public void flee(Map map) { double bestDist = 0; Location target = null; foreach (Location l2 in map.locations) { bool safe = true; if (l2.soc == null || l2.soc.hostileTo(this)) {continue; } foreach (Unit u in l2.units) { if (u.hostileTo(this)) { safe = false;break; } } if (!safe) { continue; } foreach (Location l3 in l2.getNeighbours()) { if (!safe) { break; } foreach (Unit u in l3.units) { if (u.hostileTo(this)) { safe = false;break; } } } if (!safe) { continue; } //Evaluated as safe. Flee option double dist = map.getDist(this.location, l2); if (dist < bestDist || target == null) { target = l2; bestDist = dist; } } task = new Task_GoToLocation(target); }
public override void turnTickInner(Map map) { if (this.movesTaken != 0) { return; } if (this.task is Task_GoToLocation) { return; } //Already moving or fleeing bool shouldFlee = false; if (this.location.soc != null && this.location.soc.hostileTo(this)) { shouldFlee = true; } if (!shouldFlee) { foreach (Unit u in location.units) { if (u.hostileTo(this)) { shouldFlee = true; break; } } } if (!shouldFlee) { foreach (Location l2 in location.getNeighbours()) { if (shouldFlee) { break; } foreach (Unit u in l2.units) { if (u.hostileTo(this)) { shouldFlee = true; break; } } } } if (shouldFlee) { flee(map); } if (this.task != null) { return; } this.movesTaken += 1; if (this.location.person() != null) { if (this.location.settlement.infiltration < World.staticMap.param.ability_unit_spreadShadowInfiltrationReq) { bool lockedDown = false; foreach (Property p in { if (p.proto is Pr_Lockdown) { lockedDown = true; break; } } if ( >= 5) { lockedDown = true; } if (!lockedDown) { this.task = new Task_Infiltrate(); return; } } else if (this.location.person().shadow < 1) { this.task = new Task_SpreadShadow(); return; } } //We're not starting a new task, so this location is bad. Onwards to greener pastures Location target = null; double bestDist = -1; int c = 0; Location safeHarbor = null; foreach (Location loc in map.locations) { if (loc == this.location) { continue; } if (loc.soc == null) { continue; } if (loc.soc.hostileTo(this)) { continue; } if (loc.person() != null && loc.soc is Society && loc.person().shadow < 1) { bool good = true; foreach (Unit u in loc.units) { if (u.hostileTo(this)) { good = false; break; } } if ( >= 5) { good = false; } if (good) { foreach (Property pr in { if (pr.proto is Pr_Lockdown) { good = false; break; } if (pr.proto is Pr_MajorSecurityBoost) { good = false; break; } } } if (good) { double dist = Math.Abs(loc.hex.x - this.location.hex.x) + Math.Abs(loc.hex.y - this.location.hex.y); //dist *= Eleven.random.NextDouble(); double score = (loc.person().prestige + 5) / (dist + 1); if ( { score *= 25; } //score *= Eleven.random.NextDouble() * Eleven.random.NextDouble(); //if (dist < bestDist || bestDist == -1) //{ // bestDist = dist; // target = loc; //} if (score > bestDist || bestDist == -1) { bestDist = score; target = loc; } } } if (loc.soc is Society) { c += 1; if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0) { safeHarbor = loc; } } } if (target != null) { task = new Task_GoToLocation(target); } else { //We're unable to find anywhere to infiltrate. Probably banned from everywhere else. Do we have safe harbor? Can we change our name? if (location.soc is Society && location.soc.hostileTo(this) == false) { //In a safe harbor, swap out now task = new Task_ChangeIdentity(); } else if (safeHarbor != null) { task = new Task_GoToLocation(safeHarbor); } else { die(map, "Was no further use");; } } }
public override void turnTickAI(Map map) { if (task != null) { task.turnTick(this); return; } if (location.settlement == null && location.isForSocieties && location.soc == null && location.hex.getHabilitability() > map.param.mapGen_minHabitabilityForHumans) { task = new Task_EstablishNewSettlement(); task.turnTick(this); return; } if (Eleven.random.NextDouble() < map.param.unit_merchantChanceToExpandIntoNeighbouring) { int c = 0; Location target = null; //foreach (Location loc in society.lastTurnLocs) //{ foreach (Location l2 in map.locations) { if (l2.settlement == null && l2.isForSocieties && l2.soc == null && l2.hex.getHabilitability() > map.param.mapGen_minHabitabilityForHumans) { c += 1; if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0) { target = l2; } } } //} task = new Task_GoToLocation(target); task.turnTick(this); return; } if ( >= 50) { if (location.soc == society) { task = new Task_SpendWealth(); return; } else { task = new Task_GoToSocialGroup(society); return; } } if (this.cargo >= 50) { if (location.soc != null && location.soc != society) { task = new Task_SellCargo(); return; } double bestV = 0; Location bestLoc = null; foreach (Location l2 in map.locations) { if (l2.soc is Society && l2.soc != society && (l2.soc.hostileTo(this) == false)) { double v = Eleven.random.NextDouble() *, l2.hex); if (v > bestV) { bestV = v; bestLoc = l2; } } } if (bestLoc != null) { task = new Task_GoToLocation(bestLoc); return; } //Otherwise if (location.soc is Society && (location.soc.hostileTo(this) == false) && location.settlement != null) { //Couldn't find anywhere better task = new Task_SellCargo(); return; } } else { if (location.soc == society) { task = new Task_LoadCargo(); return; } else { task = new Task_GoToSocialGroup(society); } } }
public void turnTickAI_Medic(Map map) { if (task == null) { bool onDisease = false; foreach (Property pr in { if (pr.proto.isDisease) { onDisease = true; break; } } if (onDisease) { task = new Task_TreatDisease(); return; } double dist = 0; Location plagueLoc = null; foreach (Location loc in map.locations) { if (loc.soc == null || loc.soc.hostileTo(this)) { continue; } bool hasDisease = false; foreach (Property pr in { if (pr.proto.isDisease) { hasDisease = true; break; } } if (!hasDisease) { continue; } double d = map.getDist(loc.hex, location.hex); if (plagueLoc == null) { plagueLoc = loc; dist = d; } else if (plagueLoc.soc != this.society && loc.soc == this.society) { plagueLoc = loc; dist = d; } else if (plagueLoc.soc == this.society && loc.soc != this.society) { //Don't switch to prefer a foreign location } else if (d < dist) { dist = d; plagueLoc = loc; } } if (plagueLoc != null) { task = new Task_GoToLocation(plagueLoc); } } if (task != null) { task.turnTick(this); } }