foreach (GUIButton otherButton in optionButtons) { otherButton.CanBeFocused = false; if (otherButton != btn) { otherButton.TextBlock.OverrideTextColor(Color.DarkGray * 0.8f); } } btn.ExternalHighlight = true; return(true); } if (actionId.HasValue) { SendResponse(actionId.Value, selectedOption); btn.CanBeFocused = false; btn.ExternalHighlight = true; foreach (GUIButton otherButton in optionButtons) { otherButton.CanBeFocused = false; if (otherButton != btn) { otherButton.TextBlock.OverrideTextColor(Color.DarkGray * 0.8f); } } return(true); } //should not happen return(false); }; if (closingOptions.Contains(i)) { optionButtons[i].OnClicked += target.Close; } } }
public GUIMessageBox(string headerText, string text, string[] buttons, Vector2?relativeSize = null, Point?minSize = null, Alignment textAlignment = Alignment.TopLeft, Type type = Type.Default, string tag = "", Sprite icon = null, string iconStyle = "", Sprite backgroundIcon = null) : base(new RectTransform(GUI.Canvas.RelativeSize, GUI.Canvas, Anchor.Center), style: GUI.Style.GetComponentStyle("GUIMessageBox." + type) != null ? "GUIMessageBox." + type : "GUIMessageBox") { int width = (int)(DefaultWidth * (type == Type.Default ? 1.0f : 1.5f)), height = 0; if (relativeSize.HasValue) { width = (int)(GameMain.GraphicsWidth * relativeSize.Value.X); height = (int)(GameMain.GraphicsHeight * relativeSize.Value.Y); } if (minSize.HasValue) { width = Math.Max(width, minSize.Value.X); if (height > 0) { height = Math.Max(height, minSize.Value.Y); } } if (backgroundIcon != null) { BackgroundIcon = new GUIImage(new RectTransform(backgroundIcon.size.ToPoint(), RectTransform), backgroundIcon) { IgnoreLayoutGroups = true, Color = Color.Transparent }; } Anchor anchor = type switch { Type.InGame => Anchor.TopCenter, Type.Vote => Anchor.TopRight, _ => Anchor.Center }; InnerFrame = new GUIFrame(new RectTransform(new Point(width, height), RectTransform, anchor) { IsFixedSize = false }, style: null); if (type == Type.Vote) { int offset = GUI.IntScale(64); InnerFrame.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset = new Point(-offset, offset); CanBeFocused = false; } GUI.Style.Apply(InnerFrame, "", this); this.type = type; Tag = tag; if (type == Type.Default || type == Type.Vote) { Content = new GUILayoutGroup(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.9f, 0.85f), InnerFrame.RectTransform, Anchor.Center)) { AbsoluteSpacing = 5 }; Header = new GUITextBlock(new RectTransform(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), Content.RectTransform), headerText, font: GUI.SubHeadingFont, textAlignment: Alignment.Center, wrap: true); GUI.Style.Apply(Header, "", this); Header.RectTransform.MinSize = new Point(0, Header.Rect.Height); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Text = new GUITextBlock(new RectTransform(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), Content.RectTransform), text, textAlignment: textAlignment, wrap: true); GUI.Style.Apply(Text, "", this); Text.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = Text.RectTransform.MinSize = Text.RectTransform.MaxSize = new Point(Text.Rect.Width, Text.Rect.Height); Text.RectTransform.IsFixedSize = true; } var buttonContainer = new GUILayoutGroup(new RectTransform(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.15f), Content.RectTransform, Anchor.BottomCenter), childAnchor: Anchor.TopCenter) { AbsoluteSpacing = 5, IgnoreLayoutGroups = true }; int buttonSize = 35; var buttonStyle = GUI.Style.GetComponentStyle("GUIButton"); if (buttonStyle != null && buttonStyle.Height.HasValue) { buttonSize = buttonStyle.Height.Value; } buttonContainer.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = buttonContainer.RectTransform.MinSize = buttonContainer.RectTransform.MaxSize = new Point(buttonContainer.Rect.Width, (int)((buttonSize + 5) * buttons.Length)); buttonContainer.RectTransform.IsFixedSize = true; if (height == 0) { height += Header.Rect.Height + Content.AbsoluteSpacing; height += (Text == null ? 0 : Text.Rect.Height) + Content.AbsoluteSpacing; height += buttonContainer.Rect.Height + 20; if (minSize.HasValue) { height = Math.Max(height, minSize.Value.Y); } InnerFrame.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = new Point(InnerFrame.Rect.Width, (int)Math.Max(height / Content.RectTransform.RelativeSize.Y, height + (int)(50 * GUI.yScale))); Content.