static void Main(string[] args)
            BST BST = new BST();

            System.Console.Write("Enter a collection of numbers in the range [0, 100], separated by spaces:\n");
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            string[] individual = input.Split(' ');

            int  temp = Int32.Parse(individual[0]);
            Node root = BST.addNode(temp);

            for (int i = 1; i < individual.Length; i++)
                temp = Int32.Parse(individual[i]);
                BST.insertNode(BST.root, BST.addNode(temp));

            int possibleTH = (int)Math.Log((BST.count + 1), 2);

            System.Console.Write("\nTree contents: ");
            System.Console.Write("\nNumber of nodes:  " + (BST.count + 1));
            System.Console.Write("\nNumber of levels: " + BST.height(root));
            System.Console.Write("\nMinimum number of levels that a tree with " + (BST.count + 1) + " nodes could have is " + (possibleTH + 1));