static void Main(string[] args) { Savings sa1 = new Savings("001", "Faez", 9000); sa1.Deposit(1000); sa1.Withdraw(200); sa1.Deposit(4000); Console.WriteLine(sa1.Balance); Cheking cha1 = new Cheking("001", "Moshiur", 4000); cha1.Deposit(6000); cha1.Withdraw(5000); Console.WriteLine(cha1.NoOfTransition); Savings sa2 = new Savings("004", "Morshed", 6000); sa2.Deposit(8000); sa2.Withdraw(3000); List <Account> anAccounts = new List <Account>(); anAccounts.Add(sa1); anAccounts.Add(cha1); anAccounts.Add(sa2); GetAllAccount(anAccounts); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Deposit() { int indexNum; Console.Write("Enter Account Id: "); string inID = Console.ReadLine(); if (customerId.Contains(inID)) { indexNum = Array.IndexOf(customerId, inID); Console.WriteLine($"Your Balance is {myBalance[indexNum]}"); Console.Write("Enter the amount you want to deposit: "); depositAmount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); if (accType[indexNum] == "Savings") { savings.balance = myBalance[indexNum]; savings.Deposit(depositAmount); myBalance[indexNum] = savings.balance; } else if (accType[indexNum] == "Current") { current.balance = myBalance[indexNum]; current.Deposit(depositAmount); myBalance[indexNum] = current.balance; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter Correct Account id"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Client myClient = new Client(); Checkings myCheckings = new Checkings(); Savings mySavings = new Savings(); List <string> userOption = new List <string>(); string userInput; double amount; userOption.Add("1. View Client Information"); userOption.Add("2. View Account Balance"); userOption.Add("3. Deposit Funds"); userOption.Add("4. Withdraw Funds"); userOption.Add("5. Exit"); do { foreach (string option in userOption) { Console.WriteLine(option); } Console.WriteLine("Enter a number that corressponds to an option: "); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userInput) { case "1": myClient.ClientInfo(userInput); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("A. Checkings Account Balance\n"); Console.WriteLine("B. Savings Account Balance"); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "a") { myCheckings.ViewBalance(userInput); } else if (userInput == "b") { mySavings.ViewBalance(userInput); } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid letter that corresponds to an option!"); } break; case "3": Console.WriteLine("A. To Checkings Account\n"); Console.WriteLine("B. To Savings Account"); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "a") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit?"); myCheckings.Deposits = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); myCheckings.Deposit(myCheckings.Deposits); } else if (userInput == "b") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit?"); amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); mySavings.Deposit(amount); } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid letter that corresponds to an option!"); } break; case "4": Console.WriteLine("A. From Checkings Account?\n"); Console.WriteLine("B. From Savings Account?"); userInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (userInput == "a") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); myCheckings.Withdraw(amount); } else if (userInput == "b") { Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); mySavings.Withdraw(amount); } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid letter that corresponds to an option!"); } break; } }while (userInput != "5"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Client client1 = new Client("\nJohn Francis Donaghy", "123 Broadway Ave., New York, NY", "212-555-0011"); Checking checking = new Checking(5000, 50000); Savings savings = new Savings(50000, 55000); string makeTransaction = "Y"; string makeTransactionAny = makeTransaction.ToUpper(); do { Console.WriteLine("Welcome To Console Bank \nHow can we help you today? "); Console.WriteLine("\n1. View Client Information"); Console.WriteLine("\n2. View Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("\n3. Deposit Funds"); Console.WriteLine("\n4. Withdraw Funds"); Console.WriteLine("\n5. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("\n[Type in number for selection and press ENTER]: "); //1 int userSelect = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (userSelect < 1 || userSelect > 5) { Console.WriteLine("Please select a valid option: "); userSelect = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } if (userSelect == 1) { client1.ClientInfo(); Console.WriteLine(); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } else if (userSelect == 5) { Console.WriteLine("Thanks for banking with us. \n"); Environment.Exit(0); } //2 else if (userSelect == 2) { Console.WriteLine("\n1. Checking \n2. Savings \n[Type in number for selection and press ENTER]: "); int userSub1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userSub1 == 1) { Console.WriteLine("\nYour balance is: $" + checking.GetCheckBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } else if (userSub1 == 2) { Console.WriteLine("\nYour balance is: $" + savings.GetSavBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } } //3 else if (userSelect == 3) { Console.WriteLine("\nWhich account? \n1. Checking \n2. Savings \n[Type in number for selection and press ENTER]: "); int userResponse03 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userResponse03 == 1) { Console.WriteLine("\nTotal to deposit into checking: "); double checkDeposit = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); checking.Deposit(checkDeposit); Console.WriteLine("\nNew checking balance: $" + checking.GetCheckBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } else if (userResponse03 == 2) { Console.WriteLine("\nTotal to deposit into savings: "); double depositSavings = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); savings.Deposit(depositSavings); Console.WriteLine("\nNew savings balance: $" + savings.GetSavBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } } //4 else if (userSelect == 4) { Console.WriteLine("\nWhich account? \n1. Checking \n2. Savings \n[Type in number for selection and press ENTER]: "); int userResponse04 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userResponse04 == 1) { Console.WriteLine("\nTotal withdrawl from checking: "); double withdrawlChecking = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); checking.Withdrawl(withdrawlChecking); Console.WriteLine("\nNew checking balance: $" + checking.GetCheckBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } else if (userResponse04 == 2) { Console.WriteLine("\nTotal withdrawl from savings: "); double withdrawlSavings = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); savings.Withdrawl(withdrawlSavings); Console.WriteLine("\nNew savings balance: $" + savings.GetSavBal().ToString("N2")); makeTransactionAny = Transaction(); Console.Clear(); } //5 else if (userSelect == 5) { Console.WriteLine("\nThanks for banking with Console Bank! \nHave a nice day."); Environment.Exit(0); } } } while (makeTransactionAny == "Y"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Declaring the global variables I'll be using for the program class int topMenu; char subMenu; //instantiating 3 classes Client user = new Client("JJax12345", "Joe Jackson", 2, "1491721"); Checking checkingAccount = new Checking("741776", 5000.00d); Savings savingsAccount = new Savings("1002119", 2500.00d); //Welcomes user and prompts them to select an option Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Bank of Knox remote account program."); Console.WriteLine("\nCurrently logged in under {0}.", user.UserName); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select an option below via the corresponding number:"); Console.WriteLine(); //main menu do { Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Information"); Console.WriteLine("2. View Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit Funds"); Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw Funds"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); Console.Write("\nWhat would you like to do? "); topMenu = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); if (topMenu == 1) { user.ClientInfo(); Console.WriteLine("Checking account number: {0}", checkingAccount.AccountNumber); Console.WriteLine("Savings account number: {0}", savingsAccount.AccountNumber); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (topMenu == 2) { //sub-menu loop do { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease choose the account you would like to check: "); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("c. Main Menu"); Console.WriteLine(); subMenu = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); if (subMenu == 'a') { checkingAccount.CheckBalance(); } else if (subMenu == 'b') { savingsAccount.CheckBalance(); } else if (subMenu != 'a' && subMenu != 'b' && subMenu != 'c') { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice"); } } while (subMenu != 'c'); } else if (topMenu == 3) { //sub-menu loop do { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease choose the account you would like to deposit funds to: "); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("c. Main Menu"); Console.WriteLine(); subMenu = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); if (subMenu == 'a') { Console.WriteLine("\nHow much would you like to deposit?"); checkingAccount.Deposit(double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); } else if (subMenu == 'b') { Console.WriteLine("\nHow much would you like to deposit?"); savingsAccount.Deposit(double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); } else if (subMenu != 'a' && subMenu != 'b' && subMenu != 'c') { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice"); } } while (subMenu != 'c'); } else if (topMenu == 4) { //sub-menu loop do { Console.WriteLine("\nPlease choose the account you would like to withdraw funds from: "); Console.WriteLine("a. Checking Account"); Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account"); Console.WriteLine("c. Main Menu"); Console.WriteLine(); subMenu = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); if (subMenu == 'a') { Console.WriteLine("\nHow much would you like to withdraw?"); checkingAccount.Withdrawal(double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); } else if (subMenu == 'b') { Console.WriteLine("\nHow much would you like to withdraw?"); savingsAccount.Withdrawal(double.