Exemple #1
        public void UpdateiGold(int ID, string UsName, long iGold, string AcText)
            dal.UpdateiGold(ID, iGold);
            BCW.Model.Goldlog model = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
            model.BbTag     = 0;
            model.Types     = 0;
            model.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
            model.UsId      = ID;
            model.UsName    = UsName;
            model.AcGold    = iGold;
            model.AfterGold = GetGold(ID);//更新后的币数
            model.AcText    = AcText;
            model.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
            new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(model);

            #region 点值抽奖接口 16/08/15
                new BCW.Draw.draw().AddjfbyiGold(ID, UsName, iGold, AcText);
            catch { }
Exemple #2
 public void UpdateiMoney(int ID, string UsName, long iMoney, string AcText)
     dal.UpdateiMoney(ID, iMoney);
     BCW.Model.Goldlog model = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
     model.BbTag     = 0;
     model.Types     = 1;
     model.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
     model.UsId      = ID;
     model.UsName    = UsName;
     model.AcGold    = iMoney;
     model.AfterGold = GetMoney(ID);//更新后的元数
     model.AcText    = AcText;
     model.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
     new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(model);
Exemple #3
    private void PlayXK3_Robot()
        int meid = GetUsID();

        if (meid == 0)
        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().ExistsID(meid))
        int num1 = GetPtype();
        long Price = GetPayCent();
        int buycou = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("XK3ROBOTBUY", xmlPath));

        int    dnu = 0;
        string dsb = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd");

        dnu = int.Parse(dsb + "001");
        string where1 = string.Empty;

        where1 = "ORDER BY Lottery_issue DESC";

        BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Internet_Data model = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Internet_Data().Getxk3listLast(where1);//最后一期

        //string issue2 = (Int64.Parse(model.Lottery_issue) + 1).ToString();//下一个开奖期号
        string issue3  = Utils.Right(model.Lottery_issue.ToString(), 3);//本期开奖期号的后3位
        string issue33 = model.Lottery_issue;

        BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Bet modelBuy = new BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Bet();
        if (IsOpen() == true)
            modelBuy.Lottery_issue = issue33;
            if (issue3 == "078")
                modelBuy.Lottery_issue = dnu.ToString();
                modelBuy.Lottery_issue = (issue33);//投注期号

        int count = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Bet().GetXK3_Bet_GetRecordCount(" UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + modelBuy.Lottery_issue + "'");

        if ((count < buycou) || (buycou == 0))
            if (num1 == 9)//1大2小
                int a11 = int.Parse(Get_DXSD());
                if (a11 == 1)
                    modelBuy.DaXiao = "1";
                    modelBuy.Odds   = (decimal)Da;
                    modelBuy.DaXiao = "2";
                    modelBuy.Odds   = (decimal)Xiao;

                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 9;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
            else if (num1 == 10)//1单2双
                int a22 = int.Parse(Get_DXSD());
                if (a22 == 1)
                    modelBuy.DanShuang = "2";
                    modelBuy.Odds      = (decimal)Shuang;
                    modelBuy.DanShuang = "1";
                    modelBuy.Odds      = (decimal)Dan;
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 10;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
            else if (num1 == 1)
                Random a3  = new Random();
                int    a33 = a3.Next(1, 15);

                switch (a33)
                case 1:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "4";

                case 2:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "5";

                case 3:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "6";

                case 4:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "7";

                case 5:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "8";

                case 6:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "9";

                case 7:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "10";

                case 8:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "11";

                case 9:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "12";

                case 10:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "13";

                case 11:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "14";

                case 12:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "15";

                case 13:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "16";

                case 14:
                    modelBuy.Sum = "17";
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 1;
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds = 1;
            else if (num1 == 2)
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 2;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "1";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;
            else if (num1 == 3)
                int a55 = int.Parse(Get_danxuan());
                switch (a55)
                case 1:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "111";

                case 2:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "222";

                case 3:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "333";

                case 4:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "444";

                case 5:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "555";

                case 6:
                    modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "666";
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 3;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;
            else if (num1 == 4)//三不同号-------------------再随机3个不同的数字
                int[] result = new int[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    result[i] = i + 1;
                for (int j = 5; j > 0; j--)
                    Random r     = new Random();
                    int    index = r.Next(0, j);
                    int    temp  = result[index];
                    result[index] = result[j];
                    result[j]     = temp;

                //冒泡排序 从大到小
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++)
                        if (result[j] < result[i])
                            int temp = result[i];
                            result[i] = result[j];
                            result[j] = temp;

                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not    = (result[0]).ToString() + (result[1]).ToString() + (result[2]).ToString();
                modelBuy.Play_Way          = 4;
                modelBuy.Sum               = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All    = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single = "";

                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds = 1;
            else if (num1 == 5)//三连号
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 5;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "1";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;
            else if (num1 == 6)
                int a66 = int.Parse(Get_danxuan());
                switch (a66)
                case 1:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "11";

                case 2:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "22";

                case 3:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "33";

                case 4:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "44";

                case 5:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "55";

                case 6:
                    modelBuy.Two_Same_All = "66";
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 6;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;
            else if (num1 == 7)//二同号单选
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 7;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = Get_Two_Same_Single();
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = "";
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;
            else if (num1 == 8)//二不同号
                modelBuy.Play_Way           = 8;
                modelBuy.Sum                = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_All     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Single  = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Same_Not     = "";
                modelBuy.Three_Continue_All = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_All       = "";
                modelBuy.Two_Same_Single    = "";
                modelBuy.Two_dissame        = Get_Two_dissame2();
                modelBuy.DaXiao             = "";
                modelBuy.DanShuang          = "";
                modelBuy.Odds               = 1;

            modelBuy.UsID       = meid;         //用户id
            modelBuy.Input_Time = DateTime.Now; //投注时间
            modelBuy.Zhu        = 1;            //注数----默认全部投一注。

            modelBuy.DanTuo   = "0";            //胆拖
            modelBuy.State    = 0;              //未开奖
            modelBuy.GetMoney = 0;              //获得多少酷币
            modelBuy.isRobot  = 1;

            modelBuy.Zhu_money = Price;                //每注投多少钱
            modelBuy.PutGold   = Price * modelBuy.Zhu; //总投了多少钱

            long   gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            long   prices = Convert.ToInt64(Price * modelBuy.Zhu);
            string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

            if (gold < prices)
                BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                modelx.BbTag  = 3;
                modelx.Types  = 0;
                modelx.PUrl   = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                modelx.UsId   = meid;
                modelx.UsName = mename;

                modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                modelx.AfterGold = gold + prices;//更新后的币数

                modelx.AcText  = "系统机器人自动操作";
                modelx.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);

                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where id=" + meid + "");

            long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("XK3Price", xmlPath));
            if (xPrices > 0)
                long    oPrices = 0;
                DataSet ds;
                if (IsOpen() == true)
                    ds = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Bet().GetList("PutGold", "UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + issue33 + "'");
                    if (issue3 == "078")
                        ds = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Bet().GetList("PutGold", "UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + dnu + "'");
                        ds = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Bet().GetList("PutGold", "UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + issue33 + "'");

                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    int drs = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                    oPrices = oPrices + drs;

                if (oPrices + prices > xPrices)

            //new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, 12);//新快3----更新排行榜与扣钱
            if (IsOpen() == true)
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第" + issue33 + "期投注消费");
                if (issue3 == "078")
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第" + dnu.ToString() + "期投注消费");
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第" + issue33 + "期投注消费");
            int id = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Bet().Add_Robot(modelBuy);

            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateTime(meid, 5);// 更新会员在线时长

            //if (!(new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Toplist().Exists_usid(meid)))
            //    BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Toplist model_2 = new BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Toplist();
            //    model_2.UsId = meid;
            //    model_2.UsName = mename;
            //    model_2.WinGold = 0;
            //    model_2.PutGold = prices;
            //    new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Toplist().Add(model_2);
            //    BCW.XinKuai3.Model.XK3_Toplist model_1 = new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Toplist().GetXK3_meid(meid);

            //    long all_prices = model_1.PutGold + prices;

            //    new BCW.XinKuai3.BLL.XK3_Toplist().Update_gold(meid, all_prices);

            string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/xk3.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]下注**" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";//" + modelBuy.Zhu * modelBuy.Zhu_money + "
            new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1001, id, meid, "", wText);
Exemple #4
    private void Play_jqcRobot()
        int meid = GetUsID();//得到随机的UsID

        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().ExistsID(meid))
        if (meid > 0)
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(R(1, 11) * 1000);
            int  beilv    = GetPayCent();                                    //得到随机投注的倍率
            int  buycou   = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("ROBOTBUY", xmlPath)); //xml限定每个机器人购买次数
            int  zhuPrice = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("zhuPrice", xmlPath)); //每注酷币
            long Price    = zhuPrice * beilv;
            string votenum = string.Empty;
            int[]  a       = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            string s       = string.Empty;
            Random ran     = new Random();
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                s = a[ran.Next(0, 4)].ToString();
                if (j == 7)
                    votenum += s;
                    votenum += s + "#";

            string where1 = "where phase!='' and Sale_Start < getdate() and  Sale_End > getdate() order by newid()";//查询数据库可以下注的随机一期
            BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Internet model = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Internet().GetJQC_Internet_model(where1);
            if (model.phase > 0)
                BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Bet modelBuy = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Bet();
                int count = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetRecordCount(" UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                if ((count < buycou) || (buycou == 0))
                    modelBuy.Lottery_issue = model.phase;
                    modelBuy.UsID          = meid;
                    modelBuy.Input_Time    = DateTime.Now;
                    modelBuy.State         = 0;
                    modelBuy.isRobot       = 1;
                    modelBuy.Zhu           = 1;
                    modelBuy.Zhu_money     = zhuPrice;
                    modelBuy.GetMoney      = 0;
                    modelBuy.VoteRate      = beilv;
                    modelBuy.PutGold       = Price;
                    modelBuy.VoteNum       = votenum;

                    long   gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                    long   prices = Price;
                    string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

                    if (gold < prices)
                        BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                        modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                        modelx.Types     = 0;
                        modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                        modelx.UsId      = meid;
                        modelx.UsName    = mename;
                        modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                        modelx.AfterGold = gold + prices;//更新后的币数
                        modelx.AcText    = "系统进球彩机器人自动操作";
                        modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                        BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where id=" + meid + "");

                    long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("BigPrice", xmlPath));
                    if (xPrices > 0)
                        long      oPrices = 0;
                        DataSet   ds      = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().GetList("PutGold", "UsID=" + meid + " and Lottery_issue='" + model.phase + "'");
                        DataTable dt      = ds.Tables[0];
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            int drs = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                            oPrices = oPrices + drs;
                        if (oPrices + prices > xPrices)
                    int id = new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Bet().Add(modelBuy);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "进球彩第" + model.phase + "期投注消费-标识ID" + id + "");

