// GET: List of Students
        public ActionResult Index()
            using(var db = new AucklandHighSchoolEntities())
                //Declear list of students
                List<StudentViewModel> list = new List<StudentViewModel>();

                //Connect to database and get list
                list = (from s in db.Students
                        join e in db.Enrollments on s.Id equals e.StudentId into box
                        from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new
                            Student = s,
                            Enrollment = b
                        }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Student }).Select(x => new StudentViewModel
                            Name = x.Key.Student.FirstName + " " + x.Key.Student.LastName,
                            Gender = x.Key.Student.Gender,
                            EnrolmentCount = x.Where(g => g.Enrollment != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Pass list to front end view
                return View(list);
        // GET: List of Teachers
        public ActionResult Index()
            using (var db = new AucklandHighSchoolEntities())
                //Declear list of teachers
                List<TeacherViewModel> list = new List<TeacherViewModel>();

                //Get number of classes each teacher teaches
                var classCount = (from t in db.Teachers
                                  join c in db.Classes
                                    on t.Id equals c.TeacherId into box
                                  from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  select new
                                      Teacher = t,
                                      Class = b
                                  }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Teacher }).Select(x => new {
                                      Id = x.Key.Teacher.Id,
                                      Name = x.Key.Teacher.FirstName + " " + x.Key.Teacher.LastName,
                                      Gender = x.Key.Teacher.Gender,
                                      ClassCount = x.Where(g => g.Class != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Get number of subjects each teacher teaches
                var subjectCount = (from t in db.Teachers
                                    join c in db.Classes
                                      on t.Id equals c.TeacherId into box
                                    from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    join s in db.Subjects
                                    on b.SubjectId equals s.Id into otherBox
                                    from o in otherBox.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                    select new
                                        Teacher = t,
                                        Subject = o
                                    }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Teacher }).Select(x => new {
                                        Id = x.Key.Teacher.Id,
                                        SubjectCount = x.Where(g => g.Subject != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Join two above list to get final list by comparing teacher ids
                list = (from c in classCount
                        join s in subjectCount on c.Id equals s.Id
                        select new TeacherViewModel
                            Name = c.Name,
                            Gender = c.Gender,
                            SubjectCount = s.SubjectCount,
                            ClassCount = c.ClassCount

                //Pass list to front end view
                return View(list);
Exemple #3
        // GET: List of Classes
        public ActionResult Index()
            using (var db = new AucklandHighSchoolEntities())
                //Declear list of classes
                List<ClassViewModel> list = new List<ClassViewModel>();

                //Get list of subject names
                var subjectName = (from c in db.Classes
                                   join s in db.Subjects
                                       on c.SubjectId equals s.Id into box
                                   from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   select new
                                       Id = c.Id,
                                       ClassName = c.Name,
                                       SubjectName = b == null ? "" : b.Name

                //Get list of teacher names
                var teacherName = (from c in db.Classes
                                   join t in db.Teachers
                                       on c.TeacherId equals t.Id into box
                                   from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   select new
                                       Id = c.Id,
                                       TeacherName = (b == null) ? "" : b.FirstName + " " + b.LastName

                //Get number of enrolments belong to each class
                var enrollmentCount = (from c in db.Classes
                                       join e in db.Enrollments
                                           on c.Id equals e.ClassId into box
                                       from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                       select new
                                           Id = c.Id,
                                           Enrollment = b
                                       }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Id }).Select(x => new
                                           Id = x.Key.Id,
                                           EnrollmentCount = x.Where(g => g.Enrollment != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Join three above list to get final list by comparing class ids
                list = (from s in subjectName
                        join e in enrollmentCount on s.Id equals e.Id
                        join t in teacherName on s.Id equals t.Id
                        select new ClassViewModel
                            ClassName = s.ClassName,
                            TeacherName = t.TeacherName,
                            SubjectName = s.SubjectName,
                            EnrolmentCount = e.EnrollmentCount

                //Pass list to front end view
                return View(list);
        // GET: List of Subjects
        public ActionResult Index()
            using (var db = new AucklandHighSchoolEntities())
                //Declear list of subjects
                List<SubjectViewModel> list = new List<SubjectViewModel>();

                //Get number of classes belong to each subject
                var classCount = (from s in db.Subjects
                                  join c in db.Classes
                                 on s.Id equals c.SubjectId into box
                                  from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  select new
                                      Subject = s,
                                      Class = b
                                  }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Subject }).Select(x => new {
                                      Id = x.Key.Subject.Id,
                                      Name = x.Key.Subject.Name,
                                      ClassCount = x.Where(g => g.Class != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Get number of teachers belong each subject
                var staffCount = (from s in db.Subjects
                                  join c in db.Classes
                                   on s.Id equals c.SubjectId into box
                                  from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  join t in db.Teachers
                                    on b.TeacherId equals t.Id into otherBox
                                  from o in otherBox.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  select new
                                      Subject = s,
                                      Teacher = o
                                  }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Subject }).Select(x => new {
                                      Id = x.Key.Subject.Id,
                                      StaffCount = x.Where(g => g.Teacher != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Get number of enrolments belong each subject
                var enrollmentCount = (from s in db.Subjects
                                       join c in db.Classes
                                        on s.Id equals c.SubjectId into box
                                       from b in box.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                       join e in db.Enrollments
                                       on b.Id equals e.ClassId into otherBox
                                       from o in otherBox.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                       select new
                                           Subject = s,
                                           Enrollment = o
                                       }).GroupBy(x => new { x.Subject }).Select(x => new {
                                           Id = x.Key.Subject.Id,
                                           EnrollmentCount = x.Where(g => g.Enrollment != null).Distinct().Count()

                //Join three above list to get final list by comparing subject ids
                list = (from c in classCount
                        join s in staffCount on c.Id equals s.Id
                        join e in enrollmentCount on c.Id equals e.Id
                        select new SubjectViewModel
                            Name = c.Name,
                            ClassCount = c.ClassCount,
                            StaffCount = s.StaffCount,
                            EnrolmentCount = e.EnrollmentCount

                //Pass list to front end view
                return View(list);