public override void startWithTarget (object aTarget)
			base.startWithTarget (aTarget);
			CCSprite sprite = _target as CCSprite;
			_origFrame = null;
			if( _animation.restoreOriginalFrame )
				_origFrame = sprite.displayedFrame;
			_nextFrame = 0;
			_executedLoops = 0;
Exemple #2
        public void removeSpriteFramesFromTexture(Texture2D texture)
            utList <string> keysToRemove = new utList <string> ();
            var             enumerator   = _spriteFrames.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                KeyValuePair <string, CCSpriteFrame> kv = enumerator.Current;
                string        spriteFrameKey            = kv.Key;
                CCSpriteFrame frame = kv.Value;
                if (frame.texture == texture)
            for (var ent = keysToRemove.head; ent != null; ent =
Exemple #3
        /** Returns an Sprite Frame that was previously added.
         * If the name is not found it will return nil.
         * You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.
        public CCSpriteFrame spriteFrameByName(string name)
            CCSpriteFrame frame = _spriteFrames [name];

            if (frame == null)
                // try alias dictionary
                string key = _spriteFramesAliases[name];
                if (key != null)
                    frame = _spriteFrames [key];

                if (frame == null)
                    CCDebug.Info("cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: Frame '{0}' not found", name);

		/** initializes the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over */
		public void initWithAnimation(CCAnimation anim){
			NSUtils.Assert( anim!=null, "Animate: argument Animation must be non-nil");
			float singleDuration = anim.duration;
			base.initWithDuration (singleDuration * anim.loops);
			_nextFrame = 0;
			this.animation = anim;
			_origFrame = null;
			_executedLoops = 0;

			_splitTimes = new List<float> (anim.frames.Count);
			float accumUnitsOfTime = 0;
			float newUnitOfTimeValue = singleDuration / anim.totalDelayUnits;

			var enumerator = anim.frames.GetEnumerator();
			while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
				var frame = enumerator.Current;
				float value =  (accumUnitsOfTime * newUnitOfTimeValue) / singleDuration;
				accumUnitsOfTime += frame.delayUnits;
        protected virtual void updateMesh()
            if (_meshDirty)
                CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame      = _spriteFrame;
                Rect          textureRect      = spriteFrame.textureRect;
                float         textureWidth     = spriteFrame.texture.width;
                float         textureHeight    = spriteFrame.texture.height;
                float         textureRectWidth = textureRect.width;
                float         textureRectHeigh = textureRect.height;

                Vector2 anchorPointInPixels = this.anchorPointInPixels;
                Vector2 contentSize = this.contentSize;
                Vector2 spriteOffset = spriteFrame.offset;
                float   viewWidth = textureRectWidth, viewHeight = textureRectHeigh;
                if (spriteFrame.rotated)
                    viewWidth  = textureRectHeigh;
                    viewHeight = textureRectWidth;
                Vector2 center = spriteOffset + contentSize / 2 - anchorPointInPixels;
                Rect    viewRect        = new Rect(center.x - viewWidth / 2, center.y - viewHeight / 2, viewWidth, viewHeight);
                Rect    clippedViewRect = viewRect;
                if (_clippingEnabled)
                    clippedViewRect = ccUtils.RectIntersection(viewRect, _clippingRect);

                Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4]
                    new Vector3(clippedViewRect.xMin, clippedViewRect.yMax, 0) / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT, //left-top
                    new Vector3(clippedViewRect.xMax, clippedViewRect.yMax, 0) / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT, //right-top
                    new Vector3(clippedViewRect.xMax, clippedViewRect.yMin, 0) / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT, //right-bottom
                    new Vector3(clippedViewRect.xMin, clippedViewRect.yMin, 0) / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT  //left-bottom

                Vector2[] uvs     = new Vector2[4];
                float     uLeft   = textureRect.xMin / textureWidth;
                float     uRight  = textureRect.xMax / textureWidth;
                float     vBottom = textureRect.yMin / textureHeight;
                float     vTop    = textureRect.yMax / textureHeight;

                if (!spriteFrame.rotated)
                    if (_clippingEnabled)
                        float uLeftPadding   = (clippedViewRect.xMin - viewRect.xMin) / textureWidth;
                        float uRightPadding  = (clippedViewRect.xMax - viewRect.xMax) / textureWidth;
                        float vBottomPadding = (clippedViewRect.yMin - viewRect.yMin) / textureHeight;
                        float vTopPadding    = (clippedViewRect.yMax - viewRect.yMax) / textureHeight;

