//public void UpdateRecharge(Recharge recharge) //{ // SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", recharge.Id), // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@english_name", 50, recharge.EnglishName), // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@chinese_name", 50, recharge.ChineseName), // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@code", 50, recharge.Code), // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@state",SqlDbType.TinyInt, recharge.State) // }; // string sql = "UPDATE recharges SET english_name = @english_name, chinese_name = @chinese_name, code = @code, state = @state WHERE id = @id"; // SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, param); //} //public void DeleteRechargeById(int id) //{ // SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { // SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", id) // }; // string sql = "DELETE FROM recharges WHERE id = @id"; // SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, param); //} public void DeleteRechargeById(int id) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", id) }; string sql = "UPDATE recharges SET is_delete = 1 WHERE id = @id"; SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sql, param); Recharge recharge = new RechargeDAL().GetRechargeById(id); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); decimal balance = client.Balance - recharge.Money; client.Balance = balance; new ClientDAL().UpdateClientBalance(client); }
public Order GetOrderById(int id) { Order order = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", id) }; string sql = "SELECT id, client_id, encode, status, costs, receive_date, create_time, remark, is_mail_send, audit_user_id, audit_time, check_user_id, check_time, reason, to_username, to_phone, to_email, to_city, to_country, to_address, to_postcode, self_costs FROM orders WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.Encode = dr.GetString(2); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(3)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(4); if (!dr.IsDBNull(5)) { order.ReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(5); } order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); order.Remark = dr.GetString(7); order.IsMailSend = dr.GetBoolean(8); if (!dr.IsDBNull(9)) { order.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(9); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { order.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { order.CheckUserId = dr.GetInt32(11); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(12)) { order.CheckTime = dr.GetDateTime(12); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(13)) { order.Reason = dr.GetString(13); } order.ToUsername = dr.GetString(14); order.ToPhone = dr.GetString(14); order.ToEmail = dr.GetString(16); order.ToCity = dr.GetString(17); order.ToCountry = dr.GetString(18); order.ToAddress = dr.GetString(19); order.ToPostcode = dr.GetString(20); order.SelfCosts = dr.GetDecimal(21); } } return order; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Order> GetAuditOrderByCompIdConsignTypeAndEncode(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int compId, int consignType, string encode) { PaginationQueryResult<Order> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Order>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@company_id", compId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@encode", 50, encode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@status", SqlDbType.TinyInt, (byte)OrderStatus.WAIT_AUDIT) }; string sql = ""; switch (consignType) { case 1: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, company_id, company_name, user_id, encode, status, costs, receive_date, type, create_time, calculate_type, receive_type, create_user_id, receive_user_id, remark FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND company_id = @company_id AND status = @status AND encode = @encode"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND company_id = @company_id AND status = @status AND encode = @encode ORDER BY id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE company_id = @company_id AND status = @status AND encode = @encode"; break; case 2: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " OS.id, OS.client_id, OS.company_id, OS.company_name, OS.user_id, OS.encode, OS.status, OS.costs, OS.receive_date, OS.type, OS.create_time, OS.calculate_type, OS.receive_type, OS.create_user_id, OS.receive_user_id, OS.remark, CS.balance FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OS.id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OS.id FROM orders WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs ORDER BY OS.id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY OS.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs"; break; case 3: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " OS.id, OS.client_id, OS.company_id, OS.company_name, OS.user_id, OS.encode, OS.status, OS.costs, OS.receive_date, OS.type, OS.create_time, OS.calculate_type, OS.receive_type, OS.create_user_id, OS.receive_user_id, OS.remark, CS.balance FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OS.id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OS.id FROM orders WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs ORDER BY OS.id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY OS.