void loadImage() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from ProjectProblemImage with(nolock) where ProjectProblemID = " + ProjectProblem.ID); grvImage.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grvImage.DataSource = dt; }
void loadData(string year) { //frmDesignSummaryManager_View_All string sql = ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //if(TextUtils.HasPermission("frmDesignSummaryManager_View_All")) //{ sql = "select * from vDesignSummary with(nolock) where [Year] = '" + year + "'"; //} //else //{ // sql = "select * from vDesignSummary with(nolock) where [Year] = '" + year + "' and UpdatedBy = '" + Global.AppUserName + "'"; //} dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdData.DataSource = dt; if (_rownIndex >= grvData.RowCount) { _rownIndex = 0; } if (_rownIndex > 0) { grvData.FocusedRowHandle = _rownIndex; } }
void addItem(string projectId) { DataTable dtRi1 = LibQLSX.Select("spGetProblemOfProject '" + projectId + "'"); _dtProjectProblem.Merge(dtRi1); grdData.DataSource = _dtProjectProblem; }
decimal countPart() { ConfigSystemModel model = (ConfigSystemModel)ConfigSystemBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("KeyName", "CanhBaoHanVeVT_period")[0]; string sqlPart = "SELECT * FROM [vRequireBuyPart] with(nolock) where (status = 2) and [DateAboutE] is not null and ([DateAboutF] is null or [DateAboutF] = '')" + " and datediff(dd,getdate(),DateAboutE)<= " + model.KeyValue + " and Account = '" + Global.AppUserName + "'"; DataTable dtData = LibQLSX.Select(sqlPart); string sqlOut = "SELECT * FROM [vRequestOut] with(nolock) where ([ProposalStatus] = 2) and [DateAboutE] is not null and ([DateAboutF] is null or [DateAboutF] = '')" + " and datediff(dd,getdate(),DateAboutE)<= " + model.KeyValue + " and Account = '" + Global.AppUserName + "'"; DataTable dtOut = LibQLSX.Select(sqlOut); string sqlMaterial = "SELECT * FROM [vRequestMaterial] with(nolock) where ([ProposalStatus] = 2) and [DateAboutE] is not null and ([DateAboutF] is null or [DateAboutF] = '')" + " and datediff(dd,getdate(),DateAboutE) <= " + model.KeyValue + " and Account = '" + Global.AppUserName + "'"; DataTable dtMaterial = LibQLSX.Select(sqlMaterial); if (dtMaterial.Rows.Count > 0) { dtData.Merge(dtMaterial); } if (dtOut.Rows.Count > 0) { dtData.Merge(dtOut); } return(dtData.Rows.Count); }
void loadGrid() { string userId = TextUtils.ToString(cboUser.EditValue); DataTable dtAction = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vProjectProblemActionUserLink with(nolock) where UserId = '" + userId + "'"); grdData.DataSource = dtAction; }
void loadGrid() { DataTable dt = TextUtils.Select("Select *,0 as Price,0 as TotalPrice,0 as PriceType from vBaiThucHanhModule with(nolock) where BaiThucHanhID = " + BaiThucHanh.ID); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string code = row["Code"].ToString(); try { if (code.StartsWith("TPAD.")) { DataTable dtPrice = TextUtils.LoadModulePriceTPAD(code, false); row["Price"] = TextUtils.ToInt(dtPrice.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "")); row["TotalPrice"] = TextUtils.ToInt(row["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToInt(row["Price"]); row["PriceType"] = TextUtils.ToInt(dtPrice.Rows[0]["PriceType"]); } else { string sql = "select top 1 Price from [Parts] with(nolock) where Replace(PartsCode,' ','') = '" + code.Replace(" ", "") + "'"; DataTable dtPrice = LibQLSX.Select(sql); row["Price"] = TextUtils.ToInt(dtPrice.Rows[0][0]); row["TotalPrice"] = TextUtils.ToInt(row["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToInt(row["Price"]); row["PriceType"] = 1; } } catch (Exception) { } } grdModule.DataSource = dt; }
