Exemple #1
        public override SkillResults Use(MabiCreature attacker, MabiSkill skill, MabiPacket packet)
            var targetId = packet.GetLong();
            var unk1 = packet.GetInt();
            var unk2 = packet.GetInt();

            var target = WorldManager.Instance.GetCreatureById(targetId);
            if (target == null)
                return SkillResults.InvalidTarget;

            //if (!WorldManager.InRange(creature, target, Range))
            //    return SkillResults.OutOfRange;

            // X% of Stamina
            var staminaCost = attacker.Stamina * (skill.RankInfo.Var2 / 100f);
            if (attacker is MabiPC)
                attacker.Stamina -= staminaCost;


            var clones = (uint)skill.RankInfo.Var1;
            attacker.SoulCount = 0;

            // Spawn clones
            var pos = target.GetPosition();
                new MabiPacket(Op.Effect, attacker.Id)
                .PutInt(450) // no changes?
            , SendTargets.Range, target);

            // Change char look direction.
            WorldManager.Instance.Broadcast(PacketCreator.TurnTo(attacker, target), SendTargets.Range, attacker);

            // Jump to clone circle
            var toPos = WorldManager.CalculatePosOnLine(attacker, target, -(int)Radius);
            attacker.SetPosition(toPos.X, toPos.Y);
                new MabiPacket(Op.SetLocation, attacker.Id)
            , SendTargets.Range, attacker);

            bool alreadyDead = false;

            uint i = 0;
            Timer timer = null;
            timer = new Timer(_ =>
                if (timer == null || i > clones)

                // Move
                    new MabiPacket(Op.Effect, attacker.Id)
                    .PutInt(i) // clone nr
                    .PutInt(i) // clone nr
                    .PutInt(clones) // ? (4)
                    .PutInt(120) // disappear time?
                , SendTargets.Range, attacker);
                // Attack
                    new MabiPacket(Op.EffectDelayed, attacker.Id)
                    .PutInt(120) // delay?
                    .PutInt(i) // clone nr
                , SendTargets.Range, attacker);

                var sAction = new AttackerAction(CombatActionType.SpecialHit, attacker, skill.Id, targetId);
                sAction.Options |= AttackerOptions.Result;

                var tAction = new TargetAction(CombatActionType.TakeHit, target, attacker, skill.Id);
                tAction.Delay = 100;

                var cap = new CombatActionPack(attacker, skill.Id);

                target.Stun = tAction.StunTime = 2000;
                CombatHelper.SetAggro(attacker, target);

                var rnd = RandomProvider.Get();

                float damage = rnd.Next((int)skill.RankInfo.Var5, (int)skill.RankInfo.Var6 + 1);
                damage += skill.RankInfo.Var7 * staminaCost;

                // Crit
                if (CombatHelper.TryAddCritical(attacker, ref damage, attacker.CriticalChanceAgainst(target)))
                    tAction.Options |= TargetOptions.Critical;

                // Def/Prot
                CombatHelper.ReduceDamage(ref damage, target.DefenseTotal, target.Protection);

                // Mana Shield
                tAction.ManaDamage = CombatHelper.DealManaDamage(target, ref damage);

                // Deal Life Damage
                if (damage > 0)
                    target.TakeDamage(tAction.Damage = damage);

                // Save if target was already dead, to not send
                // finish action twice.
                if (!alreadyDead)

                    // Only send damage taking part if target isn't dead yet.
                alreadyDead = target.IsDead;

                if (target.IsDead)
                    tAction.OldPosition = pos;
                    if (!alreadyDead)
                        tAction.Options |= TargetOptions.FinishingKnockDown;
                        tAction.Options |= TargetOptions.KnockDown;
                else if (i == clones)
                    // Knock back if not dead after last attack.
                    tAction.Options |= TargetOptions.KnockDown;
                    tAction.OldPosition = CombatHelper.KnockBack(target, attacker, 400);


                if (i >= clones)
                    // Cancel timer after last attack.
                    timer = null;


            }, null, 900, 450);

            // Something's messed up here, if the skill isn't explicitly
            // canceled the client gets confused.

            SkillHelper.GiveSkillExp(attacker, skill, 20);

            Send.SkillUse(attacker.Client, attacker, skill.Id, targetId, unk1, unk2);

            return SkillResults.Okay;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates and sets new position for creature, and returns a copy
        /// of the current coordinates, for later use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Creature to knock back</param>
        /// <param name="attacker">Creature that attacked</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Knock back distance</param>
        /// <returns>Position of creature, before the knock back</returns>
        public static MabiVertex KnockBack(MabiCreature target, MabiEntity attacker, int distance = 375)
            var oldPos = target.GetPosition();
            var pos = WorldManager.CalculatePosOnLine(attacker, target, distance);

            // Check for collision, set new pos 200 points before the
            // intersection, to prevent glitching through.
            MabiVertex intersection;
            if (WorldManager.Instance.FindCollision(attacker.Region, oldPos, pos, out intersection))
                pos = WorldManager.CalculatePosOnLine(oldPos, intersection, -200);

            target.SetPosition(pos.X, pos.Y);
            return oldPos;