                    BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot jack = new BCW.JQC.Model.JQC_Jackpot();
                    jack.UsID     = meid;
                    jack.InPrize  = Price;
                    jack.OutPrize = 0;
                    //jack.Jackpot = Price + new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold();//实时奖池
                    jack.Jackpot = Price + new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().GetGold_phase(model.phase);
                    jack.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                    jack.phase   = model.phase;
                    jack.type    = 0;//玩家下注
                    jack.BetID   = id;
                    new BCW.JQC.BLL.JQC_Jackpot().Add(jack);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateTime(meid, 5); //更新会员在线时长
                    string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid) + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/jqc.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]第" + model.phase + "期下注" + Price + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";
                    new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1014, id, meid, "", wText);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// 增加一条数据
 /// </summary>
 public int  Add(BCW.Model.Goldlog model)
Exemple #6
    private void PlayHc1_Robot()
        int meid = GetUsID();

        if (meid == 0)
        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().ExistsID(meid))
        int num1 = GetPtype();
        long Price = GetPayCent();
        int buycou = 0;

            buycou = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("hc1ROBOTBUY", xmlPath));
            buycou = 0;

        long Gold = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);

        #region 判断机器人币够不够投注

        if (Gold < Price || Gold < 0)
            Response.Write("<b>机器人" + meid + "币不够!请换一个机器人或者给该机器人充值 </b><br />");
            #region 机器人投注

            int    dnu = 0;
            string dsb = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd");
            dnu = int.Parse(dsb + "001");
            string where1 = string.Empty;
            where1 = "ORDER BY ID DESC";

            DataSet ds    = new BCW.BLL.Game.HcList().GetList("top 1 id", "State=0 order by EndTime desc");
            int     maxid = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
            BCW.Model.Game.HcList modelbuy1 = new BCW.BLL.Game.HcList().GetHcList(maxid);
            BCW.Model.Game.HcPay  modelbuy  = new BCW.Model.Game.HcPay();
            int count = new BCW.BLL.Game.HcList().GetcountRebot(meid);
            if ((count < buycou) || (buycou == 0))
                #region 大小单双投注

                if (num1 == 5)//1大2小/3单/4双
                    int a11 = int.Parse(Get_DXSD());
                    modelbuy.Types = 5;
                    if (a11 == 1)
                        modelbuy.Vote = "大";
                    else if (a11 == 2)
                        modelbuy.Vote = "小";
                    else if (a11 == 3)
                        modelbuy.Vote = "单";
                        modelbuy.Vote = "双";
                else if (num1 == 1)
                    modelbuy.Types = 1;
                    Random a3  = new Random();
                    int    a33 = a3.Next(1, 37);
                    modelbuy.Vote = Convert.ToString(a33);
                else if (num1 == 2)
                    modelbuy.Types = 2;
                    Random a4  = new Random();
                    int    a44 = a4.Next(1, 13);
                    switch (a44)
                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "鼠";

                    case 2:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "牛";

                    case 3:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "虎";

                    case 4:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "兔";

                    case 5:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "龙";

                    case 6:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "蛇";

                    case 7:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "马";

                    case 8:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "羊";

                    case 9:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "猴";

                    case 10:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "鸡";

                    case 11:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "狗";

                    case 12:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "猪";
                else if (num1 == 3)
                    modelbuy.Types = 3;
                    Random a5  = new Random();
                    int    a55 = a5.Next(1, 5);
                    switch (a55)
                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "东";

                    case 2:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "南";

                    case 3:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "西";

                    case 4:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "北";
                else if (num1 == 4)//四季玩法
                    modelbuy.Types = 4;
                    Random a6  = new Random();
                    int    a66 = a6.Next(1, 5);
                    switch (a66)
                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "春";

                    case 2:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "夏";

                    case 3:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "秋";

                    case 4:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "东";
                else if (num1 == 6)
                    modelbuy.Types = 6;
                    int a66 = 0;
                    string rand = "";
                    while (a66 < 6)
                        rand += GetRandomNum1()[a66];
                        rand += ",";
                    modelbuy.Vote = rand;
                else if (num1 == 7)
                    modelbuy.Types = 7;
                    Random a7  = new Random();
                    int    a77 = a7.Next(0, 2);
                    switch (a77)
                    case 0:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "大";

                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "小";
                else if (num1 == 8)
                    modelbuy.Types = 8;
                    Random a8  = new Random();
                    int    a88 = a8.Next(0, 2);
                    switch (a88)
                    case 0:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "单";

                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "双";
                else if (num1 == 9)
                    modelbuy.Types = 9;
                    Random a9  = new Random();
                    int    a99 = a9.Next(0, 2);
                    switch (a99)
                    case 0:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "家禽";

                    case 1:
                        modelbuy.Vote = "野兽";

                modelbuy.UsID     = meid;         //用户id
                modelbuy.AddTime  = DateTime.Now; //投注时间
                modelbuy.State    = 0;            //未开奖
                modelbuy.WinCent  = 0;            //获得多少酷币
                modelbuy.IsSpier  = 1;
                modelbuy.BzType   = 0;
                modelbuy.Result   = "";            //开奖结果
                modelbuy.PayCent  = Price;         //每注投多少钱
                modelbuy.PayCents = Price;         //总投了多少钱
                modelbuy.CID      = modelbuy1.CID; //最新投注期数

                long   gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                long   prices = Convert.ToInt64(Price);
                string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
                modelbuy.UsName = mename;//用户名字
                if (gold < prices)
                    BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                    modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                    modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                    modelx.UsId      = meid;
                    modelx.UsName    = mename;
                    modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                    modelx.AfterGold = gold + prices;//更新后的币数
                    modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
                    modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                    new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where id=" + meid + "");
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, 1001);//新快3----更新排行榜与扣钱
                new BCW.BLL.Game.HcPay().Add(modelbuy);
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "好彩1" + modelbuy1.CID + "期投注消费");
                new BCW.BLL.Game.HcList().Update1(modelbuy1.CID, prices, 1);                                                                                            //更新下注总额和下注额
                ChanageOnline(meid);                                                                                                                                    //邵广林 增加机器人在线时长
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/hc1.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]下注**" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + ""; //" + prices + "
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1001, 1, meid, "", wText);
Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// 机器人购买自动兑奖
    /// </summary>
    private void stkRobotPlay()
        #region 机器人下注
        int meid = GetUsID();
        if (meid == 0)
        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().Exists(meid))
        int pType = GetPtype();
        int      Price = 0;
        string[] ppp   = ub.GetSub("StkRoBotCent", "/Controls/stkguess.xml").Split('#');
        Random   ran   = new Random();
        int      k     = ran.Next(0, (ppp.Length));
        Price = Convert.ToInt32(ppp[k]);
        int buyCount = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("StkRoBotbuyCount", xmlPath));

        double Odds      = 0;
        double stkOdds1  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds0", xmlPath));  //0
        double stkOdds2  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds1", xmlPath));  //1
        double stkOdds3  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds2", xmlPath));  //2
        double stkOdds4  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds3", xmlPath));  //3
        double stkOdds5  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds4", xmlPath));  //4
        double stkOdds6  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds5", xmlPath));  //5
        double stkOdds7  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds6", xmlPath));  //6
        double stkOdds8  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds7", xmlPath));  //7
        double stkOdds9  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds8", xmlPath));  //8
        double stkOdds10 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds9", xmlPath));  //9
        double stkOdds11 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds10", xmlPath)); //单
        double stkOdds12 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds11", xmlPath)); //双
        double stkOdds13 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds12", xmlPath)); //大
        double stkOdds14 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds13", xmlPath)); //小
        double stkOdds15 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds14", xmlPath)); //合单
        double stkOdds16 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds15", xmlPath)); //合双
        double stkOdds17 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds16", xmlPath)); //合大
        double stkOdds18 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("StkOdds17", xmlPath)); //合小

        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
        BCW.Model.Game.Stklist model = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stklist().GetStklist();

        if (model.EndTime > DateTime.Now && DateTime.Now > model.BeginTime)
            BCW.Model.Game.Stkpay modelPay = new BCW.Model.Game.Stkpay();

            int    count = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetRecordCount(" UsID=" + meid + " and StkId=" + model.ID + "");
            Random r     = new Random();
            if (count < buyCount)
                if (pType == 0)//0
                    Odds = stkOdds1;
                else if (pType == 1)//1
                    Odds = stkOdds2;
                else if (pType == 2)//2
                    Odds = stkOdds3;
                else if (pType == 3)//3
                    Odds = stkOdds4;
                else if (pType == 4)//4
                    Odds = stkOdds5;
                else if (pType == 5)//5
                    Odds = stkOdds6;
                else if (pType == 6)//6
                    Odds = stkOdds7;
                else if (pType == 7)//7
                    Odds = stkOdds8;
                else if (pType == 8)//8
                    Odds = stkOdds9;
                else if (pType == 9)//9
                    Odds = stkOdds10;
                else if (pType == 10)//单
                    Odds = stkOdds11;
                else if (pType == 11)//双
                    Odds = stkOdds12;
                else if (pType == 12)//大
                    Odds = stkOdds13;
                else if (pType == 13)//小
                    Odds = stkOdds14;
                else if (pType == 14)//合单
                    Odds = stkOdds15;
                else if (pType == 15)//双
                    Odds = stkOdds16;
                else if (pType == 16)//大
                    Odds = stkOdds17;
                else if (pType == 17)//小
                    Odds = stkOdds18;

                long gold = 0;
                gold = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);

                long prices = Convert.ToInt64(Price);

                long SmallPay = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("StkSmallPay", xmlPath));
                long BigPay   = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("StkBigPay", xmlPath));
                if (prices >= SmallPay && prices <= BigPay)
                    long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("StkMaxpay", xmlPath));
                    if (xPrices > 0 && gold >= 0)
                        long oPrices = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPrices(meid, model.ID);
                        if (oPrices + prices <= xPrices)
                            #region 每期每玩法每ID投注上限
                            long ptyPrices = 0;
                                ptyPrices = Convert.ToInt64(OutOddscid(pType));
                            catch { ptyPrices = 0; }
                            if (ptyPrices > 0)
                                long oPrices2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPrices(meid, model.ID, pType);
                                if (oPrices + prices > ptyPrices)
                                    Response.Write("" + meid + "本期竞猜" + OutType(pType) + "下注已达上限");