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.company_id = @company_id AND OS.status = @status AND OS.encode = @encode AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs"; break; } using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Order order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(2); order.CompanyName = dr.GetString(3); if (!dr.IsDBNull(4)) { order.UserId = dr.GetInt32(4); } order.Encode = dr.GetString(5); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(6)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(7); if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { order.ReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(8); } order.Type = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderType(dr.GetByte(9)); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(10); order.CalculateType = dr.GetInt32(11); order.ReceiveType = dr.GetString(12); if (!dr.IsDBNull(13)) { User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(13)); order.CreateUser = user; } if (!dr.IsDBNull(14)) { order.ReceiveUserId = dr.GetInt32(14); } order.Remark = dr.GetString(15); result.Results.Add(order); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Quote> GetQuoteByCompanyId(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int compId) { PaginationQueryResult<Quote> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Quote>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@company_id", compId) }; string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, encode, client_id, company_id, company_name, status, quote_time, user_id, create_time, remark, audit_user_id, audit_time FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 "; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM ( SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 ORDER BY ID DESC)AS Q) "; } sql += " ORDER BY ID DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 "; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Quote quote = new Quote(); quote.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); quote.Encode = dr.GetString(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); quote.Client = client; quote.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(3); quote.CompanyName = dr.GetString(4); quote.Status = dr.GetBoolean(5); quote.QuoteTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(7)); quote.User = user; quote.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(8); quote.Remark = dr.GetString(9); if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { quote.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { quote.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(11); } result.Results.Add(quote); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public Quote GetQuoteById(int id) { Quote quote = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", id) }; string sql = "SELECT id, encode, client_id, company_id, company_name, status, quote_time, user_id, create_time, remark, audit_user_id, audit_time FROM quote WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { quote = new Quote(); quote.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); quote.Encode = dr.GetString(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); quote.Client = client; quote.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(3); quote.CompanyName = dr.GetString(4); quote.Status = dr.GetBoolean(5); quote.QuoteTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(7)); quote.User = user; quote.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(8); quote.Remark = dr.GetString(9); if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { quote.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { quote.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(11); } } } return quote; }
public Recharge GetRechargeById(int id) { Recharge recharge = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@id", id) }; string sql = "SELECT id, client_id, encode, money, account, receive_time, create_time, user_id, currency_type, remark, paid, exchange_rate, invoice FROM recharges WHERE id = @id"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); recharge.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); recharge.ClientName = client.RealName; recharge.Encode = dr.GetString(2); recharge.Money = dr.GetDecimal(3); recharge.Account = dr.GetString(4); recharge.ReceiveTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); recharge.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); recharge.UserId = dr.GetInt32(7); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(recharge.UserId); recharge.UserName = user.RealName; recharge.CurrencyType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToCurrencyType(dr.GetByte(8)); recharge.Remark = dr.GetString(9); recharge.Paid = dr.GetDecimal(10); recharge.ExchangeRate = dr.GetDecimal(11); recharge.Invoice = dr.GetString(12); } } return recharge; }
public List<SearchOrder> GetReceiveOrderStatistic(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int clientId, string carrierEncode) { List<SearchOrder> result = new List<SearchOrder>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@carrier_encode", 50, carrierEncode) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if(startDate<= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.carrier_encode = @carrier_encode"; } string sql = "SELECT O.client_id, SUM(OD.weight) AS weight, SUM(count) AS conunt, SUM(total_costs) AS costs FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) "+sqlParam+" GROUP BY O.client_id"; using(SqlDataReader dr=SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while(dr.Read()) { SearchOrder so=new SearchOrder(); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(0)); so.Client = client; so.TotalWeight=dr.GetDecimal(1); so.TotalCount=dr.GetInt32(2); so.TotalCost=dr.GetDecimal(3); result.Add(so); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<ReceivedDeducted> GetReceivedDeductedByParameter(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int compId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@company_id", compId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate) }; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); string sqlParam = " "; if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } PaginationQueryResult<ReceivedDeducted> result = new PaginationQueryResult<ReceivedDeducted>(); string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, company_id, client_id, sr_encode, ar_encode, money, create_time, ar_account, ar_user_id FROM received_deducted WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0" + sqlParam; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM received_deducted WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0" + sqlParam + " ORDER BY id DESC) AS R )"; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM received_deducted WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0" + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { ReceivedDeducted rd = new ReceivedDeducted(); rd.