Exemple #1
 private static Price MathOperation(Price lhs, Price rhs, MathOperator op)
     if (((Object)rhs == null) && ((Object)lhs == null))
         //throw new ApplicationException("Both Prices may not be Null!");
         return null;
     else if (((Object)rhs == null) || ((Object)lhs == null))
         if ((Object)rhs == null)
             return (Price)lhs.MemberwiseClone();
             switch (op)
                 case MathOperator.Add:
                     return (Price)rhs.MemberwiseClone();
                 case MathOperator.Subtract:
                     return (rhs * -1);
                     throw new ApplicationException("You did not select a valid math operation");
         // Use Eq because it is not possible to do operator overloading on an interface
         if (!(lhs.Underlying.Equals(rhs.Underlying)))
             throw new ApplicationException("Cannot add Two different currencies!");
         else if (!(lhs.Instrument.Equals(rhs.Instrument)))
             throw new ApplicationException("Cannot add Two different instruments!");
             switch (op)
                 case MathOperator.Add:
                     return lhs.Clone(lhs.Quantity + rhs.Quantity);
                 case MathOperator.Subtract:
                     return lhs.Clone(lhs.Quantity - rhs.Quantity);
                     throw new ApplicationException("You did not select a valid math operation");
Exemple #2
        public InstrumentSize CalculateSizeBackwards(Money amount, Price price, DateTime settlementDate)
            if (price == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("It is not possible to calculate the size of {0} without a price", Name));

            if (Util.IsNullDate(settlementDate))
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("It is not possible to calculate the size of {0} without a valid settlement date", Name));

            DateTime lastCouponPaymentDate;
            DateTime nextCouponPaymentDate;
            decimal factor = ai_Factor(settlementDate, null, out lastCouponPaymentDate, out nextCouponPaymentDate);

            // Calculate backwards the number of bonds
            return amount.CalculateSize((price + price.Clone(factor * GetCouponRate(lastCouponPaymentDate, settlementDate))));