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = new Point(Content.Rect.Width, height); } Buttons = new List <GUIButton>(buttons.Length); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) { var button = new GUIButton(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.6f, 1.0f / buttons.Length), buttonContainer.RectTransform), buttons[i]); Buttons.Add(button); } } else if (type == Type.InGame) { InnerFrame.RectTransform.AbsoluteOffset = new Point(0, GameMain.GraphicsHeight); alwaysVisible = true; CanBeFocused = false; AutoClose = true; GUI.Style.Apply(InnerFrame, "", this); var horizontalLayoutGroup = new GUILayoutGroup(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.98f, 0.95f), InnerFrame.RectTransform, Anchor.Center), isHorizontal: true, childAnchor: Anchor.CenterLeft) { Stretch = true, RelativeSpacing = 0.02f }; if (icon != null) { Icon = new GUIImage(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.2f, 0.95f), horizontalLayoutGroup.RectTransform), icon, scaleToFit: true); } else if (iconStyle != string.Empty) { Icon = new GUIImage(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.2f, 0.95f), horizontalLayoutGroup.RectTransform), iconStyle, scaleToFit: true); } Content = new GUILayoutGroup(new RectTransform(new Vector2(Icon != null ? 0.65f : 0.85f, 1.0f), horizontalLayoutGroup.RectTransform)); var buttonContainer = new GUIFrame(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.15f, 1.0f), horizontalLayoutGroup.RectTransform), style: null); Buttons = new List <GUIButton>(1) { new GUIButton(new RectTransform(new Vector2(0.3f, 0.5f), buttonContainer.RectTransform, Anchor.Center), style: "UIToggleButton") { OnClicked = Close } }; InputType?closeInput = null; if (GameMain.Config.KeyBind(InputType.Use).MouseButton == MouseButton.None) { closeInput = InputType.Use; } else if (GameMain.Config.KeyBind(InputType.Select).MouseButton == MouseButton.None) { closeInput = InputType.Select; } if (closeInput.HasValue) { Buttons[0].ToolTip = TextManager.ParseInputTypes($"{TextManager.Get("Close")} ([InputType.{closeInput.Value}])"); Buttons[0].OnAddedToGUIUpdateList += (GUIComponent component) => { if (!closing && openState >= 1.0f && PlayerInput.KeyHit(closeInput.Value)) { GUIButton btn = component as GUIButton; btn?.OnClicked(btn, btn.UserData); btn?.Flash(GUI.Style.Green); } }; } Header = new GUITextBlock(new RectTransform(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), Content.RectTransform), headerText, wrap: true); GUI.Style.Apply(Header, "", this); Header.RectTransform.MinSize = new Point(0, Header.Rect.Height); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { Text = new GUITextBlock(new RectTransform(new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), Content.RectTransform), text, textAlignment: textAlignment, wrap: true); GUI.Style.Apply(Text, "", this); Content.Recalculate(); Text.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = Text.RectTransform.MinSize = Text.RectTransform.MaxSize = new Point(Text.Rect.Width, Text.Rect.Height); Text.RectTransform.IsFixedSize = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(headerText)) { Content.ChildAnchor = Anchor.Center; } } if (height == 0) { height += Header.Rect.Height + Content.AbsoluteSpacing; height += (Text == null ? 0 : Text.Rect.Height) + Content.AbsoluteSpacing; if (minSize.HasValue) { height = Math.Max(height, minSize.Value.Y); } InnerFrame.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = new Point(InnerFrame.Rect.Width, (int)Math.Max(height / Content.RectTransform.RelativeSize.Y, height + (int)(50 * GUI.yScale))); Content.RectTransform.NonScaledSize = new Point(Content.Rect.Width, height); } Buttons[0].RectTransform.MaxSize = new Point((int)(0.4f * Buttons[0].Rect.Y), Buttons[0].Rect.Y); } MessageBoxes.Add(this); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (overlayColor.A > 0) { if (overlaySprite != null) { GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(0, 0, GameMain.GraphicsWidth, GameMain.GraphicsHeight), Color.Black * (overlayColor.A / 255.0f), isFilled: true); float scale = Math.Max(GameMain.GraphicsWidth / overlaySprite.size.X, GameMain.GraphicsHeight / overlaySprite.size.Y); overlaySprite.Draw(spriteBatch, new Vector2(GameMain.GraphicsWidth, GameMain.GraphicsHeight) / 2, overlayColor, overlaySprite.size / 2, scale: scale); } else { GUI.DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle(0, 0, GameMain.GraphicsWidth, GameMain.GraphicsHeight), overlayColor, isFilled: true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overlayText) && overlayTextColor.A > 0) { var backgroundSprite = GUI.Style.GetComponentStyle("CommandBackground").GetDefaultSprite(); Vector2 centerPos = new Vector2(GameMain.GraphicsWidth, GameMain.GraphicsHeight) / 2; string wrappedText = ToolBox.WrapText(overlayText, GameMain.GraphicsWidth / 3, GUI.Font); Vector2 textSize = GUI.Font.MeasureString(wrappedText); Vector2 textPos = centerPos - textSize / 2; backgroundSprite.Draw(spriteBatch, centerPos, Color.White * (overlayTextColor.A / 