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); rd.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new Client(); client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); rd.Client = client; rd.SrEncode = dr.GetString(3); rd.ArEncode = dr.GetString(4); rd.Money = dr.GetDecimal(5); rd.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); rd.ArAccount = dr.GetString(7); rd.ArUserId = dr.GetInt32(8); result.Results.Add(rd); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public List<SearchOrderDetail> GetOrderCostsDetailByParameters(int clientId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string barCode, string remark) { List<SearchOrderDetail> result = new List<SearchOrderDetail>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@bar_code", 50, barCode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@remark", 50, remark) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(barCode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.bar_code = @bar_code"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.remark = @remark"; } string sql = "SELECT O.encode, O.create_time, O.client_id, O.receive_date, OD.carrier_encode, OD.weight AS weight, OD.[count] AS conunt, OD.total_costs AS costs, OD.self_total_costs, OD.create_time, OD.bar_code, OD.to_country, OD.remark, OD.to_username FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) " + sqlParam + " ORDER BY O.id DESC"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrderDetail sod = new SearchOrderDetail(); sod.OrderEncode = dr.GetString(0); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); sod.Client = client; sod.OrderReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(3); sod.CarrierEncode = dr.GetString(4); sod.Weight = dr.GetDecimal(5); sod.Count = dr.GetInt32(6); sod.TotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(7); sod.SelfTotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(8); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); sod.BarCode = dr.GetString(10); sod.ToCountry = dr.GetString(11); sod.Remark = dr.GetString(12); sod.ToUsername = dr.GetString(13); result.Add(sod); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrderDetail> GetOrderCostsPostInfoDetailsByParameters(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int clientId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string barCode, string remark) { PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrderDetail> result = new PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrderDetail>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@bar_code", 50, barCode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@remark", 50, remark) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(barCode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.bar_code = @bar_code"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remark)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.remark = @remark"; } string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " O.encode, O.create_time, O.client_id, O.receive_date, OD.carrier_encode, OD.weight AS weight, OD.[count] AS conunt, OD.total_costs AS costs, OD.self_total_costs, OD.create_time, OD.bar_code, OD.to_country, OD.remark, OD.to_username, OD.last_disposal_time, OD.post_status, OD.is_tracking FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) " + sqlParam; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OD.id <(SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OD.id FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) " + sqlParam + " ORDER BY OD.id DESC) AS O)"; } sql += " ORDER BY OD.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) " + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrderDetail sod = new SearchOrderDetail(); sod.OrderEncode = dr.GetString(0); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); sod.Client = client; sod.OrderReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(3); sod.CarrierEncode = dr.GetString(4); sod.Weight = dr.GetDecimal(5); sod.Count = dr.GetInt32(6); sod.TotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(7); sod.SelfTotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(8); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); sod.BarCode = dr.GetString(10); sod.ToCountry = dr.GetString(11); sod.Remark = dr.GetString(12); sod.ToUsername = dr.GetString(13); if (!dr.IsDBNull(14)) { sod.LastDisposalTime = dr.GetDateTime(14); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(15)) { sod.PostStatus = dr.GetString(15); } sod.IsTracking = dr.GetBoolean(16); result.Results.Add(sod); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public List<ClientRecharge> GetRechargeDetailStatistic(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int companyId, int clientId, int userId, int receiveUserId, string pmIds) { List<ClientRecharge> result = new List<ClientRecharge>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@company_id", companyId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@user_id", userId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@receive_user_id", receiveUserId), }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } if (companyId > 0) { sqlParam += " AND company_id = @company_id"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND client_id = @client_id"; } if (userId > 0) { sqlParam += " AND user_id = @user_id"; } if (receiveUserId > 0) { sqlParam += " AND user_id = @receive_user_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pmIds)) { sqlParam += " AND payment_method_id IN(" + pmIds + ")"; } string sql = "SELECT client_id FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam + " GROUP BY client_id"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { ClientRecharge cr = new ClientRecharge(); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(0)); cr.Client = client; List<Recharge> rechargeResult = new RechargeDAL().GetRechargeStatistic(startDate, endDate, companyId, client.Id, userId, receiveUserId, pmIds); cr.RechargeList = rechargeResult; result.Add(cr); } } return result; }