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); } else if (subMenu != 'a' && subMenu != 'b' && subMenu != 'c') { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice"); } } while (subMenu != 'c'); } else if (topMenu > 5) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid choice."); Console.WriteLine(); } } while (topMenu != 5); Console.WriteLine("\nThank you for banking with us."); Console.WriteLine("\nHave a nice day!"); Console.WriteLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Menu display = new Menu(); display.Greeting(); Client clientInfo = new Client(); clientInfo.AccountName = Console.ReadLine(); clientInfo.AccountAddress = "141 Piletas Arce \nLares, Puerto Rico \n00669"; clientInfo.AccountPhone = "(787)762-1410"; Checking checkingAccount = new Checking(); checkingAccount.AccountNumber = 900785211; checkingAccount.AccountType = "Checking"; checkingAccount.CurrentBalance = 987.33; Savings savingsAccount = new Savings(); savingsAccount.AccountNumber = 900785212; savingsAccount.AccountType = "Savings"; savingsAccount.CurrentBalance = 101.69; int userChoice = 0; double amount; Console.WriteLine( ); display.DisplayHeader(); Console.WriteLine(); do { display.MenuOptions(); Console.Write(" Please select a number of your choice "); userChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); switch (userChoice) { case 1: Console.Write("How much money would you like to deposit to your Checking Account: $"); amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); checkingAccount.Deposit(amount); Console.WriteLine(" Your current checking account balance is now ${0}", " " + checkingAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine(); break; case 2: Console.Write("How much money would you like to deposit to your Savings Account: $"); amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); savingsAccount.Deposit(amount); Console.WriteLine(" Your current savings account balance is now ${0}", " " + savingsAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine(); break; case 3: Console.Write("How much would you like to withdraw from your Checking Account: $"); amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); checkingAccount.Withdrawal(amount); Console.WriteLine(" Your current checking account balance is now ${0}", " " + checkingAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine(); break; case 4: Console.Write("How much money would you like to withdraw from your Savings Account: $"); amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); savingsAccount.Withdrawal(amount); Console.WriteLine(" Your current savings account balance is now ${0}", " " + savingsAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine(); break; case 5: clientInfo.DisplayAccount(clientInfo.AccountName); Console.WriteLine(); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}\t\t\t{2}\t\t\n", checkingAccount.AccountType, checkingAccount.AccountNumber, checkingAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}\t\t\t{2}\t\t\n", savingsAccount.AccountType, savingsAccount.AccountNumber, savingsAccount.CurrentBalance); Console.WriteLine(); break; } } while (userChoice != 7); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for being a valued customer at TreeBank. Have a good day"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Checking spend = new Checking(); Reserve shortTerm = new Reserve(); Savings longTerm = new Savings(); int userChoice = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Gringotts Wizard Bank. Please select an option to continue:"); Console.WriteLine("1. View Wizard Information \n2. View vault balance \n3. Deposit Galleons \n4. Withdraw Galleons \n5. Exit"); userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userChoice == 1) //shows client information { spend.getInformation(); } else if (userChoice == 2) //choose an account balance to view { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a balance to view:\n1.Checking\n2.Reserve\n3.Savings"); int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (option == 1) { spend.getBalance(); } else if (option == 2) { shortTerm.getBalance(); } else if (option == 3) { longTerm.getBalance(); } } else if (userChoice == 3) //deposit funds into a section of account { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the section you wish to deposit funds into:\n1.Checking\n2.Reserve\n3.Savings"); int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (option == 1) { spend.Deposit(); } else if (option == 2) { shortTerm.Deposit(); } else if (option == 3) { longTerm.Deposit(); } } else if (userChoice == 4) //withdraw funds from a section of account { Console.WriteLine("Please choose the section you wish to withdraw funds from: \n1. Checking\n2. Reserve\n3. Savings"); int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (option == 1) { spend.Withdraw(); } else if (option == 2) { shortTerm.Withdraw(); } else if (option == 3) { longTerm.Withdraw(); } } else if (userChoice == 5) //quits the program { Environment.Exit(0); } }while (userChoice < 6 && userChoice > 0); StreamWriter saveAccount = new StreamWriter("..