255.0f), origin: backgroundSprite.size / 2, rotate: 0.0f, scale: new Vector2(GameMain.GraphicsWidth / 2 / backgroundSprite.size.X, textSize.Y / backgroundSprite.size.Y * 1.5f)); GUI.DrawString(spriteBatch, textPos + Vector2.One, wrappedText, Color.Black * (overlayTextColor.A / 255.0f)); GUI.DrawString(spriteBatch, textPos, wrappedText, overlayTextColor); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overlayTextBottom)) { Vector2 bottomTextPos = centerPos + new Vector2(0.0f, textSize.Y / 2 + 40 * GUI.Scale) - GUI.Font.MeasureString(overlayTextBottom) / 2; GUI.DrawString(spriteBatch, bottomTextPos + Vector2.One, overlayTextBottom, Color.Black * (overlayTextColor.A / 255.0f)); GUI.DrawString(spriteBatch, bottomTextPos, overlayTextBottom, overlayTextColor); } } } if (GUI.DisableHUD || GUI.DisableUpperHUD || ForceMapUI || CoroutineManager.IsCoroutineRunning("LevelTransition")) { endRoundButton.Visible = false; if (ReadyCheckButton != null) { ReadyCheckButton.Visible = false; } return; } if (Submarine.MainSub == null || Level.Loaded == null) { return; } endRoundButton.Visible = false; var availableTransition = GetAvailableTransition(out _, out Submarine leavingSub); string buttonText = ""; switch (availableTransition) { case TransitionType.ProgressToNextLocation: case TransitionType.ProgressToNextEmptyLocation: if (Level.Loaded.EndOutpost == null || !Level.Loaded.EndOutpost.DockedTo.Contains(leavingSub)) { string textTag = availableTransition == TransitionType.ProgressToNextLocation ? "EnterLocation" : "EnterEmptyLocation"; buttonText = TextManager.GetWithVariable(textTag, "[locationname]", Level.Loaded.EndLocation?.Name ?? "[ERROR]"); endRoundButton.Visible = !ForceMapUI && !ShowCampaignUI; } break; case TransitionType.LeaveLocation: buttonText = TextManager.GetWithVariable("LeaveLocation", "[locationname]", Level.Loaded.StartLocation?.Name ?? "[ERROR]"); endRoundButton.Visible = !ForceMapUI && !ShowCampaignUI; break; case TransitionType.ReturnToPreviousLocation: case TransitionType.ReturnToPreviousEmptyLocation: if (Level.Loaded.StartOutpost == null || !Level.Loaded.StartOutpost.DockedTo.Contains(leavingSub)) { string textTag = availableTransition == TransitionType.ReturnToPreviousLocation ? "EnterLocation" : "EnterEmptyLocation"; buttonText = TextManager.GetWithVariable(textTag, "[locationname]", Level.Loaded.StartLocation?.Name ?? "[ERROR]"); endRoundButton.Visible = !ForceMapUI && !ShowCampaignUI; } break; case TransitionType.None: default: if (Level.Loaded.Type == LevelData.LevelType.Outpost && (Character.Controlled?.Submarine?.Info.Type == SubmarineType.Player || (Character.Controlled?.CurrentHull?.OutpostModuleTags.Contains("airlock") ?? false))) { buttonText = TextManager.GetWithVariable("LeaveLocation", "[locationname]", Level.Loaded.StartLocation?.Name ?? "[ERROR]"); endRoundButton.Visible = !ForceMapUI && !ShowCampaignUI; } else { endRoundButton.Visible = false; } break; } if (ReadyCheckButton != null) { ReadyCheckButton.Visible = endRoundButton.Visible; } if (endRoundButton.Visible) { if (!AllowedToEndRound()) { buttonText = TextManager.Get("map"); } else if (prevCampaignUIAutoOpenType != availableTransition && (availableTransition == TransitionType.ProgressToNextEmptyLocation || availableTransition == TransitionType.ReturnToPreviousEmptyLocation)) { HintManager.OnAvailableTransition(availableTransition); //opening the campaign map pauses the game and prevents HintManager from running -> update it manually to get the hint to show up immediately HintManager.Update(); Map.SelectLocation(-1); endRoundButton.OnClicked(EndRoundButton, null); prevCampaignUIAutoOpenType = availableTransition; } endRoundButton.Text = ToolBox.LimitString(buttonText, endRoundButton.Font, endRoundButton.Rect.Width - 5); if (endRoundButton.Text != buttonText) { endRoundButton.ToolTip = buttonText; } if (Character.Controlled?.CharacterHealth?.SuicideButton?.Visible ?? false) { endRoundButton.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset = new Point(0, Character.Controlled.CharacterHealth.SuicideButton.Rect.Height); } else if (GameMain.Client != null && GameMain.Client.IsFollowSubTickBoxVisible) { endRoundButton.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset = new Point(0, HUDLayoutSettings.Padding + GameMain.Client.FollowSubTickBox.Rect.Height); } else { endRoundButton.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset = Point.Zero; } } endRoundButton.DrawManually(spriteBatch); if (this is MultiPlayerCampaign && ReadyCheckButton != null) { ReadyCheckButton.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset = endRoundButton.RectTransform.ScreenSpaceOffset; ReadyCheckButton.DrawManually(spriteBatch); } }