Exemple #1
        public async Task ReturnSkills(CommandContext ctx, string boat)
            bn = new BoatNicknames();
            string chibi = "chibi.png";           //string to append to make filename - if ship is a retrofit this is changed edited later

            boat = boatNickname(boat);            //If the name passed was a nickname, turn it into the filename and store it
            string shipCalled = boat + ".json";   //create full file name for boat called
            string boatCap    = formatName(boat); //format boat name into user friendly aesthetic

            if (File.Exists(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                #region JSONDESERIALISE
                //read json, then deserialize it
                var json = string.Empty;
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                        json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                var configShip = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigShip>(json);

                //for nested json objects, parse specifically
                JObject jo = JObject.Parse(json);

                #region VALUEFORMATTING

                //if a ship does not have a retrofit, the retrofit hp stat will be blank so use this as a test case
                if (jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.hp").ToString() != string.Empty) //does have retrofit
                    chibi = "kaichibi.png";                                            //adds kai onto the string to get the right chibi
                string boatName = configShip.Name;

                string skill1 = (jo.SelectToken("skill.1", errorWhenNoMatch: false) != null) ? jo.SelectToken("skill.1.name").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.1.type").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.1.description").ToString() + "\n \n" :
                                "Skill 1 not found \n \n";

                string skill2 = (jo.SelectToken("skill.2", errorWhenNoMatch: false) != null) ? jo.SelectToken("skill.2.name").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.2.type").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.2.description").ToString() + "\n \n":
                                "Skill 2 not found \n \n";

                string skill3 = (jo.SelectToken("skill.3", errorWhenNoMatch: false) != null) ? jo.SelectToken("skill.3.name").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.3.type").ToString() + "\n" + jo.SelectToken("skill.3.description").ToString() + "\n \n" :
                                "Skill 3 not found \n \n";


                if (File.Exists(@"chibis\" + boatName + chibi)) //check if the file exists before trying to send it
                    await ctx.Channel.SendFileAsync(@"chibis\" + boatName + chibi).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(skill1 + skill2 + skill3).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(boatCap + "? Who is she, buli...? (Please check your spelling. Nickname not recognised? @piggyapocalypse with the boat and nickname. New boats may not be available)").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #2
        public async Task shipGeneral(CommandContext ctx, string boat)
            bn = new BoatNicknames();
            string chibi = "chibi.png";           //string to append to make filename - if ship is a retrofit this is changed edited later

            boat = boatNickname(boat);            //If the name passed was a nickname, turn it into the filename and store it
            string shipCalled = boat + ".json";   //create full file name for boat called
            string boatCap    = formatName(boat); //format boat name into user friendly aesthetic

            if (File.Exists(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                #region JSONDESERIALISE
                //read json, then deserialize it
                var json = string.Empty;
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                        json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                var configShip = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigShip>(json);

                //for nested json objects, parse specifically
                JObject jo = JObject.Parse(json);

                #region VALUEFORMATTING

                //if a ship does not have a retrofit, the retrofit hp stat will be blank so use this as a test case
                if (jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.hp").ToString() != string.Empty) //does have retrofit
                    chibi = "kaichibi.png";                                            //adds kai onto the string to get the right chibi
                string artist = jo.SelectToken("artist.pixiv").ToString();
                artist = (artist == string.Empty) ? artist : "Not Found";

                string boatName   = configShip.Name;
                string Name       = "Name: " + configShip.faction + " " + boatCap + "\n";
                string boatRarity = "Rarity: " + configShip.Rarity + "\n";
                string boatClass  = "Class: " + configShip.ShipClass + "\n";
                string boatType   = "Type: " + configShip.type + "\n";
                string boatGet    = "Obtainable: " + configShip.AcquisitionMethod + "\n";
                string boatVA     = "Voice Actress: " + configShip.VoiceActress + "\n";
                artist = "Artist Pixiv: " + artist;