\\..\\..Savings.txt"); using (saveAccount) { saveAccount.WriteLine(u) //trying to get the stream writer to work //don't know if it's meant to go here or into each class } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Savings DGilbertSavings = new Savings("Dan", "Gilbert", "savings", "1029384756", 4700000000); Checking DGilbertChecking = new Checking("Dan", "Gilbert", "checking", "1290347856", 20000000); Reserve DGilbertReserve = new Reserve("Dan", "Gilbert", "reserve", "2109438765", 12500000); while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Hello Dan Gilbert,\n\nPlease choose an account below:\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Checking Account \t[Enter \"1\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Reserve Account \t[Enter \"2\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Savings Account \t[Enter \"3\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Exit \t\t\t[Enter \"0\"]"); int accChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accChoice == 1) { Console.Clear(); DGilbertChecking.DisplayAccountInfo("checking"); Console.WriteLine("Account Summary [Enter \"1\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Deposit \t[Enter \"2\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Withdraw \t[Enter \"3\"]"); int accAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accAction == 1) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(DGilbertChecking.AccountSummary("DGilbertChecking")); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (accAction == 2) { DGilbertChecking.Deposit(); } else if (accAction == 3) { DGilbertChecking.Withdraw(); } } else if (accChoice == 2) { Console.Clear(); DGilbertChecking.DisplayAccountInfo("reserve"); Console.WriteLine("Account Summary [Enter \"1\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Deposit \t[Enter \"2\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Withdraw \t[Enter \"3\"]"); int accAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accAction == 1) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(DGilbertReserve.AccountSummary("DGilbertReserve")); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (accAction == 2) { DGilbertReserve.Deposit(); } else if (accAction == 3) { DGilbertReserve.Withdraw(); } } else if (accChoice == 3) { Console.Clear(); DGilbertChecking.DisplayAccountInfo("savings"); Console.WriteLine("Account Summary [Enter \"1\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Deposit \t[Enter \"2\"]"); Console.WriteLine("Withdraw \t[Enter \"3\"]"); int accAction = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accAction == 1) { Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(DGilbertSavings.AccountSummary("DGilbertSavings")); Console.ReadLine(); } else if (accAction == 2) { DGilbertSavings.Deposit(); } else if (accAction == 3) { DGilbertSavings.Withdraw(); } } else { Environment.Exit(0); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Instantiate all objects Client greg = new Client(); Checking checking = new Checking(1200.00d, 8645); Savings savings = new Savings(500.00d, 8431); //Set up menu options within loop int choice; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Cross Roads Bank. Hello " + greg.ClientName); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Information"); Console.WriteLine("2. View Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit Funds"); Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw Funds"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); Console.WriteLine(); choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (choice != 5) { if (choice == 1) { greg.ClientInformation(); //Displays information } else if (choice == 2) { Accounts.AccountType(); Console.WriteLine(); int accountType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accountType == 1) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(checking.AccountBalance()); //Checking version of this method } else if (accountType == 2) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(savings.AccountBalance()); //Savings version of this method } } else if (choice == 3) { Accounts.AccountType(); Console.WriteLine(); int accountType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accountType == 1) { Console.WriteLine(); checking.Deposit(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (accountType == 2) { Console.WriteLine(); savings.Deposit(); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (choice == 4) { Accounts.AccountType(); Console.WriteLine(); int accountType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (accountType == 1) { Console.WriteLine(); checking.Withdraw(); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (accountType == 2) { Console.WriteLine(); savings.Withdraw(); //Savings version of this method Console.WriteLine(); } } //Reiterate before looping back so user can close Console.WriteLine("\nWhat would you like to do?