                        uLeft   += uLeftPadding;
                        uRight  += uRightPadding;
                        vBottom += vBottomPadding;
                        vTop    += vTopPadding;
                    uvs [0] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left
                    uvs [1] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                    uvs [2] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                    uvs [3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                    if (_clippingEnabled)
                        float vTopPadding    = (viewRect.xMin - clippedViewRect.xMin) / textureHeight;
                        float vBottomPadding = (viewRect.xMax - clippedViewRect.xMax) / textureHeight;
                        float uLeftPadding   = (clippedViewRect.yMin - viewRect.yMin) / textureWidth;
                        float uRightPadding  = (clippedViewRect.yMax - viewRect.yMax) / textureWidth;

                        uLeft   += uLeftPadding;
                        uRight  += uRightPadding;
                        vBottom += vBottomPadding;
                        vTop    += vTopPadding;
                    uvs [0] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                    uvs [1] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                    uvs [2] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                    uvs [3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left

                int[] triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };

                Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[]

                Mesh mesh = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                if (mesh == null)
                    mesh = new Mesh();
                    //in case the old triangle arrary is a big array
                    mesh.triangles = triangles;
                mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                mesh.triangles = triangles;
                mesh.normals   = normals;
                mesh.uv        = uvs;

                this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                _meshDirty = false;
		void addSpriteFrames(NSDictionary dictionary, Sprite[] sprites){
			Dictionary<string ,Sprite> spritesDict = new Dictionary<string, Sprite> ();
			for(int i=0; i<sprites.Length; i++){
				Sprite s = sprites[i];
				spritesDict.Add(, s);			

			NSDictionary metadataDict = dictionary.objectForKey<NSDictionary>("metadata");
			NSDictionary framesDict = dictionary.objectForKey<NSDictionary>("frames");

			int format = 0;
			// get the format
			if (metadataDict != null) {
				format = metadataDict.objectForKey<int> ("format");
			// SpriteFrame info
//			Rect rect = new Rect();
			bool isRotated = false;
			Vector2 frameOffset =;
			Vector2 originalSize =;
			// add real frames
			var enumerator = framesDict.GetEnumerator();
			while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
				KeyValuePair<object, object> frameDictKeyValue = enumerator.Current;
				string frameDictKey = (string)frameDictKeyValue.Key;
				NSDictionary frameDict = (NSDictionary)frameDictKeyValue.Value;
				CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame=null;
				if(format == 0) {
//					float x = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("x");
//					float y = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("y");
//					float w = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("width");
//					float h = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("height");
					float ox = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("offsetX");
					float oy = frameDict.objectForKey<float>("offsetY");
					int ow = frameDict.objectForKey<int>("originalWidth");
					int oh = frameDict.objectForKey<int>("originalHeight");
					// check ow/oh
					if(ow==0 || oh==0)
						CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist");
					// abs ow/oh
					ow = Math.Abs(ow);
					oh = Math.Abs(oh);
					// set frame info
//					rect = new Rect(x, y, w, h);
					isRotated = false;
					frameOffset = new Vector2(ox, oy);
					originalSize = new Vector2(ow, oh);
//					if(isRotated)
//						rect.size = new Vector2(rect.size.y, rect.size.x);
				} else if(format == 1 || format == 2) {
//					Rect frame = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("frame"));
					bool rotated = false;
					// rotation
					if(format == 2)
						rotated = frameDict.objectForKey<bool>("rotated");
					Vector2 offset = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("offset"));
					Vector2 sourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("sourceSize"));
					// set frame info
//					rect = frame;
					isRotated = rotated;
					frameOffset = offset;
					originalSize = sourceSize;
				} else if(format == 3) {
					// get values
//					Vector2 spriteSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("spriteSize"));
					Vector2 spriteOffset = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("spriteOffset"));
					Vector2 spriteSourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("spriteSourceSize"));
//					Rect textureRect = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey<string>("textureRect"));
					bool textureRotated = frameDict.objectForKey<bool>("textureRotated");
					// get aliases
					NSArray aliases = frameDict.objectForKey<NSArray>("aliases");
					var aliasesEnumerator = aliases.GetEnumerator();
					while (aliasesEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
						string alias = (string)aliasesEnumerator.Current;
						if( _spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(alias) )
							CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists",alias);
						_spriteFramesAliases[alias] = frameDictKey;
					// set frame info
//					rect = new Rect(textureRect.position.x, textureRect.position.y, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y);
					isRotated = textureRotated;
					frameOffset = spriteOffset;
					originalSize = spriteSourceSize;
				Sprite spt;
				if(!spritesDict.TryGetValue(frameDictKey, out spt)){
					CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: a sprite frame with name {0} not found", frameDictKey);
				// add sprite frame
				spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(spt, originalSize, frameOffset, isRotated);
				_spriteFrames.Add(frameDictKey, spriteFrame);
		/** Adds an sprite frame with a given name.
		 If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.
		public void addSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame frame){
			_spriteFrames[frame.textureFilename] = frame;
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// @name Initializing a CCAnimationFrame Object
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

