Exemple #1
        private void ClassificationBoxChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            NodeButton nb     = getSelectedNodeButton();
            ComboBox   source = (ComboBox)e.Source;
            Mode       mode   = (Mode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Mode), source.SelectedValue.ToString());

            nb.association.node.classification = Classification.GetClassificationByMode(mode);
            NodeButton selected = getSelectedNodeButton();

            selected.select = true;
        public NodeTreeItem()
            this.Header = "ERROR: NOT YET INITIALIZED";
            //this.Header = node.direction.ToString() + ": " + node.classification.mode.ToString();

            ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();

            this.ContextMenu = cm;
            MenuItem cmi = new MenuItem();

            cmi.Header = "Add child action";
            cmi.Click += (s, e) =>
                //Prepare list of all direction to be filtered for possible options to be created
                List <Direction> directions = new List <Direction>();

                //Get the NodeTreeItem (and thus the NodeAssociation) to find what options are available to be added
                MenuItem     menuItem = s as MenuItem;
                NodeTreeItem toAddTo  = (NodeTreeItem)(((ContextMenu)menuItem.Parent).PlacementTarget);

                //Filter out existing directions
                foreach (NodeTreeItem child in toAddTo.Items)
                //Remove "Middle", as it should only ever be used in this context for the root node

                //Get all modes a node can be
                List <Mode> modes = new List <Mode>();

                //Display add dialog
                AddDialog dialog = new AddDialog(directions, modes);
                dialog.ShowDialog(); //ShowDialog will prevent interacting with the main window until the dialog is clsed
                if (dialog.save)
                    //Get data back for use
                    Direction dir;
                    bool      success = Enum.TryParse(dialog.directionBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), out dir);
                    if (!success)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Could not parse direction {dialog.directionBox.SelectedItem.ToString()}", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    Mode mode;
                    success = Enum.TryParse(dialog.classifcationBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), out mode);
                    if (!success)
                        MessageBox.Show($"Could not parse mode {dialog.classifcationBox.SelectedItem.ToString()}", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    Classification classification = Classification.GetClassificationByMode(mode);

                    Node         newNode = new Node(classification, dir);
                    NodeTreeItem newItem = new NodeTreeItem();
                    newItem.parent = this;
                    NodeAssociation newAssociation = new NodeAssociation(newNode, newItem);
                    toAddTo.association.addChild(dir, newAssociation);

                    newItem.BringIntoView();                                //Show element in tree without selecting it
                    toAddTo.OnSelected(new RoutedEventArgs(null, toAddTo)); //Create a fake click event on the parent so that the details (NodeButtons and the like) update