\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Information"); Console.WriteLine("2. View Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit Funds"); Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw Funds"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); Console.WriteLine(); choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("\nThank you for banking with Cross Roads Bank! Have a nice day."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Instantiate! Client potter = new Client(); Checking check = new Checking(); Savings save = new Savings(); Menu main = new Menu(); float input; //store input numbers string selection; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Gringott's Bank, sir. How may I be of service?"); do { //View Menu main.MainMenu(); selection = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); //store input if (selection == "1") //client info { Console.WriteLine(potter.GetInfo()); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else if (selection == "2") //Acct balance { do { main.AccountMenu(); selection = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (selection == "1") //Show checking balance { Console.WriteLine("Your Checking Account balance is : $" + check.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else if (selection == "2") //show savings balance { Console.WriteLine("Your Savings Account balance is: $" + save.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else { main.ValidationMenu(); } } while (selection != "1" && selection != "2"); } else if (selection == "3") //Deposit funds { do { main.AccountMenu(); selection = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (selection == "1") //Deposit to checking { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you'd like to deposit."); input = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); check.Deposit(input); Console.WriteLine("Your Checking Account balance is : $" + check.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else if (selection == "2") //Deposit to savings { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you'd like to deposit."); input = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); save.Deposit(input); Console.WriteLine("Your Savings Account balance is: $" + save.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else { main.ValidationMenu(); } } while (selection != "1" && selection != "2"); } else if (selection == "4") //Withdraw funds { do { main.AccountMenu(); selection = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (selection == "1") //Withdraw from checking { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you'd like to withdraw."); input = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); check.Withdraw(input); Console.WriteLine("Your Checking Account balance is : $" + check.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else if (selection == "2") //Withdraw from savings { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the amount you'd like to withdraw."); input = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); save.Withdraw(input); Console.WriteLine("Your Savings Account balance is: $" + save.acctBalance); Console.WriteLine("\nCan I do anything else for you, sir?\n"); } else { main.ValidationMenu(); } } while (selection != "1" && selection != "2"); } } while (selection != "5"); { Console.WriteLine("Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Potter."); Environment.Exit(5); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Client bill = new Client("Bill Johnson", "3118 Billy Bridge Ln", "216-376-9806"); Savings savings = new Savings(1482306325, 5000.00, "Savings Account"); Checking checking = new Checking(1482306324, 150000.00, "Checking Account"); //View Client Information //View Account Balance //Checking Account Balance //Savings Account Balance //Deposit Funds //To Checking Account //To Savings Account //Withdraw Funds //From Checking Account //From Savings Account //Exit Console.WriteLine(" Welcome to Low Point Bank\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please select a menu option below\n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Check Balance"); Console.WriteLine("2. Deposit Cash"); Console.WriteLine("3. Withdraw Cash"); Console.WriteLine("4. View Account Information"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit\n"); int selection; selection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //Must instantiate one client object // Must instantiate one checking account object //Must instantiate one savings account object // All menu options listed above must have functionality behind them // Program should run until user selects 'Exit' if (selection == 1) { string balance; Console.WriteLine("Which Account Balance do you want to view? \n"); Console.WriteLine("1-1. Checking Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("1-2. Savings Account Balance"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter your selection: "); balance = Console.ReadLine(); if (balance == "1") { Checking checkingBalance = new Checking(1482306324, 150000.00, "Checking"); Console.WriteLine("Your Checking Account Balance is" + checkingBalance); //lost on how to retrieve balances } if (balance == "2") { Savings savingsBalance = new Savings(1482306325, 5000.00, "Savings"); Console.WriteLine("Your Savings Account Balance is " + savingsBalance); } else if (selection == 2) { string deposit; Console.WriteLine("Which Account do you want to deposit cash? \n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Checking"); Console.WriteLine("2. Savings"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter selection: "); deposit = Console.ReadLine(); if (deposit == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Enter your deposit amount: \t$"); double checkingDeposit = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); checking.Deposit(); } if (deposit == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Enter your deposit amount: \t$"); double savingsDeposit = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); savings.Deposit(); } else if (selection == 3) { string withdraw; Console.WriteLine("Which Account do you want to withdraw from? \n"); Console.WriteLine("1. Checking"); Console.WriteLine("2. Savings"); Console.WriteLine("Please enter selection: "); withdraw = Console.ReadLine(); if (withdraw == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Enter your withdraw amount: "); double checkingWithdraw = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } if (withdraw == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Enter withdraw amount: "); double savingsWithdraw = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (selection == 4) { Console.WriteLine("Client Information" + bill); } else if (selection == 5) { return; } } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Instantiated Client,Checking,Saving Client JerrySeinfeld = new Client(); Checking SeinfeldChecking1 = new Checking(); Savings SeinfeldSavings1 = new Savings(); //Accounts string choice1; string choice2; double deposit; double withdraw; //do { //Welcome User Console.WriteLine("Welocme to Kramerica Bank"); Console.WriteLine("Please make a selection"); Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Informtion\n 2. View Account Balance\n 3. Deposit Funds \n 4. Withdraw Funds\n 5. Exit"); Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a selection"); choice1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); // Display User info if (choice1 == "1") { JerrySeinfeld.CustomerInfo(); Console.Write("Please hit the enter key after selection"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } //Check Account Balances if (choice1 == "2") { do { Console.WriteLine("1.Checking Balance\n2. Savings Balance\n3. Back to Menu\n4.Exit "); choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (choice2 == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Your Checking balance is {0}", SeinfeldChecking1.AccountBalance); } if (choice2 == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Your Savings balance is {0}", SeinfeldSavings1.AccountBalance); } if (choice2 == "3") { break; } if (choice2 == "4") { if (choice1 == "5") { break; } } } while (choice2 != "1" || choice2 != "2" || choice2 != "3" || choice2 != "4"); } //Deposit Funds if (choice1 == "3") { do { Console.WriteLine("Which Account would like to deposit?\n 1.Checking\n 2. Savings \n 3.back\n 4. Exit "); choice1 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); { Console.WriteLine("How much to deposit"); deposit = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); SeinfeldChecking1.AccountBalance = SeinfeldChecking1.Deposit(deposit); Console.WriteLine("Your balance is now {0}", SeinfeldChecking1.AccountBalance); Console.WriteLine("Enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); { Console.WriteLine("How much to deposit?"); deposit = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); SeinfeldChecking1.AccountBalance = SeinfeldSavings1.Deposit(deposit); Console.WriteLine("Your balance is now {0}", SeinfeldSavings1.AccountBalance); Console.WriteLine("Enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } { break; } if (choice2 == "4") { break; } } while (choice2 != "1" || choice2 != "2" || choice2 != "3" || choice2 != "4") { ; } //Allow for Withdrawals if (choice1 == "4") { do { Console.WriteLine("Which account to withdraw?\n 1. Checking\n 2. Savings\n 3. Back\n 4.Exit "); choice2 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (choice2 == "1") { Console.WriteLine("How much to withdraw?"); withdraw = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); SeinfeldChecking1.Withdraw(withdraw); Console.WriteLine("New balalance is {0}", SeinfeldChecking1.AccountBalance); Console.WriteLine("enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } if (choice2 == "2") { Console.WriteLine("How much to withdraw?"); withdraw = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (withdraw > SeinfeldSavings1.AccountBalance) { Console.WriteLine("insufficient funds"); Console.WriteLine("enter"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); break; } SeinfeldSavings1.AccountBalance = SeinfeldSavings1.Withdraw(withdraw); Console.WriteLine("new balance is {0}", SeinfeldSavings1.AccountBalance); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); } if (choice2 == "3") { break; } if (choice2 == "4") { break; } { if (choice1 == "5") { ; } } } while (choice2 != "1" || choice2 != "2" || choice2 != "3" || choice2 != "4"); } } while (choice1 != "5"); } } }