Exemple #1
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Start()
            // gets the WeaponEditPanel and FireModePanel
            var wepPanel = transform.parent.transform.FindChild("WeaponEditPanel");
            var panel    = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("FireModePanel");

            // gets the Toggle components of the fire modes
            isSingleFire = panel.transform.FindChild("Single").GetComponent <Toggle>();
            isBurstFire  = panel.transform.FindChild("Burst").GetComponent <Toggle>();
            isAutoFire   = panel.transform.FindChild("Auto").GetComponent <Toggle>();

            // get the ProjectileCountPanel
            // set projectileCount to the Slider components of the ProjectileCountPanel
            panel           = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("ProjectileCountPanel");
            projectileCount = panel.transform.FindChild("Slider").GetComponent <Slider>();

            // get the SpreadPanel
            // set spread to the Slider components of the SpreadPanel
            panel  = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("SpreadPanel");
            spread = panel.transform.FindChild("Slider").GetComponent <Slider>();

            // get the BurstFireCountPanel
            // set burstFireCount to the Slider components of the BurstFireCountPanel
            panel          = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("BurstFireCountPanel");
            burstFireCount = panel.transform.FindChild("Slider").GetComponent <Slider>();

            // get the CooldownSpeedPanel
            // set cooldown to the Slider components of the CooldownSpeedPanel
            panel    = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("CooldownSpeedPanel");
            cooldown = panel.transform.FindChild("Slider").GetComponent <Slider>();

            // get the RefireRatePanel
            // set refireRate to the Slider Components of the RefireRatePanel
            panel      = wepPanel.transform.FindChild("RefireRatePanel");
            refireRate = panel.transform.FindChild("Slider").GetComponent <Slider>();

            Credits.instance.oldValue  = Credits.CalculateWeaponCost(PrimaryWeapon);
            Credits.instance.oldValue += Credits.CalculateWeaponCost(SecondaryWeapon);
        // Update is called once per frame
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local
        private void Update()
            // run the speech system
            //#if ANDROID_DEVICE
            if (mSpeechDelay <= 0)
                if (!mIsListening)
                    mListeningStatus.color = Color.green;
                    mListeningStatus.text = "Listening";
                    mIsListening = true;
                    mSpeechDelay = 15;
                else if (!SpeechToText.IsListening())
                    string theString = SpeechToText.SpeechResult();
                    mListeningStatus.text = theString;
                    mListeningStatus.color = Color.red;
                    AutoPilot.ECommandCompletionState state = mAutopilot.ParseCommand(theString);
                    switch (state)
                        case AutoPilot.ECommandCompletionState.Ok:
                            mListeningStatus.color = Color.green;

                        case AutoPilot.ECommandCompletionState.How:

                            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 20) <= 3)
                            mListeningStatus.color = Color.blue;

                        case AutoPilot.ECommandCompletionState.What:
                            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 20) <= 1)
                            mListeningStatus.color = Color.red;

                    mSpeechDelay = 30;
                    mIsListening = false;
            ////check if the left mouse has been pressed down this frame
            //if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
            //    //empty RaycastHit object which raycast puts the hit details into
            //    RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); //ray shooting out of the camera from where the mouse is
            //    Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            //     if (Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit,5000f))
            //     {
            //         GameObject target = hit.collider.gameObject;
            //         if (target == TrackTarget)
            //         {
            //             FollowDistance = (target.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position).magnitude;
            //             FollowTarget = target;
            //         }
            //         else
            //             TrackTarget = target;
            //     }
            //     else
            //     {
            //         //TrackTarget = null;
            //         //FollowTarget = null;
            //     }
            mSolarBodies["sun"].AdvancePosition(mSpacecraft, TimeBase);

            if (!mInitialCameraJumpPerformed)
                mAutopilot.HandleOrbitalTransition(mSolarBodies["earth"], true);
                //mAutopilot.Track = mSolarBodies["earth"];
                mInitialCameraJumpPerformed = true;
            if (mCredits != null)
                if (!mCredits.Advance(mCreditsDisplay))
                    mCredits = null;
 public void RunCredits()
     mCredits = new Credits();