/// <summary>
        /// XPath で表現されたロケーションステップから述語 (Predicate) を取り出します。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xpath">
        /// ロケーションステップ
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 述語 (Predicate) のリスト
        /// </returns>
        public static string[] GetPredicates(string xpath)
            // GET Match(es)
            var matches = Regex.Matches(XPathSyntaxParser.GetNodes(xpath)[0], @"\[.*?\]");

            // GET Predicate(s)
            var predicates = matches.Cast <Match>().ToList().ConvertAll(match => match.Value.Substring("[".Length, match.Length - "[]".Length));

            // RETURN
Exemple #2
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Public, Protected Method(s)
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// <inheritdoc cref="HtmlContentCollection.GetNodes(string)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xpath">
        /// <inheritdoc cref="HtmlContentCollection.GetNodes(string)"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <inheritdoc cref="HtmlContentCollection.GetNodes(string)"/>
        /// </returns>
        public override IEnumerable <HtmlContent> GetNodes(string xpath)
            Debug.WriteLine("[START]", DebugInfo.ShortName);
            Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(xpath)} = \"{xpath}\"", DebugInfo.ShortName);

            // Validation (Null Check)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xpath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xpath));

            // Check if target node is Root Node or not
            if (string.Compare(xpath, "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // Target node is Root Node;

                // *************
                //  RETURN this
                // *************
                return(new List <HtmlContent>()

            // Target node is NOT Root Node;

            // GET Nodes
            var nodes = XPathSyntaxParser.GetNodes(xpath);
            Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(xpath)} -> {nameof(nodes)}[{nodes.Length}] {{\"{string.Join("\", \"", nodes)}\"}}", DebugInfo.ShortName);

            // GET Current Node & NEXT Node
            var current = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodes[0]) ? nodes[1] : nodes[0];

            // UPDATE xpath for NEXT Node
            xpath = xpath.Substring((string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodes[0]) ? 1 : 0) + current.Length);

            // Validation (xpath for NEXT Node)
            if (string.Compare(xpath.Trim(), "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // ERROR
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // Validation (Tag Name)
            if (this.TagName != current.Split('[')[0])
                Debug.WriteLine("[END] RETURN Empty", DebugInfo.ShortName);
                // **************
                //  RETURN Empty
                // **************
                return(new List <HtmlContent>());

            // Validation (Check if index is specified for element.)
            if (XPathSyntaxParser.GetIndex(current) > -1)
                // ERROR
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // GET Predicate(s)
            var predicates = XPathSyntaxParser.GetPredicates(current);

            // Check Predicate(s)
            if (predicates.Length > 0)
                // There are some Predicate(s);

                // Check Predicate(s)
                for (int i = 0; i < predicates.Length; i++)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(predicates[i], "^@.+=('.+'|\".+\")$"))
                        // Predicate is specifying attribute;

                        // GET Attribute Name & Value
                        var attrib_name  = predicates[i].Substring("@".Length, predicates[i].IndexOf('='));
                        var attrib_value = predicates[i].Substring(predicates[i].IndexOf('=') + 1);

                        // Validation: Attribute Check
                        if (string.Compare(this.Attributes[attrib_name], attrib_value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                            Debug.WriteLine("[END] RETURN Empty", DebugInfo.ShortName);
                            // **************
                            //  RETURN Empty
                            // **************
                            return(new List <HtmlContent>());
                        // ****************************************
                        //  Predicate is NOT supported expression.
                        // ****************************************

                        // ERROR
                        throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // Check NEXT Node
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xpath))
                // There is NO NEXT Node;

                Debug.WriteLine("[END] RETURN this", DebugInfo.ShortName);
                // *************
                //  RETURN this
                // *************
                return(new List <HtmlContent>()

            // NEXT Node exists;