public Order GetOrderByClientIdEncodeAndStatus(int clientId, string encode, OrderStatus status) { Order order = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@status", SqlDbType.TinyInt, (byte)status), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@encode", 50, encode) }; string sql = "SELECT id, client_id, company_id, company_name, user_id, encode, status, costs, receive_date, type, create_time, calculate_type, receive_type, create_user_id, receive_user_id, remark, is_mail_send, audit_user_id, audit_time, check_user_id, check_time, reason, to_username, to_phone, to_email, to_city, to_country, to_address, to_postcode, self_costs FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id AND encode = @encode AND status = @status"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(2); order.CompanyName = dr.GetString(3); if (!dr.IsDBNull(4)) { order.UserId = dr.GetInt32(4); } order.Encode = dr.GetString(5); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(6)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(7); if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { order.ReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(8); } order.Type = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderType(dr.GetByte(9)); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(10); order.CalculateType = dr.GetInt32(11); order.ReceiveType = dr.GetString(12); if (!dr.IsDBNull(13)) { User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(13)); order.CreateUser = user; } if (!dr.IsDBNull(14)) { order.ReceiveUserId = dr.GetInt32(14); } order.Remark = dr.GetString(15); order.IsMailSend = dr.GetBoolean(16); if (!dr.IsDBNull(17)) { order.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(17); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(18)) { order.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(18); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(19)) { order.CheckUserId = dr.GetInt32(19); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(20)) { order.CheckTime = dr.GetDateTime(20); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(21)) { order.Reason = dr.GetString(21); } order.ToUsername = dr.GetString(22); order.ToPhone = dr.GetString(23); order.ToEmail = dr.GetString(24); order.ToCity = dr.GetString(25); order.ToCountry = dr.GetString(26); order.ToAddress = dr.GetString(27); order.ToPostcode = dr.GetString(28); order.SelfCosts = dr.GetDecimal(29); } } return order; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Order> GetOrderByClientId(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int cId) { PaginationQueryResult<Order> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Order>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", cId) }; string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, company_id, company_name, user_id, encode, status, costs, receive_date, type, create_time, calculate_type, receive_type, create_user_id, receive_user_id, remark, is_mail_send, audit_user_id, audit_time, check_user_id, check_time FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id ORDER BY id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id "; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Order order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(2); order.CompanyName = dr.GetString(3); if (!dr.IsDBNull(4)) { order.UserId = dr.GetInt32(4); } order.Encode = dr.GetString(5); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(6)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(7); if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { order.ReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(8); } order.Type = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderType(dr.GetByte(9)); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(10); order.CalculateType = dr.GetInt32(11); order.ReceiveType = dr.GetString(12); if (!dr.IsDBNull(13)) { User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(13)); order.CreateUser = user; } if (!dr.IsDBNull(14)) { order.ReceiveUserId = dr.GetInt32(14); } order.Remark = dr.GetString(15); order.IsMailSend = dr.GetBoolean(16); if (!dr.IsDBNull(17)) { order.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(17); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(18)) { order.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(18); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(19)) { order.CheckUserId = dr.GetInt32(19); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(20)) { order.CheckTime = dr.GetDateTime(20); } result.Results.Add(order); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Order> GetOrderByStatus(PaginationQueryCondition condition, OrderStatus status) { PaginationQueryResult<Order> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Order>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@status", SqlDbType.TinyInt, (byte)status) }; string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, encode, status, costs, create_time, remark, is_mail_send, audit_user_id, audit_time, check_user_id, check_time, create_time FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND status = @status"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND status = @status ORDER BY id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND status = @status"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Order order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.Encode = dr.GetString(2); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(3)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(4); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); order.Remark = dr.GetString(6); order.IsMailSend = dr.GetBoolean(7); if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { order.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(8); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(9)) { order.