Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Skin skin   = new RandomSkin();
            var  player = new Player(skin);

            player.Play(Player.Songs, false);


            //    int min, max, total = 0;
            //    List<Song> songs = new List<Song>();

            //    int i;
            //    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            //    {
            //        var song = CreateSong("song " + (i + 1));
            //        songs.Add(song);
            //    }

            //    player.Add(songs);
            //    Sort.SortByTitle(songs);
            //    Shuffle.Shuffling(songs);

            //private static Song[] CreateSongs( out int min, out int max, ref int total)
            //    Random rand = new Random();
            //    Song[] songs = new Song[5];
            //    int MinDuration=0, MaxDuration=0, TotalDuration=0;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < songs.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        var song1 = new Song();
            //        song1.Title = "Song" + i;
            //        song1.Duration = rand.Next(3000);
            //        song1.Artist = new Artist("Nensi");
            //        songs[i] = song1;
            //        TotalDuration = TotalDuration + song1.Duration;
            //        if (MaxDuration < song1.Duration)
            //        {
            //            MaxDuration = song1.Duration;
            //        }
            //        if (MinDuration>song1.Duration)
            //        {
            //            MinDuration = song1.Duration;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    min = MinDuration;
            //    max = MaxDuration;
            //    total = TotalDuration;
            //    return songs;

            //public static Song CreateSong()
            //    var song2 = new Song();
            //    song2.Duration = 500;
            //    song2.Title = "Title of song2";
            //    song2.Path = "Path of song2";
            //    song2.Lyrics = "Lyrics of song2";
            //    song2.Genre = (Song.Genres) 1;
            //    return song2;
            //public static Song CreateSong(string nameOfSong3)
            //    var song3 = new Song();
            //    song3.Duration = 1000;
            //    song3.Title = nameOfSong3;
            //    song3.Path = "Path of song3";
            //    song3.Lyrics = "Lyrics of song3";
            //    song3.Genre = (Song.Genres)2;
            //    return song3;
            //public static Song CreateSong(int durationOfSong4, string nameOfSong4, string titleOfSong4, string pathOfSong4, string lyricsOfSong4, string genreOfSong4)
            //    var song4 = new Song();
            //    song4.Duration = durationOfSong4;
            //    song4.Title = nameOfSong4;
            //    song4.Path = pathOfSong4;
            //    song4.Lyrics = lyricsOfSong4;
            //    song4.Genre = (Song.Genres)3;
            //    return song4;
            // public static Song CreateSong()
            //var song2 = new Song();
            //return song2;
            //public static Artist AddArtist(string name = "Unknown Artist")
            //    var artist = new Artist("Unknown Artist");
            //    artist.Name = name;
            //    WriteLine(artist.Name);
            //    return artist;
            //public static Album AddAlbum(int year = 0, string name = "Unknown Album")
            //    var album = new Album("Unknown Album", "Unknown year");
            //    album.Name = name;
            //    album.Year = year;
            //    WriteLine($"Name of album:{album.Name}, Year of album: {album.Year}");
            //    return album;