/// <summary>
        /// Find(recursively) the shortest empty place for the new figure angleUL and save it corrdinates in global field
        /// bestRow and bestCol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">the matrix field where the figures are placed</param>
        /// <param name="startRow">row cordinates of the new figure</param>
        /// <param name="startCol">col cordinates of the new figure</param>
        public static void FillAngleUl(Cell[,] matrix, int startRow, int startCol)
            if ((startRow < 1) || (startRow > matrix.GetLength(0) - 1) || (startCol < 1) || (startCol > matrix.GetLength(1) - 1)) //borders of the matrix for angleUL

            if (matrix[startRow, startCol].isVisited) //if cell is visited return
                matrix[startRow, startCol].isVisited = true;

                currentVisitedCells.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>(startRow, startCol));

            if (matrix[startRow, startCol].isFree && matrix[startRow, startCol - 1].isFree && matrix[startRow - 1, startCol].isFree)//if empty place found
                int currenrBestRow = startRow;
                int currentBestCol = startCol;

                int currentLength = Math.Abs(startRow - rowToPlace) + Math.Abs(startCol - colToPlace);

                if (currentLength < bestLength) //fix only if current length is shorter than the shortest(bestLength)
                    bestLength = currentLength;
                    bestRow = currenrBestRow;
                    bestCol = currentBestCol;

            FillAngleUl(matrix, startRow + 1, startCol); //down direction

            FillAngleUl(matrix, startRow - 1, startCol); //up direction

            FillAngleUl(matrix, startRow, startCol - 1); //left direction

            FillAngleUl(matrix, startRow, startCol + 1); //right direction
 public static void FillCellMatrix(Cell[,] matrix)
     for (int i = 0, len = matrix.GetLength(0); i < len; i += 1)
         for (int j = 0; j < len; j += 1)
             matrix[i, j] = new Cell();