Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates client using provided settings.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Generate()
            if (Settings.Instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            Logger.Instance.Log(Category.Info, Resources.AutoRestCore, Version);

            CodeModel codeModel = null;

            var modeler = ExtensionsLoader.GetModeler();

                using (NewContext)
                    bool validationErrorFound = false;
                    Logger.Instance.AddListener(new SignalingLogListener(Settings.Instance.ValidationLevel, _ => validationErrorFound = true));

                    // generate model from swagger
                    codeModel = modeler.Build();

                    if (validationErrorFound)
                        Logger.Instance.Log(Category.Error, "Errors found during Swagger validation");
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw ErrorManager.CreateError(Resources.ErrorGeneratingClientModel, exception);

            if (Settings.Instance.JsonValidationMessages)
                return; // no code gen in Json validation mode

            var plugin = ExtensionsLoader.GetPlugin();


                var genericSerializer = new ModelSerializer <CodeModel>();
                var modelAsJson       = genericSerializer.ToJson(codeModel);

                // ensure once we're doing language-specific work, that we're working
                // in context provided by the language-specific transformer.
                using (plugin.Activate())
                    // load model into language-specific code model
                    codeModel = plugin.Serializer.Load(modelAsJson);

                    // apply language-specific tranformation (more than just language-specific types)
                    // used to be called "NormalizeClientModel" .
                    codeModel = plugin.Transformer.TransformCodeModel(codeModel);

                    // Generate code from CodeModel.
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw ErrorManager.CreateError(Resources.ErrorSavingGeneratedCode, exception);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates client using provided settings.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Generate()
            if (Settings.Instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");
            Logger.LogInfo(Resources.AutoRestCore, Version);

            CodeModel codeModel = null;

            var modeler = ExtensionsLoader.GetModeler();

                IEnumerable <ValidationMessage> messages = new List <ValidationMessage>();

                // generate model from swagger
                codeModel = modeler.Build(out messages);

                // After swagger Parser
                codeModel = RunExtensions(Trigger.AfterModelCreation, codeModel);

                // After swagger Parser
                codeModel = RunExtensions(Trigger.BeforeLoadingLanguageSpecificModel, codeModel);

                foreach (var message in messages)
                    Logger.Entries.Add(new LogEntry(message.Severity, message.ToString()));

                if (messages.Any(entry => entry.Severity >= Settings.Instance.ValidationLevel))
                    throw ErrorManager.CreateError(null, Resources.ErrorGeneratingClientModel, "Errors found during Swagger validation");
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw ErrorManager.CreateError(exception, Resources.ErrorGeneratingClientModel, exception.Message);

            var plugin = ExtensionsLoader.GetPlugin();


                var genericSerializer = new ModelSerializer <CodeModel>();
                var modelAsJson       = genericSerializer.ToJson(codeModel);

                // ensure once we're doing language-specific work, that we're working
                // in context provided by the language-specific transformer.
                using (plugin.Activate())
                    // load model into language-specific code model
                    codeModel = plugin.Serializer.Load(modelAsJson);

                    // we've loaded the model, run the extensions for after it's loaded
                    codeModel = RunExtensions(Trigger.AfterLoadingLanguageSpecificModel, codeModel);

                    // apply language-specific tranformation (more than just language-specific types)
                    // used to be called "NormalizeClientModel" .
                    codeModel = plugin.Transformer.TransformCodeModel(codeModel);

                    // next set of extensions
                    codeModel = RunExtensions(Trigger.AfterLanguageSpecificTransform, codeModel);

                    // next set of extensions
                    codeModel = RunExtensions(Trigger.BeforeGeneratingCode, codeModel);

                    // Generate code from CodeModel.
            catch (Exception exception)
                throw ErrorManager.CreateError(exception, Resources.ErrorSavingGeneratedCode, exception.Message);