public void HandleClickOnAttachments(TaskItem t, bool isArchive) { var dlg = new TaskAttachmentsDialog(); if (isArchive) dlg.IsArchive = true; dlg.DataContext = t; dlg.Show(); }
public static TaskItem ConvertTaskFromOMD(BCheck.Data.BCheckOMDVQuery.Row row) { TaskItem item = new TaskItem(); item.AlertTime = row.Alert_Time; item.AssignedTo = row.Assign_To; item.AttachmentUrl = row.Attachments; item.Comments = row.Comments; item.Complete = row.Completed_Y_N_ == "Y"; item.CreatedLocal = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Create_Date_Local); item.CreatedUtc = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Created_UTC); item.DueTime = row.Due_Time; item.EscalationTime = row.Escalation_Level_1_Time; item.ID = (int)row.Task_ID; item.Kri = row.KPI; item.LinkToProcess = row.Link_To_Process; item.ManagementSignOff = row.Management_Sign_Off; item.Manager = row.Manager; item.Modified = TaskItem.GetModifiedTimeAsPerCurrentRegion(Convert.ToDateTime((DateTime)row.Modified)).ToString(); item.ModifiedBy = row.Modified_By; item.Status = row.Status; item.TaskDescription = ParseDescription(row.High_Level_Description); item.TaskName = row.Task_Name; item.Version = (int)row.Version; item.ID1 = row.Unique_ID; item.BusinessArea = row.Business_Area; item.Functional = row.Functional; item.Frequency = row.Frequency; item.SpecificFrequency = row.Specific_Frequency; item.RandomFrequency = row.Random_Frequency; item.KeyControl = row.Key_Control; item.MatrixDefinition = row.Matrix_Definition; item.Locations = row.Locations; item.HolidayCalendar = row.Holiday_Calendar; item.AssetCategory = row.Asset_Category; item.ManagingDirector = row.Managing_Director; item.Director = row.Director; if (row.Regional_Offset == null) //Mar 11 fix, item.RegionalOffset = 0; else item.RegionalOffset = (double)row.Regional_Offset; item.CreatedDateLocal = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Create_Date_Local); item.DueTimeUtc = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Due_Time_UTC); item.Checklist = row.Checklist; string pattern = @"<(.|\n)*?>"; string stripped = Regex.Replace(item.TaskDescription, pattern, string.Empty); stripped = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(stripped); item.TaskDescription = stripped; return item; }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to return a stub object for the purpose of debugging /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static AlertsDataTransfer CreateStub(int countAssignedTasks, int countManagedTasks) { var trfr = new AlertsDataTransfer { AssignedTasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskItem>(), ManagedTasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskItem>() }; int sec = DateTime.Now.Second; //to inroduce a variability in the data int count = countAssignedTasks; while (count > 0) { var a = new TaskItem { TaskName = "Some task" + count, DueTime = (sec % 12 + 9) +":00", AssignedTo = "username:"******"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890123456789"; count--; } count = countManagedTasks; while (count > 0) { var a = new TaskItem { TaskName = "ManagedName:" + count, DueTime = (sec % 12 + 9) + ":00", AssignedTo = "user-"+sec, CreatedUtc =DateTime.Now.Date }; trfr.ManagedTasks.Add(a); count--; } trfr.TotalAlerts = DateTime.Now.Second; return trfr; }
public bCheckV2.Helpers.Definitions.TaskItem FormatTaskItem(TaskItem task, View typeOfView) { bCheckV2.Helpers.Definitions.TaskItem t = new bCheckV2.Helpers.Definitions.TaskItem(); t.ChecklistID = task.ChecklistID; t.ChecklistTaskID = task.ChecklistTaskID; t.OpsChecklistTaskID = task.OpsChecklistTaskID; t.AlertTime = task.AlertTime.ToString(); t.Description = task.TaskDescription; t.StatusID = ViewModel.Current.StaticData["AssigneeStatus"].ToList().Where(status => status.Value == task.Status).First().Key; t.ManagementSignOffStatusID = ViewModel.Current.StaticData["ManagementStatus"].ToList().Where(status => status.Value == task.ManagementSignOff).First().Key; t.TaskName = task.TaskName == null ? "DummyTask" : task.TaskName; t.DueTime = task.DueTime.ToString(); t.LocationID = ViewModel.Current.locations.Where(loc => task.Locations == loc.Location).First().Id; t.Comments = task.Comments; t.LinkToProcess = task.LinkToProcess; t.UniqueID = Guid.Parse(task.ID1); //t.AssignedTo = typeOfView == View.vwAssignedTasks ? GetFormattedUsers(task.Assignees) : GetFormattedUsers(task.Managers); t.CreatedDateLocal = new DateTime(task.CreatedLocal.Ticks,DateTimeKind.Utc); return t; }
