Exemple #1
 private void Rooms_Attach(Rooms entity)
     entity.Games = this;
Exemple #2
 private void Rooms_Detach(Rooms entity)
     entity.Games = null;
        public static void InsertWorld(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            World world)
            Dictionary<int, Portal> portalIdMap = new Dictionary<int, Portal>();
            Dictionary<int, int> portalIdRemapping = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            Dictionary<int, int> reversePortalIdRemapping = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            // Insert all the rooms and portals with their initial IDs
                foreach (Room room in world.Rooms)
                    // Save each room into the database
                        Rooms dbRoom = new Rooms
                            X = room.room_key.x,
                            Y = room.room_key.y,
                            Z = room.room_key.z,
                            GameID = world.GameID,
                            RandomSeed = room.random_seed,
                            StaticData = JsonMapper.ToJson(room.static_room_data)


                    // Save each portal into the database
                    foreach (Portal portal in room.portals)
                        Portals dbPortal = new Portals
                            PortalType = (int)portal.portal_type,
                            TargetPortalID = -1,
                            GameID = world.GameID,
                            RoomX = portal.room_x,
                            RoomY = portal.room_y,
                            RoomZ = portal.room_z,
                            RoomSide = (int)portal.room_side,
                            BboxX0 = portal.bounding_box.Min.x,
                            BboxY0 = portal.bounding_box.Min.y,
                            BboxX1 = portal.bounding_box.Max.x,
                            BboxY1 = portal.bounding_box.Max.y


                        portalIdMap.Add(portal.portal_id, portal);
                        portalIdRemapping.Add(portal.portal_id, dbPortal.PortalID);
                        reversePortalIdRemapping.Add(dbPortal.PortalID, portal.portal_id);

                        // Portal ID assignment has to happen after all the portals are inserted

                    // Save each mob spawner to the database
                    foreach (MobSpawner spawner in room.mobSpawners)
                        MobSpawners dbMobSpawner = new MobSpawners
                            GameID = world.GameID,
                            RoomX = room.room_key.x,
                            RoomY = room.room_key.y,
                            RoomZ = room.room_key.z,
                            X = spawner.Position.x,
                            Y = spawner.Position.y,
                            Z = spawner.Position.z,
                            MobSpawnerTableID = spawner.SpawnTable.ID,
                            RemainingSpawnCount = spawner.RemainingSpawnCount,
                            RandomSeed = spawner.RandomSeed


                        // Assign an id once the spawner has been inserted into the DB
                        spawner.ID = dbMobSpawner.MobSpawnerID;

                    // Save each energy tank to the database
                    if (room is RoomLayout)
                        RoomLayout roomLayout = (RoomLayout)room;

                        foreach (EnergyTank energyTank in roomLayout.energyTanks)
                            EnergyTanks dbEnergyTank = new EnergyTanks
                                GameID = world.GameID,
                                RoomX = room.room_key.x,
                                RoomY = room.room_key.y,
                                RoomZ = room.room_key.z,
                                X = energyTank.Position.x,
                                Y = energyTank.Position.y,
                                Z = energyTank.Position.z,
                                Ownership = (int)energyTank.Faction,
                                Energy = energyTank.Energy


                            // Assign an id once the energy tank has been inserted into the DB
                            energyTank.ID = dbEnergyTank.EnergyTankID;

                        // Drop the energy tanks now that we've saved them
                        roomLayout.energyTanks = null;

            // Fix up portal IDs
                // Fixed the cached portal ids to match the ids in the database
                var query =
                    from dbPortal in db_context.Portals
                    where dbPortal.GameID == world.GameID
                    select dbPortal;

                foreach (Portals dbPortal in query)
                    // Find the cache portal id from the db portal id using the reverse mapping
                    int cachePortalId = reversePortalIdRemapping[dbPortal.PortalID];

                    // Get the cached portal using the cached portal
                    Portal cachePortal = portalIdMap[cachePortalId];

                    // Remap the cached portal's target id to be a db portal id
                    int dbTargetPortalId = portalIdRemapping[cachePortal.target_portal_id];

                    // Set the target portal id in the database
                    dbPortal.TargetPortalID = dbTargetPortalId;

                    // Fix-up the portal ids on the cached portal
                    cachePortal.portal_id = dbPortal.PortalID;
                    cachePortal.target_portal_id = dbTargetPortalId;