                            #region //浮动限制
                            long xPricesc = 0;
                            if (pType < 10)
                                xPricesc = OutOddsc(pType);
                                if (xPricesc > 0)
                                    long oPricesc = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(pType, model.ID);
                                    if (oPricesc + prices > xPricesc)
                            else if (pType == 10 || pType == 11)//单双
                                xPricesc = OutOddsc(10);
                                long Cent  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(10, model.ID);
                                long Cent2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(11, model.ID);

                                if (pType == 10)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent + prices - Cent2) > xPricesc)
                                if (pType == 11)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent2 + prices - Cent) > xPricesc)
                            else if (pType == 12 || pType == 13)//大小
                                xPricesc = OutOddsc(12);
                                long Cent  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(12, model.ID);
                                long Cent2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(13, model.ID);

                                if (pType == 12)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent + prices - Cent2) > xPricesc)
                                if (pType == 13)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent2 + prices - Cent) > xPricesc)
                            else if (pType == 14 || pType == 15)//合单双
                                xPricesc = OutOddsc(14);
                                long Cent  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(14, model.ID);
                                long Cent2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(15, model.ID);

                                if (pType == 14)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent + prices - Cent2) > xPricesc)
                                if (pType == 15)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent2 + prices - Cent) > xPricesc)
                            else if (pType == 16 || pType == 17)//合大小
                                xPricesc = OutOddsc(16);
                                long Cent  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(16, model.ID);
                                long Cent2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetSumPricesbytype(17, model.ID);

                                if (pType == 16)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent + prices - Cent2) > xPricesc)
                                if (pType == 17)
                                    if (Math.Abs(Cent2 + prices - Cent) > xPricesc)

                            if (gold < prices)
                                BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                                modelx.BbTag  = 3;
                                modelx.Types  = 0;
                                modelx.PUrl   = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                                modelx.UsId   = meid;
                                modelx.UsName = mename;

                                modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                                modelx.AfterGold = (gold + prices);//更新后的币数

                                modelx.AcText  = "系统机器人自动操作";
                                modelx.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                                new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);

                                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where ID=" + meid + "");

                                    modelPay.StkId   = model.ID;
                                    modelPay.UsID    = meid;
                                    modelPay.UsName  = mename;
                                    modelPay.Types   = pType;
                                    modelPay.WinNum  = 0;
                                    modelPay.Odds    = Convert.ToDecimal(Odds);
                                    modelPay.BuyCent = prices;
                                    modelPay.WinCent = 0;
                                    modelPay.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                                    modelPay.State   = 0;
                                    modelPay.bzType  = 0; //酷币
                                    modelPay.isSpier = 1; //机器人
                                    int id = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().Add(modelPay);


                                    string wText = string.Empty;
                                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "在-[url=/bbs/game/stkguess.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]" + model.ID + "(" + model.EndTime.ToString("MM-dd") + ")-|押" + OutType(pType) + "|赔率:" + Odds + "|标识ID:" + id + "");
                                    wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/stkguess.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";//+ prices " + OutType(pType) + "
                                    new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(11, id, meid, "", wText);
                                modelPay.StkId   = model.ID;
                                modelPay.UsID    = meid;
                                modelPay.UsName  = mename;
                                modelPay.Types   = pType;
                                modelPay.WinNum  = 0;
                                modelPay.Odds    = Convert.ToDecimal(Odds);
                                modelPay.BuyCent = prices;
                                modelPay.WinCent = 0;
                                modelPay.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                                modelPay.State   = 0;
                                modelPay.bzType  = 0; //酷币
                                modelPay.isSpier = 1; //机器人
                                int id = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().Add(modelPay);


                                string wText = string.Empty;
                                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "在-[url=/bbs/game/stkguess.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]" + model.ID + "(" + model.EndTime.ToString("MM-dd") + ")-|押" + OutType(pType) + "|赔率:" + Odds + "|标识ID:" + id + "");
                                wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/stkguess.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";//+ prices 竞猜" + OutType(pType) + "
                                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(11, id, meid, "", wText);

        #region 机器人自动兑奖
        string   RoBot   = ub.GetSub("StkRoBotID", xmlPath);
        string[] RoBotID = RoBot.Split('#');
        for (int i = 0; i < RoBotID.Length; i++)
            if (RoBotID[i] != "")
                meid = Convert.ToInt32(RoBotID[i].Replace(" ", ""));
                string  mename1 = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
                DataSet model2  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetList("ID", "UsID=" + meid + " and isSpier=1 and WinCent > 0 and State!=2 ");
                if (model2 != null && model2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < model2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i2++)
                        int pid = 0;
                            pid = Convert.ToInt32(model2.Tables[0].Rows[0][i2]);
                        catch { }
                        if (new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().ExistsReBot(pid, meid))
                            if (new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().getState(pid) != 2)
                                BCW.Model.Game.Stkpay model1 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetStkpay(pid);
                                int number = model1.StkId;
                                BCW.Model.Game.Stklist idd = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stklist().GetStklist(number);
                                long winMoney = Convert.ToInt64(model1.WinCent);
                                int  bzType   = new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().GetbzType(pid);
                                long SysTax = 0;
                                int  Tax    = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("StkTax", xmlPath));
                                if (Tax > 0)
                                    SysTax = Convert.ToInt64(winMoney * Tax * 0.01);
                                winMoney = winMoney - SysTax;
                                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename1, winMoney, "" + GameName + "兑奖-" + "[url=./game/stkguess.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" + idd.ID + "&amp;ptype=2]" + number + "(" + idd.EndTime.ToString("MM-dd") + ")" + "[/url]" + "-标识ID:" + pid + "");
                                new BCW.BLL.Game.Stkpay().UpdateState(pid);
                                Response.Write("" + GameName + "机器人" + meid + "自动兑奖!ok1<br />");
Exemple #8
    private void PlayDxdice2(int meid)
        if (meid == 0)
            meid = GetUsID();


        DataSet ds = new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().GetList("ID", "Types=0 and State=0 and UsID<>" + meid + " and AddTime<'" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-20) + "' ORDER BY NEWID()");

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            int TNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("DxdiceTNum", xmlPath));
            if (TNum > 0)
                int TCount2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().GetCount2(meid);
                if (TCount2 > TNum)
                    int TCount = new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().GetCount(meid);
                    if ((TCount2 - TNum) > Convert.ToInt32(TCount * TNum))
                        meid = GetUsID();
            string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

            int id = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString());
            BCW.Model.Game.Dxdice model = new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().GetDxdice(id);

            long   gold   = 0;
            string bzText = string.Empty;
            if (model.BzType == 0)
                gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
                gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
                bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
            if (model.Price > gold)
                BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                modelx.Types     = model.BzType;
                modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                modelx.UsId      = meid;
                modelx.UsName    = mename;
                modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
                modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
                modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
                modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+500000 where id=" + meid + "");

            long winMoney = model.Price;
            long SysTax = 0;
            int  Tax    = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("DxdiceTar", xmlPath));

            if (Tax > 0)
                SysTax = Convert.ToInt64(winMoney * Tax * 0.01);
            winMoney = winMoney - SysTax;

            bool IsRobot = false;
            if (new BCW.BLL.User().GetIsSpier(model.UsID) == 1)
                IsRobot = true;

            Random rd    = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
            int    C     = rd.Next(1, 7);
            int    D     = rd.Next(1, 7);
            int    IsWin = 0;
            int    iWin  = GetiWin(model.DxdiceA, "" + C + "#" + D + "");
            if (iWin == 3)
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, winMoney, 10);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGoldTop(model.UsID, model.UsName, -model.Price, 10);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, winMoney, "掷骰消费");

                if (!IsRobot)
                    new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, model.UsID, model.UsName, "您的掷骰已经结束,参与庄家[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url],结果对方掷了" + C + "#" + D + "点战胜了你掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点![url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx?act=add]我要继续掷骰[/url]");

                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx]大小掷骰[/url]以" + C + "#" + D + "点战胜了" + model.UsName + "掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点(赢" + model.Price + "" + bzText + ")";
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(18, id, 0, "", wText);
            else if (iWin == 2)
                IsWin = 2;//打平
                if (!IsRobot)
                    new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, model.UsID, model.UsName, "您的掷骰已经结束,参与庄家[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url],结果对方掷了" + C + "#" + D + "点打平了你掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点![url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx?act=case]马上兑奖[/url]");
                    new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().UpdateState(id, 2);
                    if (model.BzType == 0)
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(model.UsID, model.Price, "掷骰消费");
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(model.UsID, model.Price, "掷骰消费");
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx]大小掷骰[/url]以" + C + "#" + D + "点打平" + model.UsName + "掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点";
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(18, id, 0, "", wText);
                IsWin = 1;
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -model.Price, 10);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGoldTop(model.UsID, model.UsName, winMoney, 10);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, -model.Price, "掷骰消费");

                if (!IsRobot)
                    new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, model.UsID, model.UsName, "您的掷骰已经结束,参与庄家[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url],结果对方掷了" + C + "#" + D + "点负了你掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点![url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx?act=case]马上兑奖[/url]");
                    new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().UpdateState(id, 2);
                    if (model.BzType == 0)
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(model.UsID, winMoney, "掷骰消费");
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(model.UsID, winMoney, "掷骰消费");
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx]大小掷骰[/url]以" + C + "#" + D + "点负了" + model.UsName + "掷的" + model.DxdiceA + "点(输" + model.Price + "" + bzText + ")";
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(18, id, 0, "", wText);
            BCW.Model.Game.Dxdice m = new BCW.Model.Game.Dxdice();
            m.ID      = id;
            m.ReID    = meid;
            m.DxdiceB = C + "#" + D;
            m.ReName  = mename;
            m.ReTime  = DateTime.Now;
            m.IsWin   = IsWin;
            m.State   = 1;
            new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().UpdateState(m);
Exemple #9
    private void PlayDxdice(int meid)
        if (meid == 0)
            meid = GetUsID();

        int  bzType  = new Random().Next(0, 2);
        long paycent = GetPayCent();

        if (bzType == 1)
            paycent = paycent * 10;

