Inheritance: CCNode
 public static CCScene Scene()
     CCScene scene = new CCScene();
     HelloKeyboardEvent layer = new HelloKeyboardEvent();
     return scene;
 public static CCScene Scene()
     CCScene scene = new CCScene();
     HelloNSNotification layer = new HelloNSNotification();
     return scene;
 public static CCScene Scene()
     CCScene scene = new CCScene();
     HelloEvents layer = new HelloEvents();
     return scene;
 public static CCScene Scene()
     CCScene scene = new CCScene();
     HelloFlash layer = new HelloFlash();
     return scene;
    // Helper class method that creates a Scene with the HelloWorldLayer as the only child.
    public static CCScene Scene()
        // 'scene' is an autorelease object.
        CCScene scene = new CCScene();

        // 'layer' is an autorelease object.
        HelloWorldLayer layer = new HelloWorldLayer();

        // add layer as a child to scene

        // return the scene
        return scene;
		void setNextScene()
			bool runningIsTransition = false;//[_runningScene isKindOfClass:transClass];
			bool newIsTransition = false;//[_nextScene isKindOfClass:transClass];
			// If it is not a transition, call onExit/cleanup
			if( ! newIsTransition ) {
					// issue #709. the root node (scene) should receive the cleanup message too
					// otherwise it might be leaked.
					if( _sendCleanupToScene)
			_runningScene = _nextScene;
			_nextScene = null;
			_runningScene.transform.parent = _view.transform;
			if( ! runningIsTransition ) {
		public void end()
			_runningScene = null;
			_nextScene = null;
			// remove all objects, but don't release it.
			// runWithScene might be executed after 'end'.

			this.view = null;

			// Purge all managers / caches
		public void presentScene(CCScene scene)
			if (_runningScene != null)
				replaceScene (scene);
				runWithScene (scene);
		public void replaceScene(CCScene scene)
			NSUtils.Assert( scene != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
			if (_runningScene != null)
				_sendCleanupToScene = true;
				_nextScene = scene;	// _nextScene is a weak ref
				pushScene (scene);
		public void popScene()
			NSUtils.Assert( _runningScene != null, "A running Scene is needed");
			int c = _scenesStack.Count;
			if( c == 0 )
			else {
				_sendCleanupToScene = true;
				_nextScene = _scenesStack.Peek();
		public void pushScene(CCScene scene)
			NSUtils.Assert( scene != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
			_sendCleanupToScene = false;
			if (_runningScene != null){

			_nextScene = scene;	// _nextScene is a weak ref
		public void runWithScene(CCScene scene)
			NSUtils.Assert( scene != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
			NSUtils.Assert(_runningScene == null, "This command can only be used to start the CCDirector. There is already a scene present.");
			pushScene (scene);
		protected CCDirector()
			CCDebug.Log("cocos2d: cocos2d-iphone v2.1");
			// scenes
			_runningScene = null;
			_nextScene = null;
//			_notificationNode = nil;

			_oldAnimationInterval = _animationInterval = 1.0f / kDefaultFPS;
			_scenesStack = new Stack<CCScene> (10);
			// Set default projection (3D)
//			_projection = kCCDirectorProjectionDefault;
			// projection delegate if "Custom" projection is used
//			_delegate = nil;
			// FPS
			_displayStats = false;

			_displayError = false;

//			_totalFrames = _frames = 0;
			// paused ?
			_isPaused = false;
			// running thread
//			_runningThread = null;
			// scheduler
			_scheduler = new CCScheduler();
			// action manager
			_actionManager = new CCActionManager ();
			_scheduler.scheduleUpdate (_actionManager, CCScheduler.kCCPrioritySystem, false);
			_winSizeInPixels =;

//			_ccContentScaleFactor = 1;
//			_isContentScaleSupported = false;
			_touchDispatcher = new CCTouchDispatcher ();