Warning() public static méthode

public static Warning ( string format ) : void
format string
Résultat void
 public void preloadPrefab(string path)
     if (!_prefabs.ContainsKey(path))
         GameObject obj = Resources.Load <GameObject>(path);
         if (obj == null)
             CCDebug.Warning("CC3SpriteFactory#preloadPrefab: {0} not found.", path);
         _prefabs [path] = obj;
 public void preloadAnimationClips(string path)
     if (!_animationClips.ContainsKey(path))
         AnimationClip[] obj = Resources.LoadAll <AnimationClip>(path);
         if (obj == null)
             CCDebug.Warning("CC3SpriteFactory#preloadAnimationClips: {0} not found.", path);
         _animationClips [path] = obj;
        public void playBackgroundMusic(string filePath, bool loop = true)
            AudioClip audio = getAudioClip(filePath);

            if (audio == null)
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:SimpleAudioEngine: Audio {0} not found.", filePath);
                playBackgroundMusic(audio, loop);
        public GameObject getPrefab(string path)
            GameObject prefab;

            if (!_prefabs.TryGetValue(path, out prefab))
                prefab = _prefabs [path];
            if (prefab == null)
                CCDebug.Warning("CC3SpriteFactory {0} not found.", path);
        public int playEffect(string filePath)
            if (filePath == null)
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:SimpleAudioEngine: Audio file path should not be null.");
            AudioClip audio = getAudioClip(filePath);

            if (audio == null)
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:SimpleAudioEngine: Audio {0} not found.", filePath);
Exemple #6
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /** Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
         * A texture will be loaded automatically. The texture name will composed by replacing the .plist suffix with .png .
         * If you want to use another texture, you should use the addSpriteFramesWithFile:texture method.
        public void addSpriteFramesWithFile(string path)
            path = FileUtils.GetFilePathWithoutExtends(path);
            if (_loadedFilenames.Contains(path))
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: file already loaded: {0}", path);
                NSDictionary dict    = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithContentsOfFileFromResources(string.Concat(path, ".txt"));
                Texture2D    texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D> (path);
                if (texture != null)
                    addSpriteFrames(dict, texture, path);
                    CCDebug.Log("cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: Couldn't load texture: {0}", path);
        /** Preloads a music file so it will be ready to play as background music */
        public void preloadBackgroundMusic(string filePath)
            if (_preLoadedAudios == null)
                _preLoadedAudios = new Dictionary <string, AudioClip> ();
            string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath);

            if (ext != null && ext.Length > 0)
                filePath = filePath.Replace(ext, "");
            AudioClip audio = Resources.Load <AudioClip> (filePath);

            if (audio == null)
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:SimpleAudioEngine: Audio {0} not found.", filePath);
                _preLoadedAudios [filePath] = audio;
Exemple #8
        static NSDictionary DictionaryWithContentsOfString(string text, FileUtils.ZipDelegate zip = null)
            if (text == null || text.Length == 0)
                text = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(text, "<.*\\.dtd\">", string.Empty);
                XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                settings.ProhibitDtd    = false;
                settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.None;
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(text))
                    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(sr, settings))

//				XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
//				xmlDoc.LoadXml (text);

                XmlNode rootNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[0];
                if (rootNode.Name != "dict")
                NSDictionary dict = NSCollectionUtils.ParseDictionary(rootNode);
                if (dict != null)
                    dict.zip = zip;
            }catch (Exception e) {
                CCDebug.Warning("NSDicitonary:DictionaryWithContentsOfString:Error:{0}", e);
Exemple #9
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //  public runtime metod
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public CCFactoryGear takeGear(string category)
            Storage storage = getStorage(category, false);

            if (storage != null)
                while (storage.gears.Count > 0)
                    CCFactoryGear gear = storage.gears[0];
                    gear.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.None;
                    if (gear.gameObject.transform.childCount != 0)
                        CCDebug.Warning("CCFactory try to take a not empty gear: {0}-{1}.", gear.gameObject, gear.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0));
                //no gear caches
                    Type[] componentTypes = new Type[storage.componentTypeNames.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < componentTypes.Length; i++)
                        componentTypes[i] = Type.GetType(storage.componentTypeNames[i]);
                    CCFactoryGear gear = buildGear(componentTypes);
                    gear.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.None;
Exemple #10
        void addSpriteFrames(NSDictionary dictionary, Texture2D texture, string textureFileName)
            NSDictionary metadataDict = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("metadata");
            NSDictionary framesDict   = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("frames");

            // get the format
            int format = 0;

            if (metadataDict != null)
                format = metadataDict.objectForKey <int> ("format");

