public static Result SetSessionByCategoryList() { CategoryBO oCategoryBO = new CategoryBO(); Result oResult = new Result(); List<Category> oListCategory = new List<Category>(); try { oResult = oCategoryBO.CategoryGetFromDatabaseForSetSession(); if (oResult.ResultIsSuccess) { oListCategory = (List<Category>)oResult.ResultObject; Utils.SetSession(SessionManager.csStoredCategory, oListCategory); } } catch (Exception oEx) { oResult.ResultIsSuccess = false; oResult.ResultException = oEx; oResult.ResultMessage = "Exception occured during Set Session By CategoryList."; } return oResult; }
public void LoadCategory(int catID) { CategoryBO catBO = new CategoryBO(); catBO = cardBUS.GetOneCategory(catID); CatImage.ImageUrl = catBO.Image; CatnameLabel.Text = catBO.CatName; CatDesciptionTxt.Text = catBO.Description; }
protected void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Category oCategory = new Category(); Result oResult = new Result(); CategoryBO oCategoryBO = new CategoryBO(); try { if (IsValidCategoryName(txt_CategoryName.Text)) { oCategory.CategoryName = txt_CategoryName.Text; oResult = oCategoryBO.CategoryEntry(oCategory); if (oResult.ResultIsSuccess) { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Green; lbl_error.Text = oResult.ResultMessage; clearControlValue(); Utils.SetSessionByCategoryList(); //LoadCategoryfromSession(); } else { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = oResult.ResultMessage; } } else { if (txt_CategoryName.Text.Trim().ToLower().Equals("objective") || txt_CategoryName.Text.Trim().ToLower().Equals("descriptive")) { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "[objective/descriptive] can not be Category Name."; } else { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "Category name can not be empty( -, ' not allowed)."; } } } catch (Exception oEx) { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "Exception occured during Category Entry."; } }
public bool AddCategory(string catname,string image,string description) { try { CategoryBO catBO = new CategoryBO(); catBO.CatName = catname; catBO.Image = image; catBO.Description = description; bool hasimage = true; if (image == "") hasimage=false; cardDAO.InsertCategory(catBO,hasimage); return true; } catch { return false; } }
public CategoryCollection SelectCategory() { CategoryCollection catColl= new CategoryCollection(); SqlCommand cmd= new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Category Order BY CatName",cnn); cnn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr= cmd.ExecuteReader(); while(dr.Read()) { CategoryBO catBO= new CategoryBO(); catBO.CatID=Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryID"].ToString()); catBO.CatName=dr["CatName"].ToString(); catBO.CardCount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CardCount"].ToString()); catBO.Image = dr["Image"].ToString(); catBO.Description = dr["Description"].ToString(); catColl.Add(catBO); } cnn.Close(); return catColl; }
public CategoryBO SelectOneCategory(int catid) { CategoryBO catBO = new CategoryBO(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Category WHERE CategoryID=@catid", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catid",catid); cnn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { catBO.CatID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryID"].ToString()); catBO.CatName = dr["CatName"].ToString(); catBO.CardCount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CardCount"].ToString()); catBO.Image = dr["Image"].ToString(); catBO.Description = dr["Description"].ToString(); break; } cnn.Close(); return catBO; }
public bool EditCategory(string catid, string catname,string image,string description) { try { CategoryBO catBO = new CategoryBO(); catBO.CatID =Convert.ToInt32(catid); catBO.CatName = catname; catBO.Image = image; catBO.Description = description; bool hasimage = true; if (image == "") hasimage = false; cardDAO.UpdateCategory(catBO,hasimage); return true; } catch { return false; } }
public void UpdateCategory(CategoryBO catBO,bool hasimage) { SqlCommand cmd = null; if (hasimage == true) { cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Category SET CatName=@catname,Image=@image,Description=@description WHERE CategoryID=@catID", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catID",catBO.CatID ); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catname", catBO.CatName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", catBO.Image); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", catBO.Description); } else { cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Category SET CatName=@catname,Description=@description WHERE CategoryID=@catID", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catID", catBO.CatID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catname", catBO.CatName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", catBO.Description); } cnn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); }
public void InsertCategory(CategoryBO catBO,bool hasimage) { SqlCommand cmd= null; if (hasimage == true) { cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Category(catname,image,description) VALUES(@catname,@image,@description)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catname", catBO.CatName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", catBO.Image); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", catBO.Description); } else { cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Category(catname,description) VALUES(@catname,@description)", cnn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@catname", catBO.CatName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", catBO.Description); } cnn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnn.Close(); }
protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<Category> oListCategory = new List<Category>(); CategoryBO oCategoryBO = new CategoryBO(); Result oResult = new Result(); Boolean bAnyChecked = false; try { oListCategory = (List<Category>)Utils.GetSession(SessionManager.csStoredCategory); int[] iArrCheck = new int[oListCategory.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < iArrCheck.Length; i++) { iArrCheck[i] = 0; } foreach (GridViewRow oGridRow in Grid_Categories.Rows) { CheckBox oCheckBox = oGridRow.FindControl("deleteRec") as CheckBox; TextBox oTxtName = oGridRow.FindControl("txtCategoryName") as TextBox; if (oCheckBox.Checked) { bAnyChecked = true; iArrCheck[Grid_Categories.PageIndex * Grid_Categories.PageSize + oGridRow.RowIndex] = 1; if (IsValidCategoryName(oTxtName.Text, oListCategory)) { oListCategory[Grid_Categories.PageIndex * Grid_Categories.PageSize + oGridRow.RowIndex].CategoryName = oTxtName.Text; } } //else //{ // iArrCheck[oGridRow.RowIndex] = 0; //} } if (bAnyChecked) { oResult = oCategoryBO.CategoryUpdate(oListCategory, iArrCheck); if (oResult.ResultIsSuccess) { oListCategory = (List<Category>)oResult.ResultObject; Utils.SetSession(SessionManager.csStoredCategory, oListCategory); //if (oListCategory.Count <= 0) //{ // lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; // lbl_error.Text = "No Category Found."; //} //Grid_Categories.DataSource = oListCategory; //Grid_Categories.DataBind(); LoadCategoriesToGrid(); lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Green; lbl_error.Text = oResult.ResultMessage; } else { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = oResult.ResultMessage; } } else { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "Please Select a Category."; } } catch (Exception oEx) { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "Category Update Exception."; } }
private void LoadCategoriesToGrid() { CategoryBO oCategoryBO = new CategoryBO(); Result oResult = new Result(); List<Category> oListCategory = new List<Category>(); try { oListCategory = (List<Category>)Utils.GetSession(SessionManager.csStoredCategory); if (oListCategory.Count <= 0) { tblCategory.Visible = false; lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "No Category Found."; } else { tblCategory.Visible = true; Grid_Categories.DataSource = oListCategory; Grid_Categories.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception oEx) { lbl_error.ForeColor = Color.Red; lbl_error.Text = "Grid Load Exception."; } }
public void Add(CategoryBO catBO) { List.Add(catBO); }