public int AddUnit(Unit unit)
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                    // Query the database for any existing unit with the same unit type id and unit number
                    String query = "SELECT * FROM Units WHERE UnitTypeId=@UnitTypeId AND UnitNo=@UnitNo";

                    using (UnitTypeController utc = new UnitTypeController())
                        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitTypeId", utc.AddUnitType(unit.unitType));
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitNo", unit.unitNo);

                            using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                                if (dr.Read())
                                    // If a row is returned, return the retrieved unit id

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                    // Query to insert unit into database
                    String query = "INSERT INTO Units(UnitNo,Price,FloorArea,Avail,UnitTypeId) VALUES(@UnitNo,@Price,@FloorArea,@Avail,@UnitTypeId);";
                    query += "SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int)";

                    using (UnitTypeController utc = new UnitTypeController())
                        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitNo", unit.unitNo);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Price", unit.price);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FloorArea", unit.floorArea);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Avail", unit.avail);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitTypeId", utc.AddUnitType(unit.unitType));

                            // Return the unit id
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If an error occurred, return -1
        public Unit GetUnit(int unitId)
            // Initialize a Unit object
            Unit unit = new Unit();

            if (unitId == 0)
                // Return empty unit if id is 0
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                    // Query the database for unit with the specific unit id
                    String query = "SELECT * FROM Units WHERE UnitId = @UnitId";
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UnitId", unitId);


                        using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            if (dr.Read())
                                // If a row is returned, set all unit information respectively
                                unit.unitId              = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UnitId"]);
                                unit.unitNo              = dr["UnitNo"].ToString();
                                unit.price               = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Price"]);
                                unit.floorArea           = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FloorArea"]);
                                unit.avail               = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Avail"]);
                                unit.faveCount           = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FaveCount"]);
                                unit.unitType            = new UnitType();
                                unit.unitType.unitTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UnitTypeId"]);

                using (UnitTypeController utc = new UnitTypeController())
                    unit.unitType = utc.GetUnitType(unit.unitType.unitTypeId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If an error occurred, write error message on console
            // Return the Unit object
Exemple #3
        public Block GetBlockWithUnits(int blockId)
            // Initialize a Block object
            Block block = new Block();

            if (blockId == 0)
                // Return empty block if id is 0
                // Get block information
                block = GetBlock(blockId);

                using (UnitTypeController utc = new UnitTypeController())
                    // Get unit types in block
                    block.unitTypes = utc.GetUnitTypesInBlock(block.blockId);
                foreach (UnitType unitType in block.unitTypes)
                    using (UnitController uc = new UnitController())
                        // Get all units in each unit types
                        unitType.units = uc.GetUnitsInUnitType(unitType.unitTypeId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If an error occurred, write error message on console
            // Return the Block object
Exemple #4
        public List <Block> SearchBlocks(SearchParameters searchParams)
            // Initialize a list of Block object
            List <Block> blocks = new List <Block>();

            // Query the database for blocks that fulfill the search paramters
            String query = "SELECT Blocks.BlockId, Blocks.BlockNo, Blocks.Street, Blocks.ProjectId, Blocks.DeliveryDate, Blocks.LocLat, Blocks.LocLong, Blocks.SitePlan, Blocks.TownMap, ";

            query += "Blocks.BlockPlan, Blocks.UnitDist, Blocks.FloorPlan, Blocks.LayoutIdeas, Blocks.Specs, MIN(Units.Price) AS MinPrice, MAX(Units.Price)AS MaxPrice ";
            query += "FROM Blocks INNER JOIN ";
            query += "Projects ON Blocks.ProjectId = Projects.ProjectId INNER JOIN ";
            query += "UnitTypes ON Blocks.BlockId = UnitTypes.BlockId INNER JOIN ";
            query += "Units ON UnitTypes.UnitTypeId = Units.UnitTypeId WHERE ";

            // If search paramter includes town names
            if (searchParams.townNames.Length > 0)
                query += "( ";
                // Loop through the town names
                for (int i = 0; i < searchParams.townNames.Length; i++)
                    // Add town name into the query
                    query += "(Projects.TownName = '" + searchParams.townNames[i] + "') ";
                    if (i != searchParams.townNames.Length - 1)
                        // If not the last town name
                        query += "OR ";
                        // If reached the last town name
                        query += ") AND ";

            // If search paramter includes ethnic group, add relevant ethnic group into the query
            // 'C' = Chinese, 'M' = Malay, 'O' = Indian/Others
            if (searchParams.ethnicGroup == 'C')
                query += "(UnitTypes.QuotaChinese > 0) AND ";
            else if (searchParams.ethnicGroup == 'M')
                query += "(UnitTypes.QuotaMalay > 0) AND ";
            else if (searchParams.ethnicGroup == 'O')
                query += "(UnitTypes.QuotaOthers > 0) AND ";

            // If search paramter includes unit types
            if (searchParams.unitTypes.Length > 0)
                query += "( ";
                // Loop through the unit types
                for (int i = 0; i < searchParams.unitTypes.Length; i++)
                    // Add unit type into the query
                    query += "(UnitTypes.UnitTypeName = '" + searchParams.unitTypes[i] + "') ";
                    if (i != searchParams.unitTypes.Length - 1)
                        // If not the last unit type
                        query += "OR ";
                        // If reached the last unit type
                        query += ") AND ";

            // Add search for price within search parameter price range into the query
            query += "(Units.Price >= " + searchParams.minPrice + ") AND (Units.Price <= " + searchParams.maxPrice + ") ";

            query += "GROUP BY Blocks.BlockId, Blocks.BlockNo, Blocks.Street, Blocks.ProjectId, Blocks.DeliveryDate, Blocks.LocLat, Blocks.LocLong, ";
            query += "Blocks.SitePlan, Blocks.TownMap, Blocks.BlockPlan, Blocks.UnitDist, Blocks.FloorPlan, Blocks.LayoutIdeas, Blocks.Specs ";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))

                        using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                            while (dr.Read())
                                // If a row is returned, initialize a Block object
                                Block b = GetBlock(Convert.ToInt32(dr["BlockId"]));

                                using (UnitTypeController utc = new UnitTypeController())
                                    b.unitTypes = utc.GetUnitTypesInBlock(b.blockId);
                                    CalculateTravel(b, searchParams.postalCode);

                                // Add Block object into the list of blocks

                SortBlocks(searchParams.orderBy, blocks);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // If an error occurred, write error message on console
            // Return the list of Block objects