private Dictionary<string, string> GetRevisionChanges(TaskItem lastTaskItem, TaskItem currentItem) { var changes = new Dictionary<string,string> { {"Version", currentItem.Version.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {"Modified", currentItem.Modified}, {"Modified By", currentItem.ModifiedBy} }; if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.TaskName != currentItem.TaskName) changes.Add("Task Name", NullCheck(currentItem.TaskName)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.ID1 != currentItem.ID1) changes.Add("High Level Description", NullCheck(currentItem.ID1)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.ID1 != currentItem.ID1) changes.Add("ID1", NullCheck(currentItem.ID1)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.BusinessArea != currentItem.BusinessArea) changes.Add("Business Area", NullCheck(currentItem.BusinessArea)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Functional != currentItem.Functional) changes.Add("Functional", NullCheck(currentItem.Functional)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Frequency != currentItem.Frequency) changes.Add("Frequency", NullCheck(currentItem.Frequency)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.SpecificFrequency != currentItem.SpecificFrequency) changes.Add("Specific Frequency", NullCheck(currentItem.SpecificFrequency)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.RandomFrequency != currentItem.RandomFrequency) changes.Add("Random Frequency", NullCheck(currentItem.RandomFrequency)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.DueTime != currentItem.DueTime) changes.Add("Due Time", NullCheck(currentItem.DueTime)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.AlertTime != currentItem.AlertTime) changes.Add("Alert Time", NullCheck(currentItem.AlertTime)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.EscalationTime != currentItem.EscalationTime) changes.Add("Escalation Level 1 Time", NullCheck(currentItem.EscalationTime)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.ManagementSignOff != currentItem.ManagementSignOff) changes.Add("Management SignOff", NullCheck(currentItem.ManagementSignOff)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.KeyControl != currentItem.KeyControl) changes.Add("Key Control", NullCheck(currentItem.KeyControl)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.MatrixDefinition != currentItem.MatrixDefinition) changes.Add("Matrix Definition", NullCheck(currentItem.MatrixDefinition)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Status != currentItem.Status) changes.Add("Status", NullCheck(currentItem.Status)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Locations != currentItem.Locations) changes.Add("Locations", NullCheck(currentItem.Locations)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.HolidayCalendar != currentItem.HolidayCalendar) changes.Add("Holiday Calendar", NullCheck(currentItem.HolidayCalendar)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.AssignedTo != currentItem.AssignedTo) changes.Add("Assigned To", NullCheck(currentItem.AssignedTo)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Manager != currentItem.Manager) changes.Add("Manager", NullCheck(currentItem.Manager)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.AssetCategory != currentItem.AssetCategory) changes.Add("Asset Category", NullCheck(currentItem.AssetCategory)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.ManagingDirector != currentItem.ManagingDirector) changes.Add("Managing Director", NullCheck(currentItem.ManagingDirector)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Director != currentItem.Director) changes.Add("Director", NullCheck(currentItem.Director)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.RegionalOffset != currentItem.RegionalOffset) changes.Add("RegionalOffset", currentItem.RegionalOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.CreatedDateLocal != currentItem.CreatedDateLocal) changes.Add("CreatedDateLocal", currentItem.CreatedDateLocal.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.DueTimeUtc != currentItem.DueTimeUtc) changes.Add("DueTimeUtc", currentItem.DueTimeUtc.