Exemple #1
        public Point3d world_position; // World space coordinates of the lower-left hand corner (min corner)

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Room(RoomKey rk)
            room_key = rk;
            random_seed = rk.GetHashCode();
                (float)room_key.x * WorldConstants.ROOM_X_SIZE,
                (float)room_key.y * WorldConstants.ROOM_Y_SIZE,
                (float)room_key.z * WorldConstants.ROOM_Z_SIZE);
            portalRoomSideBitmask = new TypedFlags<MathConstants.eSignedDirection>();
            connectivity_id= -1;

            portals = new List<Portal>();
            mobSpawners = new List<MobSpawner>();
            static_room_data = new StaticRoomData();
            static_room_data.room_template_name = "";
            static_room_data.objects = null;
            runtime_nav_mesh = new NavMesh();
Exemple #2
        //TODO: LoadRoom - Convert this over to a request processor
        public static bool LoadRoom(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            World world,
            RoomKey room_key, 
            out Room room, 
            out string result)
            bool success;
            string json_static_data = WorldQueries.GetRoomStaticData(context, room_key);

            room = null;
            success = false;

            // Load static room data for this room
            if (json_static_data.Length > 0)
                StaticRoomData static_room_data = null;

                    if (json_static_data.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException();

                    static_room_data = JsonMapper.ToObject<StaticRoomData>(json_static_data);
                catch (System.Exception)
                    static_room_data = null;

                if (static_room_data != null)
                    room = new Room(room_key);
                    room.static_room_data = static_room_data;

                    success = true;
                    result = SuccessMessages.GENERAL_SUCCESS;
                    result = ErrorMessages.DB_ERROR + "(Failed to parse room static data)";
                result = ErrorMessages.DB_ERROR + "(Failed to get room static data)";

            // If the static room data parsed, load everything else
            if (success)
                RoomTemplate roomTemplate = world.RoomTemplates.GetTemplateByName(room.static_room_data.room_template_name);

                // Load the random seed for the room
                room.random_seed = WorldQueries.GetRoomRandomSeed(context, room_key);

                // Setup the runtime nav mesh
                room.runtime_nav_mesh = new NavMesh(room.room_key, roomTemplate.NavMeshTemplate);

                // Load all of the portals for this room
                room.portals = WorldQueries.GetRoomPortals(context, room_key);

                // Flag all of the room sides that have portals
                foreach (Portal p in room.portals)
                    room.portalRoomSideBitmask.Set(p.room_side, true);

                // Load mob spawners for this room
                room.mobSpawners = MobQueries.GetMobSpawners(context, world.MobSpawnTables, room_key);

            return success;
Exemple #3
        public bool GetRoom(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            RoomKey roomKey,
            out Point3d world_position,
            out PortalEntry[] portals,
            out StaticRoomData staticRoomData,
            out string result)
            Room cached_room = null;

            bool success =
                    out cached_room,
                    out result);

            if (success && cached_room != null)
                world_position= new Point3d(cached_room.world_position);

                portals = new PortalEntry[cached_room.portals.Count];
                for (int portal_index = 0; portal_index < cached_room.portals.Count; ++portal_index)
                    portals[portal_index] = new PortalEntry();
                    portals[portal_index].id = cached_room.portals[portal_index].portal_id;
                    portals[portal_index].target_portal_id = cached_room.portals[portal_index].target_portal_id;
                    portals[portal_index].x0 = cached_room.portals[portal_index].bounding_box.Min.x;
                    portals[portal_index].y0 = cached_room.portals[portal_index].bounding_box.Min.y;
                    portals[portal_index].x1 = cached_room.portals[portal_index].bounding_box.Max.x;
                    portals[portal_index].y1 = cached_room.portals[portal_index].bounding_box.Max.y;

                staticRoomData = cached_room.static_room_data;
                world_position = new Point3d();
                portals = null;
                staticRoomData = null;

            return success;