private bool AnglesAreClose(double angle1, double angle2, double tolerance) { if (Math.Abs(angle1 - angle2) < tolerance) { return(true); } if (360 - RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(angle1 - angle2) < tolerance) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Steps to node. /// Takes a start and an end node and the argument wether to go straight or in a circle. /// Steps into this direction /// </summary> /// <param name="Start">Start.</param> /// <param name="End">End.</param> private void StepToNodeStraight(RRTNode Start, RRTNode End) { double distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(Start, End); double angle = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(Start, End); double cosArgument = Math.Cos(angle); double sinArgument = Math.Sin(angle); RRTNode lastFoundNode = null; //Lambda function that calculates a new point from a given x value //Checks if the node is valid //Adds it into the list of nodes. //Returns false if point not valid Func <double, bool> CalculateNewPoint = (double x) => { int NewX = Start.Position.X + (int)((double)x * cosArgument); int NewY = Start.Position.Y + (int)((double)x * sinArgument); if (!PointValid(new Point(NewX, NewY))) { if (lastFoundNode == null) { RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), Start.Orientation, Start); Start.AddSucessor(BetweenNode); lastFoundNode = BetweenNode; BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted; this.AllNodes.Add(BetweenNode); } else { RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), lastFoundNode.Orientation, lastFoundNode); lastFoundNode.AddSucessor(BetweenNode); lastFoundNode = BetweenNode; BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted; this.AllNodes.Add(BetweenNode); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }; for (double x = 0; x < distance; x += StepWidth) { if (!CalculateNewPoint(x)) { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the given RRTPath. /// </summary> /// <param name="Path">Path.</param> /// <param name="_Map">Map.</param> /// <param name="PathPen">Path pen.</param> public static void DrawPath(RRTPath Path, Map _Map, Pen PathPen) { RRTNode previous = Path.Start; Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(_Map.ImageMap); while (previous != null) { RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode(previous, _Map, 2, Path.Color); if (previous.Predecessor != null) { g.DrawLine(PathPen, _Map.ToMapCoordinates(previous.Position), _Map.ToMapCoordinates(previous.Predecessor.Position)); } previous = previous.Predecessor; } }
/// <summary> /// Do a step into the right direction /// </summary> private void DoStep() { bool Curve = RRTHelpers.BooleanRandom(this.PreferStraight); //Select a random base node from the list of all nodes RRTNode RandomNode = RRTHelpers.SelectRandomNode(AllNodes); //large value -> don' take nearest so often bool SelectNearest = RRTHelpers.BooleanRandom(130); if (SelectNearest) { //Take from 10 nodes the node that is the nearest to the endpoint double bestDistance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(RandomNode, EndRRTNode); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { RRTNode NewNode = RRTHelpers.SelectRandomNode(AllNodes); double distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(NewNode, EndRRTNode); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; RandomNode = NewNode; } } } if (!Curve) { //First go straight //Get a new straight or drift random node RRTNode NewStraightNode = RRTHelpers.GetRandomStraightPoint(RandomNode, this.MaximumDrift, this.StraightInvertProbability); //Now step to the new node StepToNodeStraight(RandomNode, NewStraightNode); } else { //Second go curve double Distance = 0; double Angle = 0; double BaseAngle = 0; bool Left = false; Point Middle = new Point(); RRTNode NewCurveNode = RRTHelpers.GetRandomCurvePoint(RandomNode, this.MinumumRadius, ref Distance, ref Angle, ref BaseAngle, ref Middle, ref Left); //RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode(NewCurveNode, InternalMap, 4, Color.CornflowerBlue); StepToNodeCurve(RandomNode, NewCurveNode, Distance, Angle, BaseAngle, Middle, Left); } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the length and the amount of nodes in the path. /// </summary> public void CalculateLength() { Length = 0; CountNodes = 0; RRTNode previous = Start; while (previous != null) { if (previous.Predecessor != null) { Length += RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(previous, previous.Predecessor); } previous = previous.Predecessor; CountNodes++; } //Put them into the list. NodesList = ToList(); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { //Stopwatch for getting the total execution time Stopwatch totalTimeWatch = new Stopwatch(); totalTimeWatch.Start(); if (args.Length > 3) { //Parse arguments //1. Path 2. Start 3. Stop 4. Output path 5. path to xml document with path (optional) string MapPath = args [0]; string start = args [1]; //x,y,phi start = start.Trim(); string stop = args [2]; // x, y, phi stop = stop.Trim(); string outputPath = args[3]; string[] startArray = start.Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] stopArray = stop.Split(new char[] { ',' }); Point StartPoint = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(startArray [0]), Convert.ToInt32(startArray [1])); double StartOrientation = Convert.ToDouble(startArray [2]); Point StopPoint = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(stopArray [0]), Convert.ToInt32(stopArray [1])); double StopOrientation = Convert.ToDouble(stopArray [2]); Console.WriteLine("Start is: " + StartPoint.ToString() + " , " + StartOrientation); Console.WriteLine("Stop is: " + StopPoint.ToString() + " , " + StopOrientation); //Check if a path for the xml document was given. string pathXml = ""; if (args.Length > 4) { pathXml = args [4]; Console.WriteLine("Saving path to: " + pathXml); } //In case the map exists if (File.Exists(MapPath)) { //Stopwatch for timing Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); //Load bitmap Bitmap BitMap = ImageHelpers.CreateNonIndexedImage(new Bitmap(MapPath)); //Create new map from bitmap Map MyMap = new Map(BitMap); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Loading Map took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); watch.Reset(); //Create new instance of algorithm RRT Algorithm = new RRT(MyMap); //Callback (lambda function) when the rrt algorithm has finished Algorithm.Finished += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { //Stop timing stopwatch watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Algorithm took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); //Event that gets called when the RRT is finished Console.WriteLine("Finished"); watch.Reset(); watch.Start(); //Look for paths from the endpoint to the start List <RRTPath> paths = Algorithm.FindPathToTarget(); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Finding path took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); //In case we found a path if (paths.Count > 0) { //ATTENTION: Path.Start is the point next to given EndPoint // Path.End is the StartPoint //Clean the path (Remove all branches in the tree we dont want to follow) RRTPath shortestPath = RRTPath.CleanPath(paths[0]); shortestPath.Color = Color.Red; //Draw the path RRTHelpers.DrawPath(shortestPath, MyMap, Pens.Cyan); //Ok optimize with the currently best path Console.WriteLine("Starting Optimization"); //Create new instance of optimizer PathOptimizer optimizer = new PathOptimizer(shortestPath, MyMap, Algorithm.EndRRTNode); watch.Reset(); watch.Start(); //Optimize the path optimizer.Optimize(); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Optimizing took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); optimizer.Path.Color = Color.Blue; //Draw the path RRTHelpers.DrawPath(optimizer.Path, MyMap, Pens.DarkGoldenrod); //Save it into a file if a xml path was given if (pathXml != "") { optimizer.Path.SaveToFile(pathXml); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No paths found"); } watch.Reset(); watch.Start(); //Draw the legend in the upper left corner MyMap.DrawLegend(); //Draw the tree on the map //RRTHelpers.DrawTree(Algorithm.StartRRTNode, MyMap); //Draw the start point RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode(Algorithm.StartRRTNode, MyMap, 5, Color.Red); //Draw the endpoint RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode(Algorithm.EndRRTNode, MyMap, 5, Color.Aqua); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Drawing took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); if (paths.Count > 0) { watch.Reset(); watch.Start(); //Save the result MyMap.SaveBitmapToFile(outputPath); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Saving result to image took: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); } }; //Start the RRT watch.Start(); Algorithm.Start(StartPoint, StartOrientation, StopPoint, StopOrientation); } } totalTimeWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Totaltime was: " + totalTimeWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); return(0); }
private bool StepCurve(RRTNode node1, RRTNode node2, double delta, System.Drawing.Point middle, double radius, double angle, double theta) { double outerlength = Math.Abs(delta * RRTHelpers.ToRadians * radius); double steps = outerlength / StepWidthCurve; double angleStep = delta / steps; RRTNode start = node1.Clone(); RRTNode end = node2.Clone(); double beforeLength = 0; RRTNode temp = node1; while (temp.Position != end.Position) { if (temp == null || temp.Predecessor == null) { break; } beforeLength += RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(temp, temp.Predecessor); temp = temp.Predecessor; } RRTNode lastNode = null; bool success = true; for (int i = 0; i < (int)steps; i++) { int NewX = (int)(middle.X - Math.Cos(RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(theta * RRTHelpers.ToDegree + i * angleStep) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians) * radius); int NewY = (int)(middle.Y - Math.Sin(RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(theta * RRTHelpers.ToDegree + i * angleStep) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians) * radius); double NewOrientation = RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(node1.Orientation + i * angleStep); if (InternalMap.IsOccupied(NewX, NewY)) { success = false; break; } RRTNode newNode = null; if (lastNode == null) { newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), NewOrientation, start); newNode.Inverted = start.Inverted; start.Successors.Add(newNode); } else { newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), NewOrientation, lastNode); lastNode.Successors.Add(newNode); newNode.Inverted = lastNode.Inverted; //RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode (newNode, InternalMap, 5, Color.DarkOrange); } lastNode = newNode; } if (lastNode == null) { success = false; } //We successfully connected them if (success) { double afterLength = 0; temp = lastNode; while (temp.Position != end.Position) { if (temp == null || temp.Predecessor == null) { break; } afterLength += RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(temp, temp.Predecessor); temp = temp.Predecessor; } if (afterLength > beforeLength) { return(false); } end.Predecessor = lastNode; lastNode.AddSucessor(end); if (node1.Predecessor != null) { node1.Predecessor.Successors.Clear(); node1.Predecessor.AddSucessor(start); start.Predecessor = node1.Predecessor; } else { Console.WriteLine("Node1.Predecessor was null"); } if (node2.Successors.Count > 0) { end.AddSucessor(node2.Successors[0]); node2.Successors[0].Predecessor = end; node2.Predecessor = null; node2.Successors.Clear(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Node2.Successor[0] was null"); } node1.Successors.Clear(); node2.Successors.Clear(); node2.Predecessor = null; node1.Predecessor = null; Path.CalculateLength(); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Optimize two points taken from the path by trying to connect them via a curve. /// </summary> public bool OptimizeCurves(RRTNode start, RRTNode end) { //Calculate distance double distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(start, end); //Distance is too small that it makes sense to optimize it if (distance < 10) { return(false); } //Calculate angle delta (angle between orientations) (in degrees) double delta = end.Orientation - start.Orientation; //Calculate angle between points (in radians) double angle = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(start, end); //We can't go from inverted to not inverted (not from forward to backwards or the other way round) //NOTE Mit Kurvenfahrt ist das kein Problem, kann aber vermehrt zu Wendeschleifen führen if (start.Inverted != end.Inverted) { return(false); } //Now decide if going straight is way to go //NOTE delta ist entweder sehr klein oder sehr groß (fast 360°, siehe Hilfsfunktion "anglesAreClose" in pseudocode) //NOTE Im zweiten Check prüfe, ob Orientierung und Fahrtwinkel näher zusammenliegen als MaximumDriftAngle if (AnglesAreClose(delta, 0, AllowedOrientationDeviation) && (AnglesAreClose(start.Orientation, angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree, MaximumDriftAngle))) //if (Math.Abs (delta) < AllowedOrientationDeviation*5 && Math.Abs(angle*RRTHelpers.ToDegree) < MaximumDriftAngle) { //The deviation in the orientation is small enough we can accept going straight (or drift) //And the angle between the points is smaller than the maximum drift we can do //Step straight or in a drift. This function may manipulate the path bool ret = StepStraight(start, end, distance, angle); return(ret); } else { //We try a curve double theta = RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree + Math.Sign(delta) * (180 - Math.Abs(delta)) / 2) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians; double radius = Math.Abs(distance / (2 * Math.Sin(delta * RRTHelpers.ToRadians / 2))); //Check if the radius is > minimum radius if (radius < MinimumRadius) { return(false); } //Calculate middle point (theta is in radians) double midX = start.Position.X + Math.Cos(theta) * radius; double midY = start.Position.Y + Math.Sin(theta) * radius; //RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode (new RRTNode (new System.Drawing.Point ((int)midX, (int)midY), theta, null), InternalMap, 5, System.Drawing.Color.DarkMagenta); //Theta in radians, delta in degrees -> gamma in degrees double gamma = start.Orientation - RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(theta * RRTHelpers.ToDegree - Math.Sign(delta) * 90); double driftAngle = gamma; //In degree if (Math.Abs(driftAngle) / MaximumDriftAngle + MinimumRadius / radius >= 1) { return(false); } bool ret = StepCurve(start, end, delta, new System.Drawing.Point((int)midX, (int)midY), radius, angle, theta); return(ret); } }
