Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor in charge to initialise the menu components, and all its variables required.
        /// This approach is inspired in a basic implementation of Model-View-Controller framework.
        /// The view (or user interface) is stored in a separate file with the SAME name, with different extension (.txt)
        /// The process consists on 4 steps:
        /// 1. Read the View File: To initialise the interface layout and its attributes
        /// 2. Load Body attributes: Brigde to connect the interface intormation with object attributes
        /// 3. Draw the content layout: All the layout is stored in dom variable.
        /// </summary>
        public View()
            // Finding the view layout through relative path.
            string relativefilePath = string.Format(@"..\..\..\Views\{0}.txt", this.GetType().Name);

            if (!File.Exists(relativefilePath))
                throw new Exception(string.Format(@"View '{0}' layout not found. ", this.GetType().Name));

            // Reading the view template at once
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(relativefilePath);

            // Verifying the content. At least the file must contain 2 rows.
            // Further validations in process
            if (lines.Length < 1)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(@"View '{0}' layout does not contain the appropiate format. ", this.GetType().Name));

            // -- Reading the content --

            // -- Row 1: Header, Subheader, and footer
            string[] titlesArray = lines[0].Split("||");
            if (lines.Length < 2)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(@"Header, Subheader, and footer are required in '{0}' layout. It does not contain the appropiate format. ", this.GetType().Name));

            // Getting each pair attribure/value.
            string[] headerArray    = titlesArray[0].Split(':');
            string[] subheaderArray = titlesArray[1].Split(':');
            string[] footerArray    = titlesArray[2].Split(':');

            // Verifying the dimension of each array
            string header    = headerArray[1];
            string subheader = subheaderArray[1];
            string footer    = footerArray[1];

            // -- Row 2: Body atributes --

            for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)
                BodyParameter bodyParameter = new BodyParameter();

                string[] bodyArray = lines[i].Split("||");
                if (bodyArray.Length < 6)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format(@"ASD ASD ASD are required in '{0}' layout. It does not contain the appropiate format. ", this.GetType().Name));

                string[] paramArray;

                paramArray = bodyArray[0].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.AttributeName = paramArray[1];

                paramArray             = bodyArray[1].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.DataType = paramArray[1];

                paramArray = bodyArray[2].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.MaxLength = int.Parse(paramArray[1]);

                paramArray = bodyArray[3].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.Nulleable = bool.Parse(paramArray[1]);

                paramArray = bodyArray[4].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.RegexValidation = paramArray[1];

                paramArray = bodyArray[5].Split(':');
                bodyParameter.Visualisation = paramArray[1];

                bodyParameter.Value = string.Empty;


                // Based on the attribute parameters, the longest value is recorder to facilitate the view drawing.
                if (lengthLongestAtt < bodyParameter.AttributeName.Length)
                    lengthLongestAtt = bodyParameter.AttributeName.Length;

                if (lengthLongestValue < bodyParameter.MaxLength)
                    lengthLongestValue = bodyParameter.MaxLength;

            // -- Drawing the content --

            // Printing the top border
            Border(BorderType.Top, true);

            // Printing the header
            AlignContent(header, AlignmentType.Center, true);

            // Printing the border between header and subheader (or content when subheader is null)
            Border(BorderType.Div, true);

            if (subheader != "")
                AlignContent(subheader.Split('#'), AlignmentType.Center, true);

            // Printing Margins pre-body //

            // The Row position is stored to keep a reference in special cases when is required to print information
            // For Example, an account is founded, the user information is displayed in the body
            yPosBodyMessage = dom.Count;

            // Minus 5 because those are the footer's rows.
            int bodyMargnis = (viewHeight - bodyParameterList.Count - dom.Count - 5) / 2;

            Border(BorderType.Empty, bodyMargnis, true);

            // Printing Body
            foreach (BodyParameter param in bodyParameterList)
                // Displaying content aligned to left
                AlignContent(string.Format("{0}{1}", param.AttributeName,
                                           string.Format(":").PadLeft(lengthLongestAtt - param.AttributeName.Length + 1, ' '))
                             , AlignmentType.Left, true);