                if (File.Exists(@"chibis\" + boatName + chibi)) //check if the file exists before trying to send it
                    await ctx.Channel.SendFileAsync(@"chibis\" + boatName + chibi).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(Name + boatRarity + boatClass + boatType + boatGet + boatVA + artist).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(boatCap + "? Who is she, buli...? (Please check your spelling. Nickname not recognised? @piggyapocalypse with the boat and nickname. New boats may not be available)").ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemple #3
        public async Task shipStats(CommandContext ctx, string boat)
            bn = new BoatNicknames();
            string hp, firepower, torpedo, antiAir, aviation, reload, hit, evasion, speed, luck, asw, oxygen, ammo, cost, armor;
            string normChibi = "chibi.png";

            boat = boatNickname(boat);
            string shipCalled = boat + ".json"; //file name for boat called
            string boatCap    = formatName(boat);

            if (File.Exists(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                #region JSONDESERALISE
                //read json, then deserialize it
                var json = string.Empty;
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(@"wikia\Ships\" + shipCalled))
                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                        json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //configureAwait false - the thread that starts this task does not have to be the one to continue it - faster
                var     configShip = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigShip>(json);
                JObject jo         = JObject.Parse(json);

                string boatName = configShip.Name;
                string Name     = "Name: " + configShip.faction + " " + boatCap + "\n";

                if (jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.hp").ToString() == string.Empty) //doesn't have retrofit
                    hp        = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.hp").ToString();
                    firepower = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.firepower").ToString();
                    torpedo   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.torpedo").ToString();
                    antiAir   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.antiAir").ToString();
                    aviation  = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.aviation").ToString();
                    reload    = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.reload").ToString();
                    hit       = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.hit").ToString();
                    evasion   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.evasion").ToString();
                    speed     = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.speed").ToString();
                    luck      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.luck").ToString();
                    asw       = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.asw").ToString();
                    oxygen    = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.oxygen").ToString();
                    ammo      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.ammo").ToString();
                    cost      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.cost").ToString();
                    armor     = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.armor").ToString();
                    hp        = jo.SelectToken("stats.120.hp").ToString();
                    firepower = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.firepower").ToString();
                    torpedo   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.torpedo").ToString();
                    antiAir   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.antiAir").ToString();
                    aviation  = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.aviation").ToString();
                    reload    = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.reload").ToString();
                    hit       = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.hit").ToString();
                    evasion   = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.evasion").ToString();
                    speed     = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.speed").ToString();
                    luck      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.luck").ToString();
                    asw       = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.asw").ToString();
                    oxygen    = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.oxygen").ToString();
                    ammo      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.ammo").ToString();
                    cost      = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.cost").ToString();
                    armor     = jo.SelectToken("stats.120retrofit.armor").ToString();
                    normChibi = "kaichibi.png";

                hp        = "Health: " + hp + "\n";
                firepower = "Firepower: " + firepower + "\n";
                torpedo   = "Torpedo: " + torpedo + "\n";
                antiAir   = "Anti Air: " + antiAir + "\n";
                aviation  = "Aviation: " + aviation + "\n";
                reload    = "Reload: " + reload + "\n";
                hit       = "Hit: " + hit + "\n";
                evasion   = "Evasion: " + evasion + "\n";
                speed     = "Speed: " + speed + "\n";
                luck      = "Luck: " + luck + "\n";
                asw       = "ASW: " + asw + "\n";
                oxygen    = "Oxygen: " + oxygen + "\n";
                ammo      = "Ammo: " + ammo + "\n";
                cost      = "Cost: " + cost + "\n";
                armor     = "Armor: " + armor;

                if (File.Exists(@"chibis\" + boatName + normChibi))
                    await ctx.Channel.SendFileAsync(@"chibis\" + boatName + normChibi).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync("- \n" + Name + hp + firepower + torpedo + antiAir + aviation + reload + evasion + speed + luck + asw + oxygen + ammo + cost + armor).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(boatCap + "? Who is she, buli...? (Please check your spelling. Nickname not recognised? @piggyapocalypse with the boat and nickname. New boats may not be available)").ConfigureAwait(false);