/// <summary> /// Optimize our path so we hit the endpoint /// </summary> public void OptimizeForEndPoint() { //Go along from then nearest point to the endpoint RRTNode previous = Path.Start; Console.WriteLine("Path length before optimization for endpoint: " + Path.Length + " Count: " + Path.CountNodes + " Cost: " + Path.Cost()); Console.WriteLine(); while (previous != null) { if (previous == null) { break; } //Calculate angle delta (angle between orientations) (in degrees) double delta = previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation; double angle = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(previous, EndPoint); //Check if the orientation of the selected point is nearly the same as the orientation of the endpoint //if (Math.Abs(previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation) < AllowedOrientationDeviation * 5 || 180 -Math.Abs(previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation) < AllowedOrientationDeviation * 5 ) if (AnglesAreClose(delta, 0, AllowedOrientationDeviation) && (AnglesAreClose(EndPoint.Orientation, angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree, MaximumDriftAngle))) { //Okey connect them RRTNode selectedNode = previous; RRTNode lastNode = null; //Create a clone we can work on RRTNode start = selectedNode.Clone(); double Distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(selectedNode, EndPoint); if (Math.Abs(RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree)) > this.MaximumDriftAngle) { previous = previous.Predecessor; continue; } bool success = true; //Connect them for (double i = 0; i <= Distance; i += StepWidthEnd) { //Create new point int NewX = (int)(selectedNode.Position.X + i * Math.Cos(angle)); int NewY = (int)(selectedNode.Position.Y + i * Math.Sin(angle)); //Check if this point is occupied if (InternalMap.IsOccupied(NewX, NewY)) { success = false; break; } RRTNode newNode = null; if (lastNode == null) { newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), start.Orientation, start); start.Successors.Add(newNode); } else { newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), start.Orientation, lastNode); lastNode.Successors.Add(newNode); } lastNode = newNode; } if (lastNode == null) { success = false; } if (success) { Path.Start = lastNode; //Replace the selectNode with our start node. start.Predecessor = selectedNode.Predecessor; selectedNode.Predecessor.Successors.Clear(); selectedNode.Predecessor.AddSucessor(start); selectedNode.Predecessor = null; selectedNode.Successors.Clear(); previous = start; } } previous = previous.Predecessor; } Path.CalculateLength(); Console.WriteLine("Path length after optimization for endpoint: " + Path.Length + " Count: " + Path.CountNodes + " Cost: " + Path.Cost()); }
/// <summary> /// Find a path from the endpoint to the startpoint. /// This is done by looking at all points and selecting the points that are in the given target area. /// Their orientation may only vary by the given AcceptableOrientationDeviation. /// </summary> /// <returns>The path to target.</returns> public List <RRTPath> FindPathToTarget() { //Move area around the endpoint Rectangle TranslatedTargetArea = new Rectangle(EndPoint.X - TargetArea.Width / 2, EndPoint.Y + TargetArea.Height / 2, TargetArea.Width, TargetArea.Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(InternalMap.ImageMap); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Fuchsia, new Rectangle(InternalMap.ToMapCoordinates(TranslatedTargetArea.Location), TranslatedTargetArea.Size)); List <RRTNode> NodesInTargetArea = new List <RRTNode>(); List <RRTPath> Paths = new List <RRTPath>(); //Step through all nodes foreach (var item in AllNodes) { //Check if the rectangle contains the point and check the orientation if (Math.Abs(item.Orientation - EndRRTNode.Orientation) < AcceptableOrientationDeviation) { if ((Math.Abs(EndPoint.X - item.Position.X) < TargetArea.Width / 2) && (Math.Abs(EndPoint.Y - item.Position.Y) < TargetArea.Height / 2)) { //Add to the list of found nodes. NodesInTargetArea.Add(item); Console.WriteLine("Found node in target area: " + item); } } } //In case no point was found return if (NodesInTargetArea.Count == 0) { return(Paths); } //Some helpers for creating a nice color for the paths ;) int B = 0; int R = 255; int Step = 255 / NodesInTargetArea.Count; //Step through all found nodes foreach (var item in NodesInTargetArea) { //Calculate length double length = 0; //Follow the Predecessor until their is none (this is the startpoint then) RRTNode previous = item.Predecessor; RRTNode end = null; while (previous != null) { if (previous.Predecessor != null) { //TODO replace with RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance length += RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(previous, previous.Predecessor); //length += Math.Sqrt (Math.Pow (previous.Position.X - previous.Predecessor.Position.X, 2) + Math.Pow (previous.Position.Y - previous.Predecessor.Position.Y, 