Exemple #1
        private String createPost(CaseSearchOptions options)
            String toPost = "";

            toPost += crawler.multipartField("office", options.office);

            if (options.case_type != null)
                foreach (CaseSearchOptions.case_types t in options.case_type)
                    toPost += crawler.multipartField("case_type", t.ToString());

            if (options.chapter != null)
                foreach (CaseSearchOptions.chapters t in options.chapter)
                    toPost += crawler.multipartField("chapter", ((int)t).ToString());

            toPost += crawler.multipartField("trustee", "All");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("aty_saved", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("aty_orig", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("filer", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("txtclue", options.txtclue);
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("DateType", options.date_type.ToString());
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("StartDate", options.start.ToString("M/d/yy"));
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("EndDate", options.end.ToString("M/d/yy"));

            if (options.open_cases)
                toPost += crawler.multipartField("open_cases", "on");

            if (options.closed_cases)
                toPost += crawler.multipartField("closed_cases", "on");

            if (options.party_information)
                toPost += crawler.multipartField("party_information", "on");

            if (options.proseonly)
                toPost += crawler.multipartField("proseonly", "on");

            toPost += crawler.multipartField("EndDate", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("sort1", "case number");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("sort2", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("sort3", "");
            toPost += crawler.multipartField("data_format", "data only");
            toPost += crawler.multipartEnd();

Exemple #2
        ///Office - Indicates the divisional office in which the case was filed.
        ///Case type - “ap” for Adversary Proceeding, “bk” for Bankruptcy, or “mp” for Miscellaneous Proceeding.
        ///Chapter - You may choose any or all chapters to be included in the report. Use the control button on the keyboard when clicking on non-consecutive items in the list to highlight specific items.
        ///Trustee - You may choose to sort reports for cases assigned to a trustee.
        ///Date Type - You may choose to display the report according to Filed Date, Entered Date, Discharged Date, Dismissed Date, Closed Date, or Converted Date.
        ///From/to - Choose a beginning and ending date to display all cases between the dates entered. Cases displayed will be representative of the sort
        ///NOTE: Do not enter a date range that is too broad. Doing so can result in difficulty receiving the data in addition to accruing charges for a large report.
        ///June 2010 74
        ///option (Date Type) above. Enter dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.
        ///Open cases/Closed cases - Click these boxes to produce a report containing open cases, closed cases, or both (if both boxes are checked) filed within the date range selected.
        ///Party information - Click this box to display addresses for all parties listed on the report.
        ///Sort By - Multiple sort options are provided within this report. They are Sort by Filed Date, Entered Date, Case Number, Case Type, (Divisional) Office, and Trustee.
        public FindCasesResult FindCases(CaseSearchOptions options)
            //navigate to the search page
            String formAction = baseUrl() + crawler.GetFormAction(caseSearchUrl());

            //remove the .. (alabama north version 5.0)
            formAction = formAction.Replace("..", "");

            String response = crawler.Post(formAction, createPost(options), true);

        public bool QueryNewCases()
            o = new CaseSearchOptions();

            string user = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PACERuser");
            string pass = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PACERPassword");

            _court = CourtService.GetByID(_courtID);

            _bankruptcyParser = new BankruptcyParser(_court.URLAbbrv, user, pass);

            // Login to the system

            if (!_bankruptcyParser.Login())
                _importMessage = "Could Not Login: "******"FAILURE";

                _court = CourtService.GetByID(_courtID);

                _bankruptcyParser = new BankruptcyParser(_court.URLAbbrv, user, pass);

                if (!_bankruptcyParser.NextGenLogin())

            // setup the search paramters
            o.open_cases        = true;
            o.closed_cases      = true;
            o.party_information = true;

            //set the chapters and discharged/filed
            o.chapter = new List <CaseSearchOptions.chapters>();
            if (_dischargedCases == true)
                o.date_type = CaseSearchOptions.date_types.discharged;
                o.date_type = CaseSearchOptions.date_types.filed;

            //set the case type
            o.case_type = new List <CaseSearchOptions.case_types>();

            //Set the start and end dates.
            o.start = DateTime.Parse(_startDate.ToString());
            o.end   = DateTime.Parse(_endDate.ToString());

            _result = _bankruptcyParser.FindCases(o);

            if (_result == null)
                _importMessage = "Could Not Find Cases:" + _bankruptcyParser.lastError;
                _importStatus  = "FAILURE";
                this.BillablePages = _result.billable_pages;
                this.Cost          = Decimal.Parse(_result.cost.ToString());
                SearchCriteria     = _result.criteria;
                DownloadTimeStamp  = DateTime.Now;

                //don't set the status and message yet as we still have to import...