public void CopyTwice()
            var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
            using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
                // Create a "complex" directory structure on the remote machine
                    .ExecuteCommand("mkdir -p /tmp/usergwatts/data")
                    .ExecuteCommand("mkdir -p /tmp/usergwatts/data/d1")
                    .ExecuteCommand("mkdir -p /tmp/usergwatts/data/d2")
                    .ExecuteCommand("echo hi1 > /tmp/usergwatts/data/f1")
                    .ExecuteCommand("echo hi2 > /tmp/usergwatts/data/d1/f2")
                    .ExecuteCommand("echo hi3 > /tmp/usergwatts/data/d2/f3")
                    .ExecuteCommand("echo hi4 > /tmp/usergwatts/data/d2/f4");

                // Remove everything local
                var d = new DirectoryInfo("./data");
                if (d.Exists)

                // Do the copy
                s.CopyRemoteDirectoryLocally("/tmp/usergwatts/data", d);
                s.CopyRemoteDirectoryLocally("/tmp/usergwatts/data", d);
 public void copyBadRemoteDirectoryLocal()
     var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
     using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
         // Do the copy
         var d = new DirectoryInfo("./databogus");
         if (d.Exists)
         s.CopyRemoteDirectoryLocally("/tmp/usergwatts/databogusbogusbogusbogus", d);
        public void FetchOneFileWithNoBackupOverNetwork()
            // This is a real run (so it is slow), and it will fetch data over the network.
            var d = new DirectoryInfo("FetchOneFileWithNoBackupOverNetwork");
            if (d.Exists)

            var c = GenerateLocalConfigWithWorkingRemote(d);

            var l = LocalMachine.GetLocation(c);
            var r = l.GetDSInfo("user.gwatts:user.gwatts.301295.EVNT.1");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, l.GetDS(r, rep => Console.WriteLine(rep), fslist => fslist.Take(1).ToArray(), null, 0).Length);

            var dsdir = d.SubDir("user.gwatts.301295.EVNT.1");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dsdir.EnumerateFiles("*.root.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count());

            // Next, make sure that there are no files left over up on the remote machine.
            var username = c["LinuxUserName"];
            var machine = c["LinuxHost"];

            using (var s = new SSHConnection(machine, username))
                bool stillThere = false;
                s.ExecuteCommand(string.Format("ls {0}", c["LinuxTempLocation"]),
                    outLine =>
                        Console.WriteLine("output of ls: " + outLine);
                        stillThere |= !outLine.Contains("cannot access");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the connection, and setup the appropriate stuff for using AMI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SSHConnection GetConnection()
            if (_connection != null)
                return _connection;

            // Establish the connection
            var sm = JobParser.GetSubmissionMachine();
            var connection = new SSHConnection(sm.MachineName, sm.Username);

            // Setup for using ami.
            connection.Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up ATLAS"))
                .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up pyAMI"))
                .ExecuteCommand("lsetup pyami")
                .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Acquiring GRID credentials"))
                .VomsProxyInit("atlas", failNow: () => Stopping);

            // And the connection is now ready for use!
            _connection = connection;
            return _connection;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Load up the job requested. Fail, obviously, if we can't.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            // Setup for verbosity if we need it.
            var listener = new PSListener(this);
                // Get the job
                var job = JobParser.FindJob(JobName, JobVersion);

                // Get the expected resulting dataset name. Since this will be a personal
                // dataset, we need to get the GRID info.
                string ds = job.ResultingDatasetName(DatasetName, _gridCredentials);

                // See if there is already a job defined that will produce this
                var pandaJob = (ds + "/").FindPandaJobWithTaskName();

                if (pandaJob == null)
                    // Where are we going to be doing the submission on?
                    var sm = JobParser.GetSubmissionMachine();

                    // Get the remove environment configured if it needs to be
                    var firstJob = false;
                    if (_connection == null)
                        firstJob = true;
                        _connection = new SSHConnection(sm.MachineName, sm.Username);
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up ATLAS"))
                            .setupATLAS(dumpOnly: WhatIf.IsPresent)
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up Rucio"))
                            .setupRucio(_gridCredentials.Username, dumpOnly: WhatIf.IsPresent)
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Acquiring GRID credentials"))
                            .VomsProxyInit("atlas", failNow: () => Stopping, dumpOnly: WhatIf.IsPresent);

                    // Check to see if the original dataset exists. We will use the location known as Local for doing the
                    // setup, I suppose.
                    var files = _connection
                        .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Checking dataset exists on the GRID"))
                        .FilelistFromGRID(DatasetName, failNow: () => Stopping, dumpOnly: WhatIf.IsPresent);
                    if (files.Length == 0 && !WhatIf.IsPresent)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Dataset '{DatasetName}' has zero files - won't submit a job against it!");