        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
        long   gold   = 0;
        string bzText = string.Empty;

        if (bzType == 0)
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
        if (paycent > gold)
            BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
            modelx.BbTag     = 3;
            modelx.Types     = bzType;
            modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
            modelx.UsId      = meid;
            modelx.UsName    = mename;
            modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
            modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
            modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
            modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
            new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
            if (bzType == 0)
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
        if (bzType == 0)
            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -paycent, "掷骰消费");
            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, -paycent, "掷骰消费");

        Random rd = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
        int    A  = rd.Next(1, 7);
        int    B  = rd.Next(1, 7);

        if (A + B < 5)
            if (A > B)
                A = A + rd.Next(1, 3);
                B = B + rd.Next(1, 3);

        BCW.Model.Game.Dxdice model = new BCW.Model.Game.Dxdice();
        model.Types    = 0;
        model.DxdiceA  = A + "#" + B;
        model.DxdiceB  = "";
        model.StopTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
        model.UsID     = meid;
        model.UsName   = mename;
        model.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
        model.ReID     = 0;
        model.ReName   = "";
        model.Price    = paycent;
        model.IsWin    = 0;
        model.State    = 0;
        model.BzType   = bzType;
        int    id    = new BCW.BLL.Game.Dxdice().Add(model);
        string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/dxdice.aspx]大小掷骰[/url]开盘成功(" + paycent + "" + bzText + ")";

        new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(18, id, 0, "", wText);
Exemple #10
    private void PlayBrag2(int meid)
        if (meid == 0)
            meid = GetUsID();


        Random ra    = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
        int    ptype = ra.Next(1, 3);

        DataSet ds = new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().GetList("ID", "Types=0 and State=0 and UsID<>" + meid + " and AddTime<'" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-20) + "' ORDER BY NEWID()");

        if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            int TNum = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BragTNum", xmlPath));
            if (TNum > 0)
                int TCount2 = new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().GetCount2(meid);
                if (TCount2 > TNum)
                    int TCount = new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().GetCount(meid);
                    if ((TCount2 - TNum) > Convert.ToInt32(TCount * TNum))
                        meid = GetUsID();
            string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

            int id = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString());
            BCW.Model.Game.Brag model = new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().GetBrag(id);

            long   gold   = 0;
            string bzText = string.Empty;
            if (model.BzType == 0)
                gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
                gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
                bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
            if (model.Price > gold)
                BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                modelx.Types     = model.BzType;
                modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                modelx.UsId      = meid;
                modelx.UsName    = mename;
                modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
                modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
                modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
                modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
            //if (model.Price > 10000)
            int    bet    = model.TrueType;
            Random ra2    = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
            int    rdNext = ra2.Next(1, 1000);
            if (rdNext <= 400)
                rdNext = ((bet == 1) ? 2 : 1);
                rdNext = bet;
            ptype = rdNext;

            BCW.Model.Game.Brag m = new BCW.Model.Game.Brag();
            m.ID         = id;
            m.ReID       = meid;
            m.ReName     = mename;
            m.ReTime     = DateTime.Now;
            m.ChooseType = ptype;
            m.State      = 1;
            new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().UpdateState(m);

            long winMoney = model.Price;
            long SysTax = 0;
            int  Tax    = 0;
            if (CaseBrag(model.Price, model.BzType) == "蜗牛")
                Tax = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BragTar1", xmlPath));
            else if (CaseBrag(model.Price, model.BzType) == "水牛")
                Tax = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BragTar2", xmlPath));
                Tax = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("BragTar3", xmlPath));

            if (Tax > 0)
                SysTax = Convert.ToInt64(winMoney * Tax * 0.01);
            winMoney = winMoney - SysTax;

            bool IsRobot = false;
            if (new BCW.BLL.User().GetIsSpier(model.UsID) == 1)
                IsRobot = true;

            if (model.TrueType == ptype)
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, winMoney, 7);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGoldTop(model.UsID, model.UsName, -model.Price, 7);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, winMoney, "吹牛消费");
                if (!IsRobot)
                    new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, model.UsID, model.UsName, "您的吹牛:" + model.Title + "已经结束,参与吹牛人[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url],结果你忽悠不了对方,输了![url=/bbs/game/brag.aspx?act=add]我要继续吹[/url]");
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/brag.aspx]疯狂吹牛[/url]识破了" + model.UsName + "的吹牛(赢" + model.Price + "" + bzText + ")";
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(14, id, 0, "", wText);
                if (model.BzType == 0)
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -model.Price, 7);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGoldTop(model.UsID, model.UsName, winMoney, 7);
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -model.Price, "吹牛消费");
                if (!IsRobot)
                    new BCW.BLL.Guest().Add(1, model.UsID, model.UsName, "您的吹牛:" + model.Title + "已经结束,参与吹牛人[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url],结果全赢![url=/bbs/game/brag.aspx?act=case]马上兑奖[/url]");
                    new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().UpdateState(id, 2);
                    if (model.BzType == 0)
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(model.UsID, winMoney, "吹牛消费");
                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(model.UsID, winMoney, "吹牛消费");
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/brag.aspx]疯狂吹牛[/url]中的" + model.UsName + "的吹牛上当了(输" + model.Price + "" + bzText + ")";
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(14, id, 0, "", wText);
Exemple #11
    private void PlayBrag(int meid)
        if (meid == 0)
            meid = GetUsID();


        Random ra     = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
        int    bzType = ra.Next(0, 2);
        int    ptype  = ra.Next(1, 3);

        long paycent = GetPayCent();

        if (bzType == 1)
            paycent = paycent * 10;

        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
        long   gold   = 0;
        string bzText = string.Empty;

        if (bzType == 0)
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
        if (paycent > gold)
            BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
            modelx.BbTag     = 3;
            modelx.Types     = bzType;
            modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
            modelx.UsId      = meid;
            modelx.UsName    = mename;
            modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
            modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
            modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
            modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
            new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
            if (bzType == 0)
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
        if (bzType == 0)
            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -paycent, "吹牛消费");
            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, -paycent, "吹牛消费");

        BCW.Model.Game.Brag model = new BCW.Model.Game.Brag();
        model.Title      = "我比你帅多了";
        model.Types      = 0;
        model.BragA      = "信";
        model.BragB      = "不信";
        model.ChooseType = 0;
        model.TrueType   = ptype;
        model.StopTime   = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
        model.UsID       = meid;
        model.UsName     = mename;
        model.AddTime    = DateTime.Now;
        model.ReID       = 0;
        model.ReName     = "";
        model.Price      = paycent;
        model.State      = 0;
        model.BzType     = bzType;
        int    id    = new BCW.BLL.Game.Brag().Add(model);
        string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/brag.aspx]疯狂吹牛[/url]开盘成功(" + paycent + "" + bzText + ")";

        new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(14, id, 0, "", wText);
Exemple #12
    private void PlayHorse(int HorseId)
        int meid = GetUsID();


        int  ptype   = GetPtype();
        long paycent = GetPayCent();

        int bzType = 0;//new Random().Next(0, 2)

        if (bzType == 1)
            paycent = paycent * 5;

        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
        long   gold   = 0;
        string bzText = string.Empty;

        if (bzType == 0)
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
        if (paycent > gold)
            BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
            modelx.BbTag  = 3;
            modelx.Types  = bzType;
            modelx.PUrl   = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
            modelx.UsId   = meid;
            modelx.UsName = mename;
            if (bzType == 0)
                modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
                modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
                modelx.AcGold    = 5000000;
                modelx.AfterGold = gold + 5000000;//更新后的币数
            modelx.AcText  = "系统机器人自动操作";
            modelx.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
            new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
            if (bzType == 0)
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+5000000 where id=" + meid + "");

        BCW.Model.Game.Horselist horse = new BCW.BLL.Game.Horselist().GetHorselist();
        if (horse.ID == HorseId)
            if (bzType == 0)
                new BCW.BLL.Game.Horselist().UpdatePool(horse.ID, paycent);
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -paycent, "跑马押注");
                new BCW.BLL.Game.Horselist().UpdateWinPool(horse.ID, paycent);
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, -paycent, "跑马押注");
            BCW.Model.Game.Horsepay model = new BCW.Model.Game.Horsepay();
            model.HorseId = horse.ID;
            model.UsID    = meid;
            model.UsName  = mename;
            model.Types   = ptype;
            model.BuyCent = paycent;
            model.WinCent = 0;
            model.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
            model.State   = 0;
            model.bzType  = bzType;
            if (!new BCW.BLL.Game.Horsepay().Exists(horse.ID, meid, bzType, ptype))
                int pid = new BCW.BLL.Game.Horsepay().Add(model);
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_Horsepay set IsSpier=1 where id=" + pid + "");//机器人标识
                new BCW.BLL.Game.Horsepay().Update(model);

            string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/horse.aspx]跑马第" + horse.ID + "局[/url]押注" + paycent + "" + bzText + "";
            new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(10, 0, 0, "", wText);
Exemple #13
    private void PlayLuck(int LuckId)
        int meid = GetUsID();

        if (meid == 0)
        if (!new BCW.BLL.User().ExistsID(meid))
        #region  隐藏财产
        string   ForumSet   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetForumSet(meid);
        string[] fs         = ForumSet.Split(",".ToCharArray());
        string   sforumsets = string.Empty;
        for (int i = 0; i < fs.Length; i++)
            string[] sfs = fs[i].ToString().Split("|".ToCharArray());
            if (i == 24)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sforumsets))
                    sforumsets += sfs[0] + "|" + 1;
                    sforumsets += "," + sfs[0] + "|" + 1;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sforumsets))
                    sforumsets += sfs[0] + "|" + sfs[1];
                    sforumsets += "," + sfs[0] + "|" + sfs[1];
        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateForumSet(meid, sforumsets);
        if (IsOpen() == false)
            //Response.Write("" + GameName + "_机器人已休息close1!");

