public void BorrowBookinPeople() { Console.Clear(); LoanCard LoanCardmng = new LoanCard(); LibraryCardsManager library = new LibraryCardsManager(); BookManager book = new BookManager(); List <LibraryCards> listCard = library.getListCard(); List <Book> listBook = book.getListBook(); Console.WriteLine("========== The muon sach cua ban doc ==========\n"); Console.Write("- Nhap ma the thu vien: "); int index1; while (true) { string name = Console.ReadLine(); index1 = listCard.FindIndex(x => x.IdCards == name); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"); if (index1 != -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(name)) { LoanCardmng.Cards = listCard[index1]; LoanCardmng.BookName = listBook[index1].BookName; LoanCardmng.Cards.CardsName = listCard[index1].CardsName; LoanCardmng.Thoigian1 = ListLoanCard[index1].Thoigian1; LoanCardmng.ThoigianNull1 = ListLoanCard[index1].ThoigianNull1; break; } } else { Console.Write("Ma the khong ton tai, nhap lai: "); } } Console.WriteLine($"- Ten nguoi muon: {listCard[index1].CardsName}"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("===============================================\n"); var table = new ConsoleTable("Gio muon", "Gio tra", "Ten sach"); foreach (var item in ListLoanCard) { table.AddRow(item.Thoigian1.ToString("hh:mm tt"), item.ThoigianNull1?.ToString("hh:mm tt"), item.BookName); } table.Write(Format.Alternative); Console.Write("Nhan phim bat ki de quay lai !"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void BorrowBookinDay() { Console.Clear(); LoanCard LoanCardmng = new LoanCard(); LibraryCardsManager library = new LibraryCardsManager(); BookManager book = new BookManager(); List <LibraryCards> listCard = library.getListCard(); List <Book> listBook = book.getListBook(); Console.WriteLine("======= The muon sach trong ngay ========\n"); Console.Write("- Nhap ngay: "); string Date; while (true) { Date = Console.ReadLine(); string regexEmail = @"(((0|1)[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/((19|20)\d\d))$"; if (Regex.IsMatch(Date, regexEmail) != true) { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai, nhap theo dinh dang dd/MM/yyyy !"); Console.Write("- Nhap ngay: "); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("=======================================\n"); var table = new ConsoleTable("Ma the", "Ma the thu vien", "Gio tao", "Gio tra", "Ten sach"); foreach (var item in ListLoanCard) { string time = $"{item.Thoigian1.Day.ToString("00")}/{item.Thoigian1.Month.ToString("00")}/{item.Thoigian1.Year.ToString("0000")}"; if (Date == time) { table.AddRow(item.IdLoanCard, item.Cards.IdCards, item.Thoigian1.ToString("hh:mm tt"), item.ThoigianNull1?.ToString("hh:mm tt"), item.BookName); } } table.Write(Format.Alternative); Console.Write("Nhan phim bat ki de quay lai !"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void addLoanCard() { Console.Clear(); LoanCard LoanCardmng = new LoanCard(); LibraryCardsManager library = new LibraryCardsManager(); BookManager book = new BookManager(); List <LibraryCards> listCard = library.getListCard(); List <Book> listBook = book.getListBook(); Console.WriteLine("========== Tao moi the muon sach trong ngay ========\n"); if (listCard.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Danh sach the thu vien trong !"); Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot the thu vien ? (Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot the thu vien ? (Y/N): "); } } switch (Question) { case "Y": library.AddCard(); break; case "y": library.AddCard(); break; case "N": break; case "n": break; } } else if (listBook.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Danh sach trong !"); Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot quyen sach ? (Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot quyen sach ? (Y/N): "); } } switch (Question) { case "Y": book.AddBook(); break; case "y": book.AddBook(); break; case "N": break; case "n": break; } } else { Console.Write("- Nhap ma the: "); while (true) { string name = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"); if (ListLoanCard.FindIndex(x => x.IdLoanCard == name) == -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(name)) { LoanCardmng.IdLoanCard = name; break; } } else { Console.Write("Ma the da ton tai, nhap lai: "); } } Console.Write("- Nhap ma the thu vien: "); while (true) { string name = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"); int index1 = listCard.FindIndex(x => x.IdCards == name); if (index1 != -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(name)) { LoanCardmng.Cards = listCard[index1]; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai!"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.Write("Ma the thu vien khong ton tai, nhap lai: "); } } Console.Write("- Nhap ten sach muon: "); int index; while (true) { string name = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"); index = listBook.FindIndex(x => x.BookName == name); if (index != -1) { if (listBook[index].Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Da het sach!"); Console.Write("Ban muon nhap lai ten sach khong?(Y/N):"); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } } switch (Question) { case "Y": Console.Write("- Nhap ten sach muon: "); continue; case "y": Console.Write("- Nhap ten sach muon: "); continue; case "N": DisplayLoanCard(); break; case "n": DisplayLoanCard(); break; } } else { if (regex.IsMatch(name)) { LoanCardmng.BookName = name; LoanCardmng.BookId = listBook[index].BookId; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai ten sach!"); Console.Write("- Nhap ten sach muon: "); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Ten sach khong ton tai!"); Console.Write("- Nhap ten sach muon: "); } } Console.Write($"- Ma sach: {listBook[index].BookId}"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.Write("Ban muon them the muon sach?(Y/N): "); string Question1; while (true) { Question1 = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question1 == "Y" || Question1 == "N" || Question1 == "y" || Question1 == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban muon them the muon sach?(Y/N): "); } } switch (Question1) { case "Y": Console.WriteLine("Da them the muon sach!"); LoanCardmng.Thoigian1 = DateTime.Now; listBook[index].Count = listBook[index].Count - 1; ListLoanCard.Add(LoanCardmng); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "y": Console.WriteLine("Da them the muon sach!"); LoanCardmng.Thoigian1 = DateTime.Now; listBook[index].Count = listBook[index].Count - 1; ListLoanCard.Add(LoanCardmng); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "N": break; case "n": break; } } }
static public void _addLoanCard(LoanCard card) { ListLoanCard.Add(card); }
public void GiveBookBack() { Console.Clear(); LoanCard LoanCardmng = new LoanCard(); LibraryCardsManager library = new LibraryCardsManager(); BookManager book = new BookManager(); List <LibraryCards> listCard = library.getListCard(); List <Book> listBook = book.getListBook(); Console.WriteLine("============== Tra sach ===============\n"); Console.Write("- Nhap ma the muon: "); int index; while (true) { string id = Console.ReadLine(); index = ListLoanCard.FindIndex(x => x.IdLoanCard == id); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"); if (index != -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(id)) { ListLoanCard[index].IdLoanCard = id; break; } } else { Console.Write("Ma the khong ton tai, nhap lai: "); } } Console.WriteLine("=======================================\n"); Console.WriteLine("- Ma the thu vien: " + ListLoanCard[index].Cards.IdCards); Console.WriteLine("- Ten chu the: " + ListLoanCard[index].Cards.CardsName); Console.WriteLine("- Ten sach muon: " + ListLoanCard[index].BookName); Console.Write("Ban muon tra sach?(Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban muon tra sach?(Y/N): "); } } switch (Question.ToLower()) { case "y": Console.WriteLine("Tra sach thanh cong!"); listBook[index].Count = listBook[index].Count + 1; ListLoanCard[index].ThoigianNull1 = DateTime.Now; Console.ReadKey(); break; case "n": break; } }