public Scoreboard(GameData gameData, TextureManager textureManager) { this.gameData = gameData; font = new Font(textureManager.Get("effects_font"), FontParser.Parse("effectsFont.fnt")); level = new Text("Level: " + gameData.Level.ToString(), font); score = new Text("Score : " + gameData.Score.ToString(), font); position = new Point((float)Block.WIDTH * 7, -30); UpdateWidth(); }
public TetrominoManager(Level level, TextureManager textureManager, GameData gameData) { this.level = level; this.textureManager = textureManager; this.gameData = gameData; holdArea = new HoldArea(level, this, textureManager); positionChanged = false; minoQueue = new MinoQueue(this, level, textureManager); }
public InnerGameState(Input input, StateSystem stateSystem, TextureManager textureManager, GameData gameData, EffectsManager effectsManager) { this.input = input; this.stateSystem = stateSystem; this.textureManager = textureManager; this.gameData = gameData; this.effectsManager = effectsManager; OnGameStart(); }
public StartMenuState(StateSystem stateSystem, TextureManager textureManager, Input input, GameData gameData) { this.input = input; this.textureManager = textureManager; this.stateSystem = stateSystem; this.gameData = gameData; // Create title titleFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("titleFont.fnt")); titleText = new Text("bTris", titleFont); titleText.SetPosition(-titleText.Width / 2, 150); titleText.SetColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); InitializeMenu(); }
public GameOverState(Input input, StateSystem stateSystem, GameData gameData, TextureManager textureManager) { this.input = input; this.stateSystem = stateSystem; this.gameData = gameData; this.textureManager = textureManager; scoreboard = new Scoreboard(gameData, textureManager); scoreboard.SetPosition(new Point(-scoreboard.Width / 2, 0)); gameOverFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("titleFont.fnt")); gameOverText = new Text("Game Over", gameOverFont); gameOverText.SetPosition(-gameOverText.Width / 2, 100); returnFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("effects_font"), FontParser.Parse("effectsFont.fnt")); returnText = new Text("Press Enter to return to the start menu", returnFont); returnText.SetPosition(-returnText.Width / 2, -200); }
public Level(TextureManager textureManager, Input input, GameData gameData, EffectsManager effectsManager) { this.textureManager = textureManager; this.input = input; this.gameData = gameData; this.effectsManager = effectsManager; scoreboard = new Scoreboard(gameData, textureManager); // Initialize game data timeBetweenMoves = defaultSpeed; timer = timeBetweenMoves; lockTimer = lockSpeed; // Initialize boundaries InitBoundaries(); // Initialize blocks InitGrid(); minoManager = new TetrominoManager(this, textureManager, gameData); CreateMino(); InitializeBoundingBlocks(); }