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { order.CheckUserId = dr.GetInt32(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { order.CheckTime = dr.GetDateTime(11); } order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(12); result.Results.Add(order); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrder> GetSearchOrderByParameters(PaginationQueryCondition condition, string carrierEncode, int clientId, string encode, string ydEncode, string barCode, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, byte status) { PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrder> result = new PaginationQueryResult<SearchOrder>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@carrier_encode", 50, carrierEncode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@encode", 50, encode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@yd_encode", 50, ydEncode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@bar_code", 50, barCode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@status", SqlDbType.TinyInt, status) }; string sqlParam = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.carrier_encode = @carrier_encode"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(encode)) { sqlParam += " AND O.encode = @encode"; } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ydEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.encode = @yd_encode"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(barCode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.bar_code = @bar_code"; } DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if(startDate<= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (status != 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.status = @status"; } string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " O.id, O.create_time, O.encode, O.client_id, OD.carrier_encode, OD.to_country, OD.to_username, OD.bar_code, OD.id, O.status FROM orders AS O inner JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OD.id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OD.id FROM orders AS O inner JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam + " ORDER BY OD.id DESC) AS R) "; } sql += " ORDER BY OD.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrder so = new SearchOrder(); so.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); so.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(1); so.Encode = dr.GetString(2); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(3)); so.Client = client; if(!dr.IsDBNull(4)) { so.CarrierEncode = dr.GetString(4); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(5)) { so.ToCountry = dr.GetString(5); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(6)) { so.ToUsername = dr.GetString(6); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(7)) { so.BarCode = dr.GetString(7); } so.OrderDetailId = dr.GetInt32(8); so.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(9)); result.Results.Add(so); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public ReceivedDeducted GetReceivedDeductedBySrEncode(string srEncode) { ReceivedDeducted rd = null; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@sr_encode", 50, srEncode) }; string sql = "SELECT id, company_id, client_id, sr_encode, ar_encode, money, create_time, ar_account, ar_user_id FROM received_deducted WHERE sr_encode = @sr_encode"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { rd = new ReceivedDeducted(); rd.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); rd.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new Client(); client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); rd.Client = client; rd.SrEncode = dr.GetString(3); rd.ArEncode = dr.GetString(4); rd.Money = dr.GetDecimal(5); rd.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); rd.ArAccount = dr.GetString(7); rd.ArUserId = dr.GetInt32(8); } } return rd; }
public List<SearchOrderDetail> GetEaduOrderDetailStatistic(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int clientId, string carrierEncode) { List<SearchOrderDetail> result = new List<SearchOrderDetail>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@carrier_encode", 50, carrierEncode) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.carrier_encode = @carrier_encode"; } sqlParam += " ORDER BY OD.carrier_encode DESC,OD.post_status ASC"; string sql = "SELECT O.encode, O.create_time, O.client_id, O.receive_date, OD.carrier_encode, OD.weight AS weight, OD.[count] AS conunt, OD.total_costs AS costs, OD.self_total_costs, OD.create_time, OD.bar_code, OD.to_country, OD.to_username, OD.remark, OD.last_disposal_time, OD.post_status, OD.tracking_time FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) AND OD.carrier_encode IN('CNBJ','CNAM','ZJEMS','BRAM','SHCN') AND OD.bar_code NOT LIKE '%D%CN' AND LEN(OD.bar_code)=13" + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrderDetail sod = new SearchOrderDetail(); sod.OrderEncode = dr.GetString(0); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); sod.Client = client; sod.OrderReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(3); sod.CarrierEncode = dr.GetString(4); sod.Weight = dr.GetDecimal(5); sod.Count = dr.GetInt32(6); sod.TotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(7); sod.SelfTotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(8); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); sod.BarCode = dr.GetString(10); sod.ToCountry = dr.GetString(11); sod.ToUsername = dr.GetString(12); sod.Remark = dr.GetString(13); if (!dr.IsDBNull(14)) { sod.LastDisposalTime = dr.GetDateTime(14); } else { sod.LastDisposalTime = minTime; } if (!dr.IsDBNull(15)) { sod.PostStatus = dr.GetString(15); } else { sod.PostStatus = ""; } if (!dr.IsDBNull(16)) { sod.TrackingTime = dr.GetDateTime(16); } else { sod.TrackingTime = minTime; } result.Add(sod); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> GetRechargeByDate(PaginationQueryCondition condition, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); string sqlTime = ""; if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlTime = " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlTime = " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else { sqlTime = " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate) }; PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Recharge>(); string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, encode, money, account, receive_time, create_time, user_id, currency_type, remark, paid, exchange_rate, invoice FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0" + sqlTime; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 " + sqlTime + " ORDER BY id DESC) AS R )"; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 " + sqlTime; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Recharge recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); recharge.