NotifyReplayCompleted() public méthode

public NotifyReplayCompleted ( ) : void
Résultat void
            // Called by the thread to handle the work
            private static void DOWork()
                FilePosition = 0;

                // Loop until either until the end of file is reached or user requested to stop
                while ((KeepGoing == true) && (FilePosition < TotalFileSizeBytes))
                    // OK user requested that we terminate
                    // recording, so lets do it
                    if (RequestStop == true)
                        KeepGoing = false;
                        // If not paused
                        if (Replay_Status == ReplayStatus.Replaying)
                                // Lets determine the size of the block
                                int BlockSize = BinaryReader.ReadInt32();
                                // Now determine the time since the last data block
                                int TimeBetweenMessages = BinaryReader.ReadInt32();
                                // Now read the data block as indicated by the size
                                byte [] Data_Block_Buffer = BinaryReader.ReadBytes(BlockSize);

                                // Wait the same time as in the orignal data set or faster as indicated by the
                                // replay speed factor
                                Thread.Sleep(TimeBetweenMessages / ReplaySpeed);

                                // Send the data to the specifed interface/multicast address/port
                                tx_sock.Send(Data_Block_Buffer, Data_Block_Buffer.Length, tx_iep);

                                // Assign file position
                                FilePosition = BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position;
                            catch (Exception e)

                FrmReplayForm ReplayForm = Application.OpenForms["FrmReplayForm"] as FrmReplayForm;

