Exemple #1
        protected override void Cast(Event @event, Ray ray, out Vector3 position, out string error, out Plane plane)
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                position = hit.point;
                plane    = new Plane(hit.normal, hit.point);
                error    = null;
                error    = BGSceneViewOverlay.ToError("No mesh (or collider) to snap a point to!") + " \r\n Use Ctrl+Shift+Click to spawn a point at the distance,\r\n which is set in settings";
                position = ray.GetPoint(10);
                plane    = new Plane();
        protected override void Cast(Event @event, Ray ray, out Vector3 position, out string error, out Plane plane)
            var curve = overlay.Editor.Curve;

            Get2DPlane(out plane, curve);

            float distance;
            if (!plane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                error = BGSceneViewOverlay.ToError("Curve is in 2D mode! \r\n Curve's plane does not intersect with the current point.") +
                        "\r\nUse Ctrl+Shift+Click to spawn a point at the distance,\r\n which is set in settings";

                position = ray.GetPoint(10);
                error = null;
                position = ray.GetPoint(distance);