private void OnNPDUReceived(IPEndPoint from, Address fromAddress, OctetString linkService, NPDU npdu, ByteStream raw) { try { APDU.APDU apdu = APDU.APDU.Parse(raw); incomingApdu(apdu, fromAddress, linkService); // TODO return APDU.createAPDU(servicesSupported, queue); } catch (System.Exception e) { // If it's already a BACnetException, don't bother wrapping it. //throw e; Debug.Print(e.Message); Debug.Print(e.StackTrace); } /*if (inBuffer.Length > 20) * { * string result = printRouterInfo(inBuffer); * Debug.Print("Sending> " + result); * * using ( * Socket clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, * ProtocolType.Udp)) * { * //EndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 55056); * byte[] messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result); * clientSocket.SendTo(messageBytes, remoteEndPoint); * } * * } * else * { * string message = new string(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(inBuffer)); * Debug.Print("Received> " + message); * }*/ }
private void incomingApdu(APDU.APDU apdu, Address address, OctetString linkService) { // if (apdu.expectsReply() != npci.isExpectingReply()) // throw new MessageValidationAssertionException("Inconsistent message: APDU expectsReply="+ // apdu.expectsReply() +" while NPCI isExpectingReply="+ npci.isExpectingReply()); if (apdu is ConfirmedRequest) { ConfirmedRequest confAPDU = (ConfirmedRequest)apdu; byte invokeId = confAPDU.InvokeId; if (confAPDU.IsSegmentedMessage && confAPDU.SequenceNumber > 0) { // This is a subsequent part of a segmented message. Notify the waiting room. // TODO waitingRoom.notifyMember(address, linkService, invokeId, false, confAPDU); } else { if (confAPDU.IsSegmentedMessage) { // This is the initial part of a segmented message. Go and receive the subsequent parts. /*WaitingRoomKey key = waitingRoom.enterServer(address, linkService, invokeId); * try * { * receiveSegmented(key, confAPDU); * } * finally * { * waitingRoom.leave(key); * }*/ } // Handle the request. try { confAPDU.ParseServiceData(); /*if (localDevice.getDCCEnableDisable().equals(EnableDisable.disable)) * { * // zpracovavame jenom reset a DCC * // povoleni probiha v handleru DCC * if (!(confAPDU.getServiceRequest() is DeviceCommunicationControlRequest || * confAPDU.getServiceRequest() is ReinitializeDeviceRequest)) * { * //throw new BACnetException("Communication blocked by DCC."); * return; * } * else * { * Debug.Print("DCC/Reinitialize received"); * } * }*/ ConfirmedRequestReceived?.Invoke(address, linkService, invokeId, confAPDU); // EVENT // TODO Move Handlers to LocalDevice } catch (BACnetErrorException e) { network.sendAPDU(address, linkService, new Error(invokeId, e.Error), false); } catch (BACnetRejectException e) { network.sendAPDU(address, linkService, new Reject(invokeId, e.RejectReason), false); } catch (BACnetException e) { Error error = new Error(confAPDU.InvokeId, new BaseError((byte)127, new BACnetError(ErrorClass.Services, ErrorCode.InconsistentParameters))); network.sendAPDU(address, linkService, error, false); // TODO ExceptionDispatch.fireReceivedException(e); } } } else if (apdu is UnconfirmedRequest) { //DCC - reakce na prichozi zpravy - blokujeme vsechny Unconfirmed /* TODO if (localDevice.getDCCEnableDisable().equals(EnableDisable.disable)) * { * return; * }*/ UnconfirmedRequestReceived?.Invoke(address, linkService, (UnconfirmedRequest)apdu); } else { // An acknowledgement. AckAPDU ack = (AckAPDU)apdu; // Used for testing only. This is required to test the parsing of service data in an ack. // ((ComplexACK) ack).parseServiceData(); //waitingRoom.notifyMember(address, linkService, ack.getOriginalInvokeId(), ack.isServer(), ack); } }