         *  Initializes and returns an Animation Frame object using the specified frame name, delay units and user info values.
         *  @param spriteFrame Sprite Frame.
         *  @param delayUnits  Delay time units.
         *  @param userInfo    Custom dictionary.
         *  @return An initialized CCAnimationFrame Object.
        public CCAnimationFrame(CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame, float delayUnits, NSDictionary userInfo)
            this.spriteFrame = spriteFrame;
            this.delayUnits  = delayUnits;
            this.userInfo    = userInfo;
		public void initWithImageNamed(string imageName){ = imageName;
			CCSpriteFrame frame = CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache.spriteFrameByName (imageName);
			if (frame == null) {
				CCDebug.Info("cocos2d:CCSprite: Try to load '{0}' as a file.", imageName);
				frame = new CCSpriteFrame (imageName);
			initWithSpriteFrame (frame);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  edit tile
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public Tile addTile(string frameName, Vector2 centerPosInNodeSpace)
            CCSpriteFrame frame = CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache.spriteFrameByName(frameName);

            return(addTile(frame, centerPosInNodeSpace));
        void parseVersion2(NSDictionary animations)
            CCSpriteFrameCache frameCache = CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache;

            var enumerator = animations.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                KeyValuePair <object, object> kv = enumerator.Current;
                string       name          = (string)kv.Key;
                NSDictionary animationDict = (NSDictionary)kv.Value;

                int    loops    = 0;
                object loopsObj = loops;
                if (!animationDict.TryGetValue("loops", out loopsObj))
                    loops = 1;
                    loops = (int)loopsObj;
                bool    restoreOriginalFrame = (bool)animationDict["restoreOriginalFrame"];
                NSArray frameArray           = (NSArray)animationDict["frames"];

                if (frameArray == null)
                    CCDebug.Log(@"cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '%@' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.", name);

                // Array of AnimationFrames
                List <CCAnimationFrame> array = new List <CCAnimationFrame>(frameArray.Count);
                var frameArrayEnumerator      = frameArray.GetEnumerator();
                while (frameArrayEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    NSDictionary  entry           = (NSDictionary)frameArrayEnumerator.Current;
                    string        spriteFrameName = (string)entry["spriteframe"];
                    CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame     = frameCache.spriteFrameByName(spriteFrameName);

                    if (spriteFrame == null)
                        CCDebug.Log("cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '{0}' refers to frame '{1}' which is not currently in the CCSpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.", name, spriteFrameName);


                    float        delayUnits = float.Parse(entry["delayUnits"].ToString());
                    NSDictionary userInfo   = entry.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("notification");

                    CCAnimationFrame animFrame = new CCAnimationFrame(spriteFrame, delayUnits, userInfo);


                float       delayPerUnit = (float)animationDict["delayPerUnit"];
                CCAnimation animation    = new CCAnimation(array, delayPerUnit, (uint)loops);

                animation.restoreOriginalFrame = restoreOriginalFrame;

