void ShopCodeKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F5) { frmListOfShops fListOfshops = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); fListOfshops.ShowDialog(); if (fListOfshops.SelectedShopCode != "$NONE") { sShopCode = fListOfshops.SelectedShopCode; InputTextBox("SHOP_CODE").Text = sShopCode; LoadSettings(); InputTextBox("SHOP_NAME").Focus(); } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (InputTextBox("SHOP_CODE").Text != "") { sShopCode = InputTextBox("SHOP_CODE").Text; LoadSettings(); InputTextBox("SHOP_NAME").Focus(); } else { this.Close(); } } }
public frmPayForCommissionItem(ref StockEngine sEngine) { // Get the barcode of the commission item frmSingleInputBox fsfiGetCode = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the Barcode of the commission item. Press F5 to look up:", ref sEngine); fsfiGetCode.ShowDialog(); if (fsfiGetCode.Response != "$NONE") { frmSingleInputBox fsfiGetQtySold = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the quantity of items that you are paying for:", ref sEngine); fsfiGetQtySold.ShowDialog(); if (fsfiGetQtySold.Response != "$NONE") { decimal dQtyPaid = -1; try { dQtyPaid = Convert.ToDecimal(fsfiGetQtySold.Response); } catch { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid number entered."); return; } frmSingleInputBox fGetAmount = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the total amount that you paid for the items:", ref sEngine); fGetAmount.ShowDialog(); if (fGetAmount.Response != "$NONE") { decimal dAmountPaid = -1; try { dAmountPaid = Convert.ToDecimal(fGetAmount.Response); } catch { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Invalid amount entered."); return; } frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); flos.ShowDialog(); if (flos.SelectedShopCode != "$NONE") { // Code here to straighten out the stock files if (sEngine.MarkCommissionItemAsPaid(fsfiGetCode.Response, dQtyPaid, dAmountPaid, flos.SelectedShopCode)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(dQtyPaid.ToString() + " " + sEngine.GetMainStockInfo(fsfiGetCode.Response)[1] + " paid for at a total of " + dAmountPaid.ToString()); } else { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unfortunately the items couldn't be paid for. This could be because the total you've ever received is less than the total you're trying to pay for"); } } else { return; } } } } }
public AddMultiBarcodeItem(ref StockEngine sEngine) { frmSingleInputBox fsiGetBarcode = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the barcode for the new multi-barcode item", ref sEngine); fsiGetBarcode.ShowDialog(); if (fsiGetBarcode.Response != "$NONE") { Barcode = fsiGetBarcode.Response; frmSingleInputBox fsiGetDesc = new frmSingleInputBox("Enter the description for the new multi-barcode item", ref sEngine); fsiGetDesc.ShowDialog(); if (fsiGetDesc.Response != "$NONE") { frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); flos.ShowDialog(); frmListOfTills flot = new frmListOfTills(ref sEngine, flos.SelectedShopCode); flot.ShowDialog(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("When the till is free, it will temporarily move to this computer. Enter the number 0 as your ID, and enter the transaction as you would like it to appear when you enter " + fsiGetBarcode.Response + " at the till. Then press the space bar and the till program will quit back to this", "Instructions", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information); sEngine.RunTillSoftware(); string[] sData = sEngine.GetStoredTransactionFromTill(Convert.ToInt32(flot.sSelectedTillCode)); int nOfLines = 0; foreach (string line in sData) { if (line.Contains(',')) { nOfLines++; } } string[] sBarcodes = new string[nOfLines]; decimal[] dQuantities = new decimal[nOfLines]; decimal[] dAmountPerItem = new decimal[nOfLines]; for (int i = 0; i < nOfLines; i++) { string[] sTemp = sData[i].Split(','); sBarcodes[i] = sTemp[0]; dQuantities[i] = Convert.ToDecimal(sTemp[1]); dAmountPerItem[i] = Convert.ToDecimal(sTemp[2]) / dQuantities[i]; } sEngine.AddMultiItemItem(fsiGetBarcode.Response, fsiGetDesc.Response, flos.SelectedShopCode, sBarcodes, dQuantities, dAmountPerItem); if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Upload changes to all tills now?", "Upload?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { sEngine.CopyWaitingFilesToTills(); } } else { Barcode = "$NULL"; } } else { Barcode = "$NULL"; } }
void ShopCodeGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); while (flos.SelectedShopCode == "$NONE" && !bShopSelectOpen) { bShopSelectOpen = true; flos.ShowDialog(); } InputTextBox("SHOPCODE").Text = flos.SelectedShopCode; InputTextBox("ORDERNUM").Focus(); }
void ToKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F5) { frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); flos.ShowDialog(); if (flos.SelectedShopCode != "$NONE") { InputTextBox("TO").Text = flos.SelectedShopCode; InputTextBox("BARCODE").Focus(); } } }
void FromGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!bShowingShops) { bShowingShops = true; frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); while (flos.SelectedShopCode == "$NONE") { flos.ShowDialog(); } InputTextBox("FROM").Text = flos.SelectedShopCode; InputTextBox("TO").Focus(); } }
void ShopCodeGotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InputTextBox("SHOPCODEINPUT").Text.Length == 0 && !bShopCodeOpen) { frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); bShopCodeOpen = true; while (flos.SelectedShopCode == "$NONE") { flos.ShowDialog(); } InputTextBox("SHOPCODEINPUT").Text = flos.SelectedShopCode; InputTextBox("BARCODEINPUT").Focus(); bShopCodeOpen = false; } }
public frmDetailedItemEnquiry(ref StockEngine se, string sItemToShow) { sEngine = se; frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); while (flos.SelectedShopCode == "$NONE") { flos.ShowDialog(); } sShopCode = flos.SelectedShopCode; sBarcode = sItemToShow; sStockStat = sEngine.GetItemStockStaRecord(sBarcode, sShopCode); sMainStock = sEngine.GetMainStockInfo(sBarcode); FillInBlanks(sStockStat); FillInBlanks(sMainStock); SetupForm(); this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(frmDetailedItemEnquiry_Paint); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(frmDetailedItemEnquiry_VisibleChanged); this.Text = "Detailed Item Enquiry"; }
public frmAddEditStaff(ref StockEngine se) { sEngine = se; this.AllowScaling = false; this.Size = new Size(300, 360); frmListOfShops flos = new frmListOfShops(ref sEngine); flos.ShowDialog(); if (flos.SelectedShopCode != "$NONE") { sShopCode = flos.SelectedShopCode; } AddMessage("NUM", "ID Number", new Point(10, 10)); lbNumbers = new CListBox(); lbNumbers.Location = new Point(10, 40); lbNumbers.Size = new Size(75, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbNumbers.Top); lbNumbers.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; lbNumbers.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown); lbNumbers.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelectedChanged); this.Controls.Add(lbNumbers); AddMessage("NAME", "Staff Name", new Point(85, 10)); lbStaff = new CListBox(); lbStaff.Location = new Point(85, 40); lbStaff.Size = new Size(200, this.ClientSize.Height - 10 - lbNumbers.Top); lbStaff.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; lbStaff.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lbKeyDown); lbStaff.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lbSelectedChanged); this.Controls.Add(lbStaff); this.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(frmAddEditStaff_VisibleChanged); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; this.Text = "Edit Staff"; }