Exemple #1
        protected void requestTextures(object sender, IRequestInterface args)
            // Textures are safe because they will be called only once per texture/material
            TextureRequest reqObj = args as TextureRequest;

            reqObj.uri = new System.Uri(ForgeLoaderConstants._endpoint + URN + "/texture/" + reqObj.texture.tex);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("URI request: " + reqObj.uri.ToString ());
        protected Material CreateMaterial(StandardMaterial lmvMat)
            // https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StandardShaderMetallicVsSpecular.html
            // Standard: The shader exposes a “metallic” value that states whether the material is metallic or not.
            // Standard (Specular setup): Choose this shader for the classic approach.
            bool     isMetal = lmvMat.isMetal;
            Material mat     = new Material(isMetal ? Shader.Find("Standard") : Shader.Find("Standard (Specular setup)"));

            try {
                // Color properties
                Color color    = Color.clear;
                Color diffuse  = lmvMat.diffuse;
                Color ambient  = lmvMat.ambient;
                Color specular = lmvMat.specular;

                color = diffuse != Color.clear ? diffuse : ambient;

                if (color == Color.clear && isMetal)
                    color = specular;

                mat.SetColor("_Color", color);

                // Metallic properties
                if (isMetal)
                    mat.SetFloat("_Metallic", 1);

                //This glossines code is an arbitrary placeholder until the proper
                //material properties are added
                float glossiness = Mathf.Clamp(lmvMat.glossiness / 2000f, .01f, .99f);
                mat.SetFloat("_Glossiness", glossiness);
                mat.SetFloat("_Shininess", glossiness);

                if (specular != Color.white)
                    mat.SetColor("_SpecColor", color);

                var specularTexture = lmvMat.specular_tex;
                if (specularTexture != null)
                    mat.SetFloat("_SpecularHighlights", 0f);
                    mat.SetFloat("_GlossyReflections", 0f);
                    mat.SetFloat("_SpecularHighlights", 1f);
                    mat.SetFloat("_GlossyReflections", 1f);

                // Emissive properties
                var emissive = lmvMat.emissive;
                if (emissive != Color.clear)
                    mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", emissive);

                //var specular = lmvMat.specular;
                //if ( specular != Color.clear
                //	&& (
                //		   lmvMat.isMetal == true // In Unity3d, the texture would not show
                //		&& lmvMat.diffuse_tex != null
                //		&& specular != Color.white
                //	)
                //	mat.SetColor ("_SpecColor", specular);

                // Transparent properties
                var transparent = lmvMat.transparent;
                if (transparent)
                    mat.SetFloat("_Mode", (float)BlendMode.Transparent);
                    color.a = lmvMat.transparency;
                    mat.SetColor("_Color", color);

                // Create a new request to get the Textures
                if (lmvMat.diffuse_tex != null)
                    //TextureRequest req =new TextureRequest (loader, null, mat, Texture.TextureType.Diffuse, lmvMat.material) ;
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.diffuse_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
                if (lmvMat.specular_tex != null)
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.specular_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
                if (lmvMat.bump_tex != null)
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.bump_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                Debug.Log("exception " + e.Message);
                mat = ForgeLoaderEngine.GetDefaultMaterial();
        protected Material CreateMaterialV1(StandardMaterial lmvMat)
            // https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/StandardShaderMetallicVsSpecular.html
            // Standard: The shader exposes a “metallic” value that states whether the material is metallic or not.
            // Standard (Specular setup): Choose this shader for the classic approach.
            Material mat = new Material(
                lmvMat.isMetal == true ?
                                : Shader.Find("Standard (Specular setup)")

            try {
                if (lmvMat.specular_tex != null)
                    mat.SetFloat("_SpecularHighlights", 0f);
                //mat.DisableKeyword ("_SPECULARHIGHLIGHTS_OFF") ;
                //mat.SetFloat ("_SpecularHighlights", 1f) ;
                mat.SetFloat("_GlossyReflections", 0f);

                var ambiant = lmvMat.ambient;
                if (ambiant != Color.clear)
                    mat.SetColor("_Color", ambiant);

                var diffuse = lmvMat.diffuse;
                if (diffuse != Color.clear)
                    mat.SetColor("_Color", diffuse);

                var emissive = lmvMat.emissive;
                if (emissive != Color.clear)
                    mat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", emissive);

                var specular = lmvMat.specular;
                if (specular != Color.clear &&
                        lmvMat.isMetal == true &&                         // In Unity3d, the texture would not show
                        lmvMat.diffuse_tex != null &&
                        specular != Color.white
                    mat.SetColor("_SpecColor", specular);

                var transparent = lmvMat.transparent;
                if (transparent)
                    mat.SetFloat("_Mode", (float)BlendMode.Transparent);
                    Color color = mat.GetColor("_Color");
                    color.a = lmvMat.transparency;
                    mat.SetColor("_Color", color);

                // Create a new request to get the Textures
                if (lmvMat.diffuse_tex != null)
                    //TextureRequest req =new TextureRequest (loader, null, mat, Texture.TextureType.Diffuse, lmvMat.material) ;
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.diffuse_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
                if (lmvMat.specular_tex != null)
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.specular_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
                if (lmvMat.bump_tex != null)
                    TextureRequest req = new TextureRequest(loader, null, bearer, mat, lmvMat.bump_tex, lmvMat.material);
                    if (fireRequestCallback != null)
                        fireRequestCallback(this, req);
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                Debug.Log("exception " + e.Message);
                mat = ForgeLoaderEngine.GetDefaultMaterial();