void InsertLink() { DataTable dtItem = LibQLSX.Select("select * from C_QuotationDetail_SX where C_QuotationID = " + C_QuotationID); foreach (DataRow item in dtItem.Rows) { int groupID = TextUtils.ToInt(item["C_ProductGroupID"]); int id = TextUtils.ToInt(item["ID"]); //if (groupID == 0) //{ // C_QuotationDetail_SXModel model = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByPK(id); // C_CostQuotationItemLinkBO.Instance.DeleteByAttribute("C_QuotationDetail_SXID", id); // model.TotalNC = 0; // C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.Update(model); //} //else if (groupID > 0) { string sql = "insert into [C_CostQuotationItemLinkNew] ([C_CostID],[C_QuotationDetail_SXID],[Price],[PersonNumber],[NumberDay],[TotalR],[IsDirect],[CostNCType])" + " select ID ," + id + " as [C_QuotationDetail_SXID], 0 as b, 0 as c, 0 as d, 0 as e, 1 as f, 'C' as g" + " from [C_Cost] m where m.IsDirectCost = 1 and ((select COUNT(ID) from [C_CostQuotationItemLinkNew] where [C_CostID] = m.ID and [C_QuotationDetail_SXID] = " + id + ") = 0)"; LibQLSX.ExcuteSQL(sql); } } }
private void frmGetPriceForYCMVT_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { loadUser(); _dtItem = LibQLSX.Select("spGetPartWithYCMVT_All ''"); //_dtItem.Columns.Add("PriceGN", typeof(decimal)); //_dtItem.Columns.Add("ChenhLech", typeof(decimal)); //_dtItem.Columns.Add("TotalChenhLech", typeof(decimal)); //_dtItem.Columns.Add("DeliveryTime1", typeof(int)); DataColumn col1 = new DataColumn(); col1.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"); col1.ColumnName = "ChenhLech"; col1.DefaultValue = 50; col1.Expression = "Price - PriceDM"; _dtItem.Columns.Add(col1); DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn(); col2.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"); col2.ColumnName = "TotalChenhLech"; col2.DefaultValue = 50; col2.Expression = "TotalBuy*ChenhLech"; _dtItem.Columns.Add(col2); grdData.DataSource = _dtItem; }
void loadData(string code) { string sql = string.Format("select * from [vImportProduct] with(nolock) where [PartsCode] = '{0}' order by [ImportId] desc", code); DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdData.DataSource = dt; }
void addItem(string YCMVTCode) { DataTable dtRi1 = LibQLSX.Select("spGetPartWithYCMVT_All '" + YCMVTCode + "'"); _dtItem.Merge(dtRi1); grdData.DataSource = _dtItem; }
DataTable loadPartOfYCMVT(string proposalCode) { DataTable Source = LibQLSX.Select("spGetPartWithYCMVT_All '" + proposalCode + "'"); DataTable dt = Source.Copy(); dt.Rows.Clear(); foreach (DataRow row in Source.Rows) { string code = TextUtils.ToString(row["PartsCode"]); decimal totalBuy = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["TotalBuy"]); decimal total = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["Total"]); decimal totalInventory = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["TotalInventory"]); DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("PartsCode = '" + code + "'"); if (drs.Length == 0) { dt.ImportRow(row); } else { drs[0]["TotalBuy"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[0]["TotalBuy"]) + totalBuy; drs[0]["Total"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[0]["Total"]) + total; drs[0]["TotalInventory"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[0]["TotalInventory"]) + totalInventory; } } return(dt); }
private void btnLoadPrice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát", "Đang load giá...")) { foreach (DataRow item in _dtItem.Rows) { string partCode = TextUtils.ToString(item["PartsCode"]); string sql1 = "exec spGetPriceOfPart '" + partCode + "'"; DataTable dtOrderPrice = LibQLSX.Select(sql1); if (dtOrderPrice.Rows.Count > 0) { item["PriceDM"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtOrderPrice.Rows[0]["Price"]); item["DeliveryTimeDM"] = TextUtils.ToInt(dtOrderPrice.Rows[0]["DeliveryTime"]); } else { item["PriceDM"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["Price"]); item["DeliveryTimeDM"] = TextUtils.ToInt(item["DeliveryTime"]); } //item["ChenhLech"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["Price"]) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["PriceDM"]); //item["TotalChenhLech"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["TotalBuy"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["ChenhLech"]); } grdData.DataSource = _dtItem; } }
