Exemple #1
        public static void BindCharacterToGame(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int character_id,
            int new_game_id)
            // Get the most recent event that occurred in the new game
            int last_game_event_id = GameEventQueries.GetLastGameEvent(context, new_game_id);

            // Tell the character which game they are bound to
            // and set an initial location
            var dbCharacter =
                (from c in context.Characters
                 where c.CharacterID == character_id
                 select c).Single();

            dbCharacter.GameID = new_game_id;
            dbCharacter.RoomX = 0;
            dbCharacter.RoomY = 0;
            dbCharacter.RoomZ = 0;
            dbCharacter.X = 0;
            dbCharacter.Y = 0;
            dbCharacter.Z = 0;
            dbCharacter.Angle = 0;
            dbCharacter.LastSentEventID = last_game_event_id;
            dbCharacter.NewEventsPosted = false;

 public static void DeleteCharacter(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     int character_id)
     context.Characters.DeleteOnSubmit(context.Characters.Single(c => c.CharacterID == character_id));
        // Database Config Interface
        public static void InitializeConfig(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int version,
            string appUrl,
            string appDebugUrl,
            string clientUrl,
            string emailAddress,
            string emailHost,
            int emailPort,
            string emailUsername,
            string emailPassword,
            string ircServer,
            int ircPort)
            Config config = new Config
                Version = version,
                AppURL = appUrl,
                AppDebugURL = appDebugUrl,
                ClientURL = clientUrl,
                EmailAddress = emailAddress,
                EmailHost = emailHost,
                EmailPort = emailPort,
                EmailUserName = emailUsername,
                EmailPassword = emailPassword,
                IrcServer = ircServer,
                IrcPort = ircPort

        public static void CreateCharacter(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int account_id,
            string name,
            GameConstants.eGender gender,
            GameConstants.eArchetype archetype,
            int picture_id)
            Characters newCharacter = new Characters
                AccountID= account_id,
                GameID= -1,
                RoomX = 0,
                RoomY = 0,
                RoomZ = 0,
                LastPingTime = DateTime.Now,
                LastSentEventID = -1,
                NewEventsPosted = false,
                X= 0.0f,
                Y= 0.0f,
                Z= 0.0f,
                Angle= 0.0f,
                Name= name,
                Gender = (gender == GameConstants.eGender.Male),
                Archetype = (int)archetype,
                PictureID = picture_id,
                PowerLevel= 1,
                Energy= 0

 public RequestCache(
     ICacheAdapter sessionCache,
     AsyncRPGDataContext dbContext)
     m_sessionCache = sessionCache;
     m_dbContext = dbContext;
     m_requestRoomCache = null;
 public static string GetRoomStaticData(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     RoomKey roomKey)
         (from r in context.Rooms
          where r.GameID == roomKey.game_id && r.X == roomKey.x && r.Y == roomKey.y && r.Z == roomKey.z
          select r.StaticData).Single();
 public static int GetRoomRandomSeed(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     RoomKey roomKey)
         (from r in context.Rooms
          where r.GameID == roomKey.game_id && r.X == roomKey.x && r.Y == roomKey.y && r.Z == roomKey.z
          select r.RandomSeed).Single();
 public static bool DoesRoomExist(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     RoomKey roomKey)
         (from r in context.Rooms
          where r.GameID == roomKey.game_id && r.X == roomKey.x && r.Y == roomKey.y && r.Z == roomKey.z
          select r).Count() > 0;
 public static EnergyTank GetEnergyTank(
     AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
     int energyTankID)
             (from e in db_context.EnergyTanks
              where e.EnergyTankID == energyTankID
              select e).Single());
Exemple #10
        public static Portal GetPortal(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int portal_id)
            var dbPortal=
                (from p in context.Portals
                where p.PortalID == portal_id
                select p).Single();

            return Portal.CreatePortal(dbPortal);
        public static void UpdateEnergyTankEnergy(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            int energyTankID,
            int newEnergy)
            var energyTankQuery =
                (from e in db_context.EnergyTanks
                where e.EnergyTankID == energyTankID
                select e).SingleOrDefault();

        public static void ClearCharacterNewEventFlag(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int character_id)
            var query = (from c in context.Characters
                         where c.CharacterID == character_id
                         select c).Single();

            query.NewEventsPosted = false;

Exemple #13
        public static WorldTemplate GetWorldGenerationParameters(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int game_id)
            WorldTemplate worldTemplate = new WorldTemplate();
            Games[] game = (from g in context.Games where g.GameID == game_id select g).ToArray<Games>();

            worldTemplate.dungeon_size = (GameConstants.eDungeonSize)(game[0].DungeonSize);
            worldTemplate.dungeon_difficulty = (GameConstants.eDungeonDifficulty)(game[0].DungeonDifficulty);

            return worldTemplate;
        public static void UpdateEnergyTankOwnership(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            int energyTankID,
            GameConstants.eFaction newOwnership)
            var energyTankQuery =
                (from e in db_context.EnergyTanks
                 where e.EnergyTankID == energyTankID
                 select e).SingleOrDefault();

            energyTankQuery.Ownership = (int)newOwnership;

