/// <summary>
        /// This algorithm is used for full band width events such as a rain and wind.
        /// It calculates a content score based on a template match to what is in the full spectrum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifest">A description of the template which is to be created.</param>
        /// <param name="templateIndices">The actual dictionary of template arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>A new template.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, double[]> CreateFullBandTemplate1(TemplateManifest manifest, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> templateIndices)
            // Get the template provenance. Assume array contains only one element.
            var provenanceArray = manifest.Provenance;
            var provenance      = provenanceArray[0];
            var startRowId      = provenance.StartOffset;
            var endRowId        = provenance.EndOffset;

            var dictionaryOfVector = DataProcessing.AverageIndicesOverMinutes(templateIndices, startRowId, endRowId);
            var reducedIndices     = DataProcessing.ReduceIndicesByFactor(dictionaryOfVector, manifest.SpectralReductionFactor);

        // ###################################################################################

        /// <summary>
        /// This algorithm is used for broad band events such as a bird chorus.
        /// It selects acoustic content over a band of several kHz and calculates a content score based on a template match to what is in the band.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifest">A previously prepared template.</param>
        /// <param name="templateIndices">The actual dictionary of template arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>A similarity score.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, double[]> CreateBroadbandTemplate1(TemplateManifest manifest, Dictionary <string, double[, ]> templateIndices)
            // Get the template provenance. Assume array contains only one element.
            var provenanceArray = manifest.Provenance;
            var provenance      = provenanceArray[0];
            var startRowId      = provenance.StartOffset;
            var endRowId        = provenance.EndOffset;

            var reductionFactor    = manifest.SpectralReductionFactor;
            var dictionaryOfVector = DataProcessing.AverageIndicesOverMinutes(templateIndices, startRowId, endRowId);

            // remove first two freq bins and last four freq bins, i.e. bottomBin = 2 and topBin = 11;
            int freqBinCount   = ContentSignatures.FreqBinCount / reductionFactor;
            int bottomFreq     = manifest.BandMinHz; //Hertz
            int topFreq        = manifest.BandMaxHz; //Hertz
            var freqBinBounds  = DataProcessing.GetFreqBinBounds(bottomFreq, topFreq, freqBinCount);
            var reducedIndices = DataProcessing.ReduceIndicesByFactor(dictionaryOfVector, reductionFactor);

            reducedIndices = DataProcessing.ApplyBandPass(reducedIndices, freqBinBounds[0], freqBinBounds[1]);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates new template based on passed manifest.
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary <string, double[]> CreateTemplateDefinition(TemplateManifest templateManifest)
            // Get the template provenance. Assume array contains only one element.
            var provenanceArray = templateManifest.Provenance;
            var provenance      = provenanceArray[0];
            var sourceDirectory = provenance.Directory;
            var baseName        = provenance.Basename;

            // Read all indices from the complete recording. The path variable is a partial path requiring to be appended.
            var path = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, baseName + ContentSignatures.AnalysisString);
            var dictionaryOfIndices = DataProcessing.ReadIndexMatrices(path);
            var algorithmType       = templateManifest.FeatureExtractionAlgorithm;
            Dictionary <string, double[]> newTemplateDefinition;

            switch (algorithmType)
            case 1:
                newTemplateDefinition = ContentAlgorithms.CreateFullBandTemplate1(templateManifest, dictionaryOfIndices);

            case 2:
                newTemplateDefinition = ContentAlgorithms.CreateBroadbandTemplate1(templateManifest, dictionaryOfIndices);

            case 3:
                newTemplateDefinition = ContentAlgorithms.CreateNarrowBandTemplate1(templateManifest, dictionaryOfIndices);

                //LoggedConsole.WriteWarnLine("Algorithm " + algorithmType + " does not exist.");
                newTemplateDefinition = null;

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FunctionalTemplate"/> class.
 /// CONSTRUCTOR must initialise the info from the Manifest.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="templateManifest">The template manifest.</param>
 public FunctionalTemplate(TemplateManifest templateManifest) => this.Manifest = templateManifest;
        /// <summary>
        /// This algorithm is used for broad band events such as a bird chorus.
        /// It selects acoustic content over a band of several kHz and calculates a content score based on a template match to what is in the band.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oneMinuteOfIndices">Derived from the source recording.</param>
        /// <param name="template">A previously prepared template.</param>
        /// <param name="templateIndices">The actual dictionary of template arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>A similarity score.</returns>
        public static double GetBroadbandContent1(Dictionary <string, double[]> oneMinuteOfIndices, TemplateManifest template, Dictionary <string, double[]> templateIndices)
            // copy over the recording indices required by the template.
            var requiredIndices = DataProcessing.GetRequiredIndices(oneMinuteOfIndices, templateIndices.Keys.ToArray());