                // As DOM is a copy of the information in console, the position of character ':' is stored
                // to know exactly where is the x,y location of each attribute.
                param.X = dom[dom.Count - 1].IndexOf(':') + 2;
                param.Y = dom.Count - 1;

            // Printing Margins post-body
            Border(BorderType.Empty, bodyMargnis, true);

            // Printing the border between body and control footer
            Border(BorderType.Div, true);
            // Footer

            yPosControlMessage = dom.Count;
            Border(BorderType.Empty, true);
            Border(BorderType.Empty, true);
            AlignContent("↑↓: Select Item        Enter: Select         Esc: Quit/Escape", AlignmentType.Center, true);
            Border(BorderType.Bottom, true);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// CORE METHOD: Method in charge to handle the user inputs. Its purpose is to validate whether
        /// the user input is a control key such us: Up, Down, enter, Esc or a meaningful character.
        /// All the interfaces share almost the same approach: A user fills the form. Then, the information is
        /// validated, and if everything is correct, all the parameters are updated to the object. Otherwise,
        /// an error message is displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool VerifylInputs()
            ConsoleKeyInfo usrInput;
            int            currentParameterPosition = 0;

            // Setting the Console cursor in the first body parameter location.
            BodyParameter currentParameter = this.bodyParameterList[currentParameterPosition];

            Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X + currentParameter.Value.Length, currentParameter.Y);

                usrInput = Console.ReadKey(true);

                // Verifying if the user input is an special content or just information
                if ((int)usrInput.KeyChar < 32)
                    // SPECIAL CONTROL CHARACTERS

                    // ENTER: All the information must be validated
                    if (usrInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                        // Veryfing if the body parametes could be nullable
                        if (this.VerifyBodyParameters() == true)
                            // Returning the cursor to the same position, before the user press enter
                            Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X + currentParameter.Value.Length, currentParameter.Y);
                        // UP
                        if (usrInput.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow && currentParameterPosition - 1 >= 0)
                            currentParameterPosition -= 1;
                            currentParameter          = this.bodyParameterList[currentParameterPosition];
                        // DOWN
                        else if ((usrInput.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow || usrInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Tab) && currentParameterPosition + 1 < this.bodyParameterList.Count)
                            currentParameterPosition += 1;
                            currentParameter          = this.bodyParameterList[currentParameterPosition];
                        // BACKSPACE
                        else if (usrInput.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && currentParameter.Value.Length > 0)
                            currentParameter.Value = currentParameter.Value.Substring(0, currentParameter.Value.Length - 1);

                        Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X, currentParameter.Y);
                        Console.Write(string.Format(" ").PadLeft(viewMargin + viewWidth - currentParameter.X - 1, ' '));
                        Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X, currentParameter.Y);

                        if (currentParameter.Visualisation == "Plain")
                        else if (currentParameter.Value.Length > 0)
                            Console.Write(string.Format("*").PadLeft(currentParameter.Value.Length, '*'));
                else if (currentParameter.Value.Length < currentParameter.MaxLength)
                    // SIMPLE CHARACTERS

                    currentParameter.Value += usrInput.KeyChar.ToString();

                    Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X, currentParameter.Y);
                    Console.Write(string.Format(" ").PadLeft(viewMargin + viewWidth - currentParameter.X - 1, ' '));
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X, currentParameter.Y);

                    if (currentParameter.Visualisation == "Plain")
                    else if (currentParameter.Value.Length > 0)
                        Console.Write(string.Format("*").PadLeft(currentParameter.Value.Length, '*'));

                Console.SetCursorPosition(currentParameter.X, currentParameter.Y);

                if (currentParameter.Visualisation == "Plain")
                else if (currentParameter.Value.Length > 0)
                    Console.Write(string.Format("*").PadLeft(currentParameter.Value.Length, '*'));

                // Verifying until user press ESC
            } while (usrInput.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);