Exemple #15
        public static int CreateGame(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int account_id,
            string game_name,
            GameConstants.eDungeonSize dungeonSize,
            GameConstants.eDungeonDifficulty dungeonDifficulty,
            bool irc_enabled,
            string irc_server,
            int irc_port,
            bool irc_encryption_enabled)
            int new_game_id = -1;

            // Create a random 256-bit (32 byte) encryption key for encrypting chat
            string irc_encryption_key = RNGUtilities.CreateNonDeterministicRandomBase64String(256);
            Debug.Assert(irc_encryption_key.Length == 44);

            if (irc_server.Length == 0)
                irc_server = IrcConstants.DEFAULT_IRC_SERVER;

            if (irc_port < IrcConstants.LOWEST_VALID_IRC_PORT || irc_port > IrcConstants.HIGHEST_VALID_IRC_PORT)
                irc_port = IrcConstants.DEFAULT_IRC_PORT;

                Games newGame = new Games
                    OwnerAccountID = account_id,
                    Name = game_name,
                    DungeonSize = (int)dungeonSize,
                    DungeonDifficulty = (int)dungeonDifficulty,
                    IrcEnabed = irc_enabled,
                    IrcServer = irc_server,
                    IrcPort = irc_port,
                    IrcEncryptionKey = irc_encryption_key,
                    IrcEncryptionEnabed = irc_encryption_enabled


                new_game_id = newGame.GameID;

            return new_game_id;
Exemple #16
        public static WorldBuilder GetWorldBuilder(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            ICacheAdapter cache)
            WorldBuilder worldBuilder = (WorldBuilder)cache["world_builder"];

            if (worldBuilder == null)
                worldBuilder = new WorldBuilder();

                cache["world_builder"] = worldBuilder;

            return worldBuilder;
Exemple #17
        public bool BuildWorld(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            int game_id, 
            out World world, 
            out string result)
            bool success = true;
            WorldTemplate worldTemplate = null;
            DungeonLayout layout = null;

            world = null;
            result = SuccessMessages.GENERAL_SUCCESS;

            // Get the world generation parameters from the DB
            worldTemplate =

            // Create the initial set of rooms for the world
            if (success)
                layout = new DungeonLayout(game_id, worldTemplate, m_roomTemplateSet, m_mobSpawnTableSet);

                if (!layout.BuildRoomLayout(out result))
                    success = false;

            // Copy the rooms and portals from the layout into the world
            if (success)
                world = new World(this, layout.LayoutWorldTemplate, game_id);

            // TODO: WorldBuilder: Generate the environment objects, etc

            // Save the cached world into the database
            if (success)
                WorldQueries.InsertWorld(db_context, world);

            return success;
Exemple #18
        public static World GetWorld(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context, 
            ICacheAdapter cache, 
            int game_id)
            string world_identifier = GetWorldCacheIdentifier(game_id);
            World world = (World)cache[world_identifier];

            if (world == null)
                world = WorldBuilderCache.GetWorldBuilder(db_context, cache).LazyLoadWorld(db_context, game_id);

                cache[world_identifier] = world;

            return world;
        public static int GetDatabaseVersion(
            string connection_string)
            int version = -1;

                AsyncRPGDataContext context = new AsyncRPGDataContext(connection_string);

                version = context.Configs.Take(1).Select(c => c.Version).SingleOrDefault();
            catch (System.Exception)
                version = -1;

            return version;
Exemple #20
        public static List<Portal> GetRoomPortals(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            RoomKey roomKey)
            List<Portal> portals = new List<Portal>();

            var query =
                from p in context.Portals
                where p.GameID == roomKey.game_id && p.RoomX == roomKey.x && p.RoomY == roomKey.y && p.RoomZ == roomKey.z
                select p;

            foreach (var dbPortal in query)
                Portal portal = Portal.CreatePortal(dbPortal);


            return portals;
Exemple #21
        public static bool BuildWorld(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context, 
            ICacheAdapter cache, 
            int game_id, 
            out string result)
            World world = null;

            bool success =
                WorldBuilderCache.GetWorldBuilder(db_context, cache).BuildWorld(db_context, game_id, out world, out result);

            if (success)
                string world_identifier = GetWorldCacheIdentifier(game_id);

                cache[world_identifier] = world;

            return success;
        public static List<EnergyTank> GetEnergyTanks(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            RoomKey roomKey)
            List<EnergyTank> energyTanks = new List<EnergyTank>();

            var roomEnergyTankQuery =
                from e in db_context.EnergyTanks
                where e.GameID == roomKey.game_id && e.RoomX == roomKey.x && e.RoomY == roomKey.y && e.RoomZ == roomKey.z
                select e;

            foreach (EnergyTanks dbEnergyTank in roomEnergyTankQuery)
                EnergyTank energyTank = EnergyTank.CreateEnergyTank(dbEnergyTank);


            return energyTanks;
        public static void UpdateEnergyTank(
            AsyncRPGDataContext db_context,
            EnergyTank energyTank)
            var dbEnergyTank =
                (from e in db_context.EnergyTanks
                 where e.EnergyTankID == energyTank.ID
                 select e).SingleOrDefault();

            dbEnergyTank.GameID = energyTank.RoomKey.game_id;
            dbEnergyTank.RoomX = energyTank.RoomKey.x;
            dbEnergyTank.RoomY = energyTank.RoomKey.y;
            dbEnergyTank.RoomZ = energyTank.RoomKey.z;
            dbEnergyTank.X = energyTank.Position.x;
            dbEnergyTank.Y = energyTank.Position.y;
            dbEnergyTank.Z = energyTank.Position.z;
            dbEnergyTank.Ownership = (int)energyTank.Faction;
            dbEnergyTank.Energy = energyTank.Energy;