        //得到下注的类型  待写
        int num1 = Get28Type();
        //int num1 = 13;

        int  bzType  = 0;            // new Random().Next(0, 2);
        long paycent = GetPayCent(); //得到下注金额
                                     // Utils.Error("paycent:"+ paycent, "");
        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

        long   gold   = 0;
        string bzText = string.Empty;
        if (bzType == 0)
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
        #region  读XML
        long Luck28BigCents   = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28BigCents", xmlPath));//半数浮动设置下注额
        long Luck28SmallCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallCents", xmlPath));

        long Luck28SingleCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28SingleCents", xmlPath));
        long Luck28DoubleCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28DoubleCents", xmlPath));

        long Luck28BigSingleCents   = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28BigSingleCents", xmlPath));
        long Luck28SmallSingleCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallSingleCents", xmlPath));

        long Luck28BigDoubleCents   = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28BigDoubleCents", xmlPath));
        long Luck28SmallDoubleCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallDoubleCents", xmlPath));

        long Luck28FirstCents  = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28FirstCents", xmlPath));//分段每个段设置下注额
        long Luck28SecendCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28SecendCents", xmlPath));

        long Luck28ThreeCents = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28ThreeCents", xmlPath));
        long Luck28AllCents   = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28AllCents", xmlPath));

        string FloatBig    = (ub.GetSub("FloatBig", xmlPath));//得到浮动赔率
        string FloatSmall  = (ub.GetSub("FloatSmall", xmlPath));
        string FloatSingle = (ub.GetSub("FloatSingle", xmlPath));
        string FloatDouble = (ub.GetSub("FloatDouble", xmlPath));

        string bigsingleodds   = ub.GetSub("Luck28BigSingle", xmlPath);
        string smallsingleodds = ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallSingle", xmlPath);
        string bigdoubleoddds  = ub.GetSub("Luck28BigDouble", xmlPath);
        string smalldoubleodds = ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallDouble", xmlPath);
        string firstodds       = ub.GetSub("Luck28First", xmlPath);
        string secendodds      = ub.GetSub("Luck28Secend", xmlPath);
        string threeodds       = ub.GetSub("Luck28Three", xmlPath);

        long Big   = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Big");
        long small = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Small");

        long single = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Single");
        long doubl  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Double");

        long bigsingle   = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28BigSingle");
        long smallsingle = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28SmallSingle");

        long bigdouble   = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28BigDouble");
        long smalldouble = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28SmallDouble");

        long first  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28First");
        long secend = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Secend");

        long three    = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28Three");
        long all      = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyTypeCent(LuckId, "Luck28All");
        long MaxPool  = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28MaxPool", xmlPath));                 //每期下注总额
        long hadbuy   = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetPrice("BuyCents", "LuckId=" + LuckId); //得到某一期所有玩家的下注金额
        long paysmall = Convert.ToInt64(ub.GetSub("Luck28SmallPay", xmlPath));
        long paybig   = Convert.ToInt64(ub.GetSub("Luck28BigPay", xmlPath));
        int    buyCount   = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("Luck28RobotBuy", xmlPath));
        string BuyNum     = "";
        string EngText    = "";
        string Text       = "";
        string myend      = "";
        string odds       = "";
        string weishu     = string.Empty;
        int    flag       = 1; //是否可以下注
        long   allBuyCent = 0; //总的下注额

        #region 机械人下注
        //  else
        BCW.Model.Game.Lucklist luck = new BCW.BLL.Game.Lucklist().GetNextLucklist(); //得到最新一期
        long wanjia = 0;
        int  count  = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetRobotbuy(meid, luck.ID);          //得到机械人的下注次数

        if ((count < buyCount) && (buyCount != 0))                                    //可以下注
            #region 机械人下注

            #region 大小单双
            if (num1 == 1)
                BuyNum     = "14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27";
                EngText    = "Luck28Big";
                Text       = "押大";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > Luck28BigCents - Big + small)
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = FloatBig;
            else if (num1 == 2)
                BuyNum     = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13";
                Text       = "小";
                EngText    = "Luck28Small";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28SmallCents - small + Big))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = FloatSmall;
            else if (num1 == 3)
                BuyNum     = "1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27";
                Text       = "单";
                EngText    = "Luck28Single";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28SingleCents - single + doubl))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = FloatSingle;
            else if (num1 == 4)
                BuyNum     = "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26";
                Text       = "双";
                EngText    = "Luck28Double";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28DoubleCents - doubl + single))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = FloatDouble;
            else if (num1 == 5)
                BuyNum     = "15,17,19,21,23,25,27";
                Text       = "大单";
                EngText    = "Luck28BigSingle";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28BigSingleCents - bigsingle + smallsingle))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = bigsingleodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 6)
                BuyNum     = "1,3,5,7,9,11,13";
                Text       = "小单";
                EngText    = "Luck28SmallSingle";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28SmallSingleCents - smallsingle + bigsingle))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = smallsingleodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 7)
                BuyNum     = "14,16,18,20,22,24,26";
                Text       = "大双";
                EngText    = "Luck28BigDouble";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28BigDoubleCents - bigdouble + smalldouble))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = bigdoubleoddds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 8)
                BuyNum     = "0,2,4,6,8,10,12";
                Text       = "小双";
                EngText    = "Luck28SmallDouble";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28SmallDoubleCents - smalldouble + bigdouble))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = smalldoubleodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 9)
                BuyNum     = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";
                Text       = "一段";
                EngText    = "Luck28First";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28FirstCents - first))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = firstodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 10)
                BuyNum     = "10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18";
                Text       = "二段";
                EngText    = "Luck28Secend";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28SecendCents - secend))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = secendodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 11)
                BuyNum     = "19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27";
                Text       = "三段";
                EngText    = "Luck28Three";
                wanjia     = paycent;
                allBuyCent = paycent;
                if ((wanjia) > (Luck28ThreeCents - three))
                    flag = 0;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
                odds = threeodds.ToString();
            else if (num1 == 12)
                BuyNum  = Choose(27);
                Text    = "自选";
                EngText = "Luck28Choose";
                wanjia  = paycent;
                //  Response.Write("产生的自选号码是:" + BuyNum + "<>br/");
                string[] a = BuyNum.Split(',');
                allBuyCent = paycent * a.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                    string haoma  = a[i].ToString();                                                  //得到选的第几个号码
                    long   canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Buy" + haoma, xmlPath));          //得到每个号码最大下注金额
                    long   hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCentbychoose(luck.ID, haoma); //得到某数字的已下的总下注金额
                    if (hasbuy + paycent > canbuy)                                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  该号码最大下注金额
                        flag = 0;
                    if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                        flag = 0;
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
            else if (num1 == 13)
                BuyNum  = Choose(10);
                myend   = BuyNum;
                Text    = "尾号";
                EngText = "Luck28End";
                wanjia  = paycent;
                //  Response.Write("产生的尾号是:" + BuyNum + "<br/>");
                string[] a     = BuyNum.Split(',');
                string   getWS = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                    #region 尾数判断
                    if (a[i] == "0")
                        getWS = "0,10,20";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last0Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS+"<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "1")
                        getWS = "1,11,21";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last1Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "2")
                        getWS = "2,12,22";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last2Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "3")
                        getWS = "3,13,23";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last3Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "4")
                        getWS = "4,14,24";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last4Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "5")
                        getWS = "5,15,25";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last5Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                //  Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "6")
                        getWS = "6,16,26";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last6Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "7")
                        getWS = "7,17,27";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last7Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                //  Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "8")
                        getWS = "8,18";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last8Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                // Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                    else if (a[i] == "9")
                        getWS = "9,19";
                        long canbuy = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("Luck28Last9Cents", xmlPath));   //得到号码最大下注金额
                        long hasbuy = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetSumBuyCent(luck.ID, getWS); //得到某数字的总下注金额
                                                                                                //Response.Write("尾数:" + getWS + "<br/>");
                        if (((hasbuy + (paycent))) > canbuy)                                    //某数字的总下注金额 + 玩家单个数下注金额   >  号码最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;
                        if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                            flag = 0;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weishu))
                        weishu = weishu + getWS;
                        weishu = weishu + "," + getWS;
                BuyNum = weishu;
                //Response.Write("尾数是:" + weishu + "<br/>");
                //Response.Write("BuyNum:" + BuyNum + "<br/>");
                string[] Temp1 = myend.Split(',');
                //  Response.Write("尾数总数:" + Temp1.Length + "<br/>");
                allBuyCent = paycent * Temp1.Length;
                if ((allBuyCent + hadbuy) > MaxPool)//当前玩家下注+之前所有玩家下注 >  当期最大下注金额
                    flag = 0;
                //Response.Write("wanjia:" + wanjia + "<br/>");
                //Response.Write("Temp1.Length:" + Temp1.Length + "<br/>");
                //Response.Write("allBuyCent:" + allBuyCent + "<br/>");
                if (allBuyCent > paybig || allBuyCent < paysmall)//超过单注下注范围
                    flag = 0;
            long myIDPay     = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().GetPrice("BuyCents", "LuckId=" + LuckId + " and UsID=" + meid); //得到这一期该玩家的总下注额
            long XMLEveryPay = Convert.ToInt64(ub.GetSub("Luck28EveryPay", xmlPath));                                     //限制每个ID每期下注的金额

            if (myIDPay + allBuyCent > XMLEveryPay)
                flag = 0;
                Response.Write("每期每ID最多可下" + XMLEveryPay + ub.Get("SiteBz") + ",你已下" + myIDPay + ub.Get("SiteBz"));
                // Utils.Error("每期每ID最多可下" + XMLEveryPay + ub.Get("SiteBz") + ",你已下" + myIDPay + ub.Get("SiteBz"), "");

            if (flag == 1)//可以下注并且不超过最大下注额
                if (gold < allBuyCent || gold < 0)
                    // Response.Write("<b>机器人" + meid + "币不够!请换一个机器人或者给该机器人充值 </b><br />");
                    BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                    modelx.BbTag  = 3;
                    modelx.Types  = 0;
                    modelx.PUrl   = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                    modelx.UsId   = meid;
                    modelx.UsName = mename;

                    modelx.AcGold    = paycent;
                    modelx.AfterGold = gold + allBuyCent;//更新后的币数

