public BDFFileReader(Stream str)
     if (!str.CanRead) throw new BDFException("BDFFileStream must be able to read from Stream.");
     reader = new BinaryReader(str, Encoding.ASCII);
     header = new BDFHeader();; //Read in header
     record = new BDFRecord(header); //Now can create BDFRecord
     _isValid = true;
 internal BDFRecord(BDFHeader hdr)
     int nC = hdr.numberChannels;
     channelData = new int[nC][];
     int i = 0;
     foreach (int n in hdr.numberSamples)
         channelData[i] = new int[n];
         recordLength += n;
     recordLength *= 3; // calculate length in bytes
     record = new byte[recordLength];
     header = hdr;
 public BDFFileWriter(Stream str, int nChan, int recordDuration, int samplingRate)
     if (!str.CanWrite) throw new BDFException("BDFFileStream must be able to write to Stream.");
     header = new BDFHeader(nChan, recordDuration, samplingRate);
     record = new BDFRecord(header);
     writer = new BinaryWriter(str);