Exemple #1
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(@"Hello! Welcome to Pierre's Bakery. We have a few choice items for sale:
Bread  $5   Sale: buy 2 get 1 free!
Pastry $2   Sale: buy 3 for $5", Color.Pink);

            //Collect data from user and get prices for entered values
            Console.WriteLine("How much bread would you like to purchase?");
            string bString = Console.ReadLine();

            if (!float.TryParse(bString, out float bFloat))
                bFloat = 0;
            Bread bread = new Bread(bFloat);

            Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like?");
            string pString = Console.ReadLine();

            if (!float.TryParse(pString, out float pFloat))
                pFloat = 0;
            Pastry pastry = new Pastry(pFloat);

            //Convert prices into various floats for display purposes in a console receipt
            float subTotal = bread.bPrice() + pastry.pPrice();
            float saleTax = subTotal * 0.07f, saleTotal = saleTax + subTotal, tip = saleTotal;

            tip = (float)System.Math.Round(saleTotal * .2f, 2);

            //Instantiate Dictionary object with strings and numbers to display
            Dictionary <string, float> receipt = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                { "Pierre's Bakery", 0 },
                { "Candy Lane", 0 },
                { "Seattle Washington", 0 },
                { "1-800-BAKE", 0 },
                { "Bread", bread.bPrice() },
                { "Pastry", pastry.pPrice() },
                { "Subtotal", subTotal },
                { "Tax", saleTax },
                { "Total", saleTotal },
                { "Tip", tip },
                { "Item Count", (bFloat + pFloat) },
                { "THANK YOU", 0 }

            //Loop through Dictionary object and print out elements
            for (int i = 0; i < receipt.Count; i++)
                if (receipt[receipt.Keys.ElementAt(i)] == 0)
                    string a = String.Format("|{0,25}             |", receipt.Keys.ElementAt(i));
                    string a = String.Format("|{0,-10}{1,28:C2}|", receipt.Keys.ElementAt(i), receipt[receipt.Keys.ElementAt(i)]);