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); recharge.ClientName = client.RealName; recharge.Encode = dr.GetString(2); recharge.Money = dr.GetDecimal(3); recharge.Account = dr.GetString(4); recharge.ReceiveTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); recharge.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); recharge.UserId = dr.GetInt32(7); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(recharge.UserId); recharge.UserName = user.RealName; recharge.CurrencyType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToCurrencyType(dr.GetByte(8)); recharge.Remark = dr.GetString(9); recharge.Paid = dr.GetDecimal(10); recharge.ExchangeRate = dr.GetDecimal(11); recharge.Invoice = dr.GetString(12); result.Results.Add(recharge); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public List<SearchOrderDetail> GetFetchCostsStatistic(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int clientId, string carrierEncode, int userId) { List<SearchOrderDetail> result = new List<SearchOrderDetail>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@carrier_encode", 50, carrierEncode), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@user_id", userId) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND O.create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (userId > 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.user_id = @user_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.carrier_encode = @carrier_encode"; } string sql = "SELECT O.client_id, SUM(OD.fetch_costs), SUM(OD.disposal_costs), SUM(OD.material_costs), SUM(OD.other_costs) FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND O.status IN(4,5) AND OD.fetch_costs > 0 OR OD.disposal_costs > 0 OR OD.material_costs > 0 OR OD.other_costs > 0 " + sqlParam + " GROUP BY O.client_id"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrderDetail sod = new SearchOrderDetail(); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(0)); sod.Client = client; sod.TotalFetchCosts = dr.GetDecimal(1); sod.TotalDisposalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(2); sod.TotalMaterialCosts = dr.GetDecimal(3); sod.TotalOtherCosts = dr.GetDecimal(4); result.Add(sod); } } return result; }
public List<Recharge> GetRechargeStatistic(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int clientId, string pmIds) { List<Recharge> result = new List<Recharge>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pmIds)) { sqlParam += " AND payment_method_id IN(" + pmIds + ")"; } string sql = "SELECT id, client_id, encode, money, account, receive_time, create_time, user_id, currency_type, remark, paid, exchange_rate, invoice FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 "+sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Recharge recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); recharge.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); recharge.ClientName = client.RealName; recharge.Encode = dr.GetString(2); recharge.Money = dr.GetDecimal(3); recharge.Account = dr.GetString(4); recharge.ReceiveTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); recharge.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); recharge.UserId = dr.GetInt32(7); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(recharge.UserId); recharge.UserName = user.RealName; recharge.CurrencyType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToCurrencyType(dr.GetByte(8)); recharge.Remark = dr.GetString(9); recharge.Paid = dr.GetDecimal(10); recharge.ExchangeRate = dr.GetDecimal(11); recharge.Invoice = dr.GetString(12); result.Add(recharge); } } return result; }
public List<SearchOrderDetail> GetNotOnlineOrderDetail(DateTime startDate, int judgeDays, int clientId, string carrierEncode) { List<SearchOrderDetail> result = new List<SearchOrderDetail>(); DateTime judgeDate=startDate.AddDays(-judgeDays); DateTime judgeTime=new DateTime(judgeDate.Year, judgeDate.Month, judgeDate.Day, 23, 59, 59); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@judge_time", judgeTime), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputNVarcharParameter("@carrier_encode", 50, carrierEncode) }; string sqlParam = ""; sqlParam += " AND O.audit_time <= @judge_time"; if (clientId > 0) { sqlParam += " AND O.client_id = @client_id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierEncode)) { sqlParam += " AND OD.carrier_encode = @carrier_encode"; } string sql = "SELECT O.encode, O.create_time, O.client_id, O.receive_date, OD.carrier_encode, OD.weight AS weight, OD.[count] AS conunt, OD.total_costs AS costs, OD.self_total_costs, OD.create_time, OD.bar_code, OD.to_country, OD.to_username, OD.remark FROM orders AS O INNER JOIN order_details AS OD ON O.id = OD.order_id WHERE O.is_delete = 0 AND OD.is_delete = 0 AND OD.bar_code LIKE 'RA%' AND OD.is_tracking = 0 " + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { SearchOrderDetail sod = new SearchOrderDetail(); sod.OrderEncode = dr.GetString(0); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); sod.Client = client; sod.OrderReceiveDate = dr.GetDateTime(3); sod.CarrierEncode = dr.GetString(4); sod.Weight = dr.GetDecimal(5); sod.Count = dr.GetInt32(6); sod.TotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(7); sod.SelfTotalCosts = dr.GetDecimal(8); sod.