                    // Submit the job
                        .SubmitJob(job, DatasetName, ds, DisplayStatus, failNow: () => Stopping, sameJobAsLastTime: !firstJob, dumpOnly: WhatIf.IsPresent);

                    // Try to find the job again if requested. The submission can take a very long time to show up in
                    // big panda, so skip unless requested.
                    if (WaitForPandaRegistration)
                        var pandJobResult = Policy
                            .WaitAndRetryForever(nthRetry => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
                                                 (e, ts) => { WriteWarning($"Failed to find the submitted panda job on bigpanda: {e.Message}. Will wait one minute and try again."); })
                            .ExecuteAndCapture(() => FindPandaJobForDS(ds));
                        if (pandJobResult.Outcome != OutcomeType.Successful)
                            throw pandJobResult.FinalException;
                        pandaJob = pandJobResult.Result;

                // Return a helper obj that contains the info about this job that can be used by other commands.
                if (pandaJob != null)
                    var r = new AtlasPandaTaskID() { ID = pandaJob.jeditaskid, Name = pandaJob.taskname };
            } finally
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initi with context info
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prompt"></param>
 /// <param name="sSHConnection"></param>
 public SSHSubShellContext(string prompt, SSHConnection sSHConnection)
     this._oldPrompt  = prompt;
     this._connection = sSHConnection;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a single dataset and fetch the info about it.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            var cHit = _resultsCache.Value[DatasetName] as PSGRIDDatasetInfo;
            if (cHit != null)
                // Setup for verbosity if we need it.
                var listener = new PSListener(this);
                    // Where are we going to be doing query on - we need a machine.
                    var sm = JobParser.GetSubmissionMachine();

                    // Get the remove environment configured if it needs to be
                    if (_connection == null)
                        _connection = new SSHConnection(sm.MachineName, sm.Username);
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up ATLAS"))
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Setting up Rucio"))
                            .Apply(() => DisplayStatus("Acquiring GRID credentials"))
                            .VomsProxyInit("atlas", failNow: () => Stopping);

                    // Great - get the info on this dataset.
                    var fileInfo = _connection
                        .Apply(() => DisplayStatus($"Checking for info on {DatasetName}."))
                        .FileInfoFromGRID(DatasetName, failNow: () => Stopping);

                    // Next, build the resulting thingy.
                    var r = new PSGRIDDatasetInfo()
                        DatasetName = DatasetName,
                        nFiles = fileInfo.Count,
                        TotalSizeMB = (int)fileInfo.Sum(fi => fi.size),
                        FileInfo = fileInfo.ToArray()
                    _resultsCache.Value[DatasetName] = r;
        public void ReadBackWithPrompt()
            var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();

            using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
                Console.WriteLine("Before we do anything here is the environment:");
                s.ExecuteCommand("set", l => Console.WriteLine(" set: " + l));

                bool valueSet = false;
                bool sawPrompt = false;
                s.ExecuteCommand("prompt=\"what is up: \"");
                s.ExecuteCommandWithInput("read -p \"$prompt\" bogusvalue", new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "up:", "\nthis freak me out is a test" } }, l =>
                        sawPrompt = sawPrompt || l.Contains("what is up");
                        Console.WriteLine("==> " + l);
                    .ExecuteCommand("set", l => Console.WriteLine(" set: " + l))
                    .ExecuteCommand("echo bogusvalue $bogusvalue", l =>
                        valueSet = valueSet || l.Contains("this");
                        Console.WriteLine("--> " + l);

                // THis guy isn't working yet because we don't seem to read in any input.
 public void UnknownUsername()
     using (var s = new SSHConnection("", "bogus-man"))
     { }
 public void PWDOutputAsExpected()
     var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
     using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
         int count = 0;
         s.ExecuteCommand("pwd", l =>
             Console.WriteLine("--> " + l);
         Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
 public void ListDirectoryWithNoOutput()
     var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
     using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
         s.ExecuteCommand("ls -a | cat");
 public void ListDirectory()
     var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
     using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2))
         bool foundFile = false;
         s.ExecuteCommand("ls -a | cat", l => { if (l.Contains(".bash_profile")) { foundFile = true; } Console.WriteLine(l); });
 public void KnownUserAndCTor()
     var info = util.GetUsernameAndPassword();
     using (var s = new SSHConnection(info.Item1, info.Item2)) { }