            // get texture size
            Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height);

            // check the format
            NSUtils.Assert(format >= 0 && format <= 3, @"cocos2d: WARNING: format is not supported for CCSpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithDictionary:texture:");

            // SpriteFrame info
            Rect    rect           = new Rect();
            bool    textureRotated = false;
            Vector2 spriteOffset   = Vector2.zero;
            Vector2 originalSize   = Vector2.zero;
            bool    semi           = false;

            var enumerator = framesDict.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                KeyValuePair <object, object> frameDictKeyValue = enumerator.Current;
                string       frameDictKey = (string)frameDictKeyValue.Key;
                NSDictionary frameDict    = (NSDictionary)frameDictKeyValue.Value;
                if (format == 0)
                    float x  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("x");
                    float y  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("y");
                    float w  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("width");
                    float h  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("height");
                    float ox = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("offsetX");
                    float oy = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("offsetY");
                    int   ow = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalWidth");
                    int   oh = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalHeight");
                    // check ow/oh
                    if (ow == 0 || oh == 0)
                        CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist");

                    // abs ow/oh
                    ow = Math.Abs(ow);
                    oh = Math.Abs(oh);

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(x, y, w, h);
                    textureRotated = false;
                    spriteOffset   = new Vector2(ox, oy);
                    originalSize   = new Vector2(ow, oh);
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                else if (format == 1 || format == 2)
                    Rect frame   = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("frame"));
                    bool rotated = false;

                    // rotation
                    if (format == 2)
                        rotated = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("rotated");

                    Vector2 offset     = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("offset"));
                    Vector2 sourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("sourceSize"));

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = frame;
                    textureRotated = rotated;
                    spriteOffset   = offset;
                    originalSize   = sourceSize;
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                else if (format == 3)
                    // get values
                    Vector2 spriteSize       = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSize"));
                    Vector2 spriteOffset_    = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteOffset"));
                    Vector2 spriteSourceSize = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSourceSize"));
                    Rect    textureRect      = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("textureRect"));
                    bool    textureRotated_  = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("textureRotated");

                    // get aliases
                    NSArray aliases           = frameDict.objectForKey <NSArray>("aliases");
                    var     aliasesEnumerator = aliases.GetEnumerator();
                    while (aliasesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        string alias = (string)aliasesEnumerator.Current;
                        if (_spriteFramesAliases.ContainsKey(alias))
                            CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", alias);

                        _spriteFramesAliases[alias] = frameDictKey;

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(textureRect.position.x, textureRect.position.y, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y);
                    textureRotated = textureRotated_;
                    spriteOffset   = spriteOffset_;
                    originalSize   = spriteSourceSize;
                    semi           = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("semi");
                if (textureRotated)
                    rect.size = new Vector2(rect.size.y, rect.size.x);
                rect.y = textureSize.y - rect.y - rect.height;

                // add sprite frame
                CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(texture, rect, textureRotated, spriteOffset, originalSize, semi);
                spriteFrame.frameFileName    = frameDictKey;
                spriteFrame.textureFilename  = textureFileName;
                _spriteFrames [frameDictKey] = spriteFrame;
        static void CheckSemiTransparentSprite(NSDictionary dictionary, Texture2D texture)
            NSDictionary metadataDict = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("metadata");
            NSDictionary framesDict   = dictionary.objectForKey <NSDictionary>("frames");

            // get the format
            int format = 0;

            if (metadataDict != null)
                format = metadataDict.objectForKey <int> ("format");

            // get texture size
            Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height);

            // check the format
            NSUtils.Assert(format >= 0 && format <= 3, @"cocos2d: WARNING: format is not supported for CCSpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithDictionary:texture:");

            // SpriteFrame info
            Rect rect           = new Rect();
            bool textureRotated = false;

            // add real frames
            var enumerator = framesDict.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                KeyValuePair <object, object> frameDictKeyValue = enumerator.Current;
                NSDictionary frameDict = (NSDictionary)frameDictKeyValue.Value;
                if (format == 0)
                    float x  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("x");
                    float y  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("y");
                    float w  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("width");
                    float h  = frameDict.objectForKey <float>("height");
                    int   ow = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalWidth");
                    int   oh = frameDict.objectForKey <int>("originalHeight");
                    // check ow/oh
                    if (ow == 0 || oh == 0)
                        CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist");

                    // abs ow/oh
                    ow = Math.Abs(ow);
                    oh = Math.Abs(oh);