                    modelx.AcText  = "系统机器人自动操作";
                    modelx.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                    new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
                    BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + allBuyCent + ") where id=" + meid + "");
                //   Utils.Error("allBuyCent:"+ allBuyCent+ ",EngText:"+ EngText, "");
                Response.Write("paycent:" + paycent + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("BuyNum:" + BuyNum + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("allBuyCent:" + allBuyCent + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("EngText:" + EngText + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("flag:" + flag + "<br/>");
                //  Response.Write("尾数:" + myend + "<br/>");
                Response.Write(meid + "机械人可以加入数据库:" + count + "<br/>");
                BCW.Model.Game.Luckpay model = new BCW.Model.Game.Luckpay();
                model.LuckId   = LuckId;
                model.UsID     = meid;
                model.UsName   = mename;
                model.BuyCent  = paycent;
                model.BuyCents = allBuyCent;
                model.BuyNum   = BuyNum;
                model.BuyType  = EngText;
                model.State    = 0;
                model.IsRobot  = 1;//是机械人下注
                model.WinCent  = 0;
                model.AddTime  = DateTime.Now;
                if (odds != "")
                    model.odds = odds;
                    model.odds = "1";
                // Response.Write("allBuyCent:" + allBuyCent + "<br/>");
                int id = new BCW.BLL.Game.Luckpay().Add(model);
                if (EngText == "Luck28Choose")
                    //  new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(102, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(102), allBuyCent, "ID:" + meid + "二八第" + luck.Bjkl8Qihao + "期买" + Text + BuyNum + "共" + allBuyCent + "-标识" + id + "");
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid), -allBuyCent, "二八第" + luck.Bjkl8Qihao + "期押" + Text + BuyNum + "-标识" + id + "");
                else if (Text == "Luck28End")
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid), -allBuyCent, "二八第" + luck.Bjkl8Qihao + "期押" + Text + "" + myend + "-标识" + id + "");
                    new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid), -allBuyCent, "二八第" + luck.Bjkl8Qihao + "期押" + Text + ",赔率:" + model.odds + "-标识" + id + "");
                string wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/luck28.aspx]幸运28第" + luck.Bjkl8Qihao + "期[/url]下注**" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";//" + Convert.ToInt64(allBuyCent) + "
                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1020, id, 0, "", wText);
                // Response.Write(meid + "机械人下注过大:"+allBuyCent+"<br/>" );
            Response.Write(meid + "机械人不能再下注啦:" + count);
Exemple #14
    private void PlayBigSmallInfo(int meid, int id, long PayCent)
        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

        BCW.Model.Game.Bslist model = new BCW.BLL.Game.Bslist().GetBslist(id);
        if (model.UsID == meid)

        int bet = new Random().Next(0, 2);

        if (PayCent < model.SmallPay || PayCent > model.BigPay)
        if (PayCent > model.Money)

        long   gold   = 0;
        string bzText = string.Empty;

        if (model.BzType == 0)
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
            bzText = ub.Get("SiteBz2");
            gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetMoney(meid);
        if (gold < PayCent)
            BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
            modelx.BbTag     = 3;
            modelx.Types     = model.BzType;
            modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
            modelx.UsId      = meid;
            modelx.UsName    = mename;
            modelx.AcGold    = 500000;
            modelx.AfterGold = gold + 500000;//更新后的币数
            modelx.AcText    = "系统机器人自动操作";
            modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
            new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);
            if (model.BzType == 0)
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+500000 where id=" + meid + "");
                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iMoney=iMoney+500000 where id=" + meid + "");

        bool   IsWin  = false;
        Random ra     = new Random(unchecked ((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
        int    rdNext = ra.Next(0, 2);

        if (rdNext == bet)
            IsWin = true;

        string IsWinBot = ub.GetSub("BsIsWinBot", xmlPath);

        if (IsWinBot == "0")
            rdNext = ra.Next(1, 1000);
            if (rdNext <= 400)
                rdNext = ((bet == 0) ? 1 : 0);
                IsWin  = false;
                rdNext = bet;
                IsWin  = true;

        long WinCent = 0;

        if (IsWin)//闲胜
            double XTar   = Convert.ToDouble(ub.GetSub("BsXTar", xmlPath));
            long   xMoney = PayCent - Convert.ToInt64(XTar * 0.01 * PayCent);
            if (model.BzType == 0)
                BCW.Model.Toplist modeltop = new BCW.Model.Toplist();
                modeltop.Types  = 9;
                modeltop.UsId   = model.UsID;
                modeltop.UsName = model.UsName;

                modeltop.PutNum  = 1;
                modeltop.PutGold = -PayCent;

                if (!new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Exists(model.UsID, 9))
                    new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Add(modeltop);
                    new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Update(modeltop);

                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, xMoney, 9);
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, xMoney, "大小庄赢得");

            new BCW.BLL.Game.Bslist().UpdateMoney(id, -PayCent);
            WinCent = xMoney;
            double ZTar   = Convert.ToDouble(ub.GetSub("BsZTar", xmlPath));
            long   zMoney = PayCent - Convert.ToInt64(ZTar * 0.01 * PayCent);
            new BCW.BLL.Game.Bslist().UpdateMoney(id, zMoney);
            if (model.BzType == 0)
                BCW.Model.Toplist modeltop = new BCW.Model.Toplist();
                modeltop.Types   = 9;
                modeltop.UsId    = model.UsID;
                modeltop.UsName  = model.UsName;
                modeltop.WinNum  = 1;
                modeltop.WinGold = zMoney;
                if (!new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Exists(model.UsID, 9))
                    new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Add(modeltop);
                    new BCW.BLL.Toplist().Update(modeltop);

                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -PayCent, 9);
                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiMoney(meid, mename, -PayCent, "大小庄失去");
            WinCent = -PayCent;

        BCW.Model.Game.Bspay addmodel = new BCW.Model.Game.Bspay();
        addmodel.BsId    = id;
        addmodel.BsTitle = model.Title;
        addmodel.BzType  = model.BzType;
        addmodel.BetType = bet;
        addmodel.PayCent = PayCent;
        addmodel.UsID    = meid;
        addmodel.UsName  = mename;
        addmodel.WinCent = WinCent;
        addmodel.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
        new BCW.BLL.Game.Bspay().Add(addmodel);
        new BCW.BLL.Game.Bslist().UpdateClick(id);
        string wText = string.Empty;

        if (IsWin == true)
            wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/bigsmall.aspx]大小庄[/url]《" + model.Title + "》赢得了" + PayCent + "" + bzText + "";
            wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/bigsmall.aspx]大小庄[/url]《" + model.Title + "》失去了" + PayCent + "" + bzText + "";

        new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(13, 0, 0, "", wText);
Exemple #15
    public void Robot()
        string buycount   = ub.GetSub("HP3ROBOTBUY", xmlPath);
        int    buycou     = Convert.ToInt32(buycount);
        string RoBotCost1 = ub.GetSub("HP3ROBOTCOST", xmlPath);

        string[] ppp       = RoBotCost1.Split('#');
        Random   ran       = new Random();
        int      k         = ran.Next(0, (ppp.Length));
        long     RoBotCost = Convert.ToInt32(ppp[k]);
        int      meid      = GetUsID();//下注ID

        BCW.HP3.Model.HP3_kjnum model2 = new BCW.HP3.Model.HP3_kjnum();
        model2 = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3_kjnum().GetListLast();
        int      dnu    = int.Parse(model2.datenum);
        DateTime kjtime = model2.datetime;

        BCW.HP3.Model.HP3Buy modelBuy = new BCW.HP3.Model.HP3Buy();
        int[]    xx  = new int[] { 1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 };
        string[] xx2 = { "A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K" };
        int      x;
        Random   r = new Random();

        x = r.Next(0, 8);
        modelBuy.BuyType = xx[x];
        modelBuy.BuyID   = meid;
        modelBuy.BuyTime = DateTime.Now;
        modelBuy.BuyDate = dnu.ToString();
        Random Od  = new Random();
        int    Odd = Od.Next(1, 99);
        int    zhu = 1;

        if (modelBuy.BuyType == 1)
            int    x2;
            Random r2 = new Random();
            x2 = r2.Next(1, 52);
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = x2.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
            modelBuy.BuyZhu   = 1;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 17)
            string x3 = string.Empty;
            Random r3 = new Random();
            x3 = r3.Next(1, 5).ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = x3;
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
            modelBuy.BuyZhu   = 1;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 6)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(1, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 7)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(2, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 9)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(3, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 11)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(4, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 13)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(5, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 15)
            int    x6;
            Random r6 = new Random();
            x6 = r6.Next(6, 14);
            int[] arrayK = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            RandomKDiffer(x6, arrayK);
            string sbb = "";
            for (int s = 0; s < x6; s++)
                if (s != x6 - 1)
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]] + ",";
                    sbb = sbb + xx2[arrayK[s]];
            modelBuy.BuyNum   = sbb.ToString();
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd;
        int    ptype = modelBuy.BuyType;
        string Num2  = modelBuy.BuyNum;

        if (ptype == 6)//直1
            int len = Num2.Length;
            zhu = (len + 1) / 2;
        else if (ptype == 7)//直2
            int len  = Num2.Length;
            int Anum = (len + 1) / 2;
            switch (Anum)
            case 2:
                zhu = 1;

            case 3:
                zhu = 3;

            case 4:
                zhu = 6;

            case 5:
                zhu = 10;

            case 6:
                zhu = 15;

            case 7:
                zhu = 21;

            case 8:
                zhu = 28;

            case 9:
                zhu = 36;

            case 10:
                zhu = 45;

            case 11:
                zhu = 55;

            case 12:
                zhu = 66;

            case 13:
                zhu = 78;

        else if (ptype == 9)//直3
            int len  = Num2.Length;
            int Anum = (len + 1) / 2;
            switch (Anum)
            case 3:
                zhu = 1;

            case 4:
                zhu = 4;

            case 5:
                zhu = 10;

            case 6:
                zhu = 20;

            case 7:
                zhu = 35;

            case 8:
                zhu = 56;

            case 9:
                zhu = 84;

            case 10:
                zhu = 120;

            case 11:
                zhu = 165;

            case 12:
                zhu = 220;

            case 13:
                zhu = 288;
        else if (ptype == 11)//直4
            int len  = Num2.Length;
            int Anum = (len + 1) / 2;
            switch (Anum)
            case 4:
                zhu = 1;

            case 5:
                zhu = 5;

            case 6:
                zhu = 15;

            case 7:
                zhu = 35;

            case 8:
                zhu = 70;

            case 9:
                zhu = 126;

            case 10:
                zhu = 210;

            case 11:
                zhu = 330;

            case 12:
                zhu = 495;

            case 13:
                zhu = 715;
        else if (ptype == 13)//直5
            int len  = Num2.Length;
            int Anum = (len + 1) / 2;
            switch (Anum)
            case 5:
                zhu = 1;

            case 6:
                zhu = 6;

            case 7:
                zhu = 21;

            case 8:
                zhu = 56;

            case 9:
                zhu = 126;

            case 10:
                zhu = 252;

            case 11:
                zhu = 462;

            case 12:
                zhu = 792;