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); sod.BarCode = dr.GetString(10); sod.ToCountry = dr.GetString(11); sod.ToUsername = dr.GetString(12); sod.Remark = dr.GetString(13); result.Add(sod); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> GetRecharge(PaginationQueryCondition condition) { PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Recharge>(); string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, encode, money, account, receive_time, create_time, user_id, currency_type, remark, paid, exchange_rate, invoice FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 ORDER BY id DESC) AS R )"; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 "; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, null)) { while (dr.Read()) { Recharge recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); recharge.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); recharge.ClientName = client.RealName; recharge.Encode = dr.GetString(2); recharge.Money = dr.GetDecimal(3); recharge.Account = dr.GetString(4); recharge.ReceiveTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); recharge.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); recharge.UserId = dr.GetInt32(7); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(recharge.UserId); recharge.UserName = user.RealName; recharge.CurrencyType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToCurrencyType(dr.GetByte(8)); recharge.Remark = dr.GetString(9); recharge.Paid = dr.GetDecimal(10); recharge.ExchangeRate = dr.GetDecimal(11); recharge.Invoice = dr.GetString(12); result.Results.Add(recharge); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Order> GetOrderByClientIdAndDate(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int clientId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); string sqlTime = ""; if (startDate > minTime && endDate>minTime) { sqlTime = " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlTime = " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else { sqlTime = " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } PaginationQueryResult<Order> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Order>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId) }; string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, encode, status, costs, create_time, remark, is_mail_send, audit_user_id, audit_time, check_user_id, check_time FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id "+sqlTime ; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id "+sqlTime+" ORDER BY id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id "+sqlTime; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Order order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.Encode = dr.GetString(2); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(3)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(4); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); order.Remark = dr.GetString(6); order.IsMailSend = dr.GetBoolean(7); if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { order.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(8); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(9)) { order.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { order.CheckUserId = dr.GetInt32(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { order.CheckTime = dr.GetDateTime(11); } result.Results.Add(order); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Quote> GetQuoteByParameters(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int compId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string strStatus, string keyword) { DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); string sqlParam = ""; bool status = true; if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else if(startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } if (strStatus != "0") { status = bool.Parse(strStatus); if (status) { sqlParam += " AND status = 1"; } else { sqlParam += " AND status = 0"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { sqlParam += " AND client_id IN(SELECT id FROM clients WHERE real_name LIKE '%" + keyword + "%')"; } PaginationQueryResult<Quote> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Quote>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@company_id", compId), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate) }; string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, encode, client_id, company_id, company_name, status, quote_time, user_id, create_time, remark, audit_user_id, audit_time FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM ( SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam + " ORDER BY ID DESC)AS Q) "; } sql += " ORDER BY ID DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM quote WHERE company_id = @company_id AND is_delete = 0 " + sqlParam; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Quote quote = new Quote(); quote.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); quote.Encode = dr.GetString(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(2)); quote.Client = client; quote.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(3); quote.CompanyName = dr.GetString(4); quote.Status = dr.GetBoolean(5); quote.QuoteTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(dr.GetInt32(7)); quote.User = user; quote.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(8); quote.Remark = dr.GetString(9); if (!dr.IsDBNull(10)) { quote.AuditUserId = dr.GetInt32(10); } if (!dr.IsDBNull(11)) { quote.AuditTime = dr.GetDateTime(11); } result.Results.Add(quote); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Order> GetAuditOrderByConsignType(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int consignType) { PaginationQueryResult<Order> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Order>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputParameter("@status", SqlDbType.TinyInt, (byte)OrderStatus.WAIT_AUDIT) }; string sql = ""; switch (consignType) { case 1: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, encode, status, costs, create_time, remark FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND status = @status"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM orders WHERE is_delete = 0 AND status = @status ORDER BY id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE status = @status"; break; case 2: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " OS.id, OS.client_id, OS.encode, OS.status, OS.costs, OS.create_time, OS.remark, CS.balance FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OS.id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OS.id FROM orders WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs ORDER BY OS.id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY OS.