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Checklist != currentItem.Checklist) changes.Add("Checklist", NullCheck(currentItem.Checklist)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Comments != currentItem.Comments) changes.Add("Comments", NullCheck(currentItem.Comments)); if (lastTaskItem == null || lastTaskItem.Complete != currentItem.Complete) changes.Add("Complete", currentItem.Complete.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return changes; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the update statement to update the specified TaskItem based on the selected view /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <param name="vw"></param> public static string QueryUpdateTaskEdit(TaskItem t, View vw, bool bIsAssignedUser, bool bIsManagerUser) { const string updatefragmentAssigned = "<Method ID='taskid{0}' Cmd='Update'>" + "<Field Name='ID'>{0}</Field>" + "<Field Name='owshiddenversion'>{1}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + STATUS_COLUMN + "'>{2}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + COMMENTS_COLUMN + "'>{3}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + KPI_COLUMN + "'>{4}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + ALERTTIME_COLUMN + "'>{5}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + ASSIGNTO_COLUMN + "'>{6}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + TIMETOCOMPLETE_COLUMN + "'>{7}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + LATEINCOMPLETE_REASON_COLUMN + "'>{8}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + SYSTEM_OUTRAGE_COLUMN + "'>{9}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + COMPLETEDBY_COLUMN + "'>{10}</Field>" + "</Method>"; const string updatefragmentManaged = "<Method ID='taskid{0}' Cmd='Update'>" + "<Field Name='ID'>{0}</Field>" + "<Field Name='owshiddenversion'>{1}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + STATUS_COLUMN + "'>{2}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + MANAGEMENT_SIGNOFF_COLUMN + "'>{3}</Field>" + //"<Field Name='" + NAME_COLUMN + "'>{4}</Field>" + //"<Field Name='" + DESCRIPTION_COLUMN + "'>{5}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + COMMENTS_COLUMN + "'>{6}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + KPI_COLUMN + "'>{7}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + MATRIX_COLUMN + "'>{8}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + DUEDATE_COLUMN + "'>{9}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + ESCALATIONTIME_COLUMN + "'>{10}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + LINKTOPROCESS_COLUMN + "'>{11}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + ASSIGNTO_COLUMN + "'>{12}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + ALERTTIME_COLUMN + "'>{13}</Field>" + //sep 20 "<Field Name='" + MANAGER_COLUMN + "'>{14}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + TIMETOCOMPLETE_COLUMN + "'>{15}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + LATEINCOMPLETE_REASON_COLUMN + "'>{16}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + SYSTEM_OUTRAGE_COLUMN + "'>{17}</Field>" + "<Field Name='" + COMPLETEDBY_COLUMN + "'>{18}</Field>" + "</Method>"; bool bIsDirectApprove = false;//this variable will be evalated in the next steps bool flag = true; bool bIsUserCompleting = false; string updatestmnt = ""; if ((t.Status == COMPLETED_STATUS) && (!t.GetOriginalValue("Status").Equals(COMPLETED_STATUS))) { bIsUserCompleting = true; } while (flag && bIsUserCompleting) { flag = false; if (t.IsBypassApprovalAllowed) { bIsDirectApprove = true; break; } if ((bIsAssignedUser) && (bIsManagerUser) && (t.IsManagerSelfApprovalAllowed)) { bIsDirectApprove = true; break; } } if (bIsDirectApprove) { t.ManagementSignOff = APPROVED_SIGNOFF; updatestmnt = string.Format(updatefragmentManaged, t.ID, t.Version, t.Status, t.ManagementSignOff, "", //task name - encoding! "",//description - encoding! "",//comments - encoding! t.Kri, "", //matrix definiton - encoding! t.DueTime, t.EscalationTime, "",//link to process - encoding! "",////Aug 2,use XML encoding for assigned to , t.AlertTime, "", t.TimeForCompletion, t.LateIncompleteReason, t.SystemOutrage, t.CompletedBy // Jun 2014 for Assignee manager approval verification ); updatestmnt = InsertEncodedTextInXml(updatestmnt, t); } if (((vw & View.vwAssignedTasks) > 0) && (bIsDirectApprove == false)) { updatestmnt = string.Format(updatefragmentAssigned, t.ID, t.Version, t.Status, "", t.Kri, t.AlertTime, "", t.TimeForCompletion, t.LateIncompleteReason, t.SystemOutrage, t.CompletedBy );//Aug 2,use XML encoding for assigned to updatestmnt = InsertEncodedTextInXml(updatestmnt, t); } if (((vw & View.vwManagedTasks) > 0) && (bIsDirectApprove == false)) { string status = t.Status; /* * if updating as manager * then * update MANAGEMENTSIGNOFF only when user is attempting to udpate this field * if user is attempting to update MANAGEMENTSIGNOFF then update status accordingly */ if (!t.ManagementSignOff.Equals(t.GetOriginalValue("ManagementSignOff"))) { if (t.ManagementSignOff.Equals(REJECTED_SIGNOFF)) { status = IN_PROGRESS_STATUS; } if (t.ManagementSignOff.Equals(APPROVED_SIGNOFF)) { status = COMPLETED_STATUS; } } updatestmnt = string.Format(updatefragmentManaged, t.ID, t.Version, status, t.ManagementSignOff, "", //task name - encoding! "",//description - encoding! "",//comments - encoding! t.Kri, "", //matrix definiton - encoding! t.DueTime, t.EscalationTime, "",//link to process - encoding! "",////Aug 2,use XML encoding for assigned to , t.AlertTime, "", t.TimeForCompletion, t.LateIncompleteReason, t.SystemOutrage, t.CompletedBy // Jun 2014 for Assignee manager approval verification ); updatestmnt = InsertEncodedTextInXml(updatestmnt, t); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<Batch OnError='Continue' ViewName=''>"); //Add the TaskOwner xml fragment if user is Completing the Task if (bIsUserCompleting) { const string taskownerFragment = "<Field Name='" + TASKOWNER_COLUMN + "'>{0}</Field>"; string taskownerStmnt = string.Format(taskownerFragment, ViewModel.Current.WssUserId); XElement owner = XElement.Parse(taskownerStmnt); XElement wss = XElement.Parse(updatestmnt); wss.Add(owner); updatestmnt = wss.ToString(); } sb.Append(updatestmnt); sb.Append("</Batch>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public void GetAlertsWithDetails(string CAMLTaskQuery, Action<List<TaskItem>> reply) { var opschecklist = _alertsclient.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(InitParams.Current.ListName); CamlQuery cquery = new CamlQuery(); cquery.ViewXml = CAMLTaskQuery; ListItemCollection tasks; tasks = opschecklist.GetItems(cquery); _alertsclient.Load(tasks, items => items.Include(item => item["CreatedDateLocal"], item => item["Title"], item => item["ID"], item => item["Comments"], item => item["Alert_x0020_Time"], item => item["Due_x0020_Time"], item => item["Escalation_x0020_Level_x0020_1_x"], item => item["High_x0020_Level_x0020_Descripti"], item => item["Status"], item => item["KPI"], item => item["Assign_x0020_to"], item => item["Management_x0020_Signoff"], item => item["Attachments"], item => item["Matrix_x0020_Definition"], item => item["Link_x0020_to_x0020_Process"], item => item["Assign_x0020_to"], item => item["Manager"], item => item["Functional"], item => item["BypassManagerApproval"], item => item["ManagerSelfApproval"], item => item["TaskOwner"], item => item["Time_x0020_Taken"], item => item["Created"], item => item["Completed_x0020_By"], item => item["LateIncompleteReason"], item => item["SystemOutrage"] )); ClientRequestSucceededEventHandler SuccessHandler = null; ClientRequestFailedEventHandler FailureHandler = null; SuccessHandler = (s, e1) => { List<TaskItem> taskitems = new List<TaskItem>(); TaskItem task; foreach (ListItem l in tasks) { task = new TaskItem(); task.TaskName = (l["Title"] != null) ? l["Title"].ToString() : ""; task.ID = (l["ID"] != null) ? int.Parse(l["ID"].ToString()) : 0; task.Version = (l.ObjectVersion != null) ? int.Parse(l.ObjectVersion) : 1; task.TaskDescription = (l["High_x0020_Level_x0020_Descripti"] != null) ? l["High_x0020_Level_x0020_Descripti"].ToString() : ""; if (l["Assign_x0020_to"] != null) { var users = ((FieldUserValue[])l["Assign_x0020_to"]); task.AssignedTo = ""; task.AssignedTo += users[0].LookupId.ToString() + ";#" + users[0].LookupValue; for (int i = 1; i < users.Length; i++) { task.AssignedTo += ";#" + users[i].LookupId.ToString() + ";#" + users[i].LookupValue; } } else { task.AssignedTo = null; } if (l["Manager"] != null) { var users = ((FieldUserValue[])l["Manager"]); task.Manager = ""; task.Manager += users[0].LookupId.ToString() + ";#" + users[0].LookupValue; for (int i = 1; i < users.Length; i++) { task.Manager += ";#" + users[i].LookupId.ToString() + ";#" + users[i].LookupValue; } } else { task.Manager = null; } task.DueTime = (l["Due_x0020_Time"] != null) ? l["Due_x0020_Time"].ToString() : null; task.ManagementSignOff = (l["Management_x0020_Signoff"] != null) ? l["Management_x0020_Signoff"].ToString() : null; task.Kri = (l["KPI"] != null) ? l["KPI"].ToString() : null; task.Comments = (l["Comments"] != null) ? l["Comments"].ToString() : null; task.Status = (l["Status"] != null) ? l["Status"].ToString() : null; task.CreatedUtc = (DateTime)l["Created"]; task.AlertTime = (l["Alert_x0020_Time"] != null) ? l["Alert_x0020_Time"].ToString() : null; task.EscalationTime = (l["Escalation_x0020_Level_x0020_1_x"] != null) ? l["Escalation_x0020_Level_x0020_1_x"].ToString() : null; task.CreatedLocal = TaskItem.GetCreatedTimeAsPerCurrentRegion((DateTime)l["Created"]); task.Functional = (l["Functional"] != null) ? l["Functional"].ToString() : null; task.AttachmentUrl = (l["Attachments"] != null) ? l["Attachments"].ToString() : null; task.KriDefinition = (l["Matrix_x0020_Definition"] != null) ? l["Matrix_x0020_Definition"].ToString() : null; //task.LinkToProcess = (l["Link_x0020_to_x0020_Process"] != null) ? ((FieldUrlValue)l["Link_x0020_to_x0020_Process"]).Url : null; task.LinkToProcess = (l["Link_x0020_to_x0020_Process"] != null) ? l["Link_x0020_to_x0020_Process"].ToString() : null; task.BypassApproval = (l["BypassManagerApproval"] != null) ? l["BypassManagerApproval"].ToString() : null; task.ManagerSelfApproval = (l["ManagerSelfApproval"] != null) ? l["ManagerSelfApproval"].ToString() : null; task.TaskOwner = (l["TaskOwner"] != null) ? l["TaskOwner"].ToString() : null; task.TimeForCompletion = (l["Time_x0020_Taken"] != null) ? l["Time_x0020_Taken"].ToString() : null; task.LateIncompleteReason = (l["LateIncompleteReason"] != null) ? l["LateIncompleteReason"].ToString() : null; task.SystemOutrage = (l["SystemOutrage"] != null) ? l["SystemOutrage"].ToString() : null; task.CompletedBy = (l["Completed_x0020_By"] != null) ? l["Completed_x0020_By"].ToString() : null; taskitems.Add(task); } reply(taskitems); }; FailureHandler = (s, e1) => { List<TaskItem> taskitems = new List<TaskItem>(); reply(taskitems); }; _alertsclient.ExecuteQueryAsync(SuccessHandler, FailureHandler); }
/// <summary> /// Consumes a DueTime and converts to a typed DateTime object that accurately represents /// when the Task is/was due. /// The conversion here is regardless of the Task being due today or in the past. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DateTime ConvertDueDateToFullDate(TaskItem t) { TimeSpan dueSpan; DateTime computedDate; if (!TimeSpan.TryParse(t.DueTime, out dueSpan)) dueSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); //if cannot be parsed, then assume midnight computedDate = t.CreatedLocal.Date.Add(dueSpan); return computedDate; }
void ISharePointDataProvider.FetchRevisionHistory(TaskItem task) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void UpdateTaskItem(TaskItem t) { Thread th = new Thread(this.LongOperationToUpdateTask); th.Start(t); }
public void AddAttachment(TaskItem t, string attachmentName, System.IO.Stream contents) { Thread th = new Thread(this.LongOperationToAddAttachment); object[] userparams = { t, attachmentName ,contents }; th.Start(userparams); }
public void DeleteAttachment(TaskItem t, object attachmentidentifier) { Thread th = new Thread(this.LongOperationToDeleteAttachment); object[] userparams = { t,attachmentidentifier }; th.Start(userparams ); }
public static Alerts CreateStubbedAlerts() { Alerts a = new Alerts(); int count = 8; int now = DateTime.Now.Second % 10;//to introduce variability in stubbed data count = now; while (count > 0) { TaskItem item = new TaskItem() { TaskName ="Task name----:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"+count, DueTime ="15:00" }; a.AssignedTasksAlerts.Add(item); count--; } count = now; while (count > 0) { TaskItem item = new TaskItem() { TaskName = "Task name----:(managed)abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" + count, DueTime = "15:00" }; a.ManagedTasksAlerts.Add(item); count--; } return a; }