                CCAnimationCache.sharedAnimationCache.addAnimation(animation, name);
Exemple #12
        void addSpriteFrames(NSDictionary dictionary, Texture2D texture, string textureFileName)
            NSDictionary metadataDict = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("metadata");
            NSDictionary framesDict   = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("frames");

            // get the format
            int format = 0;

            if (metadataDict != null)
                format = metadataDict.objectForKey <int> ("format");

            // get texture size
            Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height);

            // check the format
            NSUtils.Assert(format >= 0 && format <= 3, @"cocos2d: WARNING: format is not supported for CCSpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithDictionary:texture:");

            // SpriteFrame info
            Rect    rect           = new Rect();
            bool    textureRotated = false;
            Vector2 spriteOffset   =;
            Vector2 originalSize   =;
            bool    semi           = false;

            var enumerator = framesDict.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                KeyValuePair <object, object> frameDictKeyValue = enumerator.Current;
                string       frameDictKey = (string)frameDictKeyValue.Key;
                NSDictionary frameDict    = (NSDictionary)frameDictKeyValue.Value;
                if (format == 0)
                    float x  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("x");
                    float y  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("y");
                    float w  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("width");
                    float h  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("height");
                    float ox = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("offsetX");
                    float oy = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("offsetY");
                    int   ow = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalWidth");
                    int   oh = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalHeight");
                    // check ow/oh
                    if (ow == 0 || oh == 0)
                        CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist");

                    // abs ow/oh
                    ow = Math.Abs(ow);
                    oh = Math.Abs(oh);

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(x, y, w, h);
                    textureRotated = false;
                    spriteOffset   = new Vector2(ox, oy);
                    originalSize   = new Vector2(ow, oh);
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                else if (format == 1 || format == 2)
                    Rect frame   = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("frame"));
                    bool rotated = false;

                    // rotation
                    if (format == 2)
                        rotated = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("rotated");

                    Vector2 offset     = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("offset"));
                    Vector2 sourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("sourceSize"));

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = frame;
                    textureRotated = rotated;
                    spriteOffset   = offset;
                    originalSize   = sourceSize;
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                else if (format == 3)
                    // get values
                    Vector2 spriteSize       = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSize"));
                    Vector2 spriteOffset_    = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteOffset"));
                    Vector2 spriteSourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSourceSize"));
                    Rect    textureRect      = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("textureRect"));
                    bool    textureRotated_  = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("textureRotated");

                    // get aliases
                    NSArray aliases           = frameDict.objectForKey <NSArray>("aliases");
                    var     aliasesEnumerator = aliases.GetEnumerator();
                    while (aliasesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        string alias = (string)aliasesEnumerator.Current;
                        if (_spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(alias))
                            CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", alias);

                        _spriteFramesAliases[alias] = frameDictKey;

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(textureRect.position.x, textureRect.position.y, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y);
                    textureRotated = textureRotated_;
                    spriteOffset   = spriteOffset_;
                    originalSize   = spriteSourceSize;
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                if (textureRotated)
                    rect.size = new Vector2(rect.size.y, rect.size.x);
                rect.y = textureSize.y - rect.y - rect.height;

                // add sprite frame
                CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(texture, rect, textureRotated, spriteOffset, originalSize, semi);
                spriteFrame.frameFileName    = frameDictKey;
                spriteFrame.textureFilename  = textureFileName;
                _spriteFrames [frameDictKey] = spriteFrame;
 public Tile addTile(CCSpriteFrame frame, Vector2 centerPosInNodeSpace)
     return(addTile(frame, centerPosInNodeSpace, 1, 1, 0));
        public Tile addTile(string frameName, Vector2 centerPosInNodeSpace, float scaleX, float scaleY, float degree)
            CCSpriteFrame frame = CCSpriteFrameCache.sharedSpriteFrameCache.spriteFrameByName(frameName);

            return(addTile(frame, centerPosInNodeSpace, scaleX, scaleY, degree));
 public CCSprite(CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame)
 { = spriteFrame.frameFileName;
 public void initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame)
     _flipY              = _flipX = false;
     _anchorPoint        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
     this.displayedFrame = spriteFrame;
		public CCSprite(CCSpriteFrame frame){
			initWithSpriteFrame (frame);
		public void initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame){