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) >= OS.costs"; break; case 3: sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " OS.id, OS.client_id, OS.encode, OS.status, OS.costs, OS.create_time, OS.remark, CS.balance FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND OS.id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " OS.id FROM orders WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs ORDER BY OS.id DESC) AS O) "; } sql += " ORDER BY OS.id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders AS OS INNER JOIN clients AS CS ON OS.client_id = CS.id WHERE OS.is_delete = 0 AND OS.status = @status AND (CS.balance + CS.credit) < OS.costs"; break; } using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Order order = new Order(); order.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(dr.GetInt32(1)); order.Client = client; order.Encode = dr.GetString(2); order.Status = EnumConvertor.ConvertToOrderStatus(dr.GetByte(3)); order.Costs = dr.GetDecimal(4); order.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(5); order.Remark = dr.GetString(6); result.Results.Add(order); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }
public List<ClientOrder> GetClientOrderListByParameters(int clientId, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { List<ClientOrder> result = new List<ClientOrder>(); SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@start_date", startDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputDateTimeParameter("@end_date", endDate), SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId) }; string sqlParam = ""; DateTime minTime = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1); if (startDate > minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date"; } else if (startDate > minTime && endDate <= minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time >= @start_date "; } else if (startDate <= minTime && endDate > minTime) { sqlParam += " AND create_time <= @end_date"; } if (clientId >= 0) { sqlParam += " AND client_id = @client_id"; } string sql = "SELECT id, client_id, client_address_id, real_name, phone, email, postcode, address, remark, create_time, country, city, encode FROM client_orders WHERE 1=1" + sqlParam + " ORDER BY create_time ASC"; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { ClientOrder co = new ClientOrder(); co.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); co.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); co.ClientAddressId = dr.GetInt32(2); co.RealName = dr.GetString(3); co.Phone = dr.GetString(4); co.Email = dr.GetString(5); co.Postcode = dr.GetString(6); co.Address = dr.GetString(7); co.Remark = dr.GetString(8); co.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(9); co.Country = dr.GetString(10); co.City = dr.GetString(11); co.Encode = dr.GetString(12); //ClientAddress ca = new ClientAddress(); //ca = new ClientAddressDAL().GetClientAddressById(co.ClientAddressId); //if (ca != null) //{ // co.PostAddress = ca.Address + ", " + ca.Province; //} //else //{ // co.PostAddress = ""; //} Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(co.ClientId); if (client != null) { Company comp = new CompanyDAL().GetCompanyById(client.CompanyId); if (comp != null) { switch (comp.Name) { case "亿度物流宁波总公司": co.PostAddress = "站前路238 (NB)"; break; case "亿度物流义乌分公司": co.PostAddress = "站前路238 (YW)"; break; case "亿度物流杭州分公司": co.PostAddress = "站前路238 (HZ)"; break; case "亿度物流上海分公司": co.PostAddress = "站前路238 (SH)"; break; case "亿度物流深圳分公司": co.PostAddress = "站前路238 (SZ)"; break; default: co.PostAddress = "站前路238"; break; } } } result.Add(co); } } return result; }
public PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> GetRechargeByClientId(PaginationQueryCondition condition, int clientId) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { SqlUtilities.GenerateInputIntParameter("@client_id", clientId) }; PaginationQueryResult<Recharge> result = new PaginationQueryResult<Recharge>(); string sql = "SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize + " id, client_id, company_id, encode, money, account, receive_time, create_time, user_id, payment_method_id, payment_type, currency_type, remark, paid, exchange_rate, invoice FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id"; if (condition.CurrentPage > 1) { sql += " AND id< (SELECT MIN(id) FROM (SELECT TOP " + condition.PageSize * (condition.CurrentPage - 1) + " id FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id ORDER BY id DESC) AS R )"; } sql += " ORDER BY id DESC; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recharges WHERE is_delete = 0 AND client_id = @client_id "; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql, param)) { while (dr.Read()) { Recharge recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.Id = dr.GetInt32(0); recharge.ClientId = dr.GetInt32(1); Client client = new ClientDAL().GetClientById(recharge.ClientId); recharge.ClientName = client.RealName; recharge.CompanyId = dr.GetInt32(2); recharge.Encode = dr.GetString(3); recharge.Money = dr.GetDecimal(4); recharge.Account = dr.GetString(5); recharge.ReceiveTime = dr.GetDateTime(6); recharge.CreateTime = dr.GetDateTime(7); recharge.UserId = dr.GetInt32(8); User user = new UserDAL().GetUserById(recharge.UserId); recharge.UserName = user.RealName; recharge.PaymentMethodId = dr.GetInt32(9); PaymentMethod pm = new PaymentMethodDAL().GetPaymentMethodById(recharge.PaymentMethodId); recharge.PaymentMethodName = pm.Name; recharge.PaymentType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToPaymentType(dr.GetByte(10)); recharge.CurrencyType = EnumConvertor.ConvertToCurrencyType(dr.GetByte(11)); recharge.Remark = dr.GetString(12); recharge.Paid = dr.GetDecimal(13); recharge.ExchangeRate = dr.GetDecimal(14); recharge.Invoice = dr.GetString(15); result.Results.Add(recharge); } dr.NextResult(); while (dr.Read()) { result.TotalCount = dr.GetInt32(0); } } return result; }