            //reduce indices and convert to vector.
            var reductionFactor = template.SpectralReductionFactor;
            int freqBinCount    = ContentSignatures.FreqBinCount / reductionFactor;
            int bottomFreq      = template.BandMinHz; //Hertz
            int topFreq         = template.BandMaxHz; //Hertz
            var freqBinBounds   = DataProcessing.GetFreqBinBounds(bottomFreq, topFreq, freqBinCount);
            var reducedIndices  = DataProcessing.ReduceIndicesByFactor(requiredIndices, reductionFactor);

            // remove top freq bins and bottom freq bins;
            reducedIndices = DataProcessing.ApplyBandPass(reducedIndices, freqBinBounds[0], freqBinBounds[1]);
            var oneMinuteVector = DataProcessing.ConvertDictionaryToVector(reducedIndices);
            var templateVector  = DataProcessing.ConvertDictionaryToVector(templateIndices);

            //Get Euclidean distance and normalize the distance
            var distance = DataTools.EuclideanDistance(templateVector, oneMinuteVector);

            // Normalize the distance
            distance /= Math.Sqrt(templateVector.Length);
            return(1 - distance);
        /// <summary>
        /// This algorithm is used for full band width events such as a rain and wind.
        /// It calculates a content score based on a template match to what is in the full spectrum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oneMinuteOfIndices">Derived from the source recording.</param>
        /// <param name="template">A previously prepared template.</param>
        /// <param name="templateIndices">The actual dictionary of template arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>A similarity score.</returns>
        public static double GetFullBandContent1(Dictionary <string, double[]> oneMinuteOfIndices, TemplateManifest template, Dictionary <string, double[]> templateIndices)
            // copy over the recording indices required by the template.
            var requiredIndices = DataProcessing.GetRequiredIndices(oneMinuteOfIndices, templateIndices.Keys.ToArray());

            //reduce indices and convert to vector.
            var reducedIndices  = DataProcessing.ReduceIndicesByFactor(requiredIndices, template.SpectralReductionFactor);
            var oneMinuteVector = DataProcessing.ConvertDictionaryToVector(reducedIndices);
            var templateVector  = DataProcessing.ConvertDictionaryToVector(templateIndices);

            var distance = DataTools.EuclideanDistance(templateVector, oneMinuteVector);

            // Normalize the distance
            distance /= Math.Sqrt(templateVector.Length);
            return(1 - distance);
        /// <summary>
        /// This algorithm is used for narrow band events such as an insect bird chorus or content due to narrow band calls of a single bird species.
        /// It searches the full spectrum for a match to the template and then
        ///  calculates how much of the match weight is in the correct narrow freq band.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oneMinuteOfIndices">Derived from the source recording.</param>
        /// <param name="template">A previously prepared template.</param>
        /// <param name="templateIndices">The actual dictionary of template arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>A similarity score.</returns>
        public static double GetNarrowBandContent1(Dictionary <string, double[]> oneMinuteOfIndices, TemplateManifest template, Dictionary <string, double[]> templateIndices)
            // copy over the recording indices required by the template.
            var requiredIndices = DataProcessing.GetRequiredIndices(oneMinuteOfIndices, templateIndices.Keys.ToArray());

            //reduce indices and convert to vector.
            var reductionFactor = template.SpectralReductionFactor;
            var reducedIndices  = DataProcessing.ReduceIndicesByFactor(requiredIndices, reductionFactor);

            // Now pass the template up the full frequency spectrum to get a spectrum of scores.
            var spectralScores = DataProcessing.ScanSpectrumWithTemplate(templateIndices, reducedIndices);

            // Now check how much of spectral weight is in the correct freq band ie between 3-4 kHz.
            int    freqBinCount  = ContentSignatures.FreqBinCount / reductionFactor;
            int    bottomFreq    = template.BandMinHz; //Hertz
            int    topFreq       = template.BandMaxHz; //Hertz
            var    freqBinBounds = DataProcessing.GetFreqBinBounds(bottomFreq, topFreq, freqBinCount);
            double callSum       = DataTools.Subarray(spectralScores, freqBinBounds[0], freqBinBounds[1]).Sum();
            double totalSum      = DataTools.Subarray(spectralScores, 1, spectralScores.Length - 3).Sum();
            double score         = callSum / totalSum;