            case 13:
                zhu = 1287;
        else if (ptype == 15)//直6
            int len  = Num2.Length;
            int Anum = (len + 1) / 2;
            switch (Anum)
            case 6:
                zhu = 1;

            case 7:
                zhu = 7;

            case 8:
                zhu = 28;

            case 9:
                zhu = 84;

            case 10:
                zhu = 210;

            case 11:
                zhu = 462;

            case 12:
                zhu = 924;

            case 13:
                zhu = 1716;
        modelBuy.BuyZhu = zhu;
        string buynum = modelBuy.BuyNum;

        if (modelBuy.BuyType == 1)
            switch (buynum)
            case "1":
            case "2":
            case "3":
            case "4":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(2));

            case "5":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(1));

            case "6":
            case "7":
            case "8":
            case "9":
            case "10":
            case "11":
            case "12":
            case "13":
            case "14":
            case "15":
            case "16":
            case "17":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(6));

            case "18":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(5));

            case "19":
            case "20":
            case "21":
            case "22":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(4));

            case "23":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(3));

            case "24":
            case "25":
            case "26":
            case "27":
            case "28":
            case "29":
            case "30":
            case "31":
            case "32":
            case "33":
            case "34":
            case "35":
            case "36":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(8));

            case "37":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(7));

            case "38":
            case "39":
            case "40":
            case "41":
            case "42":
            case "43":
            case "44":
            case "45":
            case "46":
            case "47":
            case "48":
            case "49":
            case "50":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(10));

            case "51":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(9));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 6)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(11));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 7)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(12));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 9)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(13));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 11)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(14));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 13)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(15));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 15)
            modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(16));
        else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 17)
            switch (modelBuy.BuyNum)
            case "1":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(21));

            case "2":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(22));

            case "3":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(23));

            case "4":
                modelBuy.Odds = Convert.ToDecimal(XML(24));

        int count = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().GetRecordCount(" BuyID=" + meid + " and BuyDate='" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "'");

        long big = Convert.ToInt64(ub.GetSub("HP3BigPay", xmlPath));

        while (modelBuy.BuyMoney > big)
            Random Od2  = new Random();
            int    Odd2 = Od2.Next(1, 99);
            modelBuy.BuyMoney = Convert.ToInt64(RoBotCost) * Odd2;
        long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("HP3Price", xmlPath));
        long prices  = Convert.ToInt64(modelBuy.BuyMoney * modelBuy.BuyZhu);

        long SmallPay = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("HP3SmallPay", xmlPath));
        long BigPay   = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("HP3BigPay", xmlPath));

        if (prices >= SmallPay && prices <= BigPay)
            if (xPrices > 0)
                DataSet   ds      = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().GetListByID("BuyMoney", meid, modelBuy.BuyDate);
                int       oPrices = 0;
                DataTable dt      = ds.Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    int drs = int.Parse(dr[0].ToString());
                    oPrices = oPrices + drs;
                int end2      = int.Parse(GetLastStr(model2.datenum, 2));
                int LiangTing = int.Parse(ub.GetSub("HP3LianTing", xmlPath));

                long   gold   = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);
                string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);

                if (count < buycou && oPrices + prices < xPrices && gold >= 0)
                    if (gold >= prices)
                        int Sec = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("HP3Sec", xmlPath));
                        if (kjtime < DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Sec))
                            string xfjl = "";
                            if (modelBuy.BuyType == 1)
                                xfjl = speChoose(Convert.ToInt32(modelBuy.BuyNum));
                            else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 17)
                                switch (modelBuy.BuyNum)
                                case "1":
                                    xfjl = "大";

                                case "2":
                                    xfjl = "小";

                                case "3":
                                    xfjl = "单";

                                case "4":
                                    xfjl = "双";
                                switch (modelBuy.BuyType)
                                case 6:
                                    xfjl = "任选一:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 7:
                                    xfjl = "任选二:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 8:
                                    xfjl = "任选二胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 9:
                                    xfjl = "任选三:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 10:
                                    xfjl = "任选三胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 11:
                                    xfjl = "任选四:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 12:
                                    xfjl = "任选四胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 13:
                                    xfjl = "任选五:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 14:
                                    xfjl = "任选五胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 15:
                                    xfjl = "任选六:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 16:
                                    xfjl = "任选六胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                            int id = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().Add(modelBuy);
                            new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第" + "[url=./game/HP3.aspx?act=BuyWin&qihaos=" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "&amp;ptype=2]" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "[/url]期买" + xfjl + "投注ID" + id);
                            new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().UpdateIsRot(id, 1);
                            new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().UpdateWillGet(id, 0);
                            string gameplay = "";
                            switch (modelBuy.BuyType)
                            case 1:
                                gameplay = "花色连号同号投注";

                            case 17:
                                gameplay = "大小单双投注";

                                gameplay = "任选投注";
                            string wText = "在[url=/bbs/game/HP3.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + gameplay + "》下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";// + prices
                            new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1003, id, meid, mename, wText);
                        // if (gold < prices)
                        BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                        modelx.BbTag     = 3;
                        modelx.Types     = 0;
                        modelx.PUrl      = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                        modelx.UsId      = meid;
                        modelx.UsName    = mename;
                        modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                        modelx.AfterGold = gold + prices;//更新后的币数
                        modelx.AcText    = "HP3系统机器人自动操作";
                        modelx.AddTime   = DateTime.Now;
                        new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);

                        BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where id=" + meid + "");

                        int Sec = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("HP3Sec", xmlPath));
                        if (kjtime < DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(Sec))
                            string xfjl = "";
                            if (modelBuy.BuyType == 1)
                                xfjl = speChoose(Convert.ToInt32(modelBuy.BuyNum));
                            else if (modelBuy.BuyType == 17)
                                switch (modelBuy.BuyNum)
                                case "1":
                                    xfjl = "大";

                                case "2":
                                    xfjl = "小";

                                case "3":
                                    xfjl = "单";

                                case "4":
                                    xfjl = "双";
                                switch (modelBuy.BuyType)
                                case 6:
                                    xfjl = "任选一:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 7:
                                    xfjl = "任选二:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 8:
                                    xfjl = "任选二胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 9:
                                    xfjl = "任选三:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 10:
                                    xfjl = "任选三胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 11:
                                    xfjl = "任选四:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 12:
                                    xfjl = "任选四胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 13:
                                    xfjl = "任选五:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 14:
                                    xfjl = "任选五胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 15:
                                    xfjl = "任选六:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                                case 16:
                                    xfjl = "任选六胆拖:" + modelBuy.BuyNum;

                            int id = 0;
                                id = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().Add(modelBuy);
                                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第" + "[url=./game/HP3.aspx?act=BuyWin&qihaos=" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "&amp;ptype=2]" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "[/url]期买" + xfjl + "投注ID" + id);
                                new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().UpdateIsRot(id, 1);
                                new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().UpdateWillGet(id, 0);
                                string gameplay = "";
                                switch (modelBuy.BuyType)
                                case 1:
                                    gameplay = "花色连号同号投注";

                                case 17:
                                    gameplay = "大小单双投注";

                                    gameplay = "任选投注";
                                string wText = "在[url=/bbs/game/HP3.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + gameplay + "》下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";//+ prices
                                new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1003, id, meid, mename, wText);
                            catch { }

                    int countall = new BCW.HP3.BLL.HP3Buy().GetRecordCount("  BuyDate='" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "'");
                    Response.Write("第" + modelBuy.BuyDate + "期<br />");
                    Response.Write("机器人总计买了" + countall + "张<br />");
Exemple #16
    /// <summary>
    /// 机器人购买自动兑奖
    /// </summary>
    private void klsfRobotPlay()
        #region 机器人下注
        int meid = GetUsID();
        if (meid == 0)
        int pType = GetPtype();
        int      Price = 0;
        string[] ppp   = ub.GetSub("klsfRobotBuyCent", "/Controls/klsf.xml").Split('#');
        Random   ran   = new Random();
        int      k     = ran.Next(0, (ppp.Length));
        Price = Convert.ToInt32(ppp[k]);

        int buyCount = Convert.ToInt32(ub.GetSub("klsfRobotBuy", xmlPath));

        double Odds       = 0;
        double klsfOdds1  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds1", xmlPath));  //任选五胆拖
        double klsfOdds2  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds2", xmlPath));  //任选五普通
        double klsfOdds3  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds3", xmlPath));  //任选四胆拖
        double klsfOdds4  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds4", xmlPath));  //任选四普通
        double klsfOdds5  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds5", xmlPath));  //任选三胆拖
        double klsfOdds6  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds6", xmlPath));  //任选三普通
        double klsfOdds7  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds7", xmlPath));  //任选二胆拖
        double klsfOdds8  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds8", xmlPath));  //任选二普通
        double klsfOdds9  = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds9", xmlPath));  //连二直选
        double klsfOdds10 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds10", xmlPath)); //连二组选
        double klsfOdds11 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds11", xmlPath)); //前一红投
        double klsfOdds12 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds12", xmlPath)); //前一数投
        double klsfOdds13 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds13", xmlPath)); //大
        double klsfOdds14 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds14", xmlPath)); //小
        double klsfOdds15 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds15", xmlPath)); //单
        double klsfOdds16 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds16", xmlPath)); //双
        double klsfOdds17 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds17", xmlPath)); //浮动
        double klsfOdds18 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds18", xmlPath)); //龙18
        double klsfOdds19 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds19", xmlPath)); //虎81
        double klsfOdds20 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds20", xmlPath)); //龙27
        double klsfOdds21 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds21", xmlPath)); //虎72
        double klsfOdds22 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds22", xmlPath)); //龙36
        double klsfOdds23 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds23", xmlPath)); //虎63
        double klsfOdds24 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds24", xmlPath)); //龙45
        double klsfOdds25 = Utils.ParseDouble(ub.GetSub("klsfOdds25", xmlPath)); //虎54

        int    stage  = 0;
        string mename = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
        string date   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd");
        stage = int.Parse(date + "01");
        BCW.Model.klsflist model = new BCW.BLL.klsflist().GetklsflistLast();

        if (model.EndTime > DateTime.Now)
            BCW.Model.klsfpay modelPay = new BCW.Model.klsfpay();

            int    count = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().GetRecordCount(" UsID=" + meid + " and klsfId=" + model.klsfId + "");
            Random r     = new Random();