private static List<TaskItem> StubbedTasks;//useful to keep in memory to mimic update operations public static List<TaskItem> CreateStubbedTasks(View vw) { List<TaskItem> tasks=new List<TaskItem>(); int count = 24; //switch (vw) //{ // case View.vwCompletedApproved: // count = 5; // break; // case View.vwDueToday: // count = 23; // break; //} Random r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second); while (count > 0) { if (vw == View.vwManagedTasks) { int x, y = 0; x = 1 / y; } TaskItem task = new TaskItem(); task.ID = DateTime.Now.Second + count; task.CreatedUtc = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-count%5); task.CreatedUtc = task.CreatedUtc.AddMonths (-count % 3); task.TaskName = string.Format("Task Item:{0}, View:{1}, random:{2}", count, vw , r.Next()); task.TaskDescription = string.Format ("<div>some task description id={0}</div>",task.ID ); switch (count % 4) { case 0: task.AssignedTo = "322;#Dasgupta, Saurabh: IT (LDN);#326;#Ewing, Derek: IT (LDN)"; task.AttachmentUrl = ATTACHMENT1; break; case 1: task.AssignedTo = "322;#Dasgupta, Saurabh: IT (LDN)"; task.AttachmentUrl = ATTACHMENT2; break; case 2: task.AssignedTo = "322;#Dasgupta, Saurabh: IT (LDN);#326;#Ewing, Derek: IT (LDN)"; task.AttachmentUrl = ATTACHMENT3; break; default: task.AssignedTo = "322;#Dasgupta, Saurabh: IT (LDN);#326;#Ewing, Derek: IT (LDN)"; task.AttachmentUrl = "0"; break; } task.DueTime =string.Format("{0}:00", count % 6 + 17); task.Status = "Outstanding"; task.ManagementSignOff = "Pending"; task.Comments = "task commments"; if (count % 2 == 1) task.LinkToProcess = string.Format("{0}", count); else task.LinkToProcess = ""; task.Kri = "(none)"; if ((count % 2) == 1) task.Complete = true; tasks.Add(task); count--; } return tasks; }
/// <summary> /// Encapsulates the logic for testing whether this Task qualifies as an alert for assigned Task /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool DoesTaskQualifyForAssignedTaskAlert(TaskItem t) { try { if (TaskItem.IsUserInAssignedTo(ViewModel.Current.WssUserId, t) == false) return false; if (RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime.Date != t.CreatedLocal.Date ) return false; if (t.Status.Equals(CamlHelper.COMPLETED_STATUS, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) return false; if (t.Status.Equals(CamlHelper.NOTAPPLICABLE_STATUS, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) return false;// May 18, do not show NA tasks in alerts UserOptions opts = UserOptions.Current; string dueTimespanString = t.DueTime; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dueTimespanString)) { dueTimespanString = "00:00"; } TimeSpan dueTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(dueTimespanString); DateTime duetime = RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime.Date.Add(dueTimeSpan); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.AlertTime)) { DateTime timeWarn = duetime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(opts.AssignedTasksReminderTime)); if (RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime > timeWarn) return true; } else { TimeSpan alertSpan; if (TimeSpan.TryParse(t.AlertTime, out alertSpan)) { //DateTime alertTime = DateTime.Now.Date.Add(alertSpan); //July 6 DateTime alertTime = RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime.Date.Add(alertSpan); //Checking for alerts due in advance by a time of RefreshPollingPeriod (15 minutes at present) if (RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime > alertTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(InitParams.Current.RefreshPollingPeriod))) { return true; } } else { //Invalid Alert time DateTime timeWarn = duetime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(opts.AssignedTasksReminderTime)); ViewModel.Current.Status.StatusItems.Enqueue( new StatusItem { IsError = true, Message = string.Format("Task with Name:{0} does not have a valid Alert time{1}. Using the value defined through Options dialog", t.TaskName, t.AlertTime), } ); if (RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime > timeWarn) return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewModel.Current.Status.AddToLog ( string.Format("Exception encountered while processing assigned Task with Name:'{0}'. Detailed error: {1}", t.TaskName, ex), true ); } return false ; }
/// <summary> /// Returns True if the specified user is a Task owner for the specified Task /// If the user is not an owner then return is False /// If the Task has no owner then return is False /// Rationale: Reusable logic required for Task ownership functionality. April 20 /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsUserTaskOwner(int userid, TaskItem t) { List<UserInfo> mgrs = TaskItem.ParseNames(t.TaskOwner); bool isowner = false; foreach (UserInfo u in mgrs) { if (u.UserID == userid) { isowner = true; break; } } return isowner; }
