Exemple #1
 public PersistentRoute(Route route)
     this.FirstHostname = route.FirstHostname;
     this.FirstIPAddress = route.FirstIPAddress;
     this.FirstResult = route.FirstResult;
     this.Hop = route.Hop;
     this.SecondHostname = route.SecondHostname;
     this.SecondIPAddress = route.SecondIPAddress;
     this.SecondResult = route.SecondResult;
     this.ThirdHostname = route.ThirdHostname;
     this.ThirdIPAddress = route.ThirdIPAddress;
     this.ThirdResult = route.ThirdResult;
        private void ParseOutput(string output)
            string pattern = @"([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\." +
                             @"([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\." +
                             @"([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\." +

            Regex ip = new Regex( pattern );

            int i = 0;

            foreach (string line in output.Split('\n'))
                if (i == 0)

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))

                Route r = new Route();

                //trim prepended and trailing spaces
                //then replace double spaces with commas
                //this makes splitting easier.
                string cleanLine = line
                    .Replace("  ", ",") //double spaces
                    .Replace(" ms ", " ms,"); //handle load balancers

                string[] infos = cleanLine.Split(',');

                r.Hop = int.Parse(infos[0]);

                //Some routers don't return anything.
                if (infos[1] == "* * *")
                    r.FirstResult = null;
                    r.FirstIPAddress = null;
                    r.FirstHostname = null;

                    r.SecondResult = null;
                    r.SecondIPAddress = null;
                    r.SecondHostname = null;

                    r.ThirdResult = null;
                    r.ThirdIPAddress = null;
                    r.ThirdHostname = null;
                else //whee, let's get complicated
                {//breaks when arbitrary host unreachable, !H / * *
                    r.FirstHostname = infos[1].Split(' ')[0];
                    r.FirstIPAddress = infos[1].Split(' ')[1];
                    r.FirstResult = infos[2];

                    if (ip.IsMatch(infos[3].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty)))
                        r.SecondHostname = infos[3].Split(' ')[0];
                        r.SecondIPAddress = infos[3].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                        r.SecondResult = infos[4];

                        if (ip.IsMatch(infos[5].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty)))
                            r.ThirdHostname = infos[5].Split(' ')[0];
                            r.ThirdIPAddress = infos[5].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                            r.ThirdResult = infos[6];
                            r.ThirdHostname = r.SecondHostname;
                            r.ThirdIPAddress = r.SecondIPAddress;
                            r.ThirdResult = infos[5];
                        r.SecondHostname = r.FirstHostname;
                        r.SecondIPAddress = r.FirstIPAddress;
                        r.SecondResult = infos[3];

                        if (ip.IsMatch(infos[4].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty)))
                            r.ThirdHostname = infos[4].Split(' ')[0];
                            r.ThirdIPAddress = infos[4].Split(' ')[1].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                            r.ThirdResult = infos[5];
                            r.ThirdHostname = r.SecondHostname;
                            r.ThirdIPAddress = r.SecondIPAddress;
                            r.ThirdResult = infos[4];

                r.ParentResults = this;