void loadItem() { string importId = TextUtils.ToString(grvDNNK.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colImportId)); if (importId == "") { grdData.DataSource = null; return; } int type = TextUtils.ToInt(grvDNNK.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colImportType)); using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load danh sách vật tư...")) { _dtItem = new DataTable(); if (type == 1) { _dtItem = LibQLSX.Select("select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ProductPartsImportId]) AS STT from [vImportMaterial] with(nolock) where [ImportId] = '" + importId + "'"); } else { _dtItem = LibQLSX.Select("select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ProjectProductImportId]) AS STT from [vImportProduct] with(nolock) where [ImportId] = '" + importId + "'"); } grdData.DataSource = _dtItem; } }
void loadData() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from [CriteriaImport] with(nolock) where [Status] = 0 and [ProductPartsImportId] = '" + ProductPartsImportId + "' order by [CriteriaIndex]"); grdData.DataSource = dt; }
void loadModuleLink() { string moduleCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvModule.GetFocusedRowCellValue("FolderCode")); DataTable dtlink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vPartsConfigLink where Type = 2 and ModuleCode = '" + moduleCode + "'"); grdModuleLink.DataSource = dtlink; }
void loadData() { string sql = "exec spGetOrderRequirePaid"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdYC.DataSource = dt; }
void loadGroupLink() { string groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvGroup.GetFocusedRowCellValue("GroupCode")); DataTable dtlink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vPartsConfigLink where Type = 3 and GroupCode = '" + groupCode + "'"); grdGroupLink.DataSource = dtlink; }
string loadNumber(PaymentTableModel paymentTable) { string numberPT = ""; if (paymentTable.ID == 0) { string current = "BKTT." + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyy"); DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from PaymentTable with(nolock) where Number like '%" + current + "%' order by ID desc"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string number = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Number"]); int index = TextUtils.ToInt(number.Split('.')[2]); numberPT = current + "." + string.Format("{0:00}", index + 1); } else { numberPT = current + ".01"; } } else { numberPT = paymentTable.Number; } return(numberPT); }
void loadDebt() { int caseID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colID)); DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vCaseVoucherDebt with(nolock) where CaseID = " + caseID); grdDebt.DataSource = dt; }
void loadData() { string projectId = TextUtils.ToString(cboProject.EditValue); if (projectId == "") { return; } using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu...")) { string sql = "spGetOrderOfProject '" + projectId + "'"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); dt.Columns.Add("ChenhLech", typeof(decimal)); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { decimal totalVAT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["TotalVAT"]); string orderCode = TextUtils.ToString(row["OrderCode"]); decimal totalInvoice = 0; string sql1 = "select sum(T_XNTC.C_PSNO) FROM T_XNTC INNER JOIN T_DM_VUVIEC ON T_XNTC.FK_VUVIEC = T_DM_VUVIEC.PK_ID" + " WHERE (T_DM_VUVIEC.C_MA = '" + orderCode + "') AND (T_XNTC.FK_TKNO LIKE '133%')"; totalInvoice = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1)); row["ChenhLech"] = totalVAT - totalInvoice; } grdData.DataSource = dt; } }
private void linkToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grvData.SelectedRowsCount == 0) { return; } DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from C_ProductGroup"); foreach (int i in grvData.GetSelectedRows()) { DataTable dtLink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from C_CostProductGroupLink where C_CostID = " + TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colID))); if (dtLink.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Đã được tạo"); continue; } foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { C_CostProductGroupLinkModel m = new C_CostProductGroupLinkModel(); m.C_CostID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colID)); m.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(row["ID"]); C_CostProductGroupLinkBO.Instance.Insert(m); } } MessageBox.Show("OK"); }
