public static void FileEncode(SortableBindingList <FileEntryClass> workinglist, string m4boutputfile,
                                      int TargetRate, int Quant, int usetns,
                                      ProgressUpdate procprogress, AudioBookConverterMain _owner)
            Owner = _owner;
            long  inputsamples = 0;
            long  maxbytes     = 0;
            ulong filesamples  = 0;
            ulong totalms      = 0;
            ulong filems;
            int   read;
            int   fileindex    = 0;
            int   lastupdate   = 0;
            bool  havechapters = false;
            int   bufferfactor = 256;

            //scan the files, see if we need chapter processing
            foreach (FileEntryClass listitem in workinglist)
                if (listitem.Chapter)
                    havechapters = true;
                    if (listitem.ChapterTitle == null)
                        if (listitem.Title != null)
                            listitem.ChapterTitle = listitem.Title;
                            listitem.ChapterTitle = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(listitem.FilePath);

            WmaStream wavfile     = new WmaStream(workinglist[fileindex].FilePath);
            uint      samplerate  = (uint)wavfile.Format.nSamplesPerSec;
            uint      numchannels = (uint)wavfile.Format.nChannels;

            string tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName();
            //FileStream outputfile = new FileStream(tempfile, FileMode.Create);
            Bento4Writer mp4writer = new Bento4Writer(m4boutputfile, tempfile);
            // Faac Settings
            faac encoder = new faac(samplerate, numchannels);

            inputsamples        = encoder.InputSamples;
            maxbytes            = encoder.MaxBytes;
            encoder.QuantQual   = Quant;
            encoder.InputFormat = 1;
            //encoder.BandWidth = 8000;// (int)samplerate / 6;
            encoder.UseTNS  = usetns;
            encoder.UseLFE  = 0;
            encoder.BitRate = TargetRate * 1000;

            byte[] decoderspecific = encoder.DecoderSpecInfo;

            string[] chaptitles    = new string[255];
            ulong[]  chapstart     = new ulong[255];
            uint     totalchapters = 0;

            if (havechapters)
                chapstart[0]  = 0;
                totalchapters = 0;
                if (!workinglist[fileindex].Chapter)
                    chaptitles[0] = "Begin";
                    chaptitles[0] = workinglist[fileindex].ChapterTitleResolver;

            procprogress.TotalFiles      = workinglist.Count;
            procprogress.TotalKbytes     = (int)wavfile.Length / 1024;
            procprogress.CurrentFile     = fileindex + 1;
            procprogress.CurrentFilename = workinglist[fileindex].FilePath;

            read = 0;
            //setup buffer for data coming from faac
            byte[] aac_buffer        = new byte[maxbytes * bufferfactor];
            int    aac_buffer_offset = 0;
            int    aac_buffer_frames = 0;

            //DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            while (fileindex < workinglist.Count && read != -1)
                if (Owner.bgAACEncoder.CancellationPending)

                short[] isamples = new short[inputsamples];
                byte[]  wavbytes = new byte[inputsamples * 2];
                int     bytes    = 0;

                //read from source file
                bytes = wavfile.Read(wavbytes, 0, (int)inputsamples * 2);
                //update filesamples with number of samples
                filesamples += (ulong)bytes / (numchannels * 2);

                if (wavfile.Position >= wavfile.Length || bytes < inputsamples * 2)
                    filems = filesamples * 1000 / samplerate;

                    workinglist[fileindex].Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(filems);
                    //if that file we just ran was flagged as a chapter start, finalize the last and create a new
                    if (workinglist[fileindex].Chapter && fileindex != 0)
                        chapstart[totalchapters] = totalms;
                        chaptitles[totalchapters] = workinglist[fileindex].ChapterTitleResolver;

                    //accumulate the total millisecond counter
                    totalms += filems;

                    //out of data, move to next file
                    if (fileindex < workinglist.Count)
                        wavfile = new WmaStream(workinglist[fileindex].FilePath);

                        //need to read more to get required number of input samples
                        if (bytes < inputsamples * 2)
                            int    requiredbytes = (int)(inputsamples * 2) - bytes;
                            byte[] extrawavbytes = new byte[requiredbytes];
                            int    extrabytes;

                            extrabytes = wavfile.Read(extrawavbytes, 0, requiredbytes);
                            Array.Copy(extrawavbytes, 0, wavbytes, bytes, extrabytes);
                            bytes      += extrabytes;
                            filesamples = (ulong)extrabytes / (numchannels * 2);
                            filesamples = 0;

                        procprogress.CurrentFile     = fileindex + 1;
                        procprogress.CurrentKbyte    = 1;
                        procprogress.TotalKbytes     = (int)wavfile.Length / 1024;
                        procprogress.CurrentFilename = workinglist[fileindex].FilePath;
                        Owner.bgAACEncoder.ReportProgress(0, procprogress);
                        lastupdate = 0;

                //Notification to user front-end

                if (lastupdate > 200)
                    if (bytes == inputsamples * 2)
                        procprogress.CurrentKbyte = (int)wavfile.Position / 1024;
                        procprogress.CurrentKbyte = procprogress.TotalKbytes;

                    lastupdate = 0;
                    Owner.bgAACEncoder.ReportProgress(0, procprogress);

                //convert the byte[] into a short[]
                int z = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < bytes; x += 2)
                    isamples[z] = (short)((wavbytes[x + 1] << 8) | wavbytes[x] << 0);

                byte[] output     = new byte[maxbytes];
                uint   buffersize = 0;
                int    inputsam   = isamples.Length;

                //feed the samples to the aac encoder
                read = encoder.Encode(isamples, inputsam, out output, out buffersize);

