static void Main() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42)); // Create an instances of the new accounts DepositAccount depositAcc = new DepositAccount(CustomerType.Individual, "Gaius Julius Caesar", 3750, 5); LoanAccount loanAccInd = new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Individual, "King Leonidas", 5700, 4); LoanAccount loanAccComp = new LoanAccount(CustomerType.Company, "Naglite Corp.", 67879, 3); MortgageAccount mortgageAcc = new MortgageAccount(CustomerType.Company, "Talasumi Ltd.", 3700, 4); // Testing of the Deposit Account, Custumer Type - Individual Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: {0}\nCustomer Type: {1}", depositAcc.Customer, depositAcc.CustomerType); Console.WriteLine("Deposit balance is: {0}", depositAcc.Balance); depositAcc.DepositMoney(3000); Console.WriteLine("After depositing of 3000 the balance is: {0}", depositAcc.Balance); Console.WriteLine("Deposit balance is: {0}", depositAcc.Balance); depositAcc.WithdrawMoney(1000); Console.WriteLine("After withdrawing 1000 the balance is: {0}", depositAcc.Balance); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42)); // Testing of the Loan Account, Custumer Type - Individual Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: {0}\nCustomer Type: {1}", loanAccInd.Customer, loanAccInd.CustomerType); Console.WriteLine("Deposit balance is: {0}", loanAccInd.Balance); loanAccInd.DepositMoney(1000); Console.WriteLine("After deposition of 1000 balance is: {0}", loanAccInd.Balance); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42)); // Testing of the Loan Account, Custumer Type - Company Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: {0}\nCustomer Type: {1}", loanAccComp.Customer, loanAccComp.CustomerType); Console.WriteLine("Deposit balance is: {0}", loanAccComp.Balance); loanAccComp.DepositMoney(7500); Console.WriteLine("After deposition of 7500 balance is: {0}", loanAccComp.Balance); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42)); // Testing the Interest Amount Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Interest Ammount of the accounts for 18 months: \n{0}: {1} \n{2}: {3} \n{4}: {5}", depositAcc.Customer, depositAcc.InterestAmount(18), loanAccInd.Customer, loanAccInd.InterestAmount(18), loanAccComp.Customer, loanAccComp.InterestAmount(18), mortgageAcc.Customer, mortgageAcc.InterestAmount(18)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 42)); }
public static void Main() { ICustomer gosho = new IndividualCustomer("Georgi Georgiev"); ICustomer myCompany = new CompanyCustomer("My Company Ltd."); IAccount mortAccInd = new MortgageAccount(gosho, 924m, 2.4m); IAccount mortgageAccComp = new MortgageAccount(myCompany, 888m, 7.4m); IAccount loanAccInd = new LoanAccount(gosho, 2048m, 4.5m); IAccount loanAccComp = new LoanAccount(myCompany, 512m, 6.0m); IAccount depositAccIndBig = new DepositAccount(gosho, 888, 6.6m); IAccount depositAccIndSmall = new DepositAccount(gosho, 1111m, 7.9m); IAccount depositAccComp = new DepositAccount(myCompany, 50326m, 4.9m); List<IAccount> accounts = new List<IAccount>() { mortAccInd, mortgageAccComp, loanAccInd, loanAccComp, depositAccIndBig, depositAccIndSmall, depositAccComp }; foreach (var acc in accounts) { Console.WriteLine( "{5} {0,-15}: {1:N2}, {2:N2}, {3:N2}, {4:N2}", acc.GetType().Name, acc.CalculateRate(2), acc.CalculateRate(3), acc.CalculateRate(10), acc.CalculateRate(13), acc.Customer.GetType().Name); } }
public static void Main() { ICustomer pesho = new IndividualCustomer("Petar Petrov"); ICustomer agroCompany = new CompanyCustomer("Agro Company Ltd."); IAccount mortgageAccInd = new MortgageAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount mortgageAccComp = new MortgageAccount(agroCompany, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount loanAccInd = new LoanAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount loanAccComp = new LoanAccount(agroCompany, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccIndBig = new DepositAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccIndSmall = new DepositAccount(pesho, 999m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccComp = new DepositAccount(agroCompany, 11024m, 4.3m); List<IAccount> accounts = new List<IAccount>() { mortgageAccInd, mortgageAccComp, loanAccInd, loanAccComp, depositAccIndBig, depositAccIndSmall, depositAccComp }; foreach (var acc in accounts) { Console.WriteLine( "{5} {0,-15}: {1:N2}, {2:N2}, {3:N2}, {4:N2}", acc.GetType().Name, acc.CalculateRate(2), acc.CalculateRate(3), acc.CalculateRate(10), acc.CalculateRate(13), acc.Customer.GetType().Name); } }
public static void Main() { ICustomer pesho = new IndividualCustomer("Petar Petrov"); ICustomer agroCompany = new CompanyCustomer("Agro Company Ltd."); IAccount mortgageAccInd = new MortgageAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount mortgageAccComp = new MortgageAccount(agroCompany, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount loanAccInd = new LoanAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount loanAccComp = new LoanAccount(agroCompany, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccIndBig = new DepositAccount(pesho, 1024m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccIndSmall = new DepositAccount(pesho, 999m, 5.3m); IAccount depositAccComp = new DepositAccount(agroCompany, 11024m, 4.3m); List <IAccount> accounts = new List <IAccount>() { mortgageAccInd, mortgageAccComp, loanAccInd, loanAccComp, depositAccIndBig, depositAccIndSmall, depositAccComp }; foreach (var acc in accounts) { Console.WriteLine( "{5} {0,-15}: {1:N2}, {2:N2}, {3:N2}, {4:N2}", acc.GetType().Name, acc.CalculateRate(2), acc.CalculateRate(3), acc.CalculateRate(10), acc.CalculateRate(13), acc.Customer.GetType().Name); } }