Exemple #1
        int TrailBlazeGapped(DmtxRegion reg, DmtxBresLine line, int streamDir)
            bool onEdge;
            int distSq, distSqMax;
            int travel = 0;
            int outward = 0;
            int xDiff, yDiff;
            int steps;
            int stepDir = 0;
            int[] dirMap = { 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4 };
            bool err;
            DmtxPixelLoc beforeStep, afterStep;
            DmtxPointFlow flow, flowNext;
            DmtxPixelLoc loc0;
            int xStep, yStep;

            loc0 = line.Loc;
            flow = GetPointFlow(reg.FlowBegin.Plane, loc0, DmtxConstants.DmtxNeighborNone);
            distSqMax = (line.XDelta * line.XDelta) + (line.YDelta * line.YDelta);
            steps = 0;
            onEdge = true;

            beforeStep = loc0;
            int beforeCacheIndex = DecodeGetCache(loc0.X, loc0.Y);
            if (beforeCacheIndex == -1)
                return 0;
                _cache[beforeCacheIndex] = 0;

                if (onEdge == true)
                    flowNext = FindStrongestNeighbor(flow, streamDir);
                    if (flowNext.Mag == DmtxConstants.DmtxUndefined)

                    err = (new DmtxBresLine(line)).GetStep(flowNext.Loc, ref travel, ref outward);
                    if (flowNext.Mag < 50 || outward < 0 || (outward == 0 && travel < 0))
                        onEdge = false;
                        line.Step(travel, outward);
                        flow = flowNext;

                if (!onEdge)
                    line.Step(1, 0);
                    flow = GetPointFlow(reg.FlowBegin.Plane, line.Loc, DmtxConstants.DmtxNeighborNone);
                    if (flow.Mag > 50)
                        onEdge = true;

                afterStep = line.Loc;
                int afterCacheIndex = DecodeGetCache(afterStep.X, afterStep.Y);
                if (afterCacheIndex == -1)

                /* Determine step direction using pure magic */
                xStep = afterStep.X - beforeStep.X;
                yStep = afterStep.Y - beforeStep.Y;
                if (Math.Abs(xStep) > 1 || Math.Abs(yStep) > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid step directions!");
                stepDir = dirMap[3 * yStep + xStep + 4];

                if (stepDir == 8)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid step direction!");
                if (streamDir < 0)
                    this._cache[beforeCacheIndex] |= (byte)(0x40 | stepDir);
                    this._cache[afterCacheIndex] = (byte)(((stepDir + 4) % 8) << 3);
                    this._cache[beforeCacheIndex] |= (byte)(0x40 | (stepDir << 3));
                    this._cache[afterCacheIndex] = (byte)((stepDir + 4) % 8);

                /* Guaranteed to have taken one step since top of loop */
                xDiff = line.Loc.X - loc0.X;
                yDiff = line.Loc.Y - loc0.Y;
                distSq = (xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff);

                beforeStep = line.Loc;
                beforeCacheIndex = afterCacheIndex;

            } while (distSq < distSqMax);

            return steps;