                //if the encoder encoded, write it out to the aac buffer
                if (read > 0)
                    Array.Copy(output, 0, aac_buffer, aac_buffer_offset, read);
                    aac_buffer_offset += read;
                    //if the buffer is full, write it out to bento
                    if (aac_buffer_frames == bufferfactor)
                        mp4writer.Write(aac_buffer, aac_buffer_frames);
                        aac_buffer_frames = 0;
                        aac_buffer_offset = 0;
            }             //end sample processing loop

            //flush the sample_buffer
            if (aac_buffer_frames > 0)
                mp4writer.Write(aac_buffer, aac_buffer_frames);

            if (havechapters)
                chapstart[totalchapters] = totalms;

                mp4writer.WriteChapters(chaptitles, chapstart, totalchapters);
            ////fake chapter data
            //for (int fx = 0; fx < 35; fx++) {
            //    chaptitles[fx] = "Chapter " + fx;
            //    chapstart[fx] = (ulong)((2500 * fx) + fx);

            //totalchapters = 35;
            if (Owner.bgAACEncoder.CancellationPending)

            procprogress.CurrentFilename = "Packaging Mpeg4 Audiobook File";
            procprogress.TotalFiles      = 1;
            procprogress.CurrentFile     = 1;
            procprogress.BentoWorking    = true;
            Owner.bgAACEncoder.ReportProgress(0, procprogress);

            //tempfile = "c:\\mp4utils\\file.aac";
            //chapdata = "c:\\mp4utils\\chapdata.txt";
            //BentoSharp.Bento4 BentoClass = new Bento4();
            //int bentoerror = BentoClass.aac2mp4(tempfile, m4boutputfile, decoderspecific, chapdata, chapstart, totalchapters);
            //bentoerror = BentoClass.mp4chapter("c:\\mp4utils\\bentoout.m4b","c:\\mp4utils\\chapout.m4b",chapdata,chaptimes,totalchapters);
            //BentoClass = null;

Exemple #2
        public void Read(out SortableBindingList <FileEntryClass> FileEntries, out OutputMetadata OutputMetaData)
            file_entries    = new SortableBindingList <FileEntryClass>();
            output_metadata = new OutputMetadata();

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(filename);

            var outputinfo = from outputdat in (doc.Descendants("OutputData"))
                             select new {
                OutputFile   = (string)outputdat.Element("OutputFile"),
                Album        = (string)outputdat.Element("Album"),
                AlbumSort    = (string)outputdat.Element("AlbumSort"),
                Artist       = (string)outputdat.Element("Artist"),
                ArtistSort   = (string)outputdat.Element("ArtistSort"),
                Comment      = (string)outputdat.Element("Comment"),
                Composer     = (string)outputdat.Element("Composer"),
                ComposerSort = (string)outputdat.Element("ComposerSort"),
                Disc         = outputdat.Element("Disc").Value,
                DiscTotal    = outputdat.Element("DiscTotal").Value,
                Title        = (string)outputdat.Element("Title"),
                TitleSort    = (string)outputdat.Element("TitleSort"),
                Track        = outputdat.Element("Track").Value,
                TrackTotal   = outputdat.Element("TrackTotal").Value,
                Year         = outputdat.Element("Year").Value,
                Artwork      = (string)outputdat.Element("Artwork")
            var fileinfo = from filedat in (doc.Descendants("FileEntry"))
                           select new {
                AdHocSort    = filedat.Attribute("Index").Value,
                FileName     = (string)filedat.Element("FileName"),
                FilePath     = (string)filedat.Element("FilePath"),
                Chapter      = (bool)filedat.Element("Chapter"),
                ChapterTitle = (string)filedat.Element("ChapterTitle"),
                Title        = (string)filedat.Element("Title"),
                Duration     = filedat.Element("Duration").Value,
                TrackNum     = filedat.Element("TrackNum").Value
            var output = outputinfo.First();

            output_metadata.Album        = output.Album;
            output_metadata.AlbumSort    = output.AlbumSort;
            output_metadata.Artist       = output.Artist;
            output_metadata.ArtistSort   = output.ArtistSort;
            output_metadata.Comment      = output.Comment;
            output_metadata.Composer     = output.Composer;
            output_metadata.ComposerSort = output.ComposerSort;
            output_metadata.Disc         = Convert.ToInt32(output.Disc);
            output_metadata.DiscTotal    = Convert.ToInt32(output.DiscTotal);
            output_metadata.OutputFile   = output.OutputFile;
            output_metadata.Title        = output.Title;
            output_metadata.TitleSort    = output.TitleSort;
            output_metadata.Track        = Convert.ToInt32(output.Track);
            output_metadata.TrackTotal   = Convert.ToInt32(output.TrackTotal);
            output_metadata.Year         = Convert.ToInt32(output.Year);
            if (output.Artwork != null)
                output_metadata.Image = Convert.FromBase64String(output.Artwork);
            foreach (var singlefile in fileinfo)
                FileEntryClass listfile = new FileEntryClass(singlefile.FilePath);
                listfile.AdHocSort    = Convert.ToInt32(singlefile.AdHocSort);
                listfile.Chapter      = singlefile.Chapter;
                listfile.ChapterTitle = singlefile.ChapterTitle;
                listfile.Duration     = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt32(singlefile.Duration));
                listfile.FileName     = singlefile.FileName;
                listfile.FilePath     = singlefile.FilePath;
                listfile.Title        = singlefile.Title;
                listfile.TrackNum     = Convert.ToInt32(singlefile.TrackNum);

            FileEntries    = file_entries;
            OutputMetaData = output_metadata;