            if (count < buyCount)
                string Notes = string.Empty;
                if (pType == 1)//五胆拖
                    int n = r.Next(6, 10);
                    int m = r.Next(1, 3);
                    Notes           = GetDTNotes(n, m);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds1;
                else if (pType == 2)//五任选
                    int n = r.Next(6, 10);
                    Notes           = GetRPNotes(n);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds2;
                else if (pType == 3)//四胆拖
                    int n = r.Next(5, 9);
                    int m = r.Next(1, 3);
                    Notes           = GetDTNotes(n, m);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds3;
                else if (pType == 4)//四任选
                    int n = r.Next(5, 9);
                    Notes           = GetRPNotes(n);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds4;
                else if (pType == 5)//三胆拖
                    int n = r.Next(4, 8);
                    int m = r.Next(1, 2);
                    Notes           = GetDTNotes(n, m);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds5;
                else if (pType == 6)//三任选
                    int n = r.Next(4, 8);
                    Notes           = GetRPNotes(n);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds6;
                else if (pType == 7)//两胆拖
                    int n = r.Next(3, 7);
                    Notes           = GetDTNotes(n, 1);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds7;
                else if (pType == 8 || pType == 10)//二任选、连二组选
                    int n = r.Next(3, 7);
                    Notes           = GetRPNotes(n);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    if (pType == 8)
                        Odds = klsfOdds8;
                    if (pType == 10)
                        Odds = klsfOdds10;
                else if (pType == 9)//连二直选
                    int n = r.Next(4, 8);
                    int m = r.Next(1, n - 1);
                    Notes           = GetDTNotes(n, m);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds9;
                else if (pType == 11)//前一红投
                    int n = r.Next(1, 2);
                    Notes           = GetFSNotes(n, 19, 21);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds11;
                else if (pType == 12)//前一数投
                    int n = r.Next(1, 5);
                    Notes           = GetFSNotes(n, 1, 19);
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = GetZS(Notes, pType);
                    Odds            = klsfOdds12;
                else if (pType == 13)//买大小
                    int n = r.Next(1, 3);
                    if (n == 1)
                        Notes = "大";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds13;
                        Notes = "小";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds14;
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = 1;
                else if (pType == 14)//押单双
                    int n = r.Next(1, 3);
                    if (n == 1)
                        Notes = "单";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds15;
                        Notes = "双";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds16;
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = 1;
                else if (pType == 15)//押龙虎
                    int n = r.Next(1, 9);
                    if (n == 1)
                        Notes = "龙(1与8位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds18;
                    else if (n == 2)
                        Notes = "虎(1与8位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds19;
                    else if (n == 3)
                        Notes = "龙(2与7位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds20;
                    else if (n == 4)
                        Notes = "虎(2与7位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds21;
                    else if (n == 5)
                        Notes = "龙(3与6位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds22;
                    else if (n == 6)
                        Notes = "虎(3与6位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds23;
                    else if (n == 7)
                        Notes = "龙(4与5位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds24;
                    else if (n == 8)
                        Notes = "虎(4与5位)";
                        Odds  = klsfOdds25;
                    modelPay.Notes  = Notes;
                    modelPay.iCount = 1;

                int  IsSWB = Utils.ParseInt(ub.GetSub("klsfSWB", xmlPath));
                long gold  = 0;

                gold = new BCW.BLL.User().GetGold(meid);

                long prices = Convert.ToInt64(Price * modelPay.iCount);

                long SmallPay = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("klsfSmallPay", xmlPath));
                long BigPay   = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("klsfBigPay", xmlPath));

                if (prices >= SmallPay && prices <= BigPay)
                    long xPrices = Utils.ParseInt64(ub.GetSub("klsfPrice", xmlPath));
                    if (xPrices > 0 && gold >= 0)
                        long oPrices = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().GetSumPrices(meid, model.klsfId);
                        if (oPrices + prices <= xPrices)
                            if (gold < prices)
                                BCW.Model.Goldlog modelx = new BCW.Model.Goldlog();
                                modelx.BbTag  = 3;
                                modelx.Types  = 0;
                                modelx.PUrl   = Utils.getPageUrl();//操作的文件名
                                modelx.UsId   = meid;
                                modelx.UsName = mename;

                                modelx.AcGold    = prices;
                                modelx.AfterGold = (gold + prices);//更新后的币数

                                modelx.AcText  = "系统机器人自动操作";
                                modelx.AddTime = DateTime.Now;
                                new BCW.BLL.Goldlog().Add(modelx);

                                BCW.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update tb_User set iGold=iGold+(" + prices + ") where ID=" + meid + "");

                                    modelPay.klsfId  = model.klsfId;            //购买期数
                                    modelPay.Types   = pType;                   //投注类型
                                    modelPay.UsID    = meid;                    //用户id
                                    modelPay.UsName  = mename;                  //用户昵称
                                    modelPay.AddTime = DateTime.Now;            //投注时间
                                    modelPay.Result  = "";                      //开奖结果
                                    modelPay.State   = 0;                       //未开奖
                                    modelPay.WinCent = 0;                       //获得多少酷币
                                    modelPay.iWin    = 0;                       //中了多少注
                                    modelPay.Price   = Price;                   //每注投多少钱
                                    modelPay.Prices  = prices;                  //总投了多少钱
                                    modelPay.isRoBot = 1;
                                    modelPay.Odds    = Convert.ToDecimal(Odds); //赔率
                                    int id = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().Add(modelPay);

                                    #region 根据版本选择快乐币和酷币的获取和显示
                                    string wText = string.Empty;
                                    if (IsSWB == 0)
                                        new BCW.SWB.BLL().UpdateMoney(meid, -prices, gid);
                                        wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/klsf.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + OutType(pType) + "》下注" + prices + "快乐币";
                                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" + model.ID + "]" + model.klsfId + "[/url]期" + OutType(pType) + ":" + Notes + "|赔率" + modelPay.Odds + "|标识Id" + id + ""); //酷币
                                        //new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(105, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(105), prices, "ID:[url=forumlog.aspx?act=xview&amp;uid=" + meid + "]" + meid + "[/url]" + GameName + "第[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" +model.ID + "]" + model.klsfId + "[/url]期买" + OutType(pType) + ":" + Notes + "共" + prices+ub.Get("SiteBz") + "-标识Id" +id+ "");
                                        wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/klsf.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + OutType(pType) + "》下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";                                                           //+ prices

                                    new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1006, id, meid, mename, wText);
                                // if (gold >= prices)
                                    modelPay.klsfId  = model.klsfId;            //购买期数
                                    modelPay.Types   = pType;                   //投注类型
                                    modelPay.UsID    = meid;                    //用户id
                                    modelPay.UsName  = mename;                  //用户昵称
                                    modelPay.AddTime = DateTime.Now;            //投注时间
                                    modelPay.Result  = "";                      //开奖结果
                                    modelPay.State   = 0;                       //未开奖
                                    modelPay.WinCent = 0;                       //获得多少酷币
                                    modelPay.iWin    = 0;                       //中了多少注
                                    modelPay.Price   = Price;                   //每注投多少钱
                                    modelPay.Prices  = prices;                  //总投了多少钱
                                    modelPay.isRoBot = 1;
                                    modelPay.Odds    = Convert.ToDecimal(Odds); //赔率
                                    int id = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().Add(modelPay);

                                    #region 根据版本选择快乐币和酷币的获取和显示
                                    string wText = string.Empty;
                                    if (IsSWB == 0)
                                        new BCW.SWB.BLL().UpdateMoney(meid, -prices, gid);
                                        wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/klsf.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + OutType(pType) + "》下注" + prices + "快乐币";
                                        new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename, -prices, "" + GameName + "第[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" + model.ID + "]" + model.klsfId + "[/url]期" + OutType(pType) + ":" + Notes + "|赔率" + modelPay.Odds + "|标识Id" + id + ""); //酷币
                                        //new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(105, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(105), prices, "ID:[url=forumlog.aspx?act=xview&amp;uid=" + meid + "]" + meid + "[/url]" + GameName + "第[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" +model.ID + "]" + model.klsfId + "[/url]期买" + OutType(pType) + ":" + Notes + "共" + prices+ub.Get("SiteBz") + "-标识Id" +id+ "");
                                        wText = "[url=/bbs/uinfo.aspx?uid=" + meid + "]" + mename + "[/url]在[url=/bbs/game/klsf.aspx]" + GameName + "[/url]《" + OutType(pType) + "》下注**" + "" + ub.Get("SiteBz") + "";                                                           //+ prices

                                    new BCW.BLL.Action().Add(1006, id, meid, mename, wText);

        #region 机器人自动兑奖
        string RoBot = ub.GetSub("klsfRobotId", xmlPath);
        //  string RoBotCost = ub.GetSub("ReBotCost", xmlPath);
        string[] RoBotID = RoBot.Split('#');
        for (int i = 0; i < RoBotID.Length; i++)
            if (RoBotID[i] != "")
                meid = Convert.ToInt32(RoBotID[i].Replace(" ", ""));
                string  mename1 = new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(meid);
                DataSet model2  = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().GetList("id", "usID=" + meid + " and isRoBot=1 and iWin > 0 and State!=2 ");
                if (model2 != null && model2.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < model2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i2++)
                        int pid = 0;
                            pid = Convert.ToInt32(model2.Tables[0].Rows[0][i2]);
                        catch { }
                        if (new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().ExistsReBot(pid, meid))
                            if (new BCW.DAL.klsfpay().getState(pid) != 2)
                                BCW.Model.klsfpay model1 = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().Getklsfpay(pid);
                                int number             = new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().GetklsfId(pid);
                                BCW.Model.klsflist idd = new BCW.BLL.klsflist().Getklsflistbyklsfid(number);
                                long winMoney          = Convert.ToInt64(model1.WinCent);
                                new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(meid, mename1, winMoney, "" + GameName + "兑奖-" + "[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" + idd.ID + "&amp;ptype=2]" + number + "[/url]" + "-标识ID:" + pid + "");
                                //new BCW.BLL.User().UpdateiGold(105, new BCW.BLL.User().GetUsName(105), -winMoney, "ID:[url=forumlog.aspx?act=xview&amp;uid=" + meid + "]" + meid + "[/url]" + GameName + "第[url=./game/klsf.aspx?act=view&amp;id=" + model.ID + "]" + number + "[/url]期兑奖" + winMoney + "(标识ID" + pid + ")");
                                new BCW.BLL.klsfpay().UpdateState(pid, 2);
                                Response.Write("" + GameName + "机器人" + meid + "自动兑奖!ok1<br />");