Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Export all the parts of the host element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="hostElement">The host element having parts to export.</param>
        /// <param name="hostHandle">The host element handle.</param>
        /// <param name="originalWrapper">The ProductWrapper object.</param>
        public static void ExportHostPart(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element hostElement, IFCAnyHandle hostHandle,
                                          ProductWrapper originalWrapper, IFCPlacementSetter placementSetter, IFCAnyHandle originalPlacement, ElementId overrideLevelId)
            using (ProductWrapper subWrapper = ProductWrapper.Create(exporterIFC, true))
                List <ElementId> associatedPartsList = PartUtils.GetAssociatedParts(hostElement.Document, hostElement.Id, false, true).ToList();
                if (associatedPartsList.Count == 0)

                bool isWallOrColumn   = IsHostWallOrColumn(exporterIFC, hostElement);
                bool hasOverrideLevel = overrideLevelId != null && overrideLevelId != ElementId.InvalidElementId;

                IFCExtrusionAxes ifcExtrusionAxes = GetDefaultExtrusionAxesForHost(exporterIFC, hostElement);

                // Split parts if wall or column is split by level, and then export; otherwise, export parts normally.
                if (isWallOrColumn && hasOverrideLevel && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.WallAndColumnSplitting)
                    if (!ExporterCacheManager.HostPartsCache.HasRegistered(hostElement.Id))
                        SplitParts(exporterIFC, hostElement, associatedPartsList); // Split parts and associate them with host.
                    // Find and export the parts that are split by specific level.
                    List <KeyValuePair <Part, IFCRange> > splitPartRangeList = new List <KeyValuePair <Part, IFCRange> >();
                    splitPartRangeList = ExporterCacheManager.HostPartsCache.Find(hostElement.Id, overrideLevelId);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Part, IFCRange> partRange in splitPartRangeList)
                        PartExporter.ExportPart(exporterIFC, partRange.Key, subWrapper, placementSetter, originalPlacement, partRange.Value, ifcExtrusionAxes, hostElement, overrideLevelId, false);
                    foreach (ElementId partId in associatedPartsList)
                        Part part = hostElement.Document.GetElement(partId) as Part;
                        PartExporter.ExportPart(exporterIFC, part, subWrapper, placementSetter, originalPlacement, null, ifcExtrusionAxes, hostElement, overrideLevelId, false);

                // Create the relationship of Host and Parts.
                ICollection <IFCAnyHandle> relatedElementIds = subWrapper.GetAllObjects();
                if (relatedElementIds.Count > 0)
                    string guid = GUIDUtil.CreateGUID();
                    HashSet <IFCAnyHandle> relatedElementIdSet = new HashSet <IFCAnyHandle>(relatedElementIds);
                    IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRelAggregates(exporterIFC.GetFile(), guid, exporterIFC.GetOwnerHistoryHandle(), null, null, hostHandle, relatedElementIdSet);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Export the parts as independent building elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The function works with AlternateIFCUI and it requires two conditions:
        /// 1. Allows export parts: 'current view only' is checked and 'show parts' is selected.
        /// 2. Allows export parts independent: 'Export parts as building elements' is checked in alternate UI dialog.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="partElement">The standalone part to export.</param>
        /// <param name="geometryElement">The goemetry of the part.</param>
        /// <param name="productWrapper">The ProductWrapper object.</param>
        public static void ExportPartAsBuildingElement(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element partElement, GeometryElement geometryElement, ProductWrapper productWrapper)
            Part part = partElement as Part;

            if (!ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportParts || part == null || geometryElement == null)

            bool             isWall           = part.OriginalCategoryId == new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls);
            bool             isColumn         = part.OriginalCategoryId == new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Columns);
            bool             isWallOrColumn   = isWall || isColumn;
            IFCExtrusionAxes ifcExtrusionAxes = GetDefaultExtrusionAxesForPart(part);

            Element   hostElement     = null;
            ElementId overrideLevelId = null;

            // Find the host element of the part.
            hostElement = FindRootParent(part, part.OriginalCategoryId);

            // If part's level is not associated, try to get the host's level with the same category.
            if (hostElement != null && part.Level == null)
                overrideLevelId = hostElement.Level.Id;

            // Split parts with original category is wall or column and the option wall or column is split by level is checked, and then export;
            // otherwise, export separate parts normally.
            if (isWallOrColumn && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.WallAndColumnSplitting)
                IList <ElementId> levels     = new List <ElementId>();
                IList <IFCRange>  ranges     = new List <IFCRange>();
                IFCExportType     exportType = isWall ? IFCExportType.ExportWall : IFCExportType.ExportColumnType;
                LevelUtil.CreateSplitLevelRangesForElement(exporterIFC, exportType, part, out levels, out ranges);
                if (ranges.Count == 0)
                    PartExporter.ExportPart(exporterIFC, partElement, productWrapper, null, null, null, ifcExtrusionAxes, hostElement, overrideLevelId, true);
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < ranges.Count; ii++)
                        PartExporter.ExportPart(exporterIFC, partElement, productWrapper, null, null, ranges[ii], ifcExtrusionAxes, hostElement, levels[ii], true);
                PartExporter.ExportPart(exporterIFC, partElement, productWrapper, null, null, null, ifcExtrusionAxes, hostElement, overrideLevelId, true);