Exemple #24
        //TODO: LoadRoom - Convert this over to a request processor
        public static bool LoadRoom(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            World world,
            RoomKey room_key, 
            out Room room, 
            out string result)
            bool success;
            string json_static_data = WorldQueries.GetRoomStaticData(context, room_key);

            room = null;
            success = false;

            // Load static room data for this room
            if (json_static_data.Length > 0)
                StaticRoomData static_room_data = null;

                    if (json_static_data.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException();

                    static_room_data = JsonMapper.ToObject<StaticRoomData>(json_static_data);
                catch (System.Exception)
                    static_room_data = null;

                if (static_room_data != null)
                    room = new Room(room_key);
                    room.static_room_data = static_room_data;

                    success = true;
                    result = SuccessMessages.GENERAL_SUCCESS;
                    result = ErrorMessages.DB_ERROR + "(Failed to parse room static data)";
                result = ErrorMessages.DB_ERROR + "(Failed to get room static data)";

            // If the static room data parsed, load everything else
            if (success)
                RoomTemplate roomTemplate = world.RoomTemplates.GetTemplateByName(room.static_room_data.room_template_name);

                // Load the random seed for the room
                room.random_seed = WorldQueries.GetRoomRandomSeed(context, room_key);

                // Setup the runtime nav mesh
                room.runtime_nav_mesh = new NavMesh(room.room_key, roomTemplate.NavMeshTemplate);

                // Load all of the portals for this room
                room.portals = WorldQueries.GetRoomPortals(context, room_key);

                // Flag all of the room sides that have portals
                foreach (Portal p in room.portals)
                    room.portalRoomSideBitmask.Set(p.room_side, true);

                // Load mob spawners for this room
                room.mobSpawners = MobQueries.GetMobSpawners(context, world.MobSpawnTables, room_key);

            return success;
Exemple #25
 public void Initialize(AsyncRPGDataContext db_context)
     m_roomTemplates = WorldQueries.LoadRoomTemplates(db_context);
Exemple #26
        public static void DeleteGame(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int gameid)
            // Detach all of the Characters from the game
                var query =
                    from character in context.Characters
                    where character.GameID == gameid
                    select character;

                foreach (Characters character in query)
                    character.GameID = -1;
                    character.RoomX = 0;
                    character.RoomY = 0;
                    character.RoomZ = 0;
                    character.X = 0;
                    character.Y = 0;
                    character.Z = 0;
                    character.Angle = 0;


            // Free all of the portals
                var query =
                    from portal in context.Portals
                    where portal.GameID == gameid
                    select portal;

                foreach (Portals portal in query)


            // Free all of the mobs
                var query =
                    from mob in context.Mobs
                    where mob.GameID == gameid
                    select mob;

                foreach (Mobs mob in query)


            // Free all of the mob spawners
                var query =
                    from mobSpawner in context.MobSpawners
                    where mobSpawner.GameID == gameid
                    select mobSpawner;

                foreach (MobSpawners mobSpawner in query)


            // TODO DeleteGame: Delete loot

            // Free all of the rooms
                var query =
                    from room in context.Rooms
                    where room.GameID == gameid
                    select room;

                foreach (Rooms room in query)


            // Free all of the game_events associated from the game
            GameEventQueries.DeleteAllEventsForGame(context, gameid);

            // Finally, Free the game itself
                var query =
                    from game in context.Games
                    where game.GameID == gameid
                    select game;

                foreach (Games game in query)

Exemple #27
 public static bool VerifyGameExists(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     int gameid)
     return (from g in context.Games where g.GameID == gameid select g).Count() > 0;
Exemple #28
 public static bool VerifyAccountOwnsGame(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     int account_id,
     int gameid)
         (from game in context.Games
          where game.GameID == gameid && game.OwnerAccountID == account_id
          select game).Count() > 0;
Exemple #29
        public static void UnBindCharacterFromGame(
            AsyncRPGDataContext context,
            int character_id)
            var dbCharacter =
                (from c in context.Characters
                 where c.CharacterID == character_id
                 select c).Single();

            dbCharacter.GameID = -1;
            dbCharacter.RoomX = 0;
            dbCharacter.RoomY = 0;
            dbCharacter.RoomZ = 0;
            dbCharacter.X = 0;
            dbCharacter.Y = 0;
            dbCharacter.Z = 0;
            dbCharacter.Angle = 0;

Exemple #30
 public static string GetGameName(
     AsyncRPGDataContext context,
     int gameid)
     return (from g in context.Games where g.GameID == gameid select g.Name).Single();