GetPixelBox() public méthode

Get a PixelBox encapsulating the image data of a mipmap
public GetPixelBox ( int face, int mipmap ) : PixelBox
face int
mipmap int
Résultat PixelBox
        private void SaveToDisk( Texture tp, string filename )
          // Declare buffer
            int buffSize = tp.Width * tp.Height * tp.Depth * 4;
            byte[] data = new byte[buffSize];

          // Setup Image with correct settings
          Image i = new Image();
          i.FromDynamicImage(data, tp.Width, tp.Height, tp.Depth,tp.Format);
          // Copy Texture buffer contents to image buffer
          HardwarePixelBuffer buf = tp.GetBuffer();      
          PixelBox destBox = i.GetPixelBox(0,0);
          // Save to disk!
          i.Save( @"C:\" + filename );
Exemple #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Resize a 2D image, applying the appropriate filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="width"></param>
		/// <param name="height"></param>
		/// <param name="filter"></param>
		public void Resize( int width, int height, ImageFilter filter )
			// resizing dynamic images is not supported
			//TODO : Debug.Assert( this._bAutoDelete);
			Debug.Assert( this.Depth == 1 );

			// reassign buffer to temp image, make sure auto-delete is true
			Image temp = new Image();
			temp.FromDynamicImage( buffer, width, height, 1, format );
			// do not delete[] m_pBuffer!  temp will destroy it

			// set new dimensions, allocate new buffer
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;
			size = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize( Width, Height, 1, Format );
			buffer = new byte[ size ];
			numMipMaps = 0; // Loses precomputed mipmaps

			// scale the image from temp into our resized buffer
			Scale( temp.GetPixelBox( 0, 0 ), GetPixelBox( 0, 0 ), filter );
		public void LoadImage( Image img )
			var pBox = img.GetPixelBox();
			Blit( ref pBox );