Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Uses the Tipsy class to set the tooltips to most of the options
 /// </summary>
 private void SetToolTips()
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(WindowedMode, "If checked, Battlfield 2 will be started in windowed mode");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(CustomRes, "If checked, Battlefield 2 will be forced to use the custom resolution below");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(AutoLogin, "If checked, the account name below will automatically login");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(AccountName, "Account name is Case-Sensitive!");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(AccountPass, "Password is Case-Sensitive!");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(JoinServerIp, "To auto join a server, make sure to enable Auto Login!");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(PlayNow, "If checked, BF2 will automatically uses the 'Play Now' functionality");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(Restart, "Used by BF2 to restart the game without showing video for example when mod switching."
                      + Environment.NewLine + "Can also be used to start BF 2 without showing videos");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(DisableSwiff, "Disables the swiff player. Basically this disables the flash that is used at the main menu area.");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(NoSound, "If checked, Battlefield 2 will start with sound disabled.");
     Tipsy.SetToolTip(LowPriority, "If checked,  Battlefield 2 will start with a lower process priority(less CPU intensive, lower performance)");
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a tooltip object for a control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="control"></param>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="ShowAlways"></param>
 public static void SetToolTip(Control control, string text, bool ShowAlways)
     // Prevent cross thread errors
     if (control.InvokeRequired)
         control.Invoke((Action) delegate
             ToolTip tt    = Tipsy.GetControlToolTip(control);
             tt.ShowAlways = ShowAlways;
             tt.SetToolTip(control, text);
         ToolTip tt = GetControlToolTip(control);
         tt.SetToolTip(control, text);