2)); } else { end = previous; } previous = previous.Predecessor; } //Create new path from start and end item RRTPath path = new RRTPath(item, end); Paths.Add(path); path.Color = Color.FromArgb(R, 50, B); path.DistanceToEnd = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(path.Start, EndRRTNode); path.OrientationDeviation = path.Start.Orientation - EndRRTNode.Orientation; B += Step; R -= Step; } //Sort the list by the cost function of the given paths Paths.Sort((RRTPath x, RRTPath y) => { if (x.Cost() > y.Cost()) { return(1); } else { return(-1); } }); //List<RRTPath> SortedList = Paths.AsParallel().OrderBy(o => o.Cost()).ToList(); foreach (var item in Paths) { Console.WriteLine("Length for path " + item.Color.ToString() + " : " + item.Length + " Distance to End: " + item.DistanceToEnd + " OrientationDif: " + item.OrientationDeviation); } return(Paths); }
/// <summary> /// Steps to random node in a curve. /// </summary> /// <param name="Start">Start.</param> /// <param name="End">End.</param> /// <param name="Distance">Distance.</param> /// <param name="Angle">Angle.</param> /// <param name="BaseAngle">Base angle.</param> /// <param name="Middle">Middle.</param> /// <param name="Left">If set to <c>true</c> left.</param> private void StepToNodeCurve(RRTNode Start, RRTNode End, double Distance, double Angle, double BaseAngle, Point Middle, bool Left) { RRTNode lastFoundNode = null; //RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode(new RRTNode(Middle, BaseAngle,null), InternalMap, 5, Color.Coral); Func <double, bool> CalculateNewPoint = (double x) => { //We interpret the random angle as the angle in a polar coordinate system int NewX = Middle.X + (int)((double)Distance * Math.Cos((x) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); int NewY = Middle.Y + (int)((double)Distance * Math.Sin((x) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); double Orientation = Start.Orientation - (BaseAngle - x); Orientation = RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(Orientation); if (!PointValid(new Point((int)NewX, (int)NewY))) { if (lastFoundNode == null) { RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point((int)NewX, (int)NewY), Orientation, Start); Start.AddSucessor(BetweenNode); lastFoundNode = BetweenNode; BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted; this.AllNodes.Add(BetweenNode); } else { RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point((int)NewX, (int)NewY), Orientation, lastFoundNode); lastFoundNode.AddSucessor(BetweenNode); lastFoundNode = BetweenNode; BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted; this.AllNodes.Add(BetweenNode); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }; double AdaptedStepWidth = (CircleStepWidth * 360.0) / (2 * Math.PI * Distance); if (Left) { for (double x = (BaseAngle) + AdaptedStepWidth; x < Angle; x += AdaptedStepWidth) { if (!CalculateNewPoint(x)) //Break if a not valid point was stepped into { break; } } } else { for (double x = (BaseAngle) - AdaptedStepWidth; x > Angle; x -= AdaptedStepWidth) { if (!CalculateNewPoint(x)) //Break if a not valid point was stepped into { break; } } } }
private void GenerateStartLine() { //TODO calculate distance double Distance = 1000; for (int offset = (int)-MaximumDrift; offset < (int)MaximumDrift; offset++) { RRTNode lastFound = null; for (int i = 0; i < Distance; i = i + StepWidth) { int NewX = StartRRTNode.Position.X + (int)((double)i * Math.Cos((StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); int NewY = StartRRTNode.Position.Y + (int)((double)i * Math.Sin((StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); if (!PointValid(new Point((int)NewX, (int)NewY))) { if (lastFound == null) { RRTNode NewNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset, StartRRTNode); StartRRTNode.AddSucessor(NewNode); this.AllNodes.Add(NewNode); lastFound = NewNode; } else { RRTNode NewNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset, lastFound); lastFound.AddSucessor(NewNode); this.AllNodes.Add(NewNode); lastFound = NewNode; } } else { break; } } lastFound = null; for (int i = 0; i < Distance; i = i + StepWidth) { int NewX = StartRRTNode.Position.X + (int)((double)i * Math.Cos(RRTHelpers.InvertOrientation(StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); int NewY = StartRRTNode.Position.Y + (int)((double)i * Math.Sin(RRTHelpers.InvertOrientation(StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians)); if (!PointValid(new Point((int)NewX, (int)NewY))) { if (lastFound == null) { RRTNode NewNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset, StartRRTNode); NewNode.Inverted = true; StartRRTNode.AddSucessor(NewNode); this.AllNodes.Add(NewNode); lastFound = NewNode; } else { RRTNode NewNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), StartRRTNode.Orientation + offset, lastFound); lastFound.AddSucessor(NewNode); this.AllNodes.Add(NewNode); lastFound = NewNode; NewNode.Inverted = true; } } else { break; } } } }