public void Begin(LightZone activeZone) { }
public override void Begin(LightZone activeZone) { TimeSpan timeRemaining = TotalDuration - (new DateTime(1, 1, 1, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second) - EventStartTime); bool turningOn = true; TimeSpan max, min; int newbrightness; /* * So long as the there is enough time for the minimum 'on' period to elapse, it will cylce. The first cycle will be a turn-on, * and it will set the max and min to the maximum and minimum 'on' periods. Then, it ensures that the maximum will not * cause the event to exceed the maximum event duration. Then, it calculates a random number of seconds * between the maximum and minimum previously defined and sleeps for that amount of time. Finally, it reverses * the value of 'turningOn', so that it proceeds to set the max and min to the maximum and minimum 'off' times and * changes the value of 'newBrightness' to shut off the lights instead of turning them on. */ while (timeRemaining > MinOnDuration || (StayOnEntireDuration && timeRemaining > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10))) { if (turningOn) { max = MaxOnDuration; min = MinOnDuration; newbrightness = OnBrightness; } else { max = MaxOffDuration; min = MinOffDuration; newbrightness = 0; } TimeSpan realmax = max; if (timeRemaining < max) { realmax = timeRemaining; // The maximum time must always be less than or equal to the time remaining (no OT) } int secondsToSleep; if (min < realmax) { secondsToSleep = RandGenerator.Next((int)(min.TotalSeconds), (int)(realmax.TotalSeconds)); } else if (min.TotalSeconds > 0) { secondsToSleep = (int)min.TotalSeconds; } else { break; } //Finds seconds to sleep as a random number between the minimum sleep time and the maximum sleep time. //It finds seconds (not milliseconds) so that the limit on integer size is not exceeded string onORoff; if (turningOn) { onORoff = "on"; } else { onORoff = "off"; } activeZone.Log.WriteLine(String.Format( "Turning {0} {1} lights", onORoff, )); activeZone.SetBrightness(newbrightness); Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, secondsToSleep)); turningOn = !turningOn; //Switches TurningOn (if true, it is now false. if false, it is now true) timeRemaining = TotalDuration - (new DateTime(1, 1, 1, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second) - EventStartTime); } if (TurnOffAfter) { activeZone.SetBrightness(0); } }
public AutoController(LightZone editingZone, List <Event> events) { EditingZone = editingZone; ScheduledEvents = events; }