void loadHangGrid() { _dtHang = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vSupplierManufacturerLink WITH(NOLOCK) " + "where SupplierId = '" + TextUtils.ToString(Supplier.SupplierId) + "'"); grvHang.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grvHang.DataSource = _dtHang; }
void loadGrid() { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetAllProject"); grdData.DataSource = null; grdData.DataSource = tbl; }
void loadPartsNotDMVT() { string moduleCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvModule1.GetFocusedRowCellValue("FolderCode")); DataTable dtlink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vPartsNotDMVT where ModuleCode = '" + moduleCode + "'"); grdLink.DataSource = dtlink; }
void addSuppliersManufacturerLink() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT vRequirePartFull.SupplierId, Manufacturer.ManufacturerId" + " FROM vRequirePartFull INNER JOIN" + " Manufacturer ON vRequirePartFull.ManufacturerCode = Manufacturer.ManufacturerCode" + " order by vRequirePartFull.SupplierId"); long count = 0; foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { string supplierId = TextUtils.ToString(r["SupplierId"]); string manufacturerId = TextUtils.ToString(r["ManufacturerId"]); if (supplierId == "" || manufacturerId == "") { continue; } DataTable dtSuppliersManufacturerLink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from SuppliersManufacturerLink with(nolock) where SupplierId = '" + supplierId + "' and ManufacturerId = '" + manufacturerId + "'"); if (dtSuppliersManufacturerLink.Rows.Count > 0) { continue; } SuppliersManufacturerLinkModel model = new SuppliersManufacturerLinkModel(); model.SupplierId = supplierId; model.ManufacturerId = manufacturerId; SuppliersManufacturerLinkBO.Instance.Insert(model); count++; } MessageBox.Show("Insert: " + count); }
void loadModule() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from SourceCode with(nolock) where FolderCode like 'tpad.%' order by FolderCode"); grdModule.DataSource = dt; grdModule1.DataSource = dt; }
void loadProject() { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT distinct [ProjectId],[ProjectName],[ProjectCode],[Year],[Month],convert(bit,0) as [check] FROM [vProjectProblem]"); grdProject.DataSource = null; grdProject.DataSource = tbl; }
void loadVTLink() { string partsId = TextUtils.ToString(grvVT.GetFocusedRowCellValue("PartsId")); DataTable dtlink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vPartsConfigLink where Type = 1 and PartsId = '" + partsId + "'"); grdVTLink.DataSource = dtlink; }
void loadGrid() { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetHistoryModuleUsing '" + Module.Code + "'"); grdData.DataSource = null; grdData.DataSource = tbl; }
void addRequestItem(string requestCode) { string sql = ""; //sql = "select * from vRequirePartFull with(nolock) where RequestCode ='" + requestCode + "'"; sql = "select *,(Price * TotalBuy) as TotalPrice from vRequestMaterial with(nolock) where RequestCode ='" + requestCode + "'"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); //DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("Price = 0 or Price is null"); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { //string sqlM = "SELECT top 1 Price FROM vGetPriceOfPart with(nolock)" // + " WHERE Price > 1 AND replace(replace([PartsCode],'/','#'),')','#') = '" + TextUtils.ToString(r["PartsCode"]) + "'" // + " ORDER BY DateAboutF DESC"; //DataTable dtOrderPriceM = LibQLSX.Select(sqlM); string sqlM = "exec spGetPriceOfPart '" + TextUtils.ToString(r["PartsCode"]) + "'"; DataTable dtOrderPriceM = LibQLSX.Select(sqlM); if (dtOrderPriceM.Rows.Count > 0) { r["Price"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtOrderPriceM.Rows[0][0]); r["TotalPrice"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(r["Price"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(r["TotalBuy"]); } } grdParts.DataSource = dt; }