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(x, y, w, h);
                    textureRotated = false;
                else if (format == 1 || format == 2)
                    Rect frame   = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("frame"));
                    bool rotated = false;

                    // rotation
                    if (format == 2)
                        rotated = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("rotated");

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = frame;
                    textureRotated = rotated;
                else if (format == 3)
                    // get values
                    Vector2 spriteSize      = ccUtils.PointFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("spriteSize"));
                    Rect    textureRect     = ccUtils.RectFromString(frameDict.objectForKey <string>("textureRect"));
                    bool    textureRotated_ = frameDict.objectForKey <bool>("textureRotated");

                    // set frame info
                    rect           = new Rect(textureRect.position.x, textureRect.position.y, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y);
                    textureRotated = textureRotated_;
                if (textureRotated)
                    rect.size = new Vector2(rect.size.y, rect.size.x);
                rect.y = textureSize.y - rect.y - rect.height;

                // add sprite frame
                int  rectX  = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.xMin);
                int  rectY  = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.yMin);
                int  rectW  = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.width);
                int  rectH  = Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.height);
                bool isSemi = false;
                for (int x = 0; x < rectW; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < rectH; y++)
                        Color color = texture.GetPixel(rectX + x, rectY + y);
                        if (FloatUtils.Big(color.a, 0) && FloatUtils.Small(color.a, 1))
                            isSemi = true;
                    if (isSemi)
                frameDict.Add("semi", isSemi);
        public static CCTMXMap Parse(string file, NSDictionary tilesetCaches = null)
            string      text   = LoadText(file);
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;

            // get mapWidth, mapHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight
            XmlNode mapNode = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

            float version = float.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["version"].InnerText);

            if (!FloatUtils.EQ(version, 1.0f))
                CCDebug.Warning("cocos2d:CCTMXMap: Found {0} tmx file, but only 1.0 version was tested.", version);

            string dir = file.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file), "");

            CCTMXMap map = new CCTMXMap();

            map.fileName   = file;
            map.cols       = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["width"].InnerText);
            map.rows       = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["height"].InnerText);
            map.tileWidth  = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["tilewidth"].InnerText);
            map.tileHeight = int.Parse(mapNode.Attributes["tileheight"].InnerText);

            Dictionary <int, string> gidToFiles = new Dictionary <int, string> (256);
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > gidToTileProperties = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, string> > (256);
            List <CCTMXLayer> layers = new List <CCTMXLayer> (8);

            var enumerator = nodeList.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                XmlNode nodeData = (XmlNode)enumerator.Current;
                if (nodeData.Name == "tileset")
                    ParseTileset(nodeData, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties, dir, tilesetCaches);
                else if (nodeData.Name == "layer")
                    CCTMXLayer layer = ParseLayer(nodeData, map.cols, map.rows, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties);
                else if (nodeData.Name == "objectgroup")
                    CCTMXLayer layer = ParseObjectGroup(nodeData, map.cols, map.rows, map.tileWidth, map.tileHeight, gidToFiles, gidToTileProperties);
                else if (nodeData.Name == "properties")
                    if (map.properties == null)
                        map.properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    ParseProperties(nodeData, map.properties);
            map.gidToFiles          = gidToFiles;
            map.gidToTileProperties = gidToTileProperties;
            map.layers = layers.ToArray();
Exemple #13
        public bool recycleGear(string category, CCFactoryGear gear, bool constraint = false)
            if (gear.gameObject.transform.childCount != 0)
                CCDebug.Warning("CCFactory try to recyle a not empty gear: {0}-{1}.", gear.gameObject, gear.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0));

            Storage storage = getStorage(category, true);

            if (storage.componentTypeNames == null)
                string[] componentTypeNames = new string[gear.components.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < componentTypeNames.Length; i++)
                    componentTypeNames [i] = gear.components [i].GetType().FullName;
                storage.componentTypeNames = componentTypeNames;
            else if (constraint)
                if (storage.componentTypeNames.Length != gear.components.Length)
                    HashSet <string> typeSet = new HashSet <string>(storage.componentTypeNames);

                    int count = gear.components.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        Component com   = gear.components[i];
                        string    tName = com.GetType().FullName;
                        if (!typeSet.Remove(tName))

            gear.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default");
            gear.gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
            gear.gameObject.transform.localScale       = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            gear.gameObject.transform.localPosition    = Vector3.zero;
            gear.gameObject.name      = string.Format("{0}-{1}", category, storage.gears.Count);
            gear.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;

            if (gear.gameObject.transform.parent == null)
                NSUtils.Assert(gear.gameObject.transform.parent != null, "Recyle# set parent fail!");