			// shader program
//			self.shaderProgram = [[CCShaderCache sharedShaderCache] programForKey:kCCShader_PositionTextureColor];
//			_dirty = _recursiveDirty = false;
			_opacityModifyRGB = true;
//			_blendFunc.src = CC_BLEND_SRC;
//			_blendFunc.dst = CC_BLEND_DST;
			_flipY = _flipX = false;
			// default transform anchor: center
			_anchorPoint =  new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
			// zwoptex default values
//			_offsetPosition = CGPointZero;
//			_hasChildren = false;
//			_batchNode = null;
			// clean the Quad
//			bzero(&_quad, sizeof(_quad));
			// Atlas: Color
//			ccColor4B tmpColor = {255,255,255,255};
// = tmpColor;
// = tmpColor;
// = tmpColor;
// = tmpColor;
			_quadColor = new Color32 (255, 255, 255, 255);

			this.displayedFrame = spriteFrame;
//			[self setTexture:texture];
//			[self setTextureRect:rect rotated:rotated untrimmedSize:rect.size];
			// by default use "Self Render".
			// if the sprite is added to a batchnode, then it will automatically switch to "batchnode Render"
//			[self setBatchNode:nil];
        void updateMesh()
            if (_meshDirty)
                int       tilesCount = _tiles.DL_COUNT();
                Vector3[] vertices   = new Vector3[tilesCount * 4];
                Vector3[] normals    = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
                Vector2[] uvs        = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
                int[]     triangles  = new int[tilesCount * 6];

                int tileIndex = 0;
                for (var ent = _tiles.head; ent != null; ent =
                    Tile          tile         = ent.obj;
                    CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame  = tile.spriteFrame;
                    Rect          uTextureRect = spriteFrame.textureRect;
                    uTextureRect.position /= UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    uTextureRect.size     /= UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureWidth     = spriteFrame.texture.width / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureHeight    = spriteFrame.texture.height / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureRectWidth = uTextureRect.width;
                    float uTextureRectHeigh = uTextureRect.height;

                    Vector2 uSpriteOffset = spriteFrame.offset / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    Vector2 center = uSpriteOffset;
                    float   centerX = center.x;
                    float   centerY = center.y;
                    float   uViewWidth = uTextureRectWidth, uViewHeight = uTextureRectHeigh;
                    if (spriteFrame.rotated)
                        uViewWidth  = uTextureRectHeigh;
                        uViewHeight = uTextureRectWidth;
                    int verticesIndex = tileIndex * 4;
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector3(centerX - uViewWidth / 2, centerY + uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector3(centerX + uViewWidth / 2, centerY + uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector3(centerX + uViewWidth / 2, centerY - uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector3(centerX - uViewWidth / 2, centerY - uViewHeight / 2, 0);

                    int trianglesIndex = tileIndex * 6;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 0] = verticesIndex + 0;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 1] = verticesIndex + 1;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 2] = verticesIndex + 2;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 3] = verticesIndex + 2;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 4] = verticesIndex + 3;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 5] = verticesIndex + 0;

                    float uLeft   = uTextureRect.xMin / uTextureWidth;
                    float vBottom = uTextureRect.yMin / uTextureHeight;
                    float uRight  = uTextureRect.xMax / uTextureWidth;
                    float vTop    = uTextureRect.yMax / uTextureHeight;
                    if (!spriteFrame.rotated)
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left

                    //apply transform
                    if (!CGAffineTransform.IsIdentity(tile.transform))
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            Vector2 vertex = vertices [verticesIndex + i];
                            vertex = CGAffineTransform.CGPointApplyAffineTransform(vertex, tile.transform);
                            vertices [verticesIndex + i] = vertex;
                for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                    normals [i] = Vector3.back;

                Mesh mesh = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                if (mesh == null)
                    mesh = new Mesh();
                mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                mesh.triangles = triangles;
                mesh.normals   = normals;
                mesh.uv        = uvs;

                this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                _meshDirty = false;