            Debug.WriteLine($"[END] RETURN this.Contents.GetNode(\"{xpath}\")", DebugInfo.ShortName);
            // ********
            //  RETURN
            // ********
        /// <summary>
        /// このインスタンスから、指定されたノードのコンテンツ (<see cref="HtmlContent"/>) を取り出します。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xpath">
        /// XPath 形式でロケーションパスを指定します。
        /// <note type="important">
        /// 完全な構文 (Unabbreviated Syntax) はサポートしていません。
        /// 省略構文 (Abbreviated Syntax) で指定してください。
        /// </note>
        /// <note type="important">
        /// 軸 (Axes) の指定はサポートしていません。
        /// </note>
        /// <note type="important">
        /// ノードテスト (Node Test) はノードの名前のみをサポートしています。
        /// </note>
        /// <note type="important">
        /// 述語 (Predicate) は <c>[n]</c> および <c>[@&lt;Attribute Name&gt;='&lt;Attribute Value&gt;']</c>
        /// または <c>[@&lt;Attribute Name&gt;="&lt;Attribute Value&gt;"]</c> の形式のみサポートしています。
        /// </note>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 指定されたノードのコンテンツ (<see cref="HtmlContent"/>) のリスト
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable <HtmlContent> GetNodes(string xpath)
            Debug.WriteLine("[START]", DebugInfo.ShortName);
            Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(xpath)} = \"{xpath}\"", DebugInfo.ShortName);

            // Validation (Null Check)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xpath))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(xpath));

            // Check if target node is Root Node or not
            if (string.Compare(xpath, "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // Target node is Root Node;

                Debug.WriteLine("[END] RETURN this", DebugInfo.ShortName);
                // *************
                //  RETURN this
                // *************

            // Target node is NOT Root Node;

            // GET Nodes
            var nodes = XPathSyntaxParser.GetNodes(xpath);
            Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(xpath)} -> {nameof(nodes)}[{nodes.Length}] {{\"{string.Join("\", \"", nodes)}\"}}", DebugInfo.ShortName);

            // GET Current Node & NEXT Node
            var current = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodes[0]) ? nodes[1] : nodes[0];

            // UPDATE xpath for NEXT Node
            xpath = xpath.Substring((string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodes[0]) ? 1 : 0) + current.Length);

            // Validation (xpath for NEXT Node)
            if (string.Compare(xpath.Trim(), "/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // ERROR
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // GET Tag Name
            var tag_name = current.Split('[')[0];

            // Validation
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag_name))
                // ERROR
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // GET Content(s) as List<HtmlContent>
            List <HtmlContent> contents = this.FindAll(content => content.TagName == tag_name);

            // GET Index
            var index = XPathSyntaxParser.GetIndex(current);

            // Validation (Out of Range)
            if (index >= contents.Count)
                // ERROR (Out of Range)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(xpath), Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage);

            // Check Index
            if (index >= 0 && index < this.Count)
                // UPDATE Content(s)
                contents = new List <HtmlContent> {

            // GET Predicate(s)
            var predicates = XPathSyntaxParser.GetPredicates(current);

            // Check Predicate(s)
            if (predicates.Length > 0)
                // There are some Predicate(s);

                // Check Predicate(s)
                for (int i = 0; i < predicates.Length; i++)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(predicates[i], "^@.+=('.+'|\".+\")$"))
                        // Predicate is specifying attribute;

                        // GET Attribute Name & Value
                        var attrib_name  = predicates[i].Substring("@".Length, predicates[i].IndexOf('=') - 1);
                        var attrib_value = predicates[i].Substring(predicates[i].IndexOf('=') + 1);

                        // UPDATE Content(s)
                        contents = contents.FindAll(content => string.Compare(content.Attributes[attrib_name], attrib_value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
                        // ****************************************
                        //  Predicate is NOT supported expression.
                        // ****************************************

                        // ERROR
                        throw new ArgumentException(Resources.XPathNotSupportedExpressionErrorMessage, nameof(xpath));

            // Check NEXT Node
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xpath))
                // There is NO NEXT Node;

                Debug.WriteLine($"[END] RETURN {string.Join("/", contents.ConvertAll(content => content.Text))}", DebugInfo.ShortName);
                // ********
                //  RETURN
                // ********

            // NEXT Node exists;

            // NEW Descendant Content(s)
            var descendants = new List <HtmlContent>();

            // GET Node for each Content(s)
            foreach (var content in contents)
                // *********
                //  RECURSE
                // *********

            Debug.WriteLine($"[END] RETURN {string.Join("/", descendants.ConvertAll(content => content.Text))}", DebugInfo.ShortName);
            // ********
            //  RETURN
            // ********