/// <summary> /// Returns True if the specified user belongs to the AssignedTo field for this Task, otherwise False /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsUserInAssignedTo(int userid, TaskItem t) { List<UserInfo> assignedtousers = TaskItem.ParseNames(t.AssignedTo); bool isassignedtouser = false; foreach (UserInfo u in assignedtousers) { if (u.UserID == userid) { isassignedtouser = true; break; } } return isassignedtouser; }
void ISharePointDataProvider.DeleteAttachment(TaskItem t, object attachmentidentifier) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Method to compute whether the task is shortly due, over due, complete. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static TaskCompletionStatus GetCompletionStatus(TaskItem t) { TaskCompletionStatus returnInfo = TaskCompletionStatus.Overdue; BCheck.Data.TaskItem task = t; if (task.ManagementSignOff.Equals("Approved")) { return TaskCompletionStatus.Complete; } TimeSpan spanduetime; if (TimeSpan.TryParse(task.DueTime, out spanduetime)) { DateTime dateCreaeted = task.CreatedLocal; DateTime dueTime = dateCreaeted.Date.Add(spanduetime); DateTime now = RegionalSetting.CurrentLocalTime; //DateTime.Now; //July 06 if (now > dueTime) { returnInfo = TaskCompletionStatus.Overdue; } TimeSpan onehr = TimeSpan.FromHours(1); if ((now < dueTime) && (now > dueTime.Subtract(onehr))) { returnInfo = TaskCompletionStatus.ShortlyDue; } if (now < dueTime.Subtract(onehr)) { returnInfo = TaskCompletionStatus.NotDueImmediately; } } else { ViewModel vm = ViewModel.Current; vm.Status.StatusItems.Enqueue( new StatusItem { IsError = true, Message = string.Format("Exception encountered while processing the due time of the Task with Name:'{0}'. Due time: {1}", t.TaskName, t.DueTime) }); //commenting out the exception because this has undesirable effects on the C1DataGrid when called from IValueConverter throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not compute the completion status of the Task"); } return returnInfo; }
void ISharePointDataProvider.AddAttachment(TaskItem t, string attachmentName, System.IO.Stream contents) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// Helper function to 'safely' insert text in a CAML statement in cases where the text /// may contain special characters like <,>,&,= /// E.g. The Comments, URL /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlin"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string InsertEncodedTextInXml(string xmlin, TaskItem t) { XElement wss = XElement.Parse(xmlin); var qFieldTaskname = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(NAME_COLUMN) select x; if (qFieldTaskname.Any()) { XElement taskname = qFieldTaskname.First(); taskname.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.TaskName))); } var qFieldDescription = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(DESCRIPTION_COLUMN) select x; if (qFieldDescription.Any()) { XElement description = qFieldDescription.First(); description.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.TaskDescription))); } var qFieldComments = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(COMMENTS_COLUMN) select x; if (qFieldComments.Any()) { XElement comments = qFieldComments.First(); comments.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.Comments))); } var qFieldLinktoProcess = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(LINKTOPROCESS_COLUMN) select x; if (qFieldLinktoProcess.Any()) { XElement LinktoProcess = qFieldLinktoProcess.First(); string encodedurl = ConvertFromNullToString((t.LinkToProcess)); LinktoProcess.SetValue(encodedurl); } var qFieldKriDefinition = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(MATRIX_COLUMN) select x; if (qFieldKriDefinition.Any()) { XElement KriDefinition = qFieldKriDefinition.First(); KriDefinition.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.KriDefinition))); } var qAssignedTo = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(ASSIGNTO_COLUMN) select x; if (qAssignedTo.Any()) { XElement AssignedTo = qAssignedTo.First(); AssignedTo.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.AssignedTo))); } //Oct 14, for updating manager var qManager = from x in wss.Descendants("Field") where x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals(MANAGER_COLUMN) select x; if (qManager.Any()) { XElement manager = qManager.First(); manager.SetValue(ConvertFromNullToString((t.Manager))); } return wss.ToString(); }
void ISharePointDataProvider.UpdateTaskItem(TaskItem t) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static TaskItem ConvertTaskFromOMD(BCheck.Data.BCheckOMDQuery.Row row) { TaskItem item = new TaskItem(); item.AlertTime = row.Alert_Time; item.AssignedTo = row.Assign_To; item.AttachmentUrl = attachmentConverter(row.Attachments); item.Comments = row.Comments; item.Complete = row.Completed_Y_N_ == "Y"; item.CreatedLocal = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Create_Date_Local); item.CreatedUtc = Convert.ToDateTime(row.Created_UTC); item.DueTime = row.Due_Time; item.EscalationTime = row.Escalation_Level_1_Time; item.ID = (int)row.Task_ID; item.Kri = row.KPI; item.LinkToProcess = row.Link_To_Process; item.ManagementSignOff = row.Management_Sign_Off; item.Manager = row.Manager; item.Modified = row.Modified.ToString(); item.ModifiedBy = row.Modified_By; item.Status = row.Status; item.TaskDescription = ParseDescription(row.High_Level_Description); item.TaskName = row.Task_Name; item.Version = (int)row.Version; return item; }
public void GetAttachments(TaskItem t) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
internal void Initialize(TaskItem selectedTaskItem) { _model.Provider.FetchRevisionHistory(selectedTaskItem); }
public void FetchRevisionHistory(TaskItem task) { item = task; Thread t = new Thread(this.LongOperationToFetchRevisionHistory); t.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// function to check if the fileName exists in the collection of attachments. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="task"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ValidateIfDuplicateFileName(string fileName, TaskItem task) { if (task == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("task"); List<string> attachmentUrls=TaskItem.ParseAttachmentUrl(task); IValueConverter converter = new Converters.AttachmentTitleConverter (); foreach (string url in attachmentUrls) { var title=(string)converter.Convert (url , null ,null ,null ); if (title.Equals (fileName, StringComparison .InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return true; } return false ; }
/// <summary> /// Implementing a static function to let Task Edit dialog update the selected Row /// after successfuly completing an Edit operation. /// Ideally, this should have been done through data-binding to an exposed property in the View Model. /// However, this does not seem to work. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public static void SetSelectedTask(TaskItem t) { if (t == null) return; //adding a try-catch handler to gracfully handle exceptions //in those cases when the specified TaskItem no more belongs to the underlying collection //this is in those scenarios wherein the data has refreshed when a dialog was open //July 16 try { //TasksViewC1._thisGrid.TaskGrid.SelectedItem = t; foreach (TaskItem taskInUi in TasksViewC1._thisGrid.TaskGrid.ItemsSource) { if (t.ID == taskInUi.ID) { TasksViewC1._thisGrid.TaskGrid.SelectedItem = taskInUi; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(true, ex.ToString()); } }
public TaskItemInMemoryChangeEventArgs (TaskItem taskModified,string propName) { this.Task = taskModified; this.PropName = propName; }
/// <summary> /// Helper function to strip a valid WSS attachment URL (returned from a WSS service) of its leading & trailing delimiters /// e.g. of an URL that comes from a WSS web service ///;# checklist/Attachments/38449/debug.xap;# ///;# checklist/Attachments/38449/debug.xap;# checklist/Attachments/38449/junk1.xap;# /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public static List<string> ParseAttachmentUrl(TaskItem t) { List<string> urls = new List<string>(); bool matchfound = false; string url = t.attachmentUrl; const string delim = ";#"; while (!matchfound) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) break; int delimpos = url.IndexOf(delim); if (delimpos >= 0) { url = url.Remove(delimpos, delim.Length); } else { break; } delimpos = url.IndexOf(delim); if (delimpos >= 0) { string url1; url1 = url.Substring(0, delimpos); urls.Add(url1); url = url.Remove